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Hello folks,

I have been using leopard for half an hour so far, I have installed it on my external hard drive and it runs very smooth. I haven't tried iLife 08 suite so I cannot say if it works or not on my machine yet. I like the transparency of the dock and bar on top. What I dislike is that, like someone said, TimeMachine sucks and the expose is far behind Compiz and Aero. So far, btw, it isn't really worthy an upgrade... even though the overall smoothness compared to Tiger is a very much appreciated thing. That's the big pro I have found. At least, that's my feeling. One more issue I have just found is that the SMB protocol management sucks. It lags a lot... takes hours to transfer a file that usually is transfered very quickly. This way you cannot even watch a movie that is on your desktop by streaming it. :hysterical:



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What I dislike is that, like someone said, TimeMachine sucks and the expose is far behind Compiz and Aero.

Time Machine doesn't suck. It's very useful, and visually appealing. Simply saying "Time Machine sucks" doesn't validate your point one bit.

Exposé does what it was designed to do just as well if not better than Compiz and Aero combined. Exposé was designed to be simple, intuitive, and graceful, and if any window management system was ever put into place that accomplished all of those design goals, it's exposé.


So far, btw, it isn't really worthy an upgrade...

This, bee tee double-you, is somewhat applicable. In reality, all Leopard adds are some fancy visual effects, a new dock, and Time Machine. Lots of improvements "under the hood," but those go unnoticed by most users.


even though the overall smoothness compared to leopard is a very much appreciated thing

You're comparing Leopard to Leopard?... It's smoother than itself? Think before clicking post.



Oh and for future reference, when you have a period, you put a space after it. When you have two words, they are separated by a space. Just... overall, the space bar doesn't consider being touched all over offensive in anyway. So if the space bar doesn't mind being touched a lot, then by all means, molest your space bar when typing your next post. Please.

5thAgent is right.


1. The most important changes in Leopard are unseen.


2. Expose is a single GUI element, and not the same as Aero and Compiz. Granted they may be more plugins with compiz, but from my experience half them are garbage and useless anyways. I've always argued that GUI effects just for the sake of looks is useless. I would argue that Core Image actually is easier and allows better effects than compiz anyways. (Compiz is still quite buggy on many machines.)


3. I don't use SMB protocol myself, but friends that due have told me it has been incredibly faster on Leopard, maybe something is wrong on your setup.


4. Deciding whether its a worthy upgrade already is pretty useless until it is at minimum a final product.


5. I'll probably upgrade for the Xcode 3.0 changes, but I am happy with the Tiger GUI and Leopard's doesn't really do much for me.

I love leopard. time machine is the best new features and its GUI is kick ass. and dude flip3d, or whatever the hell its called, is way worse than expose. ATM, time machine is a bit unstable but it is still awesome. it also shaved 7 secs off my boot time, that's a lot. It is so worth it lmao

sry if my sentances sound weird i wrote it on maiphone :wacko:

lets not forget coverflow , it might only be a visual enhancement but does more , i remember when Microsoft tried to use a animated preview pane in its windows codenamed longhorn which is now known as vista the windows explorer couldnt handle it and therefore it was not included in vista along with all the features that were cool.

lets not forget coverflow , it might only be a visual enhancement but does more , i remember when Microsoft tried to use a animated preview pane in its windows codenamed longhorn which is now known as vista the windows explorer couldnt handle it and therefore it was not included in vista along with all the features that were cool.

wait, windows has cool features, i think ur referring to mac os x. :wacko:

I love leopard. time machine is the best new features and its GUI is kick ass. and dude flip3d, or whatever the hell its called, is way worse than expose. ATM, time machine is a bit unstable but it is still awesome. it also shaved 7 secs off my boot time, that's a lot. It is so worth it lmao

sry if my sentances sound weird i wrote it on maiphone :D


Flip 3D just looks cool, I agree. In practical sense, its just stupid. However, the toolbar works much more efficiently than on a mac. Also, you might not be aware but Windows does have an expose-like program. Hit ALT + TAB.

Flip 3D just looks cool, I agree. In practical sense, its just stupid. However, the toolbar works much more efficiently than on a mac. Also, you might not be aware but Windows does have an expose-like program. Hit ALT + TAB.


Actually, ALT + TAB on a Mac does almost EXACTLY the same thing it does on a PC. Pretty much EXACTLY THE SAME.

