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Hi! i am on a build with a 2600k running Sierra 10.12.3. But yesterday i bought this:


-Intel i7 7700K

-Gigabyte GA-Z270X-Gaming 7 (i don't know the preinstalled bios version, but i will update it to the current, F4)

-Corsair Vengeance LPX 2x8GB 3200Mhz

-EVGA Geforce GTX 980


Mi current Hack (2600k) is Working Perfectly, iMessage, etc.


today i'm going to build the new Hack, but after searching on everywhere i cant found a DSDT or a SSDT for this mobo, how can i make it? or what do i need to upload to the forum to make it?


thanks in advance and sorry for my english! :)

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Thank You MaLd0n! maybe it's a stupid question, but i have to ask: do i need to build the new hack (i'm writing in this moment on my old hack, all the new components still are in their boxes)  and make the clover stick? 

Sorry but i'm a little confuse with the procedure.


thank you again!

Again, thank you! i made the Bootable USB and installed clover on the USB.


i attached the clover folder.


hope i made it ok!



Check first post, use Clover folder Installation, after install send me files


-Create USB bootable
-After create, install Clover UEFI
-Replace folder and go to install




Ups! maybe now its ok??  :worried_anim: 


Thank you!

the clover folder have ur old files for ur old mobo. ;)
need installation Clover with these configs
after replace folder and go to install system


Yes, go to install now ;)

Hi MaLd0n!! today I installed the system, so far, so good, but I need the DSDT, the nVidia web drivers doesnt work but I think its because of not having the DSDT, I attach the files of my IOreg...hope this works!

Thank you!

Send me iMac de YtsEjaM-.zip

iMac de YtsEjaM-.zip

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-Install Web Driver Nvidia

-Replace folder


-Run it




after reboot, send me new ioreg

the Nvidia web driver still not working, I have to restart the pc a disable it from clover, if not, I get a black screen.

here are the new ioreg as you requested!



Thank you!

-Install Web Driver Nvidia

-Replace folder


-Run it




after reboot, send me new ioreg

the Nvidia web driver still not working, I have to restart the pc a disable it from clover, if not, I get a black screen.

here are the new ioreg as you requested!



Thank you!

iMac de YtsEjaM-.zip

Send me iMac de YtsEjaM-.zip



today I arrive to install Sierra on my son's machine 


GAZ270 gaming 7 I7 7700K  


he is happy 


thank you very much Maldon for sharing your folder 


rest to fix post install ( I will try that tomorrow ) 

There is a new version out !

HWSensors 6.25.1426


  • New Feature:  CPUSensors: Added KabyLake support
  • New FeatureLPCSensors: Added support for NCT6793D (thanks to Sergey @ctich from applelife.ru for help with integration)
  • Bug Fix:          HWMonitor: Fixed some SMART attribute values formatting for Seagate HDDs



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I added entries for LMU loaded in new version!
Need update topic.

here is update with entries


Thx ;)

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Good evening  Maldon


I finally arrive to fix the post installation when I copied the clover folder from my USB key in the EFI  of my hard disk and it is working 

I round ethernet kext for the intel chip but no for the atheros 2500 ( I just need to have  time to search  :) ) and I have no sound at all  ( will find that too) 

i met a problem with the GPU GTX 960  the webdriver are updated but when I  choose them in clover  during the boot sequence  the display came black.

I tried with nv_disable =1 but no GPU detected 

do you think AGDPfix will solve this problem cause I choose SMBios iMac 17,1 with running with ATI GPU 

thank you for your help 

the set up is GA Z270X gaming 7. I7 7700K .GTX 960  16 gb RAM

Hi Mald0n thanx a lot for this guide!

So is it this computer full compatible with sierra?




PC Intel con Processore i7 7700 Kaby Lake 3.6 GHz

- Case Midi Inter-Tech Q2 Illuminator Blue
- Alimentatore 720W Inter-Tech Argus APS-720W 82+
Scheda Madre MSI B250M Bazooka
- CPU Intel Core i7-7700 3,6 GHz (Kaby Lake) Turbo Frequency 4.2 GHz
- Memorie DDR4 16Gb 2400 CL15
- HD SSD M.2 2280 512Gb Adata SU800 3D Nand
- Masterizzatore DVD-RW 24x
- Scheda Grafica NVIDIA GTX1060 6GB
- Scheda audio Realtek® codec (7.1)
- Scheda di rete Ethernet GLAN integrata

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Man, the native support is comming, now we need use fake cpuid Skylake, but work fine, Clover is amazin'! 


Ur specs is great! ;)

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PC Intel con Processore i7 7700 Kaby Lake 3.6 GHz


- Alimentatore 720W Inter-Tech Argus APS-720W 82+

your PSU is too overpowered. 450W should be enough. If you plan to get another graphics card, you can get 500 or 550W but there's no need for 720W

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