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Post your Clover boot.log (found in /Library/Logs/CloverEFI or the output of bdmesg in terminal).


Maybe Clover is reading the wrong config.plist eg you have installed Clover in more than one place?  You can also try resetting your NVRAM in terminal:

sudo rm /nvram.plist
sudo nvram -c

The boot.log should show which config.plist is being used eg for my desktop....

Using OEM config.plist at path: EFI\CLOVER\OEM\P55A-UD3\config.plist

and whether it finds the default boot volume...

thank you !!
was having a conflict of config.plist
one in the EFI partition and another in the root system


Now everything is resolved, automatic assembly of the EFI partition does not work
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thank you !!
was having a conflict of config.plist
one in the EFI partition and another in the root system


Now everything is resolved, automatic assembly of the EFI partition does not work


Mount EFI in RT Variables is long time obsolete, see chris1111 post 6832 above, mount EFI is actioned  thru the Clover Prefpane which write to to your nvram.

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Hi @RN95,


Check the syntax/formatting of your config.plist file - maybe there is an error there somewhere.


Clover injects MLB from either RtVariables/MLB or SMBIOS/BoardSerialNumber but I would recommend injecting the MLB string from RtVariables and deleting BoardSerialNumber in SMBIOS to avoid conflicts:


Since our XPS M1530 don't have real NVRAM, I wouldn't recommend disabling the RC scripts since the NVRAM.plist file is needed for proper function of iMessage/Facetime (from your bootlog, this plist is located on the root of your Yos volume).  You can try resetting the NVRAM using terminal:

sudo rm /nvram.plist
sudo nvram -c

Good Luck!

Hi Fusion,


Thank you for your input on the above issue and the relentless and dedicated support you have been providing us. I have tried the above suggestions already but in vain. 


Even though the MLB is correct in both SMBios and Rtvariables sections, the NVRAM.plist gets updated on "Shutdown" with an MLB value different from the one in the config.plist. 


What bugs me is where is the shutdown script getting this value from? is it cashed?


I was hoping that Slice could answer that.


Thanks anyway

Best regards


P.S. Could it be related to the fact that I am using an MBR disk with no EFI partition. Clover is booting from an EFI folder in the   root of the boot disk.

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I'm pretty sure the problem isn't related to your MBR install vs GPT/EFI (Clover should work in both cases).


Maybe Clover is reading the wrong config.plist file or NVRAM.plist?  Have you installed Clover on both your Yosemite and Mavericks partitions?  Do you have more than one /EFI/Clover folder?


Try booting with a single partition, FAT32 & MBR formatted Clover USB and run imessage_debug ---> MLB value should be the one injected by the config.plist on the USB.


Clover's rc shutdown script only records changes to NVRAM variables between boots, not over-ride your config.plist values.  You can test by resetting your NVRAM, then disabling/renaming the file 80.save_nvram_plist.local (hidden in /private/etc/rc.shotdown.d) to 80.save_nvram_plist.local.disabled.



Glad to hear you've solved your problem :).


Still don't know how you ended up with an 18 character MLB in the first place :blink:.

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I'm pretty sure the problem isn't related to your MBR install vs GPT/EFI (Clover should work in both cases).





Thanks again for your response.


I have tried to hide all EFI folders on the mac partition. I have even rename the 80.save_nvram_plist.local script file so as not to overwrite it at shutdown. This was quite tricky as I had to boot into Mavericks, edit the file (removing the MLB/ROM sections) then rebooted into Yosemite. It still recreated the NVRAM with the unwanted MLB string. It is as if there was an invisible EFI partition/Folder.


It must be cashed somewhere.


The reason I suspected the MBR install is that I read that on UEFI systems (I have a haswell based PC which works perfectly with iMessage) clover does not bother with overwriting the NVRAM. In fact I have checked it and the nvram.plist file does not contain MLB and ROM values.


All in all it seems to ignore the config.plist values and gives priority to the NVRAM values. 


Is it possible to manually inject the ROM/MLB values before shutting down?



