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There is a new Kalyway 10.5.2 DVD that is now available for download. The new DVD features a lot more fixes, drivers, and kernels.


Intel 10.5.2 Patches

cpus=1 flag



PowerManagement_bundle (don't install it if you have select sse2 patch !!!)


USBPCGen (fix usbehci detection problem , enable usb2)


AMD 10.5.2 Patches



legacy flag








kabylkernel--(intel/sse3) with sleep support










There are way too many to list here, but you can find the entire list in the description. You can find the download on the bay or on the "stone that is no longer in one piece." :unsure: Enjoy!

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Great news Numbness. I can't wait to try it.


Any idea if there is better support for GMA950 as many have been crying out for?

Seems it's still the same old Tiger GMA950 kext and so has the same problems.


Also need this damn USB problem fixed.



md5 seems to be for (Kalyway_10.5.2_DVD_Intel_Amd.iso) = e03af401cc9e0baab1401199170ddf99

3,927,363,584 bytes (3.66GB) done by muitommy, confirmed by AndreaGalileo.


I don't have the DVD yet so if the md5 is wrong then please let me know so I can make the changes.

what does "cpus=1 flag" mean? by default it will do this command or what?


I would agree that making that default in both the boot.plist file and in the setup process it would cut down on like 50% of the threads posted lol.


I was about to post the same! does that means its enabled by default? wth?







ATYinject for 19xx series










ATI_Radeon_HD_2600_Pro_AGP (this one no need for natit and white menufix)

ATI_Radeon_HD_2600_XT_AGP (this one no need for natit and white menufix)


I guess radeon 7500 is not supported =(

I'm on ThinkPad T42

Million-dollar answer: No customization at all in finder! I didn't like it too in the previous release but he had made a "Defaults" installer for it.

But it's all looking great now, everything works fine in my laptop, but I don't know which kernel is the best for me.

I have an Intel Core Duo @ 1.66GHz (T2300), Intel 945G Chipset (with GMA950 graphics), Realtek HD Audio ACL880 and 1GB RAM, PS2 trackpad and keyboard working fine after lots of reboots, I'm using a USB mouse as well.

I'm using the ToH 9.2.0 Speedstep Kernel right now but it also boots fine with the 9.2.2 Vanilla Kernel (choosing it at boot time), how can I change the default kernel without reinstalling?

The only major issue I'm having is that if I shutdown the laptop it will not power on again unless I open it's back and reset the BIOS taking out the battery plug! Restart works fine, I also had the shut down issue with Kalyway 10.5.1 and Leo4Allv2!



one of my main gripes with these dvd releases is included craplets or the "about this mac" apple graphic is altered or changed.


can anyone confirm or deny this with this dvd?


Why cant someone just release a simple straight forward "this is all you need dvd i wont mess up the aesthetics of anything else with stupid crapware you will probably never use, and wont mess up the sexy look of the default OS X appearance"

one of my main gripes with these dvd releases is included craplets or the "about this mac" apple graphic is altered or changed.


can anyone confirm or deny this with this dvd?


Why cant someone just release a simple straight forward "this is all you need dvd i wont mess up the aesthetics of anything else with stupid crapware you will probably never use, and wont mess up the sexy look of the default OS X appearance"


Well when someone takes the time to make a release like this, I am sure they want to leave a small mark somewhere that points you to them. Yes, a completely changed GUI is really annoying, but unless you plan on pretending you have real mac, a small logo (on a rarely seen window) shouldn't bother anyone.

the size of this DVD is 3.6GB and the release was 4.8.08. the speed right now 185kb/s, Iam at 93% right now. I will give it a try tonight! what I hope to have is a full Leopard DVD with everything, I do have the full real Leopard DVD 6.6GB, I use it just for extra stuff.

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