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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/20/2020 in Posts

  1. Here is a simple and effective method to get your ScanPolicy value: Let’s say your config has Windows (NTFS) & MacOS (APFS) on Sata & NVMe Drives, but you’d also like to scan your USB for OS Installation purpose. 1- Enter your Calculator in MacOS ( Programmer : CMD3 ) You’ll have this window. Without entering any numeric values, you just need to click on the desired binary value (in front of the red arrow) to switch it from 0 to 1 ( 0= False / 1=True ) By clicking on the desired values the big Hex value will appear: FSL + DL+ APFS+NTFS+SATA+SAS/Mac NVMe +NVMe+USB 0. + 1. + 8. + 11. + 16. + 17. + 19. + 21. ( Note that the ESP Value =0 so no EFI will be scanned.) By converting that HEX value to Decimal ( Any Hex Converter ) You’ll get 0x2B0903 -> 2820355 ( Your New Scan Policy ) Done !
    3 points
  2. Your log file shows a problem. The last line gives a clue: 112:671 00:654 OC: Plist Kexts\AppleMCEReporterDisabler\Contents\Info.plist is missing for kext AppleMCEReporterDisabler () And if you check your config.plist you will see the problem where you add that kext: <dict> <key>BundlePath</key> <string>AppleMCEReporterDisabler</string> <key>Enabled</key> <true/> <key>ExecutablePath</key> <string>Contents/MacOS/AppleMCEReporterDisabler.kext</string> <key>MaxKernel</key> <string></string> <key>MinKernel</key> <string></string> <key>PlistPath</key> <string>Contents/Info.plist</string> </dict> </plist> You have to check the name of that kext. The BundlePath is probably AppleMCEReporterDisabler.kext and the executable patch is probably: Contents/MacOS/AppleMCEReporterDisabler Also, your NVRAM section seems wrong as you have a Block 2 section within a Block section:
    2 points
  3. Yeah, that worked. It was not easy to compile it. I had to make a "Lilu.kext" folder with everything in Contents/Resources and there are two aliases where I had to move a folder and a file into Contents/Resources/Headers but then it compiled and made a Debug version of the kext. I'll be looking forward to a release version of 1.3.8 soon. Oh, here, if anyone else needs it: WhateverGreen-1.3.7-DEBUG.zip
    2 points
  4. i updated the github repo to Clover 5104 and updated kexts: Lilu, AppleALC, WEG and VoodooPS2 let me know if you need anything else.
    2 points
  5. OC forked https://github.com/n-d-k/OpenCorePkg. Additional features/changes: ============ [ Multi-Boot ] - ACPI patches and Booter Quirks are optional for non macOS with setting ACPI->Quirks->EnableForAll / Booter->Quirks->EnableForAll to yes (default is no). - SMBIOS and Device Properties patches will only applied to macOS. [ Hotkeys ] - Full functional Hotkeys [1-9] corresponding to Boot Entry's Index number and dedicated W (Windows) / X (macOS) keys can be used without seeing Boot Picker. - While in boot picker, F10 can use to take a snapshot of the screen. [ Ui Boot Picker ] - Bios Date/time, auto boot to the same OS or manual set to always boot one OS mode, and OC version are displayed in boot picker. - Auto boot to previous booted OS (if Misc->Security->AllowSetDefault is NO/false). - macOS Recovery/Tools Entries are hidden by default, use Spacebar/Mouse click right in Boot Menu as a toggle on/off to show/hide hidden entries. - Mouse supported. [ Custom Entries ] - Custom entries are now listed first in picker menu and by the orders they are appeared in Misc->Boot->Entries, before all other entries. - Ability to change entry name found by auto scanner by adding custom entry with the exact same device path, this will give users the option to complete change how all boot entries listed in Boot Picker. [ Others ] - No verbose apfs.efi driver loading (if using apfs.efi instead of ApfsDriverLoader.efi). - ndk-macbuild.tool script are set to compile with latest edk2 (One can easily set to stable edk2 if prefer). Usage: - To build OpenCore, run "./ndk-macbuild.tool" at Terminal (require Xcode and Xcode Command Line Tool installed, and open xcode to accept license agreement before compiling). 4k light theme 4k dark theme.
