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  1. Guys: Would you please stop quoting each other with the pictures attached? Please remove the pictures when you wanna quote someone. you can also mention the person you are quoting by using @ and the member's name and then they will be notified that someone is talking to them. Thanks.
    5 points
  2. Anyone who want to install big surr on FX / Ryzen can use this patches in beta branch for opencore. https://github.com/naveenkrdy/binPatchAMD/tree/beta/opencore And to fix adobe products on AMD CPU use this method here: https://gist.github.com/naveenkrdy/26760ac5135deed6d0bb8902f6ceb6bd
    4 points
  3. I'm using an BCM4360, Vendor 0x14E4 Device: 0x43A0. Bluetooth and wifi working now as an iMac13,2. I had to disable USBInjectAll.kext which I did not had enabled when I tested as an MacPro6,1. Stupid mistake.
    4 points
  4. Installing macOS Big Sur 11.0 DP1 on Gigabyte Z370N WIFI + i7 8700K + UHD 630 Changelog: 06/28/2020 22:05h GMT-0 - Replaced detach command when creating ISO. - Thanks @ham4ever - Added instruction to run one line at time. 06/27/2020 02:37h GMT-0 - iMessage works too. Just not at first boot. 06/26/2020 18:54h GMT-0 - First version. What works and what does not - Processor: Intel Core i7-8700K -> Work. All SpeedStep stages.- Video Card: Intel UHD 630 -> Work. QE/CI and Metal.- Chipset: Intel Z370 -> Work.- HDMI 2.0 (1st) -> Work. - HDMI (2nd) -> Work. - DP -> Work. - Audio: ALC1220 -> Work. - HDMI Audio -> Work.- WiFi/Bluetooth -> Not work. Replaced with BCM94360CS2. - Ethernet (1st) -> Work.- Ethernet (2nd) -> Work.- USB3.0 -> Work.- Sleep -> Work. - Airdrop, Handoff, Instant Hotspot and Continuity -> Work after replaced wireless. Todo - Fix iMessage (other iServices works perfectly) - Nothing Disclaimer! Bootloaders are currently unable to start the installation. The solution is to use a virtual machine and use a physical disk (additional, USB or SATA, NVME) as a target in the installation. Change the OpenCore compiled from the source code, and add some entries in NVRAM through config.plist. This is not the best solution. But it is the only way at the moment. There are some ready-made images available out there, but I prefer not to use them and create a clean installation. What you need to install - Running install of macOS - Already working OpenCore with this setup - Create bootable ISO file - Spare Disk/SSD- macOS Big Sur DP1 install app- Latest OpenCore + Kexts compiled from sources - Some KEXTs and SSDT patches UEFI configuration My BIOS is F10 (I use an 8th generation processor, so I don't need to upgrade) You can configure manually or load my BIOS profile. Manually: - Shutdown and insert the flash.- Power on with DEL pressed to enter BIOS setup.- Change value: BIOS - CSM Support to Disabled- Change value: BIOS - Secure Boot to Disabled- Change value: Peripherals - Initial Display to IGP- Change value: Chipset - VT-d to DISABLE- Change value: Chipset - Internal Graphics to ENABLE- Save & Exit Setup or, BIOS profile You can use one of my BIOS profiles attached bellow. It's two versions. One stock and another with overclock [5.0 GHz] - Put the profile in the root of the flash drive at EFI partition. - Restart with DEL pressed to enter BIOS setup. - Go to Save & Exit. - Select Load Profiles. - Select last option and then the flasdrive in the list. - And finally choose MACOS_STOCK or MACOS_5GHZ. - Save & Exit Setup How create bootable ISO file Download Big Sur DP1 Run this command on Temrinal: sudo /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Seeding.framework/Resources/seedutil enroll DeveloperSeed Go to System Updater and download the