glasgood Posted March 6, 2019 Share Posted March 6, 2019 (edited) GLASGOOD'S MOJAVE HACKINTOSH GUIDE For latest EFI for macOS Catalina and discussions, visit @AudioGod's ==> Aorus Pro Z390 Patched DSDT mini guide GIGABYTE AORUS PRO Z390 CREDITS & THANKS @MaLd0n His help with EFI configuration and DSDT CLOVER TEAM Slice, Kabyl, usr-sse2, jadran, Blackosx, dmazar, STLVNUB, pcj, apianti, JrCs, pene, FrodoKenny, skoczy,, Oscar09, xsmile, SoThOr, rehabman, Download-Fritz, Zenit432, cecekpawon Et al APPLEALC Acidanthera, vit9696 VOODOOHDA autumnrain, slice2009, zenith432 ESP PRO MOUNTER @Micky1979 HACKINTOOL @headkaze CLOVER CONFIGURATOR Mackie100 THEME ENGINE Alex Zielenski INSANELYMAC OLARILA Hackintool Tutorial daliansky Hackintosh Vanilla Desktop Guide /r/Hackintosh - corpnewt MONITORCONTROL JoniVR & theOneyouseek ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ UPDATES Spoiler 17/07/2019 Reverted back to the non DSDT EFI folder within guide as an EFI fit for all, it seems that a DSDT extracted from one specific setup does not greatly transfer to majority Aorus Pro Z390 configs. For those looking for DSDT fix it's best to extract your own ACPI files and source your own patched DSDT @MaLd0n can possible assist with DSDT Patch. 02/07/2019 @MaLd0n has kindly helped to transform the EFI, now with native NVRAM and DSDT. Have a look through the new EFI. Everything working great. EFI is perfect and minimum. Uses Whatevergreen.kext version 1.3.0 and is very stable, all port connectors on back of my RX 580 working, however if updating to Whatevergreen version1.3.1 then one of the display ports will not function. Have not tested this out with SMBIOS for iMac 19,1. OsxAptioFix3Drv.efi driver now replaced with AptioMemoryFix. Whatevergreen should detect your graphics card, see my guide on how to easily change framebuffer. MASSIVE THANK YOU TO @MaLd0n 01/07/2019 POST-INSTALL Aorus Pro Z390 EFI - RX580 is now renamed as Aorus Pro Z390 EFI - RX580 in guide and is now used for both pre and post install. Successfully tested macOS Mojave 10.14.6 Install with Clover v2.5k r5018 and OsxAptioFix3Drv.efi OsxAptioFix2Drv-free2000 is now replaced with OsxAptioFix3Drv.efi as lately Clover developer Apianti announced that OsxAptioFix2Drv-free2000 was unsafe to use. At present, OsxAptioFix3Drv.efi or OsxAptioFixDrv is unusable when using SMBIOS for iMac 19,1 on Aorus Z390 motherboard with Initial Display Output - PCIe Slot & Internal Graphics enabled. Therefore POST-INSTALL Aorus Pro Z390 EFI is now updated with SMBIOS for iMac Pro 1,1 and OsxAptioFix3Drv.efi Internal Graphics should now be disable when using SMBIOS for iMac Pro 1,1. Also, USBPorts.kext has been recreated for iMac Pro 1,1 as USBPorts.kext created for iMac 19,1 will not function properly when used with SMBIOS for iMac Pro 1,1. Thanks to @soniferous_fox and his post regarding the OsxAptioFix2Drv-free2000 free solution. also thanks to @AudioGod @larabee for confirming OsxAptioFix3Drv.efi as a working solution for the Aorus Z390. And thanks to @hackinbot for resolving the display wake from sleep issue when RX580 is used with SMBIOS for iMac Pro 1,1 14/06/2019 Have attached to guide, an experimental EFI ( for those who like experiment ). The EFI uses OpenCore and is looking like it could possibly be a future replacement for Clover The attached OpenCore EFI is working with my Aorus Pro, as far as I know, OpenCore is still in early Alpha stage of development. Don't ask me for support on this! if it interests you, then approach the forum for OpenCore here at ==>> InsanleyMac or ==> Discord When making edits to OpenCore config.plist use xcode plist editor or PlistEdit Pro or OpenCore Configurator from @notiflux ==> I don't recommend the alternative OpenCore Configurator by mackie100projects as it can corrupt PCI import from Hackintool. DOCUMENTATION GETTING STARTED 08/06/2019 POST-INSTALL Aorus Pro Z390 EFI - RX580 Updated to Clover v 4945 07/06/2019 UPDATED POST-INSTALL Aorus Pro Z390 EFI - RX580 Removed following patches: HDAS to HDEF ( Rename is now done through AppleALC and Lilu ) GFX to GFX0 ( Rename is now done with Whatevergreen.kext ) PEG0 to GFX0 ( Rename is now done with Whatevergreen.kext ) HECI to IMEI ( Rename is now done with Whatevergreen.kext ) Removed Legacy Audio Inject , this is now injected through properties. Removed Ports Limit Patches, Ports are fixed using SSDT and USBInjectAll.kext Made some small changes to Acpi fixes. Changed from using FakeSMC to VirtualSMC, ( Why ? , sleep seems to works better on Aorus Z390 ) 06/06/2019 Hackintosh wake with mouse or keyboard updated in POST-INSTALL Aorus Pro Z390 EFI - RX580 04/06/2019 @Madane reported using Audio ID layout 7 resolved no audio on wake issue, so had a look at AppleALC and found a layout ID 16 specified in AppleALC Info.plist for Gigabyte Z390. Changing to layout ID 16 resolves no audio on wake. CodecCommander.kext and SSDT-ALC1220.aml are no longer needed. EFI's updated. 