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10.5.2 Not Out Yet, But it Fixes 130+ Bugs


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I agree with you agrafuese. Of course I and everbody else was so excited about Leopard, but I guess there would have been less excitement by the end of October if Apple had said they'd release 10.5 by Christmas. So, of course the people urged Apple to release it like promised and the other way round Apple would have lost credibility (it's all about the image of a company like Apple, think about the Apple stocks and how they rise and fall, so a delay could quickly resolve in a drop of the Apple stocks value) and therefore money! And as you said, Apple is also totally right concerning their beta test quote! Anyway it's way better to release a reliable and stable program than doing the opposite, which can result in even bigger losses than postponing a product (a good example is the XBOX360 fault rate - although it all seems to be more of a part of MS (long-time) strategy to increase/improve it's market position). But of course we all know that OS X is a good and reliable product despite the fact that Leopard may contain a huge number of bugs. In the end I remember a lot of users who wanted it as fast as possible whining about Leopard and the deception following when they finally had it installed! People (especially a great number of Apple users) never seem to be satisfied, but then worship Steve Jobs and everything from Apple Inc. like it was a religion!

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leopard was not unfinished !!!


not perfect, but not unfinished.


it's a catch22 , lot's of companies, don't push forward, to integrate, or even admit any problems,

because it's not available, there might be one view who actuall do work with the prerelease,

but coorporate side, is, most have no access, especially , since it's not released yet,....catch22,


so most of those bugs in leopard, are third party software related,... others, are hardware fixes,

do more extensive testing,...and fixing new stuff,...

one more, better support for new hardware, aka penryn processor, what has various size cache,

and couple more power saving features.


one thing, I've been waiting for , not seen any change

- graphics, aka quicktime, is useing cpu only for playback, where in windows it gets support,

as such, the cpu runs tilt, hotter, runs down battery, ....

- graphics, new radeons, and nvidia, have power saving features, to turn of vector units, not in use,

especially in notebooks, welcome, on dektops, still run full tilt,....powered

- NTFS file support, it's fundamental, since it's so prevalent, does not integrate well, if not available,

and I mean , read write,

- EXT3 linux file support, linux is huge, compared to mac osx,

- ZFS support,.....

now if mac osx leopard, can have access to the vast majority of filesystems, it will make great strides at that point,

until then, it will take another generation, to break the 0.5% mark

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^^ ditto on that, Cyman. 130+ bugs is a lot. Personally, I just hope they get Safari's DOM engine to run better. As of now, stuff like google maps, gmail, etc. are pretty crippled (hope that's not just me though). Oh, and I guess the new graphics updates will be nice too :)


Also, I can't help but notice that everyone commenting in this thread is an Intel user. Are you guys expecting little-to-no patching when the update drops? I don't think us AMD users are going to be so lucky, even with Marvin's utility and EFI :( Anyone care to comment?


The patching? If the final update is really that big, there's going to be issues unless one is running stock kernel and EFI. It's not just the AMD users that'll have issues--it's everyone who's running any patched kernel (including the SSE2-only systems and those of us who can't run Leo with EFI).

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DVD-RAM support,....


forgot that one,... such an great idea, such a horrible mess,....


one thing , apple was good, to implement postscript, pritty clean,

where others, even today, can't read the specs,....

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Actually, 9C23(or whatever the previous seed was) didn't have any known bugs. Nor does this one.

9C23 does in fact have bugs hence the release of 9C27. Just because they're not obvious doesn't mean they aren't there nor significant enough for Apple to immediately address.


It's not as if Apple are simply releasing new builds for the fun of it.

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The amount of bugs in Leopard are disappointing, really. I know of many people with legit Intel macs, who are having all kinds of issues with Leopard. For Intel and G5 Macs, Leopard is definitely an improvement over Tiger. I just feel that more of these should have been taken care of before the GM/RTM release of Leopard. Still, at least they are fixing this many bugs. Post 10.5.2 Leopard will be the best and most stable OS X yet (hopefully :) )

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I wonder if it'll fix the 10 second timeframe I wait everytime I turn off my computer. The fan still stays on and I have to wait or else goes into perma-sleep and I have to manually power off. There's even some times when the fan just stays on. Like it's just chilling on even after I get out the shower, which is about 20mins afterward.

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The patching? If the final update is really that big, there's going to be issues unless one is running stock kernel and EFI. It's not just the AMD users that'll have issues--it's everyone who's running any patched kernel (including the SSE2-only systems and those of us who can't run Leo with EFI).