Install macOS Beta app. Create ISO Then run on Terminal (One line at a time): hdiutil create -size 12G -fs hfs+ -volname install -type SPARSEBUNDLE ~/Desktop/install hdiutil attach ~/Desktop/install.sparsebundle sudo /Applications/Install\ macOS\ Beta.app/Contents/Resources/createinstallmedia --volume /Volumes/install --nointeraction hdiutil detach `diskutil list |grep 'Install macOS Beta' |awk '{print $8}'` -force hdiutil makehybrid -o ~/Desktop/install ~/Desktop/install.sparsebundle rm -rf ~/Desktop/install.sparsebundle Now you have install.iso on desktop. How create create the virtual machine and install to disk/SSD Download and install the trial version of the VMware Fusion from their site. I'm used the version 11.5.5. - Create a custom virtual machine - Operating System: Apple OS X - macOS 10.15 - Create a new virtual disk (The size doesn't matter, We'll delete later) - Click in "Customize Settings" - Save the VM on desktop with name: bigsur - Insert the spare disk/SSD on PC (reboot if necessary) and identify what /dev/diskX is. You can look on Disk Utility.app: - Create VMDK that point to it: sudo diskutil unmountDisk diskX /Applications/VMware\ Fusion.app/Contents/Library/vmware-rawdiskCreator create /dev/diskX fullDevice ~/Desktop/bigsur.vmwarevm/physical sata - Edit the virtual machine settings created previously - Click in Hard Disk (SATA) and delete it (Remove Hard Disk) - Then add the physical disk - There's a bug in Fusion. To select the physical.vmdk, right click then "Quick Look", then "Share virtual disk with the virtual machine that created it" - Click Apply. - Now mount de install.iso - Start the VM and install as usual until: Disk Utility, format GUID with APFS (VMware Virtual SATA Hard Drive Media), Install macOS, wait few reboots and stop at first boot wizard. This can take up to 45 minutes. It may seem like it is stopped, but it is not. - Press Command + Q and shutdown (usually WIN + Q) - Close VMware Fusion. Copy OpenCore to EFI - Mount the EFI with: sudo diskutil mount diskXs1 - Copy your current working OpenCore EFI to that mounted EFI. - Download mine attached or Update your OpenCore, Kexts and driver UEFI. - You can use the @MaLd0n script attached to compile all (OlarilaOC.command.zip) - If using mine add your MLB, ROM, SystemUUID and SystemSerialNumber. (see how to) - Add following items do config.plist: NVRAM -> Add -> 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82 -> boot-args -> -lilubetaall (append) NVRAM -> Add -> 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82 -> booter-fileset-basesystem + Data + <00> NVRAM -> Add -> 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82 -> booter-fileset-kernel + Data + <00> NVRAM -> Delete -> 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82 -> booter-fileset-basesystem NVRAM -> Delete -> 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82 -> booter-fileset-kernel Done! Boot from the new disk/SSD and finish de first boot wizard. And last but not least I would like to thank the following community members, by making these dream possible:@crushers, @snatch, @apianti, @blackosx, @blusseau, @dmazar, @slice2009, @autumnrain, @phpdev32, @EMlyDinEsH, @RehabMan, @Scellow, @mitch_de, @Shailua, @Andy Vandijck, @maxfierke, @ArturXXX, @LexHimself, @brumas, @khamsakamal48, @MaLd0n, @joedm and @vit9696 and all others members involved directly or indirectly. Attachments MACOS_5GHZ MACOS_STOCK OlarilaOC.command.zip EFI.zip
    3 points
  5. @Pavo @REKTIMU2 Nobody knows what precisely breaks installer. Kexts do not inject, yes, but we do not know whether they need to for all systens. First stage installer does not need DSMOS, that's confirmed.