03/06/2019 Adding hot patch instructions at end of guide for renaming PXSX to ARPT. As far as I know, Wifi cards in Mac's are listed under ARPT not PXSX. It's not essential that you should need to rename PXSX to ARPT for working WiFi, but in this instance it may be helpful if you experience WiFi lag. Testing this at moment and it seems that downloads finish slightly quicker. Noticed that immediate sleep would work correctly when going to menu bar and choosing the 'Sleep" option, but there was a problem with sleep when using Energy Saver option in the System Preferences where the Display would sleep and computer would stay awake. Resolved this, by enabling Platform Power Managment in BIOS. Upon wake there was no sound, so fixed sound by using CodecCommander.kext and SSDT-ALC1220.aml. Have updated Post-Install EFI folders with fix. 24/05/2019 Aorus Pro Z390 Hackintoshers can update to Clover r4934 and WhateverGreen.kext v1.2.9 ( NoVPA.Jpeg.kext no longer required with the latest version of WhatEverGreen ) 22/05/2019 It seems that there are no "Couldn't allocate runtime area" boot errors when continuing to use EMUVariableUefi-64.efi since updating to macOS Mojave 10.14.5, using Clover version r4920 and with updated BIOS F9. 20/05/2019 @ 20:15 Late update, completed a fresh install of macOS Mojave on a test drive. Tested sleep and sound. Sound is fully working after wake from sleep, so no need to use CodecCommander.kext and SSDT-ALC1220. 20/05/2019 Updated my system from BIOS version F5 to F9, on testing awake from sleep I discovered that sleep was broken. Added CodecCommander.kext and SSDT-ALC1220 and issue seems resolved. 19/05/2019 Default SSDT inside Aorus Pro Z390 EFI folder now has Front USB-C enabled, thanks to @AudioGod for providing this. 15/05/2019 Updated Config.plist REMOVED FROM config.plist Graphics ig-platform-id 0x3E920003 REMOVED FROM config.plist Devices / Properties AAPL,ig-platform-id 07009B3E (0x3E9B007) REPLACED WITH AAPL,ig-platform-id 0300923E (0x3E92003) 15/05/2019 Aorus Pro Z390 EFI - Intel UHD630 Update version 4871 to 4920 PRE-INSTALL Aorus Pro Z390 EFI - Intel UHD630 now Clover v 4920 POST-INSTALL Aorus Pro Z390 EFI - Intel UHD630 now Clover v 4920 14/05/2019 Updated Clover from Version 4871 to 4920 Updated SMBIOS to iMac 19,1 for POST-INSTALL Aorus Pro Z390 EFI - RX580 Successfully updated from macOS Mojave Version 10.14.4 to 10.14.5 21/04/2019 Noticed, that Wi-Fi Country code was set to default US. Guide updated with instructions on how to change Country Code. You only need to change country if your Country code is wrong. See guide for "Set Wi-Fi Country Code" 18/04/2019 Added Frame-buffer Patching New Aorus Pro Z390 EFI folder for Intel UHD 630 graphics ( no PCIe graphics card needed) Fixed HDMI port black screen / no display Working HDMI audio, working HDMI port on Aorus Z390 Pro Fixed instant wake from sleep using Rehabman's SSDT-GPRW and patch. ( Use power button to resume from sleep ) Added PCI info to System Information inside config.plist for device information Removed DSDT, all fixes in config.plist so BIOS can now be easily updated, guide unified for users with different BIOS versions. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PART LIST • Intel I7 8700 • Gigabyte Z390 AORUS PRO • Gigabyte AORUS RADEON RX 580 8GB ( connected to monitor with DisplayPort ) • Corsair Vengeance LPX 16GB ( 2 x 8GB ) 2666MHz – CMK16GX4M2A2666C16 In this build, both memory modules are installed in memory slots DDR4_A1 and DDR4_B1 Spoiler • Corsair RM650x 80 Plus Gold Power Supply Unit • Corsair H100i V2 AIO Hydro/Water RGB LED CPU Cooler • Samsung EVO 500GB SSD (2.5) macOS Mojave • Samsung EVO 250 GB SSD (2.5) Windows 10 Pro • NZXT H500 Mid Tower ATX Case • 1st RECOMMENDED WIFI CARD → ABWB BCM943602CS 802.11AC WI-FI With Bluetooth 4.0 PCI-Express (PCI-E) OR • 2nd RECOMMENDED WIFI CARD → WIFI and Bluetooth with BCM94331CD with PCI-e adapter (but will require AirportBrcmFixup.kext for AirDrop.. ) WORKING • Sound • Ethernet Port • WiFi • SSD Trim • USB 3.0 & 2.0 • AirDrop • iCloud • Hardware Acceleration AMD RX 580 / AMD Vega • iMessages • Facetime • Handoff • Netflix on Safari browser • Continuity PREAMBLE - BEFORE YOU START Here detailed, is all the steps towards building a successful and stable Aorus Pro Z390 Hackintosh, if you are a first time Hackintosher, this