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Slice, the recent sourceforge clover build has the following bugs and problems:


- If I boot in non verbose mode, fakesmc is not loaded. If I boot in verbose mode, it is loaded.


- Sometimes, my in kext placed voodoohda will not load, sometimes it will load.


- I use the boot in which I can press 1-6 for a specific boot loader. If it loads the default nr. 6, "5" will be written now. 5 != 6  . Also the delay could be a lot shorter.


- I am booting from one SATA drive, but clover will be used on another drive. Maybe this is because of wrong(?), boot1 blocks, or the bios is too old to support it (no GPT support I guess).   But the problem is, there is no indication in clover, from which drive clover + config was started. Please add such a message.


- The new blue background is ugly.


Please fix, thanks for this great loader.

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Make full DarwinDumper report (without BIOS to reduce size) for us to see what about you.


@ Slice, @Fusion71au,


Thank you for your interest in my issue. However I think I found a workaround:

Please note that this is valid for an MBR Based system with Legacy (Non UEFI Bios).


Lessons learnt:

1- The culprit RC script is "80.save_nvram_plist.local" which insists on saving the NVRAM.plist file at each shutdown (not boot up).

     Note that there is a function which checks :"# Check if user requested to not save nvram"

     but this option does not seem to exist in t Configurator.


     @Slice : can one request not to save NVRAM in config.plist?


2- When I said in a previous post that I "renamed" the above script, I only put an "under-score" before the file name. That did not prevent the script from running.


3- NVRAM.PLIST MLB value seems to override the one in Config.plist.


The Workaround consisted of:


a - deleting the "80.save_nvram_plist.local" from /etc/rc.shutdown.d/ completely

b - Delete nvram.plist file from root directory

c - Reboot

d - Presto: the config.plist MLB values are injected. 

e - iMessage, FaceTime are now working.


I copied "80.save_nvram_plist.local" back and, although it creates a new nvram.plist file on shutdown, it does not affect my MLB anymore.


Hope this is helpful.


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Slice, the recent sourceforge clover build has the following bugs and problems:


- The new blue background is ugly.


The blue background is because the installer deletes previously installed themes. In my case I had bootcamp set as my Clover theme and this was wiped by the update to r3202. So when it tried to draw the theme it ends up half-drawing the embedded theme instead, causing the blue background. I just copied the bootcamp theme back into my EFI folder from the backup made by the Clover installer and everything was back to normal again.

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Hi Slice do you please when you have time to  check Typo description in the Installer distribution


All theme as  _title  


Thanks  :) 



yes, I see.

The titile and descriptions for every themes must be written into installer scripts and into language translation files. I can add in english and in russian for current set of themes but the problem is much more compex. We should somehow includes theme description from theme folder and may be propose translations if accessible.

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Is anyone else seeing this issue during their build of the latest clover using CLoverGrower Pro?  I am still able to build the latest release but not sure if their is a simple fix for this?  Also should I choose SVN or Github during the sh configuration stages?


Do I need to upgrade or is this a source forge svn issue?





Cloverx64 release OK


Clover Grower Complete Build process took 1m25s to complete...


Type 'm' To make Clover_v2_r3202.pkg...


cd to /Users/osxfr33k/CloverGrowerPro/edk2/Clover/CloverPackage and run ./makepkg.

svn: E155036: Working copy '/Users/osxfr33k/CloverGrowerPro/edk2/Clover/CloverPackage' is too old (format 9, created by Subversion 1.5)

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I don't see problems.