Yeah, sorry. When I said that, I was thinking about Intel users that are running EFI/Vanilla kernel versus everyone else (not just AMD users). Thanks for clearing that up. Still it seems I remember reading in the other 10.5.2 news thread that Stellarolla (or someone else?) was having issues with his vanilla kernel and the dev seeds. He still had to patch something...I think? Maybe I read that wrong. Too lazy to look up that post now :( But man, that would be nice if EFI/vanilla systems are able to run the update straight up! Now is the time I wish I had an Intel hackintosh. Maybe I'll be able to scrape together the cash for one before 10.5.2 comes out. Looks like I've got some time :)

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I think it's good that 10.5.2 will fix so many issues, but still I think that shows clearly that Leopard wasn't a finished/final product when it was released - I guess Apple just released it earlier because they set themselves under pressure with the release date (end of October 2007).


I guess the competition between the two (read MS and Apple) resulted in both releasing an incomplete OS... Vista with SP1 applied to it is a complete other OS... Maybe the same wil apply to 10.5.2 as well? Although 10.5 is not running too bad on my system...

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I guess the competition between the two (read MS and Apple) resulted in both releasing an incomplete OS... Vista with SP1 applied to it is a complete other OS... Maybe the same wil apply to 10.5.2 as well? Although 10.5 is not running too bad on my system...


Yeah, let's better don't even mention Vista, although MS tries hard to force users to migrate to it, I think it could have the same fate as Windows ME back in the days! I mean, XP still seems to be superior to Vista in terms of speed and reliability (driver support etc.), so if MS can't fix this and other things, I think Vista won't ever be a big success. Most of the sold copies are sold as OEM with new computers - well so does Leopard, too you may say, but I think if the conscious user had a choice he would pick XP - look at Dell, offering more PC's with optional XP again.


Oh, about running Leopard on my MBP I have to say it doesn't run bad, but a few days ago I had a number of Kernel Panics (six or seven times within two days) which I never had experienced in such a quantity with Tiger - I still couldn't figure out what was the cause. Other than that the only hassle was the installation, but this was more related to booting issues.

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Quit freaking out over the 1.2GB number guys, it's probably just swap space. Vista SP1 "requires" several GB to install, but most of that is swap space, and you only lose a couple hundred MB when the install is done and temp files deleted.


I can't wait for them to fix stacks! :)


Anyone with developer builds, how does it play with EFI/Vanilla? :D

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Just keep in mind, that seeds are usually a lot bigger than the actual final release. This is because it contains a lot of debugging code (mostly 70 or 80 per cent) and the seeds normally aren't optimized. So 1.2 GB may sound big, which it is, but the final release will probably be a lot smaller.


Given the fact we've seen the latest seed Thursday last week, I assume Apple will be ready for release this week, earliest Tuesday.

Or they must be very dedicated to it, and decide to delay it another week so they can fix even more bugs. We'll see.

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Yeah, let's better don't even mention Vista, although MS tries hard to force users to migrate to it, I think it could have the same fate as Windows ME back in the days!


hahaha! ;) I've never used Vista, but it sounds pretty bad from what everyone says about it. I think comparing it to Windows ME is a pretty low blow though, hahaha. But I did entertain the idea:


Windows ME - Released September 2000

Windows XP - Released October 2001 (13 months after ME)


Windows Vista - Released January 2007


Well, it's 13 months after the release of Vista...so it looks like MS should be releasing another OS very soon! :) Actually, to be fair, do you guys remember how major SP2 for Windows XP was? So if you think about it that way, I guess Vista SP1 and Leopard 10.5.2 don't seem like such a big deal after all :)

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I've never used Vista, but it sounds pretty bad from what everyone says about it. I think comparing it to Windows ME is a pretty low blow though, hahaha.
The comparison is baseless and pushed by people who have no clue.
if your talking to windows 7 that won't be released until 2011, the 2009 date was just a rumor.
And 2011 is also a rumour.



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Comparing Vista to Me ? People are telling {censored}. Vista ISN'T a failure. Me was.


Lots of end-user, "home users", will use Vista rather than XP. It's just some kind of fashion to say "let's use XP, Vista sucks"....


IMO Vista is better than XP, at least if you have a GOOD PC. People telling otherwise clearly didn't EVEN install it.

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I originally started using vista just for dx10 with my games, but my desktop is so nice(not to brag) that I can still max out any game except Crysis(and alt+tab just fine, too).



Ah {censored}, my Vista install will be broken with SP1. Gotta find another workaround....

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