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[Guide] Vanilla Retail 10.6.x with Chameleon v2 for Gigabyte GA-EP45-DS3L


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Dear titan4 I have another question for you

As I told you I followed your instruction in order to get 5,1 sound and I made it. But, as is reasonable, the 5,1 sound sounds only in 5,1 audio files, like some movies or ACC audio files. Usually everybody has mp3, and in this particular case are stereo files, so I have only sound in two speakers. In Windows there's a codec named Fraunhofer, this codec cheat the system and the stereo files sounds like 5,1 (well it distribute the sound in all speakers, not like 5,1 because the files are not saved in this mode). There's something like this in mac?

Another thing, when you use the sound with the added device you cant raise the volume with the volume key, there's a solution for this?

Thanks again

Sorry I don't know about such software. Problem is that not even mac pro has analog 5.1 output so this will always be only a workaround. And yes you can't set volume with aggregate device. It is same as with digital output. With digital it is expected to set volume on speakers so I guess you could do that too. Again this aggregate device thing is just a workaround and I don't think there is solution for setting volume in system. Sorry that I am not able to help you this time. :thumbsup_anim:

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blackosx, to have a dual boot setup of Mac and Windows on one drive, are there any particular steps I need to follow to have it work on my system?



You'll be pleased to hear it's simple now but before doing anything make sure you have the BootCD or a Bootable USB stick and test you can boot in to your Snow Leopard install from which ever one you choose.


You will then also need Dr Hurt's Chameleon RC5 pre-release v8 installer that has the modified boot0 file. Download it from here and have it sat on your desktop for use later.


If you have followed this guide and have Chameleon installed on it's own partition and a spare WIN partition at diskXs4 then you are already set up to go. If you haven't followed my guide exactly then the partition you want to install Windows7 on to should be formatted as FAT (check section 3 of 'Part 1 - Preparation' PDF for a refresher).


Note: petrs99 has pointed out that Windows7 won't install on a partition number higher than 4.


Here's the result of diskutil list for reference. Note my SnowLeopard drive is disk1.




If you have more than one HDD then you must disconnect them all apart from the intended target HDD in SATA port 0. Then all you need to do is insert your Windows7 DVD, reboot and boot in to it. If you don't disconnect other drives then the Windows7 installer has been known to write the boot files it needs to a different volume.


From the Windows7 installer, you will have to format the target partition to NTFS then install. It should be obvious which partition is the one you want (here, mine shows as 86GB in size). Make sure you have identified the correct partition or you will destroy your current OS X installation. After completion, when you reboot Windows7 will have written it's code to the MBR of the disk and will become the default OS and always boot.


To get OS X back, you need to boot by using either the BootCD or the bootable USB stick (which you tested with earlier) and then run Dr Hurt's latest installer (which you downloaded earlier) and point it to your Cham partition.


This will install the RC5 pre-release v8 of Chameleon to your Cham partition and inject Chameleon's stage 0 boot code to the first 440bytes of the MBR, leaving the code that Windows7 put there intact. The modified boot code allows us to boot OS X while it's not the active partition allowing us to leave Windows7 as the active partition as it's won't enter sleep if it's not.


EDIT: If you want the latest version of Chameleon then it's still best to manually install it rather than wait for an installer to be released. And it is now recommended you use the fdisk440 binary for updating the MBR with Chameleon's stage 0 bootloader and for dual booting we can now use the official boot0hfs. This way it will leave and Windows code already present of the MBR intact.


When you reboot you should boot straight in to Chameleon and have the option of booting either OS X or Windows 7.


Note: As always, make sure you have a backup of your files incase anything goes wrong.

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Hi blackosx, great mini dual-boot guide! Thank you for that, I have a fully working dual boot with Win7 and SL now. (It was very simple) But I dont understand one thing.. I have diveded my HD into 4 partitions (Cham,Data,Snow leopard,Backup) and when I want to install Win7 to 4th (backup) partition I couldnt format it into NTFS in Windows installer. When I tried then with second partition (Data), everything goes smoothly. I think Windows can format only 3 partitions to NTFS..?

