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Start Torrent Downloads from iPhones


Well, the title might be a bit misleading: the torrent file isn't downloaded to the iPhone itself, but rather on your computer. I really don't know how to explain it, so I'm going to use the good 'ol copy and paste function.


"My solution was to use Javascript to alter the torrent link to send its URL to my server for download rather than trying to open it. A PHP script on the server could then download that URL to the torrents folder. With both scripts in place, and the permissions of the torrents folder modified to allow Apache to write files, all I have to do is run the Javascript as a bookmarklet before clicking the torrent link, and click the link to download the torrent file. The modified link will pass this URL to the script to download it on the server."


And it works too!




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So very cool! This idea could easily be adapted to use your iPhone to initiate other downloads that are a simple URL. Me starting to think I *need* an iPhone. :)

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I still don't get it. Do you download it on the iPhone and have it sent to your computer? I can't be the only one befuddled by this.


The script tells the server to send the torrent file to your computer. You set Transmission to watch the download folder, so it opens the file and starts the torrent download.


It would probably be possible to initiate other downloads by modifying the script, but won't different file paths on the server mess it up? I thought that was the problem the author was talking about when he said that not all sites use standard torrent link addresses.

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So what exactly do you do on your iphone for this? I'm confused. Do you make the "bookmarklet" script thing a bookmark on your iphone?


And where do you put the php script on your mac?


The directions aren't exaclty n00b friendly. :rolleyes: Someone should post some super-easy instructions.

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OMFG I CAN TELL MY C0MPY TO DOWNLOADZOR MY PR0N 1337 IPHONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


How is this helpful? Start the download from home. Wow, you (the user) make people think you are sophisticated by flashing your phone and pushing all those buttons. You are really no one and are paying $70 a month for nothing. Just my ;)

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So bascially you can monitor your torrents downloaded from you computer?

Is there anyway i can start the download from my iphone?



i think that's the point - start torrents downloading on your computer from your iphone… i don't think it can monitor them

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