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Mac OS X Tiger 10.4.11 Almost Ready


For most of us, Leopard is released in under 48 hours. It seems as though Apple, as we speak, is putting finishing touches on Mac OS X Tiger 10.4.11. Mac OS X Update 10.4.11 build 8S2165, for Intel, and build 8S165 for PowerPC are said to be released as very soon. Both builds are said to have no known issues. Apple is reportedly asking its developers for a final round of feedback on critical components such as Safari, Automator, Dashboard widgets and Disk Images.

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I'm keeping Tiger for a few months. I've learned to never ever ever ever ever ever adopt an OS on the first day (Ubuntu 7.blech taught me that lesson)


I agree Plus there is not a OSX86 fully compatible Leopard yet

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I'm forced to keep Tiger as my main OS, at least for a while, since the people I work for needs full software compatibility. I'll play with Leo on a test installation though.

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I don't exactly see a need for 10.4.11...We've had enough trouble getting 10.4.10 to work...10.4.11 is gonna cause a disaster.


That's perhaps in some machines but in mine 10.4.10 is perfect! :(

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Arg I would love to see some fixes. I purchased leopard a few days after it was released for the lovely price of $69.99, and have been a bit frustrated that it has so many little bugs and stability issues. I love the OS, and think it was well worth the price I paid but I would love fixes.

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10.4.11 update just showed up on my software update. Going to try it on my hackintosh.KP even with single user boot.Gonna have to reinstall.Oh well, meaning to do that anyways.

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10.4.11 update just showed up on my software update. Going to try it on my hackintosh.KP even with single user boot.Gonna have to reinstall.Oh well, meaning to do that anyways.



Where? I couldn't see it in Apple Download...http://www.apple.com/downloads/macosx/apple/macosx_updates/

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10.4.11 update just showed up on my software update. Going to try it on my hackintosh.KP even with single user boot.Gonna have to reinstall.Oh well, meaning to do that anyways.


yeah, showed up for me as well. hesitant to jump right in considering the headache it was to get 10.4.10 running on my t43.


make a carbon copy clone and then i'll try...

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