Last login: Mon Apr 27 07:42:10 on console
iMac-Droplets:~ droplets$ cloverpro -u
Checking for new version of CloverGrowerPro...
Current branch master is up to date.
*              Good Morning                *
*     Welcome To CloverGrowerPro v5.0      *
*           This script by JrCs            *
*        Original script by STLVNUB        *
* Clover Credits: Slice, dmazar and others *
running 'CloverGrowerPro.sh' on 'Mavericks'
Work Folder: /Users/droplets/CloverGrowerPro
Available  : 84348 MB
Clover Update Detected !
******** Clover Package STATS **********
*       local  revision at 3194        *
*       remote revision at 3202        *
*       Package Built   =  No          *
Getting SVN Source, Hang ten…
    Checked, Updates found...
    Auto Updating edk2 From 17120 to 17200 ...
 Building process complete!
 Build info.
  Package name: Clover_v2.3k_r3202.pkg
  MD5:          4905d34421bb81b5795da3b85f231b2b
  Version:      v2.3k
  Stage:        v2.3k
  Date/Time:    2015-04-27 07:48:18
  Built by:     droplets
  Copyright     2012-2014
  adding: Clover_v2.3k_r3202.pkg (deflated 0%)
  adding: Clover_v2.3k_r3202.pkg.md5 (stored 0%)
open builtPKG
Good Morning  .
Ejecting RAM disk
"disk1" unmounted.
"disk1" ejected.
iMac-Droplets:~ droplets$ 
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Well I am able to complete the build.  I also chose to be Asked to create the modules "m"  It does not look like you chose that way and to auto make so maybe that message does not show up on yours?  Are you on 10.10.3 with the latest xcode which probably does not matter as this is a SVN version message.  I believe this is their end not mine, because I am running JRc script and did a fresh install.  What advantage is it using SVN versus Github?  You can choose either/or during the sh configuration.






Figured it out not sure why though?   I am guessing I have been upgrading my 10.10x up to 10.10.3, only 10.10.0 was a clean install.  I had svn client v1.5.5 installed so maybe the svn was not updating properly from the OS X upgrades not sure what the reason is, but I updated to 1.8x and ran another clean install of CloverGrower Pro.  The svn message is no longer there.


My fix:





Just not sure if these error: (null) messages are normal or not?

Generating BootSectors
[NASM] boot0af.s -> /Users/osxfr33k/CloverGrowerPro/edk2/Clover/CloverPackage/CloverV2/BootSectors/boot0af
[NASM] boot0ss.s -> /Users/osxfr33k/CloverGrowerPro/edk2/Clover/CloverPackage/CloverV2/BootSectors/boot0ss
[NASM] boot1h.s -> /Users/osxfr33k/CloverGrowerPro/edk2/Clover/CloverPackage/CloverV2/BootSectors/boot1h
[NASM] boot1h2.s -> /Users/osxfr33k/CloverGrowerPro/edk2/Clover/CloverPackage/CloverV2/BootSectors/boot1h2
[NASM] boot1f32.s -> /Users/osxfr33k/CloverGrowerPro/edk2/Clover/CloverPackage/CloverV2/BootSectors/boot1f32
[NASM] boot1f32alt.s -> /Users/osxfr33k/CloverGrowerPro/edk2/Clover/CloverPackage/CloverV2/BootSectors/boot1f32alt
[NASM] boot1x.s -> /Users/osxfr33k/CloverGrowerPro/edk2/Clover/CloverPackage/CloverV2/BootSectors/boot1x
[NASM] boot1xalt.s -> /Users/osxfr33k/CloverGrowerPro/edk2/Clover/CloverPackage/CloverV2/BootSectors/boot1xalt
Description.txt -> /Users/osxfr33k/CloverGrowerPro/edk2/Clover/CloverPackage/CloverV2/BootSectors/Description.txt
Installation.txt -> /Users/osxfr33k/CloverGrowerPro/edk2/Clover/CloverPackage/CloverV2/BootSectors/Installation.txt
Cloverx64 release OK

Clover Grower Complete Build process took 1m17s to complete...

Type 'm' To make Clover_v2_r3202.pkg...
cd to /Users/osxfr33k/CloverGrowerPro/edk2/Clover/CloverPackage and run ./makepkg.

