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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/12/2018 in Posts

  1. Revision 4453 Revision 4456 Revision 4457 Changed the behavior of scanning default boot loader paths. Instead of being skipped they are hidden by default, pressing F3 should unhide/rehide those entries. You can create a custom entry with no path, Type-Other, and Hidden=false, to have the default boot loader path entries always appear. I didn't check to see if clover is currently one of these entries so take care that the entry is not clover and is the actual entry you wish to boot. EDIT: I did not check the hidden or disabled flags when the entry is added so they were not hidden/disabled, so the real fix to this is 4457.
    2 points
  2. I have a Gigabyte X-79-UD5 with a 3930K that's been a solid workhorse for the past few years. Lately I've started having some odd glitches with startups and shutdowns that had me suspecting the boot loader (Clover, currently using 4049). I tried earlier versions with the same result. The biggest issue is that when I call shutdown the machine restarts. I realize there are shutdown fixes, I've never needed one with this rig. I am booting in verbose mode, at shutdown I am seeing this message as part of the shutdown procedure; com.apple.xpc.launchd[1] (com.apple.xpc.launchd.domain.system) <Notice>: Will be calling reboot(2) with flags: 0x0 Then the usual unmounts, cpu halted, a few seconds of silence then the machine restarts. Curiously this happens with a High Sierra and a separate El Capitan install on the same machine (separate Clover installs in the EFI on each of those separate drives.) What's more curious and has me starting to wonder what the common factor is, is that I've started getting occasional Panics at boot. Doing a CMOS reset fixes this 100% of the time. Windows runs fine while this is happening (Windows 10 and 7, again on separate drives, though still loading with Clover) At one point I opened up the Bios screen at boot and saw Cyrillic (Russian) text in one of the fields, the reset fixed that. Nothing has changed with the hardware config (except for perhaps age) or the EFI folder (except for some clover updates.) I thought perhaps something with the boot loader and some changes to how NVRam is handled may have been causing the problem, but rolling back didn't resolve it (NVRam has been no problem on this machine since it was supported by Clover a few years back) Any suggestions?
    1 point
  3. Well looks like i did it half way. I put in board id from imac 14.2 and now with "@3,built-in" recognizes display properly as built in and also all commands and graphics for brightness work. It just doesnt change brightness yet. As a bonus for my trouble i got "night shift" option from imac 14.2 in display preference
    1 point
  4. Same initial project, different branches, different views. Sorry I don't know the detailed info of your Mobo, but you should have only one LPC chip I guess, install only one of it and see at the kernel log for a match. Geforce.kext enable the reading of the GPU sensors for NVidia 4xx, 5xx, ...10xx Series while NVClock.kext enable the reading of the GPU sensors for NVidia 7xxx-9xxx Series.
    1 point
  5. New Nuvoton chip (NTC 6681) in W836x.kext
    1 point
  6. basically any card supported by this driver do not have working inputs in mac os, because of the driver in his mac os side has inputs support not complitely implemented, and i am trying to make it to work, but there are other casrds,supported by other drivers with working inputs on mac os
    1 point
  7. 1 point
  8. Hello, and welcome to InsanelyMac. Boot with -v and debug=0x100, take a photo and post here.
    1 point
  9. hello are u using beta5 kext ? https://osxlatitude.com/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=12274 for me is working very well in 10.13.5 betas good hack
    1 point
  10. I just dumped version 0110_B00 that came with 10.13.0GM upgrade: (I had no time to rename em all, letters for the acpi table and numbers for the cpu tables that were in another part of the firmware) So, there goes High Sierra version of iMac 17,1 ACPI from firmware: IM171_0110_B00 10.13.0GM ACPI Tables.zip Share the love showing whatever you find from the diffs, hehe
    1 point
  11. Done. I read somewhere, that it's already included in NvidiaFixup, but it might not hurt to have in there double if that's the case. EDIT: Sleep only seems to work once. The second time it either wakes up (without proper reason) or reboots. EDIT EDIT: Nope nope nope. I have not changed sh!"$%, but now it just reboots when set to sleep. What the f.
    1 point
  12. I see that the image now contains additional files. Basically, you can copy the the contents of the whole EFI/BOOT folder contained in memtest86-usb.img.
    1 point
  13. I picked one up last night and tested. The graphics are not native in HS 13.5 beta 3 and I added real ID to all the vega kexts but no go. Display 7mb. ATI ID 0x694E1002 Intel CPUID 0x0906E9. I used ig platform ID and got HD 630 listed but no VRAM allocation. I will test further this weekend.
    1 point
  14. Rev 4450 A data leak issue was identified in the hibernation code, allowing hibernation encryption key to be passed to the system through RTC and preserved till the next hibernation without a subsequent erase. More details could be found in this message. To workaround this issue a new option enabling RTC memory erase upon waking from hibernation was added: Boot → RtcHibernateAware = YES (BOOLEAN, off by default) This option relies on a poorly documented (or rather undocumented) RTC memory access, and unspecified RTC memory layout, which is implementation-specific. While it is extremely recommended to be turned on if you rely on hibernation, it may not work on your hardware (should be fine on Ivy Bridge and newer at least), and is thus optional and disabled by default. Note, that AppleRTC or FixRTC patches effectively break hibernation by reducing the available RTC memory and avoiding encryption key preservation. You should DISABLE them if you have no issues with BIOS preferences afterwards or use HibernationFixup. However, if RtcHibernateAware does not work for you, enabling AppleRTC patch and using HibernationFixup may be a safer workaround.
    1 point
  15. Non mi pare funzioni poi così bene, per cui meglio che provi a mettere il kext più aggiornato (Il tuo è di settembre 2016). Fammi sapere come va senza voodoo
    1 point
  16. Se la rete funziona non toccare AtherosE2200Ethernet.kext, togli quel VoodooTSCSync.kext e vedi come và il sistema
    1 point
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