guide will have you quickly up and running with the Aorus Pro Z390 Hackintosh. To rule out potential problems from the go, only have the disc that you plan to install macOS Mojave connected to the Aorus Pro, disconnect any other Windows / Linux or data drives, external drives from your Aorus Pro. Windows / Linux and data drives can be connected after successful installation of macOS Mojave If you have more than 16 GB of memory, then install macOS Mojave with just 16GB or RAM installed, you can later add any additional memory. Install memory modules in slots DDR4_A1 and DDR4_B1. This build has a recommended Wi-Fi combo PCI-e card installed in slot PCIEX1_3 with its 9 pin USB cable attached to motherboard header F_USB2. ( ensure WiFi card is seated properly in PCIe slot and cable is firmly attached to WiFi card and motherboard header F_USB2 ) If using the Corsair H100i v2 AIO cooler with USB cable connected to motherboard header F_USB1, you will need to enable hot-patch ( explained in guide ) in config.plist for working sleep, wake from sleep will only work by pressing Power Button. Install macOS Mojave on its own physical drive, so do not try and install macOS Mojave onto a free partition on a disc that contains Windows. Remove any Thunderbolt cards, Thunderbolt card can be reinserted after installation. Double check your BIOS settings are the same as this guide. Following are unsupported / problematic • Intel Optane ( if you have this, remove it before installation of macOS Mojave ) • Samsung EVO Plus drives ( ensure you update Plus drive to latest firmware to avoid problems ) • XFX Radeon RX 580 • NVIDIA GTX / RTX not supported in macOS Mojave Q - WILL THIS GUIDE WORK WITH MY NON AORUS Z390 PRO MOTHERBOARD ? A - Possibly, though you may have to create your own USBPorts fix. Q - I notice you have the Aorus Pro Z390 version, will this guide work with Aorus Pro Z390 WiFi version ? A - Possibly, but onboard Intel / Intel CNVi WIFII /Bluetooth will not work with macOS and you will have to disable HS14 for Bluetooth to function properly. Q - Can I use my AMD Vega Card ? A - Yes, AMD Vega card's will work with this guide, but If you plan to use a Sapphire Pulse Vega 56 then please read @AudioGod ==>post regarding the Sapphire Pulse 56. PART 1 - DOWNLOAD • Update BIOS to version F10 • CLOVER • Aorus Pro Z390 • Aorus PRo Z390 EFI - THE OC <== OC VERSION • ESP MOUNTER PRO v1.9 • macOS MOJAVE • CLOVER CONFIGURATOR • Hackintool OPTIONAL DOWNLOADS • Native Display Brightness with MonitorControl • ThemeEngine • // Not really needed but IF no sound on Wake from Sleep then use SSDT-ALC1220 and CodecCommander • ( Resolves Audio Sound on Wake, place in Clover / ACPI / Patched ) • ( Resolves Audio Sound on Wake, place in Clover / Kexts / Other ) PART 2 - BIOS SETTINGS (Version F10 ) Here is a list of the BIOS settings that I use ( Screenshots in spoiler below ) • Enter BIOS → Press F12 → Enter Setup • Save & Exit → Load Optimized Defaults • BIOS → Windows 8/10 Features → Other OS • BIOS → CSM Support → Enabled ( Optionally, can be enabled after macOS is installed, your choice ) • Peripherals → Initial Display Output → PCIe 1 Slot • Peripherals → Trusted Computing → Security Device Support → Disable • Peripherals → Intel(R)Bios Guard → Intel BIOS Guard Support → Disable • Peripherals → USB Configuration → Legacy USB Support → Enabled • Peripherals → USB Configuration → XHCI Hand-off → Enabled • Peripherals → Network Stack Configuration → Network Stack → Disabled • Peripherals → SATA And RST Configuration → SATA Mode Selection → AHCI • Chipset → Vt-d → Enabled ( can be enabled or disabled, your choice!) • Chipset → Internal Graphics → Disabled • Chipset → Audio Controller → Enabled • Chipset → Above 4G Decoding → Disabled • Power → Platform Power Management → Disabled ( Optionally, can be enabled after macOS is installed ) • Power → CEC 2019 Ready → Disabled • Power → ErP → Disabled (can be enabled or disabled, your choice !) • Power → RC6 (Render Standby) → Disabled • MIT → Advanced Memory Settings → Extreme Memory Profile (X.M.P) → Disabled ( Optionally, can be enabled after macOS is installed, your choice ) // IF USING CORSAIR H100i V2 AIO CPU WATER COOLER • MIT → Smart Fan 5 Settings → CPU Fan Control mode → PWM • Save & Exit → Save & Exit Setup SCREEN DUMP SPOILERS Spoiler Change to Classic (F2) View BIOS VERSION F10 PART 3 – CREATE A MOJAVE USB FLASH INSTALLER Prepare USB Installer for Mojave ( Video below ) • Insert USB drive • Launch /Applications/Utilities/Disk Utility • Disk Utility → View → Show All Devices • On Left-hand panel → External →(Identify your USB device in left hand panel) • Click and highlight your USB device in the left-hand panel. • Click erase button. • Name: USB • Format: Mac OS Extended (Journaled ) • Scheme: GUID Partition Map • Click Erase button. • Place the downloaded MacOS Mojave app into Applications folder. • Open Terminal copy and paste: sudo /Applications/Install\ macOS\ --volume /Volumes/USB --nointeraction && say Mojave Drive Created • Enter PART 4 – INSTALL CLOVER ON THE MOJAVE USB INSTALLER Make Mojave USB flash drive installer bootable.