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A Chinese (thanks sh0td0wn) website has posted some screens from an early build of what will become Windows 7. In Paul Thurrott's article 'Shipping Windows 7' he (in essence) confirms these screen shots to be legit. The changes made so far are nothing major. Microsoft has an internal document called 'Shipping Windows 7', and they are apparently planning to ship Windows 7 by late 2009. This means that Windows 7 will must likely be an optimized and improved Vista, sort of like the change from Windows 2000-> XP.


Build 6.1


XPS Viewer and Windows Powershell come with the OS.


The system tray expands up and out rather than to the left.


The control panel has been revised, Device Center and Recovery Center have been added. Add Hardware has been removed.


And the DPI scaling settings have been simplified.

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Well all I want is a OS that actually has lesser hardware requirements and size than Vista. That would mean they actually managed to remove bloat. Which would mean a better OS. They need to do a Mac OSX on their Windows Line too.


Like how Mac OSX just came up and blew away compatibility, so that they could have a much much better OS.

They need to do a Mac OSX on their Windows Line too.


Like how Mac OSX just came up and blew away compatibility, so that they could have a much much better OS.

Exactly. They need to abandon NT, it's too old for modern computing. On a clean Vista install, you have tons of processes running just to provide end user functionality. They should make Newer Technology or something, and provide a VM layer for old NT apps.

Well all I want is a OS that actually has lesser hardware requirements and size than Vista. That would mean they actually managed to remove bloat. Which would mean a better OS. They need to do a Mac OSX on their Windows Line too.


Like how Mac OSX just came up and blew away compatibility, so that they could have a much much better OS.


Won't happen and keep dreaming. It is not practical or realistic




Windows 2000 had less requirements and was smaller than XP

Windows Xp had less requirements and is smaller than Windows Vista


Mac OS X Jaguar had less requirements and is smaller than Mac OS X Tiger

Mac OS X Tiger has less requirements and is smaller than Mac OS X Leopard


See a trend? Stuff doesn't get smaller and less powerful because some people have old equipment and are unwilling to upgrade. You will never see any company, whether it is Apple or Microsoft, take a step backward in performance, just to make people with old computers happy. It just doesn't happen...

6 Years? I don't think it'll be thaaaat long. I think they're really learning something with the satisfaction of people with Vista.



Really all that looks different is the taskbar. And it's REAL easy to make new ones of those....


Explorer screen shots are also pretty easy to fake.




I wont write it off as fake, but it provides no real information to those of us who really want to see if MS can build a new ship, instead of trying to patch the holes in a sinking one.

i dont think that they are real pics... those pics are not different then vista OS... so anyone can take Vista's pics and morph them slightly to look like windows 7...


The first builds of a new Windows OS always look similar to the old OS. The first builds of Longhorn looked like XP, XP looked like ME, etc. Right now they're making low level changes, they won't do too much to the UI until probably M3.



EDIT: I think its legit. You can download Windows 7 M1 (milestone 1), an insider release from TPB.


Its on Digg too:




Those are all fake, someone in another forum downloaded them, it's a binary of 0's.

this is only the first mile stone windows 7 so they arnt gonna change the user interface probably by milestone 3 or rc1 and woot it supports EFI

It's a Chinese website.

Alright thanks, I edited my oringinal post ;)

I wonder what will be the big difference from MS-DOS (Command Prompt) to PowerShell.

Powershell is more functional in general, you can do more with it.

all the torrents are fake,

Sadly :P

Well all I want is a OS that actually has lesser hardware requirements and size than Vista. That would mean they actually managed to remove bloat. Which would mean a better OS. They need to do a Mac OSX on their Windows Line too.


Like how Mac OSX just came up and blew away compatibility, so that they could have a much much better OS.


I don't really mind OSes taking up a lot of resources, but they better be fast! I just hope this "Windows 7" is a complete operating system that just works, not some half-@$$ed product that usually leaves the Microsoft plant...

I wouldn't expect Windows 7 to be an NT 6.1 build... Perhaps they haven't changed it because they haven't changed much 'under the hood' yet, but I'd really like to see MS write an OS core from the ground up, without all the legacy {censored}, then build legacy compatibility in at a user level (perhaps using a 'Wine-like' compatibility layer) - that would remove most of the headaches that affect Windows users today.


As for Powershell, you've been able to play with it for years. However, I don't really think an OO command shell is that logical, but we've seen it in a lot of MS apps in recent years, like Diskpart.

I wouldn't expect Windows 7 to be an NT 6.1 build... Perhaps they haven't changed it because they haven't changed much 'under the hood' yet, but I'd really like to see MS write an OS core from the ground up, without all the legacy {censored}, then build legacy compatibility in at a user level (perhaps using a 'Wine-like' compatibility layer) - that would remove most of the headaches that affect Windows users today.


As for Powershell, you've been able to play with it for years. However, I don't really think an OO command shell is that logical, but we've seen it in a lot of MS apps in recent years, like Diskpart.


MS was always trying to begone from the NT shell starting for Win 2k but they haven't had much success.


MS needs to limit their sideprojects so that they can focus more on Windows "7".


If Windows "7" can be that video I saw last year (The one with the business meeting, voice activation, start menu gone), then I would be very much impressed.

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