    1 point
  6. You must also update your config.plist. Many parametre places changed on v0.5.6. Update BOOT folder Update OpenCore.efi Update Drivers If you are using any Tools Update those too
    1 point
  7. Hi! Unfortunatelly, there's no guide with this subject. There's only guides teaching how to extract (from macOS + Clover = F4 key, and Windows - Google for it), to apply prebuilt specific patches you can use MaciASL + url patch links: Now, what the most users wants (maybe you also) is someone to teach, step by step how to create patches, to understand how to interpret ACPI infos and etc...but bad news, there's no one... The good news is, if you need a proper DSDT patched, you can contact @MaLd0n, he's the Master of DSDTs hehehe
    1 point
  8. Sorry What do you mean buddy? Oh hold on I see what your talking about now. both my threads got pinned, what did I do to deserve that then? that’s kinda cool
    1 point
  9. It is inherent in the behavior of the operator. Those CPUs have a special instruction specifically to do that, it is not very common because it is super expensive. No modern CPU has any instruction like this. The most optimized code for an increment would look like these, prefix: mov rax, [address_of_variable_to_increment] inc rax mov [address_of_variable_to_increment], rax postfix: mov rax, [address_of_variable_to_increment] mov rbx, rax inc rbx mov [address_of_variable_to_increment], rbx This is the MOST optimized that either of these operators could be, most likely there is other stuff in registers though so you need to use graph coloring algorithm to determine how to use the registers most efficiently. I've only ever seen the prefix operator come out this optimized. EDIT: I forgot you could do direct memory access, although I doubt the compiler is using these but this will actually make the postfix operator perform even worse compared to the prefix, prefix: inc [address_of_variable_to_increment] postfix still has to operate some way like above. EDIT2: Forgot, that those operators were created in B for convenience not C (C followed B's development at Bell Labs), the PDP-11 just easily supported these because of it's crazy complicated access modes, it didn't even exist yet when those operators were created. Dennis Ritchie even says so:
    1 point
  10. Try setting AppleXcpmCfgLock to true also if you didn't yet? Unless it only happens with this fork and not with regular opencore.
    1 point
  11. nmano I understand this part is not needed. Thanks.
    1 point
  12. Base: _cpuid_set_info Comment: FakeCPUID - Model 0xE (0x5E,0x3F SKL,Haswell), Count: 0 Enabled:No Find: LEAVE THIS EMPTY Still testing. Identifier: kernel Limit: 0 Mask: (LEAVE THIS EMPTY) MatchKernel: Replace: ReplaceMask: (LEAVE THIS EMPTY) Skip: 0 #2 Base: _cpuid_set_info Comment: FakeCPUID - Ext 0x5 (0x5E,0x3F SKL,Haswell), Count: 0 Enabled:No Find: LEAVE THIS EMPTY Still testing. Identifier: kernel Limit: 0 Mask: (LEAVE THIS EMPTY) MatchKernel: Replace: ReplaceMask: (LEAVE THIS EMPTY) Skip: 0
    1 point
  13. Thanks. I don’t understand about this part Base: _cpuid_set_info Comment: FakeCPUID - Model 0xE (0x5E,0x3F SKL,Haswell), Count: 0 Enabled: YES Find: 89C1C0E9 04FEC1 Identifier: kernel Limit: 0 Mask: (LEAVE THIS EMPTY) MatchKernel: Replace: ReplaceMask: (LEAVE THIS EMPTY) Skip: 0 #2 Base: _cpuid_set_info Comment: FakeCPUID - Ext 0x5 (0x5E,0x3F SKL,Haswell), Count: 0 Enabled: YES Find: 89C1C1E9 1089 Identifier: kernel Limit: 0 Mask: (LEAVE THIS EMPTY) MatchKernel: Replace: ReplaceMask: (LEAVE THIS EMPTY) Skip: 0