( Video below ) • Launch Clover application, double click. • Click Continue → Continue → Continue • Click Change Install Location button. • Click Install macOSMojave USB installer → Continue • Click Customise button • Choose: Clover for UEFI booting only Install Clover in the ESP Themes UEFI Drivers • Click Install button • Installation Complete! Video: PART 5 – CUSTOMIZE MOJAVE USB INSTALLER FOR AORUS Z390 PRO Replace Clover EFI folder with PRE-INSTALL Aorus Pro Z390 EFI - Aorus Pro Z390 ( Video below ) • Install ESP Mounter Pro v1.9 • Using ESP Mounter Pro, Mount ESP on disk2s1 ( Your disk name may be different ) • Open mounted EFI partition found on desktop • Copy all the contents from Aorus 390 Pro EFI folder • Replace USB EFI folder with all the contents inside the Aorus 390 Pro EFI folder. PART 6 – INSTALL MAC OS MOJAVE ON INTERNAL DRIVE INSTALL NOTE ENSURE BIOS: Above 4G Decoding is set to Disabled if Above 4G decoding is set to enabled then macOS Mojave install will freeze at 2 mins remaining and will not shut down properly!!!! Please be patient during install, so when install gets to 2 or 3 mins remaining then it may take extra time. Be ready to boot from UEFI USB installer by pressing F12 when install initiates restarts. • INSERT USB INSTALLER INTO THE USB 2.0 PORT Here is a walkthrough of the full process using the macOS Mojave USB Installer on the Aorus Z390 Pro. Spoiler • Power on PC and press F12• Choose bootable USB drive from boot menu. Spoiler • Install macOS Mojave to internal solid state or hard drive. When system returns to the Clover boot menu choose: • Boot macOS Install from Macintosh Spoiler At next restart, press F12 and boot from external UEFI USB device and choose: • Boot macOS Install from Macintosh Spoiler Proceed with macOS Mojave install Spoiler CHOOSE FORMAT: APFS AT THE 3 MINS REMAINING SCREEN, BE PATIENT!... it takes slightly longer than the 3 mins. DO NOT LOG INTO ICLOUD AT THIS TIME - CHOOSE SETUP LATER!!!! macOS Mojave is now installed, but it can only boot at this moment thanks to FakeSMC and Clover on the Mojave USB flash drive installer. PART 7 – MAKE AORUS Z390 PRO INTERNAL DRIVE BOOTABLE Make internal drive bootable ( Video below ) So far, the Aorus Pro can only boot the internal system drive with the aid of the Mojave USB Installer. To boot from the internal system drive without the installer: Download and install Clover with RC Scripts on target volume. Copy the EFI folder from inside Aorus Pro Z390 folder and paste it inside the the System Drive EFI partition. • Remove USB Mojave installer and shut down and restart. Aorus Hackintosh should now be able to boot to macOS Mojave, Done, well almost ! PART 8 – ENABLE IMESSAGES & FACETIME // UPDATE 21st MAY 2019 Possibly Clover Configurator now automatically populates correct values for working iMessages when you select an SMBIOS. After selecting SMBIOS, example iMac19,1 for Aorus Pro with RX580 ( image above ) then go to Apple and ensure you have the "serial number is not valid " message. Done! If you still have problems connecting to iMessage, test and ensure that AirDrop is working, then follow instructions inside spoiler. Spoiler Configure Config.plist for iMessages. ( Video below ) • SMBIOS = iMac 19,1 or if using Intel only then choose iMac 18,1 • Rt Variables —> ROM —> is your MAC address (delete colons from Mac address) • MLB field = Enter serial number generated and append 5 random characters • SmUUID = in Terminal run command “uuidgen” and copy it to SmUUID field • Board Serial is same as MLB field. • Clover Configurator —> Save Video: PART 9 – ENABLE TRIM for Solid State Flash Drives Open Terminal and enter the following command: sudo trimforce enable Spoiler Confirm TRIM PART 10 – FRAMEBUFFERS FOR RADEON AMD RX580, VEGA CARD's Spoiler The default Framebuffer used after installing macOS is the ATY,AMD,RadeonFramebuffer. A slight improvement in performance can be had by specifying the framebuffer used by your AMD Graphics card see benchmarks below. In the EFI folders attached to guide, I have included SSDT's for AMD RX580 and AMD Vega 56 to enable Orinoco and Kamarang Framebuffers. However the framebuffer can