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Referring to my previous post, I think I found the problem, but I'm not sure how to solve it. I got the UUIDs of the partitions with the diskutil command, but my boot.log is showing the target partition as something else. I'm not sure how it displays, but the other entries have a "normal" looking UUID. (Maybe because these partitions are all active?)


(below is Windows 8.1, which I have the UUID to be 6F8E7C9A-0666-481F-B069-5782E7FC72B7)

Checking volume "Legacy HD2" (PcieRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x0,0x0,0x0)\HD(2,MBR,0x2D9BD451,0x59A88D3,0xA7A3588))

Hi - use the UUIDs from the boot log. I had the same issues as you initially until I changed all my custom entries to the UUIDS shown in the boot.log.


Good luck.

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Hi, we need one more features to prevent duplication of "Install OS X Mavericks". createinstallmedia tool from apple make USB key with Mavericks but it make \System\Library\CoreServices\boot.efi and \.IABootFiles\boot.efi. Clover should show only one of these.

30:752  0:000  18: 'Install OS X Mavericks'
30:754  0:001  partial volumetype match for path `PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1D,0x0)\USB(0x1,0x0)\USB(0x6,0x0)\HD(4,GPT,2B9AB233-22D3-4117-9AFB-7B0773AA97BA,0x3078920,0xAF76B8)\\System\Library\CoreServices\boot.efi` and custom entry 0, path did not match
30:767  0:013      Added 'Boot Mac OS X from Install OS X Mavericks': OSType='1', OSVersion='10.9'
30:767  0:000  partial volumetype match for path `PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1D,0x0)\USB(0x1,0x0)\USB(0x6,0x0)\HD(4,GPT,2B9AB233-22D3-4117-9AFB-7B0773AA97BA,0x3078920,0xAF76B8)\\.IABootFiles\boot.efi` and custom entry 0, path did not match
30:776  0:008      Added 'Boot OS X Install from Install OS X Mavericks': OSType='11', OSVersion='10.9'




Hi, I was using the old method to create an installation partition for Mavericks GM, which worked fine and booted fine. But obviously it cant create a Mavericks recovery partition.


If I create an installation partition using apples tool "creatinstallmedia", I cant boot it with clover. I always get thrown back at the clover boot menu. Any idea what is causing this?

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Hi, I was using the old method to create an installation partition for Mavericks GM, which worked fine and booted fine. But obviously it cant create a Mavericks recovery partition.


If I create an installation partition using apples tool "creatinstallmedia", I cant boot it with clover. I always get thrown back at the clover boot menu. Any idea what is causing this?

You should use HFSPlus.efi instead of VboxHFS.efi, then copy your kexts (FakeSMC) to kexts/10.9 folder, choose Install USB, press spacebar and select without caches, with injected kexts. It boots fine to me.

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Hi Slice and devs, as ProjectOSX is down I guess here is the next best thing. 


Got a few issues... last night I updated from rev. 1995 to rev. 2184. I was having a problem with a system error upon logging in saying that the system did not shutdown correctly (looks fine though). I saw that this was 'fixed' in revisions past 1995 but I'm still getting the same problem.

To me it looks like something to do with my nvram because 

When I first moved from Chameleon to Clover dmazar helped me configure Clover so that I could save rt variables in my nvram. I created a test variable to check if it was being saved or not after a reboot this is what it was "Test  |   Variable". The reason I think my issue is related to here is because this variable is still here after I clear my nvram using 'nvram -c' and then rebooting. It seems that Clover has saved its own old nvram somewhere (inside of emuvariableuefi-64.efi) and is not updating it. I say this because the error that I'm getting when logging in shows what kernel version I have and it says '10.8.4' along with kexts that I don't have installed, I now don't have mountain lion installed any more and have wiped the partition (just running 10.9 GM).

I use rt scripts which was fine but from releases leading up to 1995 I got this error when logging in. 

So how can I stop this error from showing each time I log in its getting really annoying now? 


Also I wasn't able to install Clover on 10.9 but last night it installed. I'm now trying to install rev. 2217 but I'm getting installation failed. I have enough space on my EFI partition and its formatted to FAT32. I don't know whats wrong with the installer? 



Check for hidden nvram.plist on your volumes.

Delete this file,reboot and check again if problem solved.

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Hi blackosx,

In revision 2231 I made a possibility to use PNG files as OS or Drives Icons.

Screen shot 2013-10-10 at 14.37.29.png

Lion is png file here but with icns extension



So the rule is follow:

You may replace all icns files with png files 128x128, 72dpi, sRGB, non-interlace, standard packing, with transparency,

but name will be as before os_xxxx.icns, vol_xxxx.icns

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@Slice / @blackosx,




By the way icons - say, are the files that we have in themes still used by anything or they were forgotten there? ( https://sourceforge.net/p/cloverefiboot/code/HEAD/tree/CloverPackage/CloverV2/EFI/CLOVER/themes/ )


Also what are the the files in root dir of themespkg - os_clover.psd and public.generic-pc.icns? ( https://sourceforge.net/p/cloverefiboot/code/HEAD/tree/CloverPackage/CloverV2/themespkg/ )

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Sorry for being OT here, but since projectosx is down i don't know where to ask.


Trying to compile Clover with CGP i get the following errors.

Could someone please explain how to get rid of them.