    3 points
  6. Dang I want those two monitors! Yes, I resolved by moving the Fenvi on the most bottom PCI Slot -> PCIEX4 (1 x PCI Express x16 slot, running at x4)
    3 points
  7. Big Sur on HP 800 G1 mini Installed Big Sur from a real Mac (Mac mini) using a USB SSD, mounted the EFI partition and copied my EFI folder. (after many hours of trial and error), install the SSD into my HP 800 G1 mini and the system boots into the desktop, finished user settings. Sleep is working but fans seem to be running fast. all in all seems to be good. I using VooDooHDA for sound. Thanks to all with the great posts that helped figure out, this is not ready for prime time but its cool to play with...
    3 points
  8. For all testing purposes I suggest using a USB drive with a EFI on it. Test every OS with that EFI to see if it boots, if all goes well then you can move it to a single internal drive. You only need 1 EFI to boot all OSes on the system. Not a EFI for every OS.
    2 points
  9. Finally, MacOS Big Sur on Dell XPS 9350 OC 0.6.0 Thanks @MaLd0n for tutorial on olarila.com and pre compiled main kexts (lilu, WEG, applealc, virtualsmc)
    2 points
  10. Thanks! I'm going to try that now and see how it goes :) I'll let you know!
    2 points
  11. Good news: OpenCore 0.6.0 with new AMD vanilla patches can boot Big Sur in my FX-6300 hackintosh now ! [Edit] Major bugs: 1. Screen background still shows Catalina instead of Big Sur. 2. Loss of audio output in Firefox, and poor video playl in Safari & Google Chrome. 3. In Ryzen 1700X hackintosh normal audio and video play in Safari & Google Chrome, but still loss of audio output in Firefox. 4. Previous fix of CMOS reset in Catalina was broken in Big Sur again. Always got CMOS reset during reboot after wake-up from sleep. 15h_16h-jslai-OC.plist FX-6300-Big-Sur.txt
    2 points
  12. 1 is WriteFlash enabled? 2 does nvram 8BE4DF61-93CA-11D2-AA0D-00E098032B8C:Boot0080 show different values when switching from Startup Disk? 3 attach more logs please 4 run logouthook manually, does it create nvram.plist with correct values?
    2 points
  13. 2 points
  14. Questo è il thread in italiano dedicato alla mia app TINU, l'app open source che ho creato per creare chiavetta di installazione di mac utilizzando il metodo "createinstallmedia". Il nome è l'acronimo di TINU Is Not U (Per le regole del forum devo censurare, ma la U si riferisce ad un programma che piu o meno svolge lo stesso scopo che per buoni motivi è bandita su questo sito, il punto del metterlo nel nome sta nel sottolineare che la mia app è totalmente diversa) L'app è pensata per essere molto semplice ed immediata da usare (con un interfaccia grafica progettata con criteri e metodi usati in ambito professionale per lo sviluppo di applicazioni utente) e per essere molto solida e stabile che funziona sempre al primo colpo (a differenza di altri tool che conosciamo ...) A livello funzionale quest'app non è altro che un interfaccia grafica per il metodo da terminale "createinstallmedia" che viene sfrutatto dalla stessa per creare la chiavetta, quindi le chiavette create con TINU sono chiavette al 100% vanilla come se le aveste create dal terminale, l' applicazione, rispatto al metodo da terminale, aggiunge però funzioni utili come il controllo ed il riconoscimento di errori nel processo, la formattazione automatica della chiavetta USB che si sceglie di usare in formato Mac OS Extended (journaled) (detto anche HFS+) con mapatura di partizione GUID, ed anche altre opzioni personalizzabili o disattivabili come l'applicare un icona alla chiavetta di instalalzione. Tra gli altri vantaggi troviamo il fatto che permette di creare chiavette utilizzando qualunque applicazione di mac che contiene l'eseguibile "createinstallmedia" inclusi installer delle beta ed installer appena rilasciati, e non richiede di fare cose particolari prima come formattare la chiavetta e cambiare lingua al sistema e puo utilizzare