be done changed without SSDT, the framebuffer can also be changed in config.plist using Clover Configurator below. FRAMEBUFFERS RX 580 = Orinoco Vega 56 = Kamarang or Iriri Vega 64 = Kamarang or Iriri EXAMPLE Changing from ATY,AMD,Radeon Framebuffer to Orinoco framebuffer for AMD RX 580. Benchmark result using ATY,AMD,RadeonFramebuffer Benchmark result using Orinoco Framebuffer DEFAULT USB FIX – USB PORTS CONFIGURATION If you have USBC on Computer Chassis / Case, then SS01 and SS02 is mapped to that USB C port ------------ GUIDE FINISHED YOU SHOULD NOW HAVE WORKING AORUS Z390 PRO HACKINTOSH WITH SSDT USB FIX ------------ OPTIONAL: Set Wi-Fi Country Code Spoiler Broadcom WIFI and Bluetooth BCM94331CD with PCI-e adapter card requires the use of for working AirDrop, iMessages etc.. Possibly AirportBrcmFixup.kext defaults to Wi-Fi Country Code for US To change US Country code, add one of the following Boot Argument to Config.plist --> Boot using Clover Configurator . // Where XX is your Country Code brcmfx-country=XX // #a is used to ignore country code for Wi-Fi and is helpfull for 5GHz brcmfx-country=#a OPTIONAL: System Information - PCI Spoiler External USB Storage: Fix "disk did not eject properly" message upon wake from sleep Spoiler To fix "disk did not eject properly" message use ( Credit to Bernhard Baehr & syscl ) install open terminal: 1- Copy and paste : // command will download the latest ( if link does not work, then follow alternative instructions at bottom) git clone Enter 2- Copy and paste: chmod +x ~/Fix-usb-sleep/ Enter 3- Copy and paste: cd ./Fix-usb-sleep ./ Enter Then press Ok, shutdown and restart and test. External storage will be still be mounted on wake from sleep. Script can be installed using: curl -o ./ chmod +x ./ ./ OPTIONAL: Native Display Brightness - with MonitorControl Spoiler Requires a monitor with DDC/CI support for this app to work. Also make sure your monitor has DDC/CI enabled. OPTIONAL: Dual Boot macOS Mojave & Windows 10 Spoiler OPTIONAL: Replace the default "About This Mac" Apple Logo with RED AORUS APPLE Spoiler Open Terminal, then copy and paste command below. ( Video below ) open . /Applications/Utilities/System\ Copy and Paste original to desktop ( save original as a backup ) Replace within Resources with downloaded ( enter password ). Alternatively you can create your own with your favourite photo editing software, then use ThemeEngine to create file. OPTIONAL USB PORTS FIX – Create your own SSDT or USBPorts.kext Spoiler GLASGOOD'S SSDT PORTS PATCHING GUIDE USING HACKINTOOL FRAMEBUFFER PATCHING – For working Intel UHD 630 Graphics, working HDMI Port, working HDMI Audio on Aorus Z390 Pro NOT REQUIRED AS GUIDE IS USING SMBIOS FOR IMAC PRO 1,1 Spoiler This also resolves black screen / no display when HDMI cable is attached to HDMI port on the Aorus Z390 Pro Patch already been implemented so no need to change anything, I'm simply placing the patching here for reference. For those using a AMD RX580, you can disconnect the Display Port cable from AMD RX 580 card and attach HDMI cable to HDMI Port on the Aorus Z390 Pro and display will instantly swap over. Config.plist SMBIOS can optionally be changed to iMac 18,1 and BIOS -->Initial Display Output can be changed from PCIe 1 Slot to --> IGFX for those without a dedicated graphics card such as RX580. Credit to CorpNewt for tip on his Hackintosh guide for fixing the Pink/Purple Tint <key>Properties</key> <dict> <key>PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x2,0x0)</key> <dict> <key>AAPL,ig-platform-id</key> <data> BwCbPg== </data> <key>AAPL,model</key> <string>Intel UHD 630</string> <key>AAPL,slot-name</key> <string>Internal</string> <key>device-id</key> <data> kj4AAA== </data> <key>device_type</key> <string>Graphics Processor</string> <key>enable-hdmi20</key> <data> AQAAAA== </data> <key>framebuffer-con0-enable</key> <data> AQAAAA== </data> <key>framebuffer-con0-pipe</key> <data> EgAAAA== </data> <key>framebuffer-con1-busid</key> <data> BgAAAA== </data> <key>framebuffer-con1-enable</key> <data> AQAAAA== </data> <key>framebuffer-con1-pipe</key> <data> EgAAAA== </data> <key>framebuffer-con2-busid</key> <data> BAAAAA== </data> <key>framebuffer-con2-enable</key> <data> AQAAAA== </data> <key>framebuffer-con2-pipe</key> <data> EgAAAA== </data> <key>framebuffer-con2-type</key> <data> AAgAAA== </data> <key>framebuffer-patch-enable</key> <data> AQAAAA== </data> <key>framebuffer-unifiedmem</key> <data> AAAAgA== </data> </dict> </dict> FINAL CUT PRO – Configuration for AMD RX5xx NOT REQUIRED AS GUIDE IS USING SMBIOS FOR IMAC PRO 1,1 Spoiler 1- Ensure you have the following BIOS settings: • Peripherals → Initial Display Output → PCIe 1 Slot • Chipset → Internal Graphics → Enabled ( after selecting Internal Graphics, you may have to save BIOS options then reboot and enter BIOS again to see the DVMT options below ) • Chipset → DVMT Pre-Allocated → 256M • Chipset → DVMT Total Gfx Mem → MAX 2 - Add proper device id and ig-platform-id for your CPU Example, my system has a i7-8700. So my Device / Properties are: For working Final Cut Pro with i7-8700, I have ig-platform-id 0300923E and device-id 923E000 as can be seen in image above. Add your ig-platform-id and your device-id : If CPU is i7-8700 / i7-8700K or i5-8600K / i5-8400 or i5-9600 Add: device-id 923E0000 Add: AAPL,ig-platform-id 0300923E If CPU is i9-9900 / i9-9900K or i7-9700 / i7-9700K or i5-9600K Add: device-id 983E0000 Add: AAPL,ig-platform-id 0300983E Example of Final Cut Pro using RX580 and CPU AORUS PRO Z390 WIFI version with Intel CNVi – Disable Bluetooth on HS14 Resolve bluetooth issue reported by @eSaF Spoiler Add Boot Argument using Clover Configurator: uia_exclude=HS14 CLOVER – Updating / Upgrade Clover boot loader (If hack is stable, don't update unless you have problems) Spoiler If your Aorus Pro Z390 Hackintosh is working then it is not really necessary to update Clover boot loader. However, may be a necessary if updating to a future / latest version of macOS Mojave. Installing and updating Clover, and tidying Clover folder ( removing unnecessary folders ) after upgrade has completed. SLEEP – Sleep and Automatic Sleep Spoiler Initially automatic sleep was working on a test drive that I swapped into machine, but was not working on my non test drive. I managed to fix automatic sleep doing the following. Deleting Sleep Image and restarting machine ( new sleep image is made on restart ). Deleted ( default is recreated on restart ) Deleted ( default is recreated on restart ) After restarting machine: pmset -g Output: Hackintool: Changed Energy Save to 1 min to test automatic sleep: HOW TO DELETE SLEEP IMAGE Open terminal and run following command: sudo rm /private/var/vm/sleepimage Shutdown, Power on RESET ENERGY SAVER PREFERENCES Open terminal and run following command: open . /Library/Preferences Change to list view: Make backup, copy and paste onto desktop. Delete: ( unique number may differ ) Delete: Shutdown, Power on SLEEP – Resolving Instant Wake ( Corsair H100i v2 AIO ) Spoiler Resolve Instant Wake From Sleep caused by the Corsair H100i V2 AIO Cooler To enable wake using mouse and keyboard the Corsair H100i v2 USB cable must be disconnected from motherboard header F_USB1 If you want to keep the Corsair H100i v2 USB cable connected then enable the patch in config.plist, instruction below. Hackintosh will then sleep, but can only wake using power button. IF USING CORSAIR H100i v2, OR IF YOU HAVE INSTANT WAKE FROM SLEEP PROBLEM THEN ENABLE PATCH --> XPRW change Method(GPRW... and download --> SSDT-GPRW.aml and place inside EFI/Clover/ACPI/Patched Credit: Patch by Rehabman WIFI – Clover Hotpatch PXSX to ARPT Spoiler Hot patch config.plist. Wifi cards are listed under ARPT in macOS and not PXSX. It's not essential that you should need to rename PXSX to ARPT for working WiFi, but in this instance it may be helpful if you experience WiFi lag . So here are the steps: Identify the address, bellow PXSX may be rooted under RP08 Using Clover configurator apply the following Hot Patch : Find Device: _SB.PCI0.RP08.PXSX ( if PXSX is attached to a different root, then use that root address. So here my root for PXSX is RP08 ) Rename: ARPT Save Clover Configurator Shutdown / and start Hackintosh ( may cause a kernel panic on restart, if it does just restart Hackintosh ) Check that rename has taken effect ( So, _SB.PCI0.RP08.PXSX is now _SB.PCI0.RP08.ARPT ) RECOMMENDED READING – Excellent Hackintosh Vanilla guide created by CorpNewt with in depth tutorial on Clover. EFI NON DSDT SMBIOS iMac Pro 1,1 Clover v2.5k r5018 Aorus Pro Z390 EFI - OR Aorus Pro Z390 EFI - EFI FOR SMBIOS iMac 19,1 for use with GPU & IGPU enabled in BIOS PRE-INSTALL Aorus Pro Z390 EFI - POST-INSTALL Aorus Pro Z390 EFI - ( Has OsxAptioFix2Drv-free2000.efi ==> recommended reading before use ) EFI FOR INTEL UHD 630 SMBIOS iMAC 18,1 Aorus Pro Z390 EFI - Intel Has OsxAptioFix2Drv-free2000.efi ==> recommended reading before use ) Edited November 8, 2019 by glasgood CLOVER EFI ( non DSDT ) 11 8 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Allan Posted March 6, 2019 Share Posted March 6, 2019 Amazing! That's a real guide 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