========= Translating Resources ========
Updating 'en' strings file for CloverUpdater... done
Updating 'en' strings file for Clover Preference Panel... done
Updating strings file for Clover Preference Panel... done
 (180 entries)
Discard ../sym/Resources/Clover/Resources/sv.lproj/Welcome.html (0 of 10 strings; only 0% translated; need 80%).
Discard ../sym/Resources/Clover/Resources/sv.lproj/Description.html (0 of 29 strings; only 0% translated; need 80%).
Discard ../sym/Resources/Clover/Resources/sv.lproj/Conclusion.html (0 of 4 strings; only 0% translated; need 80%).
Discard ../sym/Resources/Clover/Resources/sv.lproj/Localizable.strings (0 of 90 strings; only 0% translated; need 74%).
Discard ../CloverUpdater/src/sv.lproj/CloverUpdater.strings (0 of 12 strings; only 0% translated; need 74%).
Discard ../CloverPrefpane/src/sv.lproj/CloverPrefpane.strings (0 of 39 strings; only 0% translated; need 74%).
Discard ../CloverPrefpane/src/sv.lproj/Localizable.strings (0 of 10 strings; only 0% translated; need 74%).
Discard ../sym/Resources/Clover/Resources/tr.lproj/Description.html (22 of 29 strings; only 75.86% translated; need 80%).

Building CloverUpdater application...
2015-04-27 00:38:38.996 xcodebuild[96540:460246] error: (null)
Building CloverPrefpane preference...
2015-04-27 00:38:44.278 xcodebuild[96624:460594] error: (null)
================= Making all in fdisk440 =================
	[MKDIR] /Users/osxfr33k/CloverGrowerPro/edk2/Clover/CloverPackage/sym/build/fdisk440
	[CC32] auto.c
	[CC32] cmd.c
	[CC32] disk.c
	[CC32] fdisk.c
	[CC32] getrawpartition.c
	[CC32] mbr.c
	[CC32] misc.c
	[CC32] opendev.c
	[CC32] part.c
	[CC32] user.c
	[CC64] auto.c
	[CC64] cmd.c
	[CC64] disk.c
	[CC64] fdisk.c
	[CC64] getrawpartition.c
	[CC64] mbr.c
	[CC64] misc.c
	[CC64] opendev.c
	[CC64] part.c
	[CC64] user.c
	[LD32] fdisk440_32
	[LD64] fdisk440_64
	[LIPO] /Users/osxfr33k/CloverGrowerPro/edk2/Clover/CloverPackage/sym/utils/fdisk440
================= Making all in boot1-install =================
	[XCODE] boot1-install
2015-04-27 00:38:51.144 xcodebuild[96894:461158] error: (null)
================= Making all in partutil =================
	[XCODE] partutil
2015-04-27 00:38:52.087 xcodebuild[96926:461270] error: (null)
================= Making all in bdmesg =================
	[XCODE] bdmesg
2015-04-27 00:38:52.776 xcodebuild[96950:461325] error: (null)
================= Making all in clover-genconfig =================
	[XCODE] clover-genconfig
2015-04-27 00:38:53.382 xcodebuild[96981:461389] error: (null)

