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10.5.1 is out, finally.


Today, Apple released Leopard 10.5.1, with the following notes:


The 10.5.1 Update is recommended for all users running Mac OS X Leopard and includes general operating system fixes that enhance the stability, compatibility and security of your Mac.


For detailed information on this update, please visit this website: http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=306907.

For detailed information on security updates, please visit this website: http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=61798.


It weighs in at 109MB for all Mac Architectures. This marks it as the first Universal update for Mac OS X.



On a personal note: when I try to repair permissions on my MBP, certain files now give me a: "Warning: SUID file <insert file here> has been modified and will not be repaired."

Note to news people: Btw, if mods aren't allowed to post in here, feel free to remove this. :P

Note 2: My first news story!

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Just installed via software update on a 20" iMac Intel Core Duo (Early 2006 Model). Works like a charm. :(


Going to see if the Spaces bug is fixed however, as it's not listed on the changelog, and it's a pretty serious bug.


Edit: Spaces bug doesn't happen at first tries. Will have to test over time I guess.

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Mine was 109mb it installed fine! I can now shutdown and reboot just fine but cant wake from sleep. I had to use moded kernel to get efi V4 to work but since update everything is perfect :(

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I find it funny that Apple has released an update to an OS that has been barely out for a month, while Apple produces adds that slam PC users and Microsoft.


Yet we are lead to believe that Leopard is this great running OS that everyone should use. With it's mulitiple problems and half assed production just to release Leopard.


I still love how easy it use to use but cmon, Apples' are just as prone to breakdowns as any PC and OS is.

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You should indeed be careful of the News Nazi's. Watch your back.


Note to news people: Btw, if mods aren't allowed to post in here, feel free to remove this. :P

Note 2: My first news story!

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I beg to differ, actually, some of Apple's .X releases are quite large in terms of what they add/fix.


10.4.8 comes to mind, as does the recent 10.4.11, which upgrades Safari to a stable 3.0.4...that was very unexpected for me.

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Installs fine on my P5B with netkas efi boot. No changes to kexts. XBench scores drop from 67 to 32 on hard disk test, otherwise performance same. CMware Fusion no longer starts and may need to be updated.


Installs on Dell 1505 / 6400 laptop w netkas efi boot, but need to revert to old AplleIntelIntegratedFramebuffer.kext or no video on GMA950.


cheers ...

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I find it funny that Apple has released an update to an OS that has been barely out for a month, while Apple produces adds that slam PC users and Microsoft.


Yet we are lead to believe that Leopard is this great running OS that everyone should use. With it's mulitiple problems and half assed production just to release Leopard.

Just about every OS X release gets a .x.1 update within weeks. Honestly I'd rather have apple doing smaller and more frequent updates instead of using the big service pack option.

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Anyone know if the update works on hackint0sh?


Working fine except my Natit.kext seems to have failed on me. QE is not supported anymore. In the process of trying to fix it now. I'm using PC_EFI v4 :P

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This is funny. Now I have no transparency in the menu bar... :P


Apple changed a few things I wish they had kept from the beta. Like the transparency in the menu bar, and the apple was a dark black. Little things I know but, WTF steve :P

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Working fine except my Natit.kext seems to have failed on me. QE is not supported anymore. In the process of trying to fix it now. I'm using PC_EFI v4 ;)


Question please :offtopic:


I patched the Apple Retail disk my self with the BrazilMac patch, and want to try to use PC EFI v4.


Is this the guide to follow :idea:http://www.digitmemo.com/articles/734/howt...-in-hackintosh/


Or is there a better one guide :idea:


Also is there any things to look out for or tips you could give me :idea:


Sorry if this is not the correct place to ask :(


Thanks in advance :D

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Well, no matter what kext I use (Natit or NatitX1800), Quartz Extreme will not work. Quite strange - it was working fine in 10.5.0 =/If anyone has anything that may help, please let me know. :offtopic:


@ Xosx86: That guide is fine. I used the guide that came in the zip file. What ever you use, as long as you enter in the ./startupfiletool /dev/rdiskXsX ./boot then you should be good to go. :(

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Well, no matter what kext I use (Natit or NatitX1800), Quartz Extreme will not work. Quite strange - it was working fine in 10.5.0 =/If anyone has anything that may help, please let me know. :idea:


@ Xosx86: That guide is fine. I used the guide that came in the zip file. What ever you use, as long as you enter in the ./startupfiletool /dev/rdiskXsX ./boot then you should be good to go. :offtopic:


Thanks Sabr for the quick reply :(

going to give it a go.


And yes we try to go more green everyday!!!

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