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Hi blackosx, great mini dual-boot guide! Thank you for that, I have a fully working dual boot with Win7 and SL now. (It was very simple) But I dont understand one thing.. I have diveded my HD into 4 partitions (Cham,Data,Snow leopard,Backup) and when I want to install Win7 to 4th (backup) partition I couldnt format it into NTFS in Windows installer. When I tried then with second partition (Data), everything goes smoothly. I think Windows can format only 3 partitions to NTFS..?

I think Windows7 will only format the partition to NTFS if it's FAT32 to start with, so if your Backup partition was HFS+ originally then that will explain the problem you had installing to it. Part 1 of my guide and shows an option of having a FAT WIN partition at diskXs4 which is what I used. But thanks for the note and I will update the previous post to highlight that point it. :(


EDIT: I have now put the dual boot steps in to 'Part 9 - Dual Boot Windows7' PDF.

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Thanks for the guide. This is the first time I tried to do a vanilla install (been using iDeneb 10.5.5 since it came out).


Also big thanks to the person who uploaded the files for Asus P5E to the OSx86 wiki.


I did this as a test and installed using the package method from my 10.5.5 disk to a spare IDE we had laying around. Updated to combo 10.6.2 and some other stuff software updater came up with. Running smoothly so far... although I did have some kp's the other day (if it happens again I will try and isolate what was going on).

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Thanks for the guide. This is the first time I tried to do a vanilla install (been using iDeneb 10.5.5 since it came out).


Also big thanks to the person who uploaded the files for Asus P5E to the OSx86 wiki.


I did this as a test and installed using the package method from my 10.5.5 disk to a spare IDE we had laying around. Updated to combo 10.6.2 and some other stuff software updater came up with. Running smoothly so far... although I did have some kp's the other day (if it happens again I will try and isolate what was going on).

Hi JackButler


I am happy you found the steps in the guide useful.

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I think Windows7 will only format the partition to NTFS if it's FAT32 to start with, so if your Backup partition was HFS+ originally then that will explain the problem you had installing to it. Part 1 of my guide and shows an option of having a FAT WIN partition at diskXs4 which is what I used. But thanks for the note and I will update the previous post to highlight that point it. :)


EDIT: I have now put the dual boot steps in to 'Part 9 - Dual Boot Windows7' PDF.

I started with 4th partition in FAT32 and I couldnt continue in Windows installer (There was always some kind of error). FAT32 was not the issue. With the second partition was everything how it should be, but it is kind of small:-)


I found something in topic from mickles on insanelymac in - Guide: Multiboot Windows 7, Leopard, Ubuntu on GPT disk, Using Chameleon 2.0 bootloader on EFI partition


You can have more than 4 partitions, but your windows 7 partition must be in the first three. It would also be wise to have your osx partition in the first three as well. All partitions for ubuntu and windows should be formatted as FAT.


Disk utility creates a hybrid MBR/GPT disk this way, but MBR only allows four primary partitions. The system EFI partition counts as one, so you have 3 beyond that to work with. Fdisk and diskpart can only mark those first four active, hence the reason to have osx in there as well.

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Hey guys, im still having problems with my dsdt (using generic 5 plus speedstep) Firewire looks like working but an attached hard disk don't work. Works perfect in a hackintosh without dsdt.


Bluetooth dongle isnt working, works perfect in a hackintosh without dsdt


Thanks in advance

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hi blackosx/forum at large,


i'm using your guide...as a guide... running into a problem, wondering if you could help me fix it.


i've partitioned a 1 TB hd following your guide, and installed chameleon manually onto it's own partition via your instructions. after i get through Part 4, i restart, select my vanilla 10.6 SL partition in chameleon, but my computer just hangs at the Apple Logo (spinning wheel) & doesn't finish booting.


i booted in -v & looked at the log (which I could paste here) ...it looks like it might be waiting for the boot drive (?) but i'm not too well-versed at parsing those logs.


the chameleon partition boots into my USB stick SL installer ok (albeit with incorrect resolution), and my SL installation itself boots ok when using the chameleon on my USB stick.


my mobo is a ep45-ud3p, but i substituted the dsdt & smbios files you included with ones from stella's v3 installer (made specifically for my mobo/gfx, etc).


any tips/suggestions? i feel like i'm almost there, just missing something small/obvious...


thanks in advance...

