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A new and promising shell alternative, entitled Cairo, has been under development now for quite some time. Cairo started as a small Samurize project, abandoned after the developer, Michael, realized the limitations of Samurize as a base for the shell. The project then moved from Samurize to DesktopX, then finally on to C#. More on the history of Cairo can be read on the project’s site.




Full article on Aqua-Soft.





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Think i will stick with aqua....;)

though you can find great stuff Here for modding your XP + Vista boxes...;)

and edit your post.. the images are too big.. upload to photo-bucket or image-shack or something.

not good for people on a tight bandwidth... then again, why be here? the OSx86 is like 4GB lol


Think Mark

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None of the stuff there is a complete, feature rich shell replacement for Windows Vista or Windows XP. Which is what Cairo is.


I'm actually really excited for this to be released when it's feature complete and stable. It may just be the rejuvenation I need for my Windows XP box... Provided it runs smoothly and with a relatively small footprint.

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@Killa Clide: Yes, I post there as well. Although far and few in-between. "NSS Majin Buu" is my username there. Yes, it's a corny username, sue me... :P


@ThinkMark: Flyakite is great and all, but it only does icon replacements, system file replacements. Not entire shell UI replacement. That's what really separates Cairo from everything else we've seen for GUI enhancement's on Windows.


@Meowy: I didn't realize you were part of the team. That's simply amazing, and I can't tell you how much I would love to try an alpha build of the shell.

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@Meowy: I didn't realize you were part of the team. That's simply amazing, and I can't tell you how much I would love to try an alpha build of the shell.

When the release is closer we will be deciding on how we will be picking alpha testers. We had a target of 6 weeks announced on December 30 2007, so we will be starting that soon if all goes well.

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Who said anything about Vista? I assumed you were saying Cairo was bloated and that was what my response was based off of.


Please learn english.


please chill out and learn better english


so how does this work? How does it replace the explorer shell without modifying system files? I'm assuming it doesn't run on top of explorer...

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