applicazioni di mac che si trovano in varie directory nel sistema e non solo quelle che stanno nella cartella delle applicazioni ed hanno un nome specifico (nota che l'applicazione di installazione di mac deve essere quella interacche pesa diversi gb e non quella da pochi mb che l'app store puo scaricare alcune volte e che non contiene tutto quello che serve per permettere a createinstallmedia di funzionare) Tra l;e altre cose quest'app è l'unica app di questo genere sviluppata e che continua ad essere sviluppata in Italia ed è anche l'unica completamente open source. Trovate qui alcuni link utili: - Scarica l'app: https://github.com/ITzTravelInTime/TINU/releases - Codice sorgente dell'app: https://github.com/ITzTravelInTime/TINU - FAQs (Domande fatte di frequente, in inglese): https://github.com/ITzTravelInTime/TINU/wiki/FAQs - Thread in inglese su tinu (English thread about TINU): http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/topic/326959-tinu-the-macos-install-media-creation-tool-mac-app/ Qui invece ci sono un paio di guide (Anche se l'app è molto facile da usare): - Piccola guida su come usare TINU per un hackintosh: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ug1yBZybpD4 - Piccola guida su come usare TINU per creare cheiavette per Mac "originali": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fZOZOUt2ErM Pianifico molte altre nuove funzioni per future versioni dell'app (vedi il thread in inglese per saperne di più) Il supporto a clover in TINU è pianificato per una versione futura, anche se dei protipi a livvello codice per renderlo possibile, sono gia stati sperimentati con successo. Spero che anche voi del forum italiano aprezzerete questa app come gli utenti del forum inglese, per idee e suggerimenti, siete liberi di esprimervi :-)
    1 point
  15. ola... esta uma cofusao... um alvoroço... danado sobre... e estao reeditando roseta..para poder rodar app em ARM.. "quando vc tem um monte de solucoes para uma coisa eh porque vc nao sabe o q eh...senao so teria um remedio..." conversa de medico... c.frio papo de medico
    1 point
  16. So far everything is working Great CPU: intel i7 9700k RAM: Corsair Vengeance RGB PRO 16 GB (4 x 8 GB) Motherboard: Gigabyte Z390 AORUS ULTRA Ethernet: Intel 1219V7 PCI Express Gigabyte Ethernet Graphics Card: Radeon RX 5700 XT 8 GB WIFI/BT Card: Fenvi FV-HB1200 SMBIOS: iMacPro1,
    1 point
  17. if you did a full disk wipe and installed and the logs had no evidence of VM and no gaps in timestamps, I'd concede it's possible and magical.
    1 point
  18. Yes, that's correct. Endless loop. Any idea what's the error about?
    1 point
  19. Well a few things that do not add up to your claims that I noticed: 2020-06-27 19:08:26-03 Julios-iMac Installer[6276]: Oracle VM VirtualBox 6.1.10 Installation Log 2020-06-27 19:08:26-03 Julios-iMac Installer[6276]: Opened from: /Volumes/VirtualBox/VirtualBox.pkg 2020-06-27 19:08:27-03 Julios-iMac Installer[6276]: Product archive /Volumes/VirtualBox/VirtualBox.pkg trustLevel=350 2020-06-27 19:08:38-03 Julios-iMac installd[477]: PackageKit: Extracting file:///Volumes/VirtualBox/VirtualBox.pkg#VBoxKEXTs.pkg (destination=/Library/InstallerSandboxes/.PKInstallSandboxManager/C9F89718-7A83-4469-807C-0A66657B0E6F.activeSandbox/Root/Library/Application Support/VirtualBox, uid=0) 2020-06-27 19:08:45-03 Julios-iMac installd[477]: PackageKit: Extracting file:///Volumes/VirtualBox/VirtualBox.pkg#VirtualBox.pkg (destination=/Library/InstallerSandboxes/.PKInstallSandboxManager/C9F89718-7A83-4469-807C-0A66657B0E6F.activeSandbox/Root/Applications, uid=0) 2020-06-27 19:08:46-03 Julios-iMac installd[477]: PackageKit: Extracting file:///Volumes/VirtualBox/VirtualBox.pkg#VirtualBoxCLI.pkg (destination=/Library/InstallerSandboxes/.PKInstallSandboxManager/C9F89718-7A83-4469-807C-0A66657B0E6F.activeSandbox/Root/usr/local/bin, uid=0) 2020-06-27 19:08:46-03 Julios-iMac installd[477]: PackageKit: Extracting