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Hi petrs99

I started with 4th partition in FAT32 and I couldnt continue in Windows installer (There was always some kind of error). FAT32 was not the issue. With the second partition was everything how it should be, but it is kind of small:-)


You can have more than 4 partitions, but your windows 7 partition must be in the first three. It would also be wise to have your osx partition in the first three as well. All partitions for ubuntu and windows should be formatted as FAT.

So it was because you were trying to install Windows7 on to your Backup partition which is disk0s5?

I have diveded my HD into 4 partitions (Cham,Data,Snow leopard,Backup)...

disk0s1 = EFI

disk0s2 = Cham

disk0s3 = Data

disk0s4 = Snow leopard

disk0s5 = Backup


Thanks for the tip here, I will add a pointer in the guide for this.


Though the partition scheme I have currently shown in my guide is good as I installed Windows7 to disk1s4

(Note: I have two HDD's installed).

~ blackosx$ diskutil list
  #:                       TYPE NAME                    SIZE       IDENTIFIER
  0:      GUID_partition_scheme                        *500.1 GB   disk0
  1:                        EFI                         209.7 MB   disk0s1
  2:                  Apple_HFS Cham                    1.1 GB     disk0s2
  3:                  Apple_HFS SnowLeopard             128.8 GB   disk0s3
  4:       Microsoft Basic Data                         85.9 GB    disk0s4
  5:                  Apple_HFS BackupSL                17.2 GB    disk0s5
  6:                  Apple_HFS Data                    266.4 GB   disk0s6
  #:                       TYPE NAME                    SIZE       IDENTIFIER
  0:      GUID_partition_scheme                        *500.1 GB   disk1
  1:                        EFI                         209.7 MB   disk1s1
  2:                  Apple_HFS Chameleon               939.5 MB   disk1s2
  3:                  Apple_HFS Macintosh               128.8 GB   disk1s3
  4:       Microsoft Basic Data                         68.7 GB    disk1s4
  5:                  Apple_HFS Backup                  17.2 GB    disk1s5
  6:                  Apple_HFS Vault                   283.8 GB   disk1s6

This ends up looking like this in Windows which is shown as disk0.



Hey guys, im still having problems with my dsdt (using generic 5 plus speedstep) Firewire looks like working but an attached hard disk don't work. Works perfect in a hackintosh without dsdt.


Bluetooth dongle isnt working, works perfect in a hackintosh without dsdt


Thanks in advance

Hi xAberracus


I use a Belkin F8T016NG Mini USB adapter and I have recently added an old adaptec Firewire400 PCI card though I have never actually used them. Here's what System Profiler shows for me.



I will one day try to find something to use them with and let you know how I get on.


EDIT: I have just tried my old external Lacie FireWire HDD and bingo!... works great :D

Here's a screenshot of System Profiler with it plugged it..




Do your firewire and bluetooth problems still appear when you use a DSDT you built yourself from the Gigabyte BIOS file as shown in my DSDT guide?

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Im Searching For alpha testers with this board and windows for adding this board to my Mac Bios Project (see threads arround for EP43-DS3L and EP45-UD3L for more information).

Any interested, please contact me.




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Im Searching For alpha testers with this board and windows for adding this board to my Mac Bios Project (see threads arround for EP43-DS3L and EP45-UD3L for more information).

Hi cartri


This look a very interesting project and I will keep my eye on your web page for future updates. It would be even more amazing if you could remove the need for the other three kexts you mention in step 7. as they're the only kexts I use: fakesmc.kext, LegacyHDA.kext and the cosmetic orange icon fix.


Keep up the good work :D

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hi blackosx/forum at large,


i'm using your guide...as a guide... running into a problem, wondering if you could help me fix it.


i've partitioned a 1 TB hd following your guide, and installed chameleon manually onto it's own partition via your instructions. after i get through Part 4, i restart, select my vanilla 10.6 SL partition in chameleon, but my computer just hangs at the Apple Logo (spinning wheel) & doesn't finish booting.


i booted in -v & looked at the log (which I could paste here) ...it looks like it might be waiting for the boot drive (?) but i'm not too well-versed at parsing those logs.