  Building Clover Install Package

====================== Preinstall ======================
	[BUILD] Pre
===================== Installation =====================
	[BUILD] UEFI.only
================== Target ESP ==========================
	[BUILD] Target.ESP
=================== BiosBoot ===========================
	[BUILD] BiosBoot
===================== Utils ============================
	[BUILD] Utils
===================== EFI folder =======================
	[BUILD] EFIFolder
===================== BootLoaders ======================
	[BUILD] AltBoot
	[BUILD] bootNo
	[BUILD] boot0af
	[BUILD] boot0ss
====================== CloverEFI =======================
	[BUILD] cloverEFI.64.sata
======================== Themes ========================
	[BUILD] applestyle
	[BUILD] black_green
	[BUILD] bluemac
	[BUILD] bootcamp
	[BUILD] iclover
	[BUILD] magnifico
	[BUILD] metal
	[BUILD] mrengles
	[BUILD] orange
	[BUILD] os_box
	[BUILD] os_one
	[BUILD] Shield
	[BUILD] thinkpad
================= drivers64 mandatory ==================
	[BUILD] FSInject-64
===================== drivers64 ========================
	[BUILD] GrubISO9660-64
	[BUILD] GrubNTFS-64
	[BUILD] GrubUDF-64
	[BUILD] NvmExpressDxe-64
	[BUILD] Ps2MouseDxe-64
	[BUILD] UsbMouseDxe-64
	[BUILD] VBoxExt2-64
	[BUILD] VBoxExt4-64
	[BUILD] VBoxIso9600-64
	[BUILD] XhciDxe-64
=============== drivers64 UEFI mandatory ===============
	[BUILD] FSInject-64.UEFI
	[BUILD] OsxFatBinaryDrv-64.UEFI
	[BUILD] VBoxHfs-64.UEFI
=================== drivers64 UEFI =====================
	[BUILD] CsmVideoDxe-64
	[BUILD] DataHubDxe-64
	[BUILD] EmuVariableUefi-64
	[BUILD] OsxAptioFix2Drv-64
	[BUILD] OsxAptioFixDrv-64
	[BUILD] OsxLowMemFixDrv-64
	[BUILD] PartitionDxe-64
===================== RC Scripts =======================
	[BUILD] rc.scripts.on.target
	[BUILD] rc.scripts.on.all.volumes
	[BUILD] rc.scripts.core
================= Optional RC Scripts ==================
	[BUILD] disable_sleep_proxy_client
==================== Clover Prefpane ===================
	[BUILD] CloverPrefpane
================= Post =================
	[BUILD] Post

 Building process complete!

 Build info.
  Package name: Clover_v2.3k_r3202.pkg
  MD5:          31ba5da64f85271cfba85e16cf18de7f
  Version:      v2.3k
  Stage:        v2.3k
  Date/Time:    2015-04-27 00:37:20
  Built by:     osxfr33k
  Copyright     2012-2014

  adding: Clover_v2.3k_r3202.pkg (deflated 0%)
  adding: Clover_v2.3k_r3202.pkg.md5 (stored 0%)
open builtPKG
Good Night    .

Ejecting RAM disk
"disk2" unmounted.
"disk2" ejected.
osxfr33ksiMac3:CloverGrowerPro osxfr33k$ 



The svn client was downgraded because of some application I installed.   Still unclear of the Error: (null)

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New Clover updates (from 3185 up) does not boot my system. I updated to 3202 and before that to 3192 , but my system was unbootable. I must revert to 3185 in order to be able to boot again. Whats the problem ? Is it only by me , or ?

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Hi. im new here


and i cant start a new topic but i thought id go ahead and reply here.


Any info on Intel 750 pcie ssd and yosemite?


tried installing 10.10.4 and its still a no go as it cant detect the disk at all.


Figured it isnt even supported anywhere, and search resaults in this forum all lead to the intel 750 cpu ofc :)



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:ninja: Sergey


why my theme doesn't have more in istaller :blowup:


your theme is present in all previous versions of the installer as well as in theme repository.

It's time to take place for young artist.

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New Clover updates (from 3185 up) does not boot my system. I updated to 3202 and before that to 3192 , but my system was unbootable. I must revert to 3185 in order to be able to boot again. Whats the problem ? Is it only by me , or ?

Same thing here.  I have to use an older 'boot' file.  I can't remember which exact version I use.  After I install a new version of clover I copy over my working 'boot' file.

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Young artist?

Mhmm...so i am old man?  :lol:  :lol:

You are old friend!

Same thing here.  I have to use an older 'boot' file.  I can't remember which exact version I use.  After I install a new version of clover I copy over my working 'boot' file.

Yeah, it is legitimate operation. boot file contains drivers especially SATA drivers and you may use any version appropriate to you (3185, 2652, ...). Functionality will be the same.

But use most recent CloverX64.efi as well as others files from package..

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Sorry for the off-topic but i dont know where/how to ask you... Can you please upload your revised source of x86info. It used to be n projectosx but the site went down.


Thanks :)

These sources aren't perfect. Some developer should continue to improve them.


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