    Checked, Updates found...
    Auto Updating Clover From 2221 to 2232 ...
svn: Can't open file '.svn/lock': Permission denied
    Svn up Clover OK

cp: /Volumes/MEDIA_2/OSX/Tools/CloverGrowerPro/edk2/Conf/tools_def.txt: Permission denied
cp: /Volumes/MEDIA_2/OSX/Tools/CloverGrowerPro/edk2/Conf/build_rule.txt: Permission denied
sed: /Volumes/MEDIA_2/OSX/Tools/CloverGrowerPro/edk2/Conf/tools_def.txt: Permission denied
Patching edk2/Conf/tools_def.txt  ERROR!!

xabbus-imac:~ Xabbu$ 

I'm on 10.7.5


Thanks for any help

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Sorry blackosx, I missed your post about your image is png not jpeg2000. Yes, it is possible to make.

47 factors influent on this.

No problem. Great.



Hi blackosx,

In revision 2231 I made a possibility to use PNG files as OS or Drives Icons.

attachicon.gif Screen shot 2013-10-10 at 14.37.29.png

Lion is png file here but with icns extension

attachicon.gif os_lion.icns.zip


So the rule is follow:

You may replace all icns files with png files 128x128, 72dpi, sRGB, non-interlace, standard packing, with transparency,

but name will be as before os_xxxx.icns, vol_xxxx.icns


That was quick! Thank you Slice. I'll take a look this evening :)

Though having .png files with .icns extension may cause confusion later ....

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No problem. Great.


That was quick! Thank you Slice. I'll take a look this evening :)

Though having .png files with .icns extension may cause confusion later ....

OSX has no problem with with this. ;)

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You should use HFSPlus.efi instead of VboxHFS.efi, then copy your kexts (FakeSMC) to kexts/10.9 folder, choose Install USB, press spacebar and select without caches, with injected kexts. It boots fine to me.



HFSPlus.efi did the trick. Though it wasn't that easy to find. Thank you. :)

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Hey, great work with the bootloader. unfortunately 2217 wont load injected kexts with 10.6.x. i'm getting error messages "invalid magic number" in verbose mode on all injected kexts and the system fails to boot. using the same config on 10.8.x os with injected kext loads fine. any ideas? thanks

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Check for hidden nvram.plist on your volumes.

Delete this file,reboot and check again if problem solved.

Thank you! I actually thought of this last night in bed, but credit goes to you. Had this problem for god knows how long. 


Thanks again :) 

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Well, i don't know where to put this, but i hope you can help me ^^


I'm trying to use Clover in a Inspiron 14z (5423) with an Aptio bios. I've always had some problems booting in UEFI with anything that wasn't Windows (I also have ArchLinux, and just in the last revisions of grub, they've "middle-sorted" this problem out). 


I'm initially trying clover from an USB, but, indifferently from the boot method (MBR, or UEFI boot) it is always the same result. Clover loads, then i select the OS X entry, and then it just restarts the machine. I'm using the Aptio driver, but i think it's not working. Also using the "slide=0" argument. 


Any suggestions?


Cheers ^^


P.S: Oh yeah, sometimes at "cold booting" with the USB with clover, it appears a window of UEFI Diagnostics from Dell, maybe they do a different Memory Mapping and this is causing the sudden appearance.

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Hey, great work with the bootloader. unfortunately 2217 wont load injected kexts with 10.6.x. i'm getting error messages "invalid magic number" in verbose mode on all injected kexts and the system fails to boot. using the same config on 10.8.x os with injected kext loads fine. any ideas? thanks



Clover properly supports kext injection also on 10.6.

The message you are getting probably indicates that your kexts are not compatible with the OS you are booting. Meaning they are not compiled with 10.6 support, and you should find kexts which are compatible.


Regarding FakeSMC - the one distributed with Clover is 10.6 compatible, so you can try it (it is at edk2/Clover/CloverPackage/CloverV2/ThirdParty/kexts/Other/FakeSMC.kext).

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Thanks Pene. I know there is absolutely no problems with the kexts as the same configuration works perfectly with chameleon as well as an older version of clover, so i firmly believe this is clover fault. unfortunately i did not generate a log but do not wish to try it again until the problem is fixed/resolved as it might mess up my disks. please can anyone else try booting 10.6? thanks

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Thanks Pene. I know there is absolutely no problems with the kexts as the same configuration works perfectly with chameleon as well as an older version of clover, so i firmly believe this is clover fault. unfortunately i did not generate a log but do not wish to try it again until the problem is fixed/resolved as it might mess up my disks. please can anyone else try booting 10.6? thanks




I did check with 64-bit 10.6.8 and latest Clover before answering you... and it worked. I also use 10.6 for some tasks, so I still have it installed.


But after further testing, I can confirm there is a problem with kext injection for 32-bit mode, which you probably tried to use. I will try to see why this happens.


Until this is resolved, if you wish, you can use it in 64-bit mode (add to your Arguments key under Boot in config.plist "arch=x86_64", or press space and select 64-bit mode from Clover menu).

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Hi Pene,


Thanks for testing this out for me. I have been booting with arch=x86_64 and have not tried i386. I will wait to see if the problem can be nailed down before trying anything else. I appeciate your help to debug this and looking forward to the results of your investigations!

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Hi Pene,


Thanks for testing this out for me. I have been booting with arch=x86_64 and have not tried i386. I will wait to see if the problem can be nailed down before trying anything else. I appeciate your help to debug this and looking forward to the results of your investigations!

This seems to have happened due to incorrect arch detection for kext injection.

I believe I corrected it with r2235 (attached). With this revision, it works properly here now for all cases I tested.


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Upgraded from 2133 -> 2217, Clover no longer recognizes my recovery partition with cute little icon :hysterical:

I'm not sure exactly what you mean about the cute little icon, but r2217 is quite broken regarding icon stuff.

So please retry with r2235 I just uploaded in my previous post (just replace CLOVERX64.efi with the attached file). If you also use BOOTX64.efi you can copy it over BOOTX64.efi also (contents of both files is the same).

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