Hi huntington


Yes, you are nearly there but I am not too sure what your problem can be as you have said you can boot successfully from the USB stick. I take it you have exactly the same files on the USB as you do on your Cham partiton?


If you have any other HDD's connected then can you try disconnecting them?

Maybe try the latest Chameleon RC5 pre-release v8 installer by Dr. Hurt and pointing it to your Cham partition?

Failing that maybe try the latest version of Asere's modified Chameleon RC4 bootloader or netkas' PC-EFI?

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Hi petrs99


So it was because you were trying to install Windows7 on to your Backup partition which is disk0s5?


disk0s1 = EFI

disk0s2 = Cham

disk0s3 = Data

disk0s4 = Snow leopard

disk0s5 = Backup


Thanks for the tip here, I will add a pointer in the guide for this.


Though the partition scheme I have currently shown in my guide is good as I installed Windows7 to disk1s4

(Note: I have two HDD's installed).

~ blackosx$ diskutil list
  #:                       TYPE NAME                    SIZE       IDENTIFIER
  0:      GUID_partition_scheme                        *500.1 GB   disk0
  1:                        EFI                         209.7 MB   disk0s1
  2:                  Apple_HFS Cham                    1.1 GB     disk0s2
  3:                  Apple_HFS SnowLeopard             128.8 GB   disk0s3
  4:       Microsoft Basic Data                         85.9 GB    disk0s4
  5:                  Apple_HFS BackupSL                17.2 GB    disk0s5
  6:                  Apple_HFS Data                    266.4 GB   disk0s6
  #:                       TYPE NAME                    SIZE       IDENTIFIER
  0:      GUID_partition_scheme                        *500.1 GB   disk1
  1:                        EFI                         209.7 MB   disk1s1
  2:                  Apple_HFS Chameleon               939.5 MB   disk1s2
  3:                  Apple_HFS Macintosh               128.8 GB   disk1s3
  4:       Microsoft Basic Data                         68.7 GB    disk1s4
  5:                  Apple_HFS Backup                  17.2 GB    disk1s5
  6:                  Apple_HFS Vault                   283.8 GB   disk1s6

This ends up looking like this in Windows which is shown as disk0.


Hi, yes you are right, you cant install Windows7 on disk0s5 (even when you format it to FAT32 first). W7 installer obviously recognize only disk0s1-disk0s4. My currently partition scheme is attached. So when you try to install windows7 on your disk1s5, then you get the same error like me in win7 installer (I suppose:-)



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Hi, yes you are right, you cant install Windows7 on disk0s5 (even when you format it to FAT32 first). W7 installer obviously recognize only disk0s1-disk0s4. My currently partition scheme is attached. So when you try to install windows7 on your disk1s5, then you get the same error like me in win7 installer (I suppose:-)

Okay, and thanks for supplying your diskutil list. I have never tried to install Windows7 on a partition higher than 4 so we can use your info as a general rule of thumb.

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I've kept my install simple (IMO) I have each OS on separate HDD's. Boot Cham on the first drive and select whatever OS I want to tinker with...

Yes, using a separate HDD is the simplest option which has been recommended in this thread before. Here I am just showing how easy it now is to have both on the same HDD with the modified Chameleon boot0 file.

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Hallo blackosx!


First I really wanna thank you for your hard work.

I've been working on hackintosh PCs for about three years now (, since Kalyway came up with his 10.4.9 DVD). I always thought about bringing all the little pieces of knowledge together that I've found on the net in one Guideline, until I found your older Guide. This Guide and the new one are the best Guidelines I've ever seen on the net. And another big advantage is we bought exactly the same PC. I used the old guide for getting thinks done. Eyerthing worked fine, so I got 10.6.1 Server (64bit) running, but for some reason I "lost" the QuartzExtreme ability (and now I can hardly watch a movie).

This is the reason why I'm thinking about to try your new Guide. The only part of your downloads I couldn't get was the Chameleon RC5 pre-release v8 Installer and Netkas' PC EFI v10.6. Maybe you can PM me a direct link or post a direct link. I only found out that the RC5 pre8 installer is the Chameleon_2_RC5pre8.pkg.zip, but couldn't download it. From Netkas' blog i could only get the new modified boot file, but not the whole PC EFI. I hope you can help me.