    1 point
  14. I am using now #Kernel->Emulate-> #FakeCPUID 0x050654 Skylake-X/Skylake-H 0x0406E3 Cpuid1Data <-> E3060400 00000000 00000000 00000000 Cpuid1Mask <-> FFFFFFFF 00000000 00000000 00000000 #FakeCPUID 0x0306F2 Haswell-E/Haswell 0x0306C3 Cpuid1Data <-> C3060300 00000000 00000000 00000000 Cpuid1Mask <-> FFFFFFFF 00000000 00000000 00000000  #FakeCPUID 0x040674 Broadwell-E/Broadwell 0x0306D4 Cpuid1Data <-> D4060300 00000000 00000000 00000000 Cpuid1Mask <-> FFFFFFFF 00000000 00000000 00000000 But I try Pikes https://pikeralpha.wordpress.com/2016/07/26/xcpm-for-unsupported-processor/ kernel location 0x1fb451 (0xE9 in DP2/DP3/DP4, 0xF1 in DP1) _cpuid_set_info // // Broadwell E (0x4F) -> Broadwell (0x47) => 0x4F-0x47 = 0x08 -> change 0xE9 into 0xE1 // Haswell E (0x3F) -> Haswell (0x3C) => 0x3F-0x3C = 0x03 -> change 0xE9 into 0xE6 // Ivy Bridge E (0x3E) -> Ivy Bridge (0x3A) => 0x3E-0x3A = 0x04 -> change 0xE9 into 0xE5 For Haswell 0xE9 into 0xE6 89C1C0E9 04FEC1 89C1C0E6 04FEC1 For Broadwell change 0xE9 into 0xE1 89C1C0E9 04FEC1 89C1C0E1 04FEC1
    1 point
  15. I have sleep disabled, if it doesn't work straight away I disable it, I shut down my hack before bed and it gets turned on after work or in the morning on weekends, the minimal power saving and component degradation of not having sleep isn't worth my time fixing IMHO
    1 point
  16. Do it the way you asked and your have zero problems buddy. last time I fresh booted macOS on my system I left my windows drive connected and it was fine and actually I’ve done a clean instal with windows and my macOS drive connected and again it was fine. just to be safe though do unplug the other OS drive when installing a fresh one. Always better to play it safe my friend.
    1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. Base: _cpuid_set_info Replase: ----- should be empty?
    1 point
  19. Thank you for your reply. I am writing this from my new hackintosh:) If anyone has the same problem, I made the USB through a VM and it might have caused problems. I used linux with internet recovery image and the installation had no trouble. Since you're here, it's only a small thing but still... The three finger swipe up/down doesn't seem to be working. The left/right three finger swipe works kind of ok. I don't know if it is related, but the touch click on touchpad doesn't work neither. I usually use a mouse so no big deal, I'm just curious and excited to find out more, or if I can patch it myself somehow, because so far it looks to be the only thing not working as it should. (honestly I don't even know if it should work, out of the box.
    1 point
  20. Yep this time the update failed... reboot 2 times and nothing...
    1 point
  21. XCPM Patches 10.15.3 Modify By N.Mano #1 Base: _cpuid_set_info Comment: FakeCPUID - Model 0xE (0x5E,0x3F SKL,Haswell), Count: 0 Enabled: YES Find: 89C1C0E9 04FEC1 Identifier: kernel Limit: 0 Mask: (LEAVE THIS EMPTY) MatchKernel: Replace: ReplaceMask: (LEAVE THIS EMPTY) Skip: 0 #2 Base: _cpuid_set_info Comment: FakeCPUID - Ext 0x5 (0x5E,0x3F SKL,Haswell), Count: 0 Enabled: YES Find: 89C1C1E9 1089 Identifier: kernel Limit: 0 Mask: (LEAVE THIS EMPTY) MatchKernel: Replace: ReplaceMask: (LEAVE THIS EMPTY) Skip: 0 #3 Base: xcpm_core_scope_msrs