file:///Volumes/VirtualBox/VirtualBox.pkg#OSXFuseCore.pkg (destination=/Library/InstallerSandboxes/.PKInstallSandboxManager/C9F89718-7A83-4469-807C-0A66657B0E6F.activeSandbox/Root, uid=0) And this looks like a Volume names BigSur but with 10.15 Installer Jun 23 15:21:11 iMac OSInstaller[635]: PackageKit: Extracting file:///Volumes/BigSur%20-%20Data/macOS%20Install%20Data/OSX_10_15_IncompatibleAppList.pkg (destination=/Volumes/BigSur 1/Library/Apple/System/Library/InstallerSandboxes/.PKInstallSandboxManager-SystemSoftware/A710609C-635D-452C-BF31-18FC07A9EADC.activeSandbox/Root, uid=0) Not to mention, there is no Lilu, VitrualSMC, FakeSMC or any Hackintosh related kexts being injected or loaded into the kernel. This makes me believe this was done inside a VM.
    1 point
  20. Pretty sure the devs that made the boot loader know what OS versions it can boot or not boot. The fact that you didn't show a full display of "Recovery" picture and not produced a boot install log seems kind of fishy to me.
    1 point
  21. As I've said in my post. I've managed it. However, graphics was buggy (pink screen) and also I installed on top of a Catalina. One thing that I believe is the reason why I've got it is that WhateverGreen was not Patching anything but my device/vendorID/framebuffer is supported and that I've a SMBios properly set but without WhateverGreen patching connectors (DP -> HDMI) it would mess with the display output that's why I needed to change sources on my monitor (I believe it has the same effect if you unplug/plug) so eventually I've got into the installer screen. Also, I did the prelinked kernel method, I believe that this maybe the reason why OC and Lilu could not Inject or Patch anything. I maybe try to do it again if I've got time, and try my best to document everything. For the newcomers I do not advise to try as I did it was really painful, you're better of doing the VM/Real Mac methods.
    1 point
  22. You're missing quite a bit of stuff. Does C422 not need TSCAdjustReset.kext? Your sig says you're using clover so is this your first time using OpenCore? I built this EFI for X299 so it might be compatible. EFI.zip
    1 point
  23. Just want to thank AudioGod and everyone else that's helped with the latest OpenCore EFI. I made the switch from Clover a couple of weeks ago and it was easy peasy. Running on OpenCore is super stable, clean and feels 100% like a real mac. Wow.
    1 point
  24. Good day good people, I have also eventually succeeded with booting my Dell latitude E6540 Haswell HD 4600 using the VM fusion and I must say it was the most difficult hackintosh I have ever tried. I first had to move to OC from clover and I must admit that this was the most difficult move. My OC is not yet fined tuned, as I am currently using a bluetooth keyboard with mouse and I will have to find a way to fix voodooPS2controller issues wit OC. The whole process took me the whole sixteen days and boy it was worth it. I am sharing my OC EFI with a warning that it is not fully polished and it might not work for you. 1. I followed the guide of VM fusion install, which is the previous pages and formatted my 500 Gigs HD to journal GUID. 2. Connected the 500 Gigs HD to my Dell E6540 via my usb 3.0 Catalina 10.15.5. 3. Installed Big Sur using VM fusion to the external 500 Gigs HD, up until it got to the country selection after a long long time and shut down VM fusion. 4. I mounted the EFI partition of the 500 Giigs HD, where Big Sur is just being installed and copied my attached OC EFI. 5. I then removed my Catalina 250 SSD and installed the 500 Gigs HD where Big Sir is installed. 6. Booted from the 500 Gigs HD and continued the installation where VM fusion left. I am still testing, please enjoy and remember to always share. EFI.zip
    1 point
  25. "Vanilla" install is most likely installing using a real Mac to external disk method. OpenCore devs have already confirmed that it can not boot the installer yet.