I truthfully like Flip 3D. I find it pretty impressive when I can flip through, and whatever media player was playing a DVD at the time shows the movie in real time, and not craptastically screwed up. I don't find it stupid in a practical sense. It could be more functional, but it's functional eye candy, which is an improvement over XP, which had neither function, nor eye candy.

I love Apple Mail 3, and assume many people use apple mail 2, as its a basic application almost everyone use's, and just apple mail makes me want to upgrade, second is the supposedly flawed expose, dude imagine having seperate windows for garageband, porn and or secretive stuff, chats and mail, and windows vista running in vmware.... oowie expose kicks ass man.....

Deviad: How can you give advice on a unfinnished product? You know it is a beta. It is not done yet. It is a preview for developers.


It's like sitting on a foundation of a new house and saying "This house sucks because it has no roof" when it's not even buildt yet.



flip3d sucks to the core... was trying it out on my thinkpad t43, all you can see is just the contents of the frontmost applications... wats the use? u have to flip through all the windows jus to find the one with the right content... u cant scroll through jus like 6 IE windows, u have to scroll through 6 IE windows + hell lot of other windows u opened...


expose wins totally hands down in this... u r able to see all the contents cleanly arranged (though not a very orderly manner) in either all windows mode, or specifically for the application selected.. saves so damn much time compared to winblouse Wista... flip3d is jus an eye candy that can easily be implemented to show off and look pretty with no funtional value attached..


working in os x with multiple windows opened (like photoshop plus finder windows plus renderer plus cadder plus previews) goes on very smoothly and its easy to find windows u want, all through a mouse movement... how easy is that?? if i wanna do that in vista, i cant.. imagine having to alt-tab all the way to photoshop, then rummage through the many windows of images to find the one u want.. or even rummaging slowly through every single window through flip3d... wat unproductiveness...

Deviad: How can you give advice on a unfinnished product? You know it is a beta. It is not done yet. It is a preview for developers.


It's like sitting on a foundation of a new house and saying "This house sucks because it has no roof" when it's not even buildt yet.




At this point in time the product in my opinion had to be already in its final shape (assuming the latest beta available is kind of recent). Don't forget that the operating system is gonna be released next month (October) and that if they have to distribute it very likely they will begin burning the CDs very soon.

guys... read my points again..... mac haters.....LEPOARD is good, maybe its not as great as tiger, but its still worth the darn update, I mean end it here, there is not a guy who is using Mac OSX Tiger, who would not want to update. And as for windows, well I still use Xp on bootcamp, and on my vista preinstalled compaq laptop, I hate Vista not Microsoft or windows I hate vista, though I love Apple, and only use microsoft products once in a year or so..... bottomline... stop fighting goddammit...

I hate the fact that I still can't travel back in time with time machine and that my LCD does not actually grow when I open exposé. Yes, OSX sucks indeed.hecker
Excellent :D
At this point in time the product in my opinion had to be already in its final shape (assuming the latest beta available is kind of recent). Don't forget that the operating system is gonna be released next month (October) and that if they have to distribute it very likely they will begin burning the CDs very soon.
Yeah, but on the other side it doesn't disturb you to compare a buggy and unfinished product like compiz (which is already released and unusable with a lot of linux distributions) against leopard which is not available ... yet. :rolleyes: You are a troll, saying that Mac OS X sucks just to make you appear cool in your linux zealot meetings.
However, the toolbar works much more efficiently than on a mac. Also, you might not be aware but Windows does have an expose-like program. Hit ALT + TAB.


I was a bit sceptic about losing the taskbar at first when I switched to OS X, but now I feel a bit handicapped when going into XP. I love the dock, it's not just a fancy launch bar. Being able to drag any file directly to an app is a great thing, I use it all the time. And I really like how the icons give signals or display stats or whatever. And don't get me started on Exposé...I have set my scroll wheel button to show all windows and with a flick of my wrist I can sweep all windows out of the way and see the desktop, a lot smoother than minimizing all windows in XP (which isn't really the same thing anyway). All of this while holding on to a file. And when switching apps I don't have to look at the top or bottom of the screen.


There are third party apps for Windows that essentially give the functionality of Exposé and Dashboard, but they don't work as well, aren't as sleek and aren't part of the standard package.

yea, true.. i wanna stick with leopard, but i had no choice but to use tiger cos i need my CAD rendering software like artlantis and maxwell studio for my architecture school work.. so i had to stick with tiger for now as the software there just works.. lol..

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