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Just another confirmation that it works fine on Intel hardware with 10.4.9 (Intel Bad-Axe 2 with E6600 and NVidia 7900GS)..




Did not have to replace the loginwindow or anything else, just installed rebooted, had a small heart-attack because it rebooted automaticly when the GUI should be loaded. But after this automatic reboot it worked perfectly..

sudo cp -R /backup/loginwindow.app /System/Library/CoreServices

sudo diskutil repairPermissions /




Whooops! diskutil repairPermissions don't works in single user mode. After restoring the backed-up loginwindow.app. reboot in normal mode and do repair permissions with Disk Utility or in Teminal with that command line.

It's sure to install, but take care to repair permissions with diskutil just after the Update reboot, boot then with -s and do the work from the console, as described in posts below.


I've a Gigabyte DS3, and I using the latest kernel from netkas (18th April), Airport continues working after the update, no need to replace loginwindow.app, in fact, I never have had problems with it. System speed keep the same.


Good luck!

Whooops! diskutil repairPermissions don't works in single user mode. After restoring the backed-up loginwindow.app. reboot in normal mode and do repair permissions with Disk Utility or in Teminal with that command line.

Before you do that in single user mode, type:

mount -uw /


AMD users, the same drill, replace the loginwindow file after you install the update and copy the text file to the root then run the patcher ( you should have it as i dont)




Loginwindow patch works fine...but carboncore doesn't. See below


Patching file: /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/CarbonCore.framework/Versions/A/CarbonCore

File does not contain the reference bytes at vmaddr 0x903a6a3a (fileoffs 0x3141)!

0 of 11 patches applied



Try attached patch file... it works but you loose iTunes preferences so its better to backup and restore old CarbonCore.framework for AMD

And you lose "about this mac" if you want new loginwindow so backup and restore that too :)


Any way we can get best of both worlds? (patched and itunes prefs?)

Any way we can get best of both worlds? (patched and itunes prefs?)


You might as well backup your CarbonCore.framework and replace it afterwards. There's no need for a patched one as long as you replace it with your current working one (as far as I understand).

Installed on my SSE2 system (see specs in sig).

Everything works great but loginwindow causes finder to crash. I just backed-up the 10.4.4 version.

The first reboot was kind of rough and caused a disk arb error followed by a reboot and then everything worked fine. If only I knew how people use the new loginwindow without having it crash??!! Does anyone know why??

This archive contains Kiko's loginwindow and cpuid patches for both loginwindow and (original) CarbonCore files.


Although the CarbonCore patches apply correctly, I still get the Itunes PrefPane bug so I just restored the old one (One could obviously also use the iTunes1048SemthexPrefFixer package).

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