    1 point
  26. If this is using the installer, the installer doesn't work. You have to use the image restore method or install from a real Mac to external drive method.
    1 point
  27. @Common_Sense sigh, that is a log from a RELEASE build, please read the docs...
    1 point
  28. I use ApplePS2SmartTouchPad.kext for Elan PS2. But if it works too, it is good. I will check it later.
    1 point
  29. To everyone that is having issues using AirportFixup, have you tired using brcmfx-driver=2 as a bootarg? This fixed my wifi.
    1 point
  30. Yep what @WizeMan said. Also you might find the card works better using the BrcmPatch kexts. instructions for what kexts to use can be found on the front page of the link. https://github.com/acidanthera/BrcmPatchRAM/releases
    1 point
  31. If you upgraded from Catalina to Big Sur, this is a known issue by Apple: Desktop Picture Known Issues If the desktop picture was never changed from the default macOS Catalina 10.15 image, it will persist after updating to macOS Big Sur 11 beta, even though the new default desktop picture is displayed in Desktop and Screen Saver preferences. (64390185)
    1 point
  32. Yeah I think that’s your best way forward tbh, Heres an easy test that you could do just to write off any Bluetooth issues, if you have a wired keyboard and mouse just hook them in and see if it’s still choppy via that. I think @WizeMan had a similar issue with his wireless keyboard and mouse and he resolved it by moving he’s combo card to a different pcie slot (Pcie Lane conflicts). Now I’ve tagged him on this post he will see it and chime in on he’s issue and fix when he sees this. BTW, Nice setup brother, I especially like your Dual Monitors. That’s awesome stuff....
    1 point
  33. MSI does the RX560 in SFF https://www.msi.com/Graphics-card/Radeon-RX-560-4GT-LP-OC that is the only option i am aware of. it is much better than any kepler
    1 point
  34. Im doing all the power scaling for usb via the kext itself So no need for usbx and You don’t need SSDT EC on the Z390 master or pro. If it did the system wouldn’t boot fella. I don’t know why you have glitchy wiresless happening but have you tried moving the combo card to a different slot? the bottom 2 slots work the best with a combo card. Also if your using a fermi T919 or any other fermi card then these cards cause untold trouble as I’ve seen time and time and time again.
    1 point
  35. @fastfwd Sorry. I didn't saw before. I fixed a lot of errors in your config.plist. The SMBIOS previously in your config maybe wrong. I think Kaby Lake processor need to be iMac18,1 with iGPU and iMac18,3 with dGPU. Try this and tell me: config.plist
    1 point
  36. Hi everyone,I have run into a frustrating problem here.My hardware:MSI x399 Meg Creation2990WX64GB ram @2933MhzRadeon 7Sata: Samsung 130GB SSDM.2: Samsung 970 Pro 1TB(latest firmware)Using OpenCore 0.5.6(NVMeFix NVMeDxe installed)I have successful installed OSX catalina onto my 130GB. It works flawlessly.and then I figure I should do it on my M.2 drive. It installs flawlessly, at the last stage of installation, it naturally restart and thats it.I can not boot into this newly installed OS on the M.2 drive. it keeps throwing: "error loading kernel cache 0x1"I have tried deleting the prelinkedkernel from recovery partition. Tried rebuilding cache(I have not installed any kext into L/E).All this time, I can use the same boot USB to boot into catalina on my sata 130Gb SSD working just fine. attached is my EFI folder. I have tried all the suggested SMBios iMacPro1,1 MacPro6,1 MacPro7,1 is this ruled out that samsung 970Pro doesnt work? Please help. EFI.zip
    1 point
  37. Do you currently need SSDT-AWAC to boot? It looks like you're on a patched BIOS but not sure the version numbers on C422. If you do need SSDT-AWAC, you can just use the find-replace patch. Or, disable SSDT-AWAC and use the SSDT-RTC0-Range.aml (Remove the RTC scope). Scope (RTC) { Method (_STA, 0, NotSerialized) // _STA: Status { If (_OSI ("Darwin")) { Return (Zero) } Else { Return (0x0F) } } } You don't need the find-replace patch with this.