Comment: xcpm_core_scope_msrs © Pike R. Alpha Count: 1 Enabled: YES Find: 31D2E857 D2FFFF Identifier: kernel Limit: 0 Mask: (LEAVE THIS EMPTY) MatchKernel: Replace: 31D29090 909090 ReplaceMask: (LEAVE THIS EMPTY) Skip: 0 #4 Base: xcpm_pkg_scope_msrs Comment: xcpm_pkg_scope_msrs © Pike R. Alpha Count: 0 Enabled: YES Find: 31D2E8CE 88FFFF Identifier: kernel Limit: 0 Mask: (LEAVE THIS EMPTY) MatchKernel: Replace: 31D29090 909090 ReplaceMask: (LEAVE THIS EMPTY) Skip: 0 #5 Base: _xcpm_SMT_scope_msrs #1 Comment: _xcpm_SMT_scope_msrs #1 (c) Pike R. Alpha Count: 0 Enabled: YES Find: BE060000 005DE908 000000 Identifier: kernel Limit: 0 Mask: (LEAVE THIS EMPTY) MatchKernel: Replace: BE060000 005DC390 909090 ReplaceMask: (LEAVE THIS EMPTY) Skip: 0 #6 Base: _xcpm_SMT_scope_msrs_2 Comment: _xcpm_SMT_scope_msrs_2 (c) Pike R. Alpha Count: 0 Enabled: YES Find: 31D2E83E 9AFFFF Identifier: kernel Limit: 0 Mask: (LEAVE THIS EMPTY) MatchKernel: Replace: 31D29090 909090 ReplaceMask: (LEAVE THIS EMPTY) Skip: 0 #7 Base: _xcpm_ performance Comment: _xcpm_ performance_patch © Pike R. Alpha Count: 0 Enabled: YES Find: 41C1E608 4963D689 D048C1EA 20 Identifier: kernel Limit: 0 Mask: (LEAVE THIS EMPTY) MatchKernel: Replace: 41C1E608 B800FF00 0031D290 90 ReplaceMask: (LEAVE THIS EMPTY) Skip: 0 #8 This patch not for X299 Base: xcpm_bootstrap Comment: xcpm_bootstrap_HASwell_E © Pike R. Alpha 10.13,10.14,10.15 Count: 0 Enabled: YES Find: 8D43C43C 227722 Identifier: kernel Limit: 0 Mask: (LEAVE THIS EMPTY) MatchKernel: Replace: 8D43C13C 227722 ReplaceMask: (LEAVE THIS EMPTY) Skip: 0 #9 Base: xcpm MSR Patch 4206 Comment:xcpm MSR Patch 4206 © Pike R. Alpha Count: 0 Enabled: YES Find: 42060000 DC330000 00000000 00000000 1F000000 00000000 18000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 Identifier: kernel Limit: 0 Mask: (LEAVE THIS EMPTY) MatchKernel: Replace: 42060000 00000000 00000000 00000000 1F000000 00000000 18000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ReplaceMask: (LEAVE THIS EMPTY) Skip: 0 #10 Base: xcpm E2 Patch Comment:C6/C7_If=E2-Enabled=0x7E000403 Count: 0 Enabled: YES Find: E2000000 4C000000 00000000 00000000 0F040000 00000000 0500001E Identifier: kernel Limit: 0 Mask: (LEAVE THIS EMPTY) MatchKernel: Replace: E2000000 4C000000 00000000 00000000 0F040000 00000000 0304007E ReplaceMask: (LEAVE THIS EMPTY) Skip: 0 #11 Base: xcpm 3A06 Patch Comment:SammlerG Sierra xcpm MSR Patch 3 / xcpm support Pike R. Alpha/0x82D390/MSR_PP0_POLICY 0x63a Count: 0 Enabled: YES Find: 3A060000 DC330000 00000000 00000000 1F Identifier: kernel Limit: 0 Mask: (LEAVE THIS EMPTY) MatchKernel: Replace: 3A060000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00 ReplaceMask: (LEAVE THIS EMPTY) Skip: 0
    1 point
  22. Thanks, I downloaded the Github repo, replaced the Clover build from your zip below and the update went fine
    1 point
  23. AFIAK only the Staff members and Donators can attach files in PM.
    1 point
  24. @MacNB Not sure why it's not working for you. I also have a similar config. Please see pictures below. (USB3 is only used for CCC backup) Did you modify your OcSimpleBootMenu.c ? If an Icon does not appear, it's usually because 2 volumes have the same name or a conflict happens between the names. Mac & Catalina in the same name for ex. You can differentiate them by renaming them Catalina & CATALINA ( Just an example ).Try to avoid using"Mac" for multiple volumes.