glasgood Posted March 6, 2019 Author Share Posted March 6, 2019 30 minutes ago, Allan said: Amazing! That's a real guide Cheers, guide intended for Hackintosh newcomer. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
eSaF Posted March 6, 2019 Share Posted March 6, 2019 Great guide, I'm planning an upgrade but will be using the using the Z390 Aorus Master instead so a greater part of your guide will be utilised which will save me a lot of pain in the process. Thanks for sharing 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
eSaF Posted March 6, 2019 Share Posted March 6, 2019 One more thing is there any particular reason you chose Mac Mini oppose to e.g iMac 18.3 - This is so that I can fully understand what Mac model choice is suitable for the build. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
glasgood Posted March 7, 2019 Author Share Posted March 7, 2019 6 hours ago, eSaF said: One more thing is there any particular reason you chose Mac Mini oppose to e.g iMac 18.3 - This is so that I can fully understand what Mac model choice is suitable for the build. I Initially started with iMac 18.3, and also tested out iMac Pro 1.1 but could not find any difference between those. Tested and settled with Mac Mini, as the i7-8700 in my build is almost identical CPU i7-8700B as found in the 2018 Mac Mini. Good choice of board, the Aorus Master ! My EFI folder should get you smoothly up and running and of to a good start, thought you will have to remove DSDT and SSDT from inside Clover folder. Keep us posted on your build! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
eSaF Posted March 7, 2019 Share Posted March 7, 2019 Thanks for the shout back very much appreciated - I've already downloaded your EFI folder and removed the DSDT and SSDT files in preparation. I have the parts on order but have to do it bit by bit as the wife tends to frown upon the amount I spend on my builds considering this will be my third . The EX58 being my first followed by the GA-Z87X both still rock solid. I will keep you inform about my progress, thanks again. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
glasgood Posted March 7, 2019 Author Share Posted March 7, 2019 23 minutes ago, eSaF said: the wife tends to frown upon the amount I spend on my builds considering So does my wife, I lost count of the number past builds and laptops owned Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
STLVNUB Posted March 7, 2019 Share Posted March 7, 2019 3 hours ago, glasgood said: My EFI folder should get you smoothly up and running and of to a good start, thought you will have to remove DSDT and SSDT from inside Clover folder. Keep us posted on your build! Might be an idea to remove the Apple folder from the download and save a LOT of space... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
eSaF Posted March 7, 2019 Share Posted March 7, 2019 4 minutes ago, STLVNUB said: Might be an idea to remove the Apple folder from the download and save a LOT of space... Thanks for the tip! Hopefully I won't have to shout HELP too much during this build although I tend to quietly beg borrow and steal from others Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
STLVNUB Posted March 7, 2019 Share Posted March 7, 2019 1 minute ago, eSaF said: Thanks for the tip! Hopefully I won't have to shout HELP too much during this build although I tend to quietly beg borrow and steal from others You're Welcome..But.. I was referring to Aorus Z390 Pro EFI download, Apple Folder should have never been there, its massive. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
eSaF Posted March 7, 2019 Share Posted March 7, 2019 56 minutes ago, STLVNUB said: You're Welcome..But.. I was referring to Aorus Z390 Pro EFI download, Apple Folder should have never been there, its massive. Oh ok I understand. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
glasgood Posted March 7, 2019 Author Share Posted March 7, 2019 1 hour ago, STLVNUB said: Might be an idea to remove the Apple folder from the download and save a LOT of space... THanks @STLVNUB I removed the Apple folder Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
djturbo Posted March 16, 2019 Share Posted March 16, 2019 I'd bought a gigabyte aorus z390 pro wifi two month ago and from all this time I've been without shutdown and sleep properlly but with this guide my Hackintosh is now working correctly. Very very thanks!!!. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cameron Nicholson Posted March 22, 2019 Share Posted March 22, 2019 Thank you! Fantastic guide, by far the easiest hack I have done. This guide made nearly as simple as a real Mac. Start to finish it took 20ish minutes. Thank you 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cameron Nicholson Posted March 23, 2019 Share Posted March 23, 2019 (edited) Hiya, I have found one issue, my computer wakes immediately after sleep? Does sleep on your computer work?? EDIT: Is it because I have USBInjectAll? Thanks Edited March 23, 2019 by Cameron Nicholson Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