    1 point
  38. Yeah it’s nice OS. But you know where Apple is going with it. iPad Os separated from iOS and now Big Sur getting similar look. I just hope they’ll make some cheaper macbook or Mac mini with that Arm cpu.
    1 point
  39. For sure! I’ll send it tomorrow night, I’m not home currently.
    1 point
  40. Finally updated to 10.15.5 last night, and it went fine. I made sure to update to latest Clover (now r5119) and any kexts first. Apple combined the supplemental update into the point release, so it's just one step now for a full update if you are coming from 10.15.4 or lower. A good number of our kexts have been updated since @golimpio posted his EFI folder. I don't know if any of them are important updates for us, but here is a list of the ones that have new versions: AppleALC.kext Lilu.kext VoodooI2C.kext VoodooI2CHID.kext VoodooPS2Controller.kext WhateverGreen.kext As well as the SMC package (VirtualSMC.kext and associated SMC kexts)
    1 point
  41. No, for Catalina. Bir Sur or is 10.16 or 11.0
    1 point
  42. Pre-read: [Beginner's Guide] Fix Keyboard Hot keys / Functional Keys [Guide] Patching DSDT/SSDT for LAPTOP backlight control Abstract: At first, thanks to Rehabman's amazing VoodooPS2Keyboard and the guide. This instruction is for mapping function keys like screenshot, mission control, or video mirror without the need for SysPref. Since the adb codes of these function keys are unknown, we can't directly map the function we want to the hotkey. The basic idea is to map the combination of keys to the hotkey so that the hotkey can trigger the desired function. For example, we can map Shift+Command+4 to screenshot hotkey, and Shift+Up Arrow to the mission control hotkey. 1. Find the EC Queries or GPE methods that control the hotkey event The instructions listed in Pre-read part have already shown the instruction step by step. Generally, you need to apply "Add DSDT Debug Methods" and "Instrument EC Queries" Patch (EC Queries scenario) or manually patch your GPE method (GPE scenario) to find the corresponding methods that control the target hotkey. Take my laptop as an example, when I press down the hotkey, the device will call _L16 method, then ECLV() -> LEVN() -> LGPA(). And then in LGPA method I got multiple cases, so I patched them all to find the corresponding case. Case (0x10) { // Screenshot If ((^^WMIX.EV02 != Zero)) { Notify (WMIX, 0x86) // Device-Specific } If ((^^WMIE.EVTB != Zero)) { Notify (WMIE, 0x8B) // Device-Specific } } 2. Patch to send combination deadkey PS2 codes In order for future mapping, we need to patch these methods to send PS2 keys so that VoodooPS2Keyboard can recognize them. According to Rehabman's words at Remapping keyboard with VoodooPS2, 0x01xx: standard PS2 codes... make/break separate 0x02xx: extended PS2 codes (e0)... make/break separate 0x03xx: standard PS2 codes... make/break combined (eg. make and break are sent with only a single notify) 0x04xx: extended PS2 codes (e0)... make/break combined In this way, if we want a method to call two keys (key A and key B), we can let it first send 0x02xx of key A, and then send 0x02xx of key B, which means first make A key and then B key. Then we call 0x02xx of B key and 0x02xx of A key to break these keys. By doing this, the method can send the combination of two keys (key A & key B). In my case, I want my screenshot hotkey map to Shift+Command+4, so I prepare 3 deadkeys for this method. The patched code is like this: Case (0x10) { // Screenshot If (_OSI ("Darwin")) { Notify (PS2K, 0x0223) // Press Down e023 Notify (PS2K, 0x0225) // Press Down e025 Notify (PS2K, 0x0226) // Press Down e026 Notify (PS2K, 0x02A6) // Press Up e026 Notify (PS2K, 0x02A5) // Press Up e025 Notify (PS2K, 0x02A3) // Press Up e023 } If ((^^WMIX.EV02 != Zero)) { Notify (WMIX, 0x86) // Device-Specific } If ((^^WMIE.EVTB != Zero)) { Notify (WMIE, 0x8B) // Device-Specific } } NOTE 1: the break code should add 8 on the third digit of the make code. For example, the make code of e023 is 0x0223, then the break code of 0x0223 is 0x02(2+8)3=0x02A3. NOTE 2: ApplePS2ToADBMap.h is a great place to check PS2 extended deadkey like e023. 3. Map the deadkey PS2 key to adb code in VoodooPS2Keyboard The final step is to map the extended PS2 code to the adb code of the function shortcut. This can be done in a Name(RMCF) in SSDT or in info.plist of VoodooPS2Keyboard.kext. I prefer the SSDT way. Scope (_SB.PCI0.LPCB.PS2K) { If (_OSI ("Darwin")) { Name (RMCF, Package (0x02) { "Keyboard", Package (0x02) { "Custom ADB Map", Package (0x04) { Package (0x00){}, "e023=38", // e023=Shift "e025=37", // e025=Command "e026=15" // e026=4 } } }) } } NOTE: In my case, the adb code is different from what Rehabman provides in his repository. I find reliable ADB code map in /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/HIToolbox.framework/Versions/A/Headers/Events.h A quick glance of Events.h: kVK_Return = 0x24, kVK_Tab = 0x30, kVK_Space = 0x31, kVK_Delete = 0x33, kVK_Escape = 0x35, kVK_Command = 0x37, kVK_Shift = 0x38, kVK_CapsLock = 0x39, kVK_Option = 0x3A, kVK_Control = 0x3B, kVK_RightCommand = 0x36, kVK_RightShift = 0x3C, kVK_RightOption = 0x3D, kVK_RightControl = 0x3E, kVK_Function = 0x3F, By using the same method, we can map the video mirror key to Command+F1, mission control key to Control+Up Arrow... Limitation The limitation of this method is that we can't change keys in SysPref - Modifier Keys. macOS would change the adb code of the key according to the settings in SysPref - Modifier Keys. A workaround is that we can change the key by patching Name(RMCF) or info.plist in VoodooPS2Keyboard like Step 3. An example is SSDT-Swap-LeftControlCapsLock.dsl.
    1 point
  43. @fantomas, let me be crystal clear about it. AppleLife is not an unknown blog but one of the locations Acidanthera team and related people are located. It is a local Russian community, so if anything, the userbase is not intersecting in the first place. Yet, even if it was not, when team members post links to authorised instructions (e.g. my posts), you can treat it similar to github.com/acidanthera. If understanding all that you believe that links to developer resources are improper on insanelymac, we may have to cease all kind of interaction with insanelymac community.
    1 point
  44. this was on a site : the main difference is that "Big Sur" BaseSystem.dmg now is an APFS Installer volume (no more an HFS macOS Extended)another major change is that now prelinkedkernel is totally different, these are the paths for kext and kernel cache:/System/Library/KernelCollections/BootKernelExtensions.kc.development /System/Library/KernelCollections/BootKernelExtensions.kc
    1 point
  45. Big Sur is a well known place in California. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Sur
    1 point
  46. Thank you so much, but page shows 404.My computer is 6800k and asus x99 a ii.It work in clover but opencore never.You are the first one to show me hope.
    1 point
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