    1 point
  25. Oh, I see!!! I was wondering where could that come from. Cause I don't have this issue. And believe me, I would have noticed it! :)) And, just like the display flashing, it would have bothered me for sure! :)) Bit of an OCD on my side, I know... But what can you do? I like it when things look nice and work well.
    1 point
  26. Update for anyone reading this who may also be curious about the combo jack and headphone distortion fixes: The fix included in this tutorial/repo is great, but the install script that comes with it needs updating/re-writing. The scripting/wording in install.sh should be as follows: #!/bin/bash echo "This installer requires admin rights. Also make sure you don’t have Time Machine running or any usb stick inserted!" echo "IMPORTANT: Please remove any previous jack fixes manually before continuing. Also, remove CodecCommander.kext from your EFI kexts folder, and replace with the included VerbStub.kext." echo "Do you want to continue?" select yn in "Yes" "No"; do case $yn in Yes ) break;; No ) exit;; esac done echo "Installing local configuration" sudo cp ComboJack /usr/bin sudo chmod 755 /usr/bin/ComboJack sudo chown root:wheel /usr/bin/ComboJack sudo cp hda-verb /usr/bin sudo chmod 755 /usr/bin/hda-verb sudo chown root:wheel /usr/bin/hda-verb sudo cp com.XPS.ComboJack.plist /Library/LaunchAgents/ sudo chmod 644 /Library/LaunchAgents/com.XPS.ComboJack.plist sudo chown root:wheel /Library/LaunchAgents/com.XPS.ComboJack.plist sudo launchctl load /Library/LaunchAgents/com.XPS.ComboJack.plist sudo mkdir /usr/local/share/ sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/share/ sudo mkdir /usr/local/share/ComboJack/ sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/share/ComboJack/ sudo cp Headphone.icns /usr/local/share/ComboJack/ sudo chmod 644 /usr/local/share/ComboJack/Headphone.icns sudo cp l10n.json /usr/local/share/ComboJack/ sudo chmod 644 /usr/local/share/ComboJack/l10n.json echo echo "Please reboot! Also, it may be a good idea to turn off \"Use" echo "ambient noise reduction\" when using an input method other than" echo "the internal mic (meaning line-in, headset mic). As always: YMMV." echo echo "You can check to see if the watcher is working in the IORegistry:" echo "there should be a device named \"VerbStubUserClient\" attached to" echo "\"com_XPS_SetVerb\" somewhere within the \"HDEF\" entry's hierarchy." echo echo "Enjoy!" echo exit Essentially, I have removed any scripting that involved files or caches related to /S/L/E, since we don't generally use that type of configuration in this repo. I also added lines to create the /usr/local/share/ and /usr/local/share/ComboJack folders, as these lines were missing previously, resulting in some of the files not copying to their proper locations, and therefore the listener script was not working properly. *NOTE: I have not included scripting to automatically remove CodecCommander.kext or copy VerbStub.kext in the EFI kexts folder, because it is much safer for the user to do that manually themselves, and it is easy enough to do so. So, I added notes to remind the user to do so instead. Also, I realize that the bit about "remove previous jack fixes" is vague, but hopefully users can figure that out themselves. There are just too many variables to write a script that would satisfy all possible use case scenarios and configurations. *ALSO NOTE: I am not "officially" requesting that these changes be made to the repo, out of respect for any possible reasons why someone would argue against them. I am simply suggesting that these changes be reviewed in order to bring the install.sh script up to date with the way that the repo is structured. The old script was confusing and didn't work properly OOTB.
    1 point
  27. Thanks for pointing this out. I did a text search in the tutorial for things like hda-verb, combojack, etc before I posted, but nothing came up - now I realize it was because I didn't see that the additional fixes section was on its own page. My bad. Just glad to see I'm taking all the proper steps
    1 point
  28. Then communication training and behavioral therapy can help people with the syndrome learn to socialize more successfully. Good luck daughter.
    1 point
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