glasgood Posted March 23, 2019 Author Share Posted March 23, 2019 1 hour ago, Cameron Nicholson said: Hiya, I have found one issue, my computer wakes immediately after sleep? Does sleep on your computer work?? EDIT: Is it because I have USBInjectAll? Thanks Hi Cameron, Sleep seems to be working on my hack, I just tested it and no immediate wake. What USB devices do you have plugged into your machine and are using same hardware as listed in guide. What BIOS version is your motherboard ? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
glasgood Posted March 23, 2019 Author Share Posted March 23, 2019 (edited) 1 hour ago, Cameron Nicholson said: Hiya, I have found one issue, my computer wakes immediately after sleep? Does sleep on your computer work?? EDIT: Is it because I have USBInjectAll? Thanks Try replacing SSDT with attached below, place both SSDT-UIAC and SSDT-USBX inside CLOVER ACPI patched. >> USB << . Edited March 23, 2019 by glasgood Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
glasgood Posted March 23, 2019 Author Share Posted March 23, 2019 1 hour ago, Cameron Nicholson said: Hiya, EDIT: Is it because I have USBInjectAll? If SSDT-UIAC and SSDT-USBX did not resolve problem, then remove SSDT-UIAC and SSDT-USBX. Then delete USBInjectAll.kext and use USBPorts.kext ( attached below ) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cameron Nicholson Posted March 23, 2019 Share Posted March 23, 2019 53 minutes ago, glasgood said: If SSDT-UIAC and SSDT-USBX did not resolve problem, then remove SSDT-UIAC and SSDT-USBX. Then delete USBInjectAll.kext and use USBPorts.kext ( attached below ) Thanks, Unfortunately neither solution worked. Removing USBInjectAll for USBPorts.kext disables all USB's. This image is with the ssdt's and usbinjectall. Thanks Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
glasgood Posted March 23, 2019 Author Share Posted March 23, 2019 (edited) 45 minutes ago, Cameron Nicholson said: Thanks, Unfortunately neither solution worked. Removing USBInjectAll for USBPorts.kext disables all USB's. USBInjectAll USBPorts.kext is working on my system, no ports disabled. Have a look at screenshots below. You are using Aorus Z390 Pro with BIOS version F5 ? Edited March 23, 2019 by glasgood Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
glasgood Posted March 23, 2019 Author Share Posted March 23, 2019 27 minutes ago, Cameron Nicholson said: And with SSDT-UIAC and SSDT-USBX and USBInjectAll.kext Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cameron Nicholson Posted March 23, 2019 Share Posted March 23, 2019 7 hours ago, glasgood said: And with SSDT-UIAC and SSDT-USBX and USBInjectAll.kext Thanks man, someone fixed my DSDT by " HS11 and HS13 is built-in now,, but you still get problem with PRW method. I removed PRW method in your DSDT,", not sure quite what they did but it all works Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
glasgood Posted March 25, 2019 Author Share Posted March 25, 2019 On 3/23/2019 at 3:56 PM, Cameron Nicholson said: Thanks man, someone fixed my DSDT by " HS11 and HS13 is built-in now,, but you still get problem with PRW method. I removed PRW method in your DSDT,", not sure quite what they did but it all works No worries, good you got DSDT fixed. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cla974 Posted March 27, 2019 Share Posted March 27, 2019 Hello everyone, I'm new to the forum and new to Mac OS. first of all congratulations for this comprehensive guide. I come to the point: I followed this guide step by step, but without the desired result. I can't even install mac os. everything crashes as soon as the white apple appears ...... I'm sure I created the bootable usb well with mojave v.10.14.4 (from mojave 10.14.2 on vmware) .... I kindly ask for your help hardware: gigabyte aorus z390 pro wifi intel core i7 8700k Sapphire Pulse Radeon RX 580 8gb 16gb corsair vengance lpx (2x8) SSD Samsung 970 Evo Plus M.2 500 GB (windows 10 pro) ssd samsung 840 pro 120gb (for mac os) I started also in verbose mode, I attach photos, if you need anything else, tell me. I repeat, I don't know mac os, please help me ..... maybe even with simple explanations ..... Thanks in advance Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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