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3 More Get a Mac Adds!


Last night, Apple posted 3 new Get a Mac (also known as Mac vs. PC) ads. Two of the 3 ads focus on people's general attitude when it comes to Vista, and the fact that many people are actually downgrading to XP. The 3rd one focuses on the Mac's compatability and ease of use.


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They're quite funny!


It's odd, the Get A Mac advertising campaign didn't really work at all over here in the UK. Mitchell and Webb did them. Mac just seemed like a {censored}, so everyone sided with PC.

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Has anyone tried to get the videos to play on an iPod Touch or iPhone? I was able to get some of the other videos to play but these ones won't. Looks like I will have to wait until I get home...

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Very funny. But after seeing the 'mac' guy in the movie "Live Free or Die Hard" I see him in a whole different light.

Me too. Gosh I love the die hard series.

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Notice how, neither of the ads actually say anything about Mac or Apple...Heck even Leopard...Shouldn't they at least mention something like, 300 features....That's it is better or something... Because all they say is that XP is better than Vista...Okay...So where exactly does this become a ad for apple? Because the only message I am getting is XP is better...than Vista...And Leopard doesn't exist?

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Hah, I just got to watch them, that's funny.


Anyone else notice how they kinda promote XP in a way? LOL, in a weird twist, it could actually boost Windows XP sales. Talk about irony.

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PC got completely owned by Mac. Like he normally does, and he makes fun of himself alittle, but in these....it's just terrible. He makes himself look so bad. I think these are the best ones other than the Security one and the one with the counselor.

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Some people really miss the point of these ads, Mac is not degrading PC at all, PC is doing it all by himself and Mac feels sorry for him. Apple hit well with these ads, it's just a shame people dont get it and Windows users go on the defensive about it, which is shown in the ads.


Apple can take pot shots at Windows and PC's because they are the dominating platform, the ads target weak points about PC's/Windows which are true, unlike Microsoft which have to FUD the competition rather than use "Facts". Ironically the same so called facts Microsoft used to FUD the competition ended up biting them in the arse, thats not happening with Apple because what they say ring true to PC/Windows owners.

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Some people really miss the point of these ads, Mac is not degrading PC at all, PC is doing it all by himself and Mac feels sorry for him. Apple hit well with these ads, it's just a shame people dont get it and Windows users go on the defensive about it, which is shown in the ads.


Apple can take pot shots at Windows and PC's because they are the dominating platform, the ads target weak points about PC's/Windows which are true, unlike Microsoft which have to FUD the competition rather than use "Facts". Ironically the same so called facts Microsoft used to FUD the competition ended up biting them in the arse, thats not happening with Apple because what they say ring true to PC/Windows owners.


According to Dictionary.com


Personal Computer - A computer built around a microprocessor for use by an individual, as in an office or at home or school.


Hmmm....but isn't a mac also built around a microprocessor for use by an individual, as in an office or at home or school?




So a PC is only a Mac if it has Mac OSX on it....


What if I download and put Mac OSX on my Windows Computer? Do I technically own a Mac?


Too be honest, these flame wars are getting rather lame, or down right retarded...


You guys keep saying that Macs are great....Even though without Mac OSX, the mac is just a PC... Wow, that is like those retarded people that think their Dell monitor is the computer...


Seriously guys, are acting like freakin idiots...


Do Windows users go around and say Windows is better than a PC...NO! AND YOU KNOW WHY?!?! BECAUSE IT IS TWO FREAKIN' DIFFERENT THINGS!





WHEN YOU SAY MAC IS BETTER THAN A PC, all you are literally say is that...


A system with an apple logo is better than a system with...other logos(ex. dell)

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commercials are meant to interest, or inform someone into buying something.


the whole lot of these advertisements are like people jerking off to an image of themselves in a mirror.

they seem like inside jokes for apple users. the few times i've been with others and seen one of these ads

on T.V. no enthusiasm was generated, cause people have learned to blank out wisecracks in commercials.


just show the desktop in action. people are interested in actual information, and visuals. billions of people

still don't know what OS X looks like , or how it works.


it's crazy how much money they are wasting on these amusing pieces of {censored}.

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:-) lol! i am one of them who downgraded from Vista to XP. Now 10.4.10 is my primary OS>

Maybe if you install Leopard you will downgrade to Tiger...


I could not downgrade to XP beacause lack of drivers :)

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Haha, like people actually do that.


I have both Leopard and Tiger installed. They each run the same, and I still perfer Tiger over Leopard, so...


Yes, like people actually do do that.

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I think all these Mac ads are rather white-centered...

Look there is only on ad where there is a black guy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rolx3HQbs74 "Computer Cart" and here he plays the role of an "error"

Heck, basically there is no other variation of races besides white from there on..

Just white, white, and more white people...


Soooooo.....Mac is a white man's computer?

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According to Dictionary.com

Hmmm....but isn't a mac also built around a microprocessor for use by an individual, as in an office or at home or school?


So a PC is only a Mac if it has Mac OSX on it....

What if I download and put Mac OSX on my Windows Computer? Do I technically own a Mac?

Too be honest, these flame wars are getting rather lame, or down right retarded...

You guys keep saying that Macs are great....Even though without Mac OSX, the mac is just a PC... Wow, that is like those retarded people that think their Dell monitor is the computer...

Seriously guys, are acting like freakin idiots...

Do Windows users go around and say Windows is better than a PC...NO! AND YOU KNOW WHY?!?! BECAUSE IT IS TWO FREAKIN' DIFFERENT THINGS!



WHEN YOU SAY MAC IS BETTER THAN A PC, all you are literally say is that...

A system with an apple logo is better than a system with...other logos(ex. dell)


Dude, what are you like 12 years old?


People often refer to a computer running windows as a PC. This does not mean they are calling it a personal computer based around a microprocessor, blah blah blah. It just means windows-running computer (99% of the time).


People refer to a Mac as a computer that Apple Inc. manufactures. If you had a MacBook, and just ran windows on it, it would still be a Mac.


If you run OSX on a computer that Apple Inc. do not manufacture, then that is a PC running OSX.


When we say Macs are better than PCs we mean computers manufactured by Apple Inc. are the best on the market, and are better (for a variety of reasons) than another computer running Windows.


I don't know why I feel the need to educate people...

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