Big Thx, mikenet

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The only part of your downloads I couldn't get was the Chameleon RC5 pre-release v8 Installer and Netkas' PC EFI v10.6. Maybe you can PM me a direct link or post a direct link. I only found out that the RC5 pre8 installer is the Chameleon_2_RC5pre8.pkg.zip, but couldn't download it. From Netkas' blog i could only get the new modified boot file, but not the whole PC EFI. I hope you can help me.

Hi mikeNET_


Dr Hurt's Chameleon v2 RC5 pre-release v8 installer can be found on this forum in post #682 in the 'Chameleon RC4 is out!' thread under 'Front Page News and Rumors'. The link you posted works and just download the .zip file and unarchive it.


Netkas' PC EFI v10.6 is just a boot file, so that's all you need. Just replace your existing boot file with that one.

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Thanks for your fast help blackosx!


I think now I'm getting the problem. Something with my browsers (or espacially with the configurations) seems going wrong. Because I didn't know that I pasted a link, because I only see "["attachment=66812:Chameleo...pre8.pkg.zip"]". But I got the files through the thread attachment (in the overview). But even the whole thread attachments opens one out of a twenty tries ;) . Maybe this is also the reason why I can't use the search function on the board and often get silly errors when I try to open posts. Good to know. No more hunting after attachments through the net :) . And sorry for asking such stupid questions.


thx, mikenet

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Thanks for your fast help blackosx!


I think now I'm getting the problem. Something with my browsers (or espacially with the configurations) seems going wrong. Because I didn't know that I pasted a link, because I only see "["attachment=66812:Chameleo...pre8.pkg.zip"]". But I got the files through the thread attachment (in the overview). But even the whole thread attachments opens one out of a twenty tries :D . Maybe this is also the reason why I can't use the search function on the board and often get silly errors when I try to open posts. Good to know. No more hunting after attachments through the net :hammer: . And sorry for asking such stupid questions.


thx, mikenet

No problems. I am using Safari and the forum works fine for me.. Are you using Safari also?

Note: The search feature is defunct so you're not alone with that issue.


I search using google's power using 'search_term site:insanelymac.com'

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Hello all, I have been floating around this site as it has been one of the best informational sites out there. I have learned about things that I didn't even know existed.


I am posting this because I don't see much on my gigabyte board, this is what I am running


gigabyte g41m-es2L f4 bios - as a noob I'm am not sure how important this is but I don't have the option in bios to change the harddrive to ahci- so I am running snow leopard 10.6.2 on Satan IDE

nvidia 8400 gs 512 mb- using efi string in boot.plist

sleep works with netkas 10.6.2 sleepenable kext

shutdown and restart work

I have audio working (alc888b) with legacyhda.kext and dsdt change although I can't get the mic to work.

I haven't figured out a way to get my printer to work yet either.

64 bit runs good except for I lose sound.

Pretty much my hackintosh runs like a normal machine except for those three things.


If you are using this board and don't have a graphics card the inboard video will work, and if you create an efi string for it it shows that it's supporting QE. Though you can't take screen shots or watch video which was weird but that's how it was for me before I added the graphics card.


Thanks to everyone for the info and I hope I help someone in posting this as I don't really find much info on this card, pretty much your search will lead you to this thread. If anyone wants more info on my hachintosh please ask. And if anyone has info on the few problems I am having that would be great.

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I am posting this because I don't see much on my gigabyte board, this is what I am running


gigabyte g41m-es2L f4 bios


Thanks to everyone for the info and I hope I help someone in posting this as I don't really find much info on this card, pretty much your search will lead you to this thread. If anyone wants more info on my hachintosh please ask. And if anyone has info on the few problems I am having that would be great.

Hi nandor690


Well done with getting Snow Leopard up and running on your motherboard.


If there isn't much information around for your board then maybe you should look at starting a thread about it in the 10.6 installation section so others will be able to discuss your board and possibly help to solve your three issues?


Posting about it here will only get lost.

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No problems. I am using Safari and the forum works fine for me.. Are you using Safari also?

Note: The search feature is defunct so you're not alone with that issue.


I search using google's power using 'search_term site:insanelymac.com'


I'm using Firefox & Safari, but mainly Firefox.

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