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u need only it


Ur i3 have 2 cores and 4 Threads, i add correct number in voodookext

i think ur GPU dont need web drivers, work with native system drivers, ;)


Clover Installation

Use these options

MaLd0n 2017-03-29 às 11.18.03.png

after replace full Clover folder

run it


reboot and send me ioreg, extract with ioreg explorer

IORegistryExplorer 3.app.zip


Remove Voodoohda and applehdaDisable if u use

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i think ur GPU dont need web drivers, work with native system drivers, ;)

 yes, you are right! After I uninstalled NVIDIA drivers, I boot the system with native resolution.


I re-install Clover like you said. Delete my clover folder and replace with your send. System is boot but black screen. Then I reboot again and boot with nvda_drv=0 option.  I put the NvidiaGraphicsFixup.kext into Clover>kexts>Other folder and get the native resolution without additonal parameters.


Ethernet is working. Sound is still not work.


ioreg file is attached. 

phase’s iMac.ioreg.zip

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run kextutility by CVad

Kext Utility.app.zip

just run and wait


if dont work, we back to old AppleAlc



try InjectNvidia=Yes

MaLd0n 2017-03-29 às 17.57.41.png

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run kextutility by CVad

attachicon.gifKext Utility.app.zip

just run and wait


if dont work, we back to old AppleAlc



nothing has changed  :(

what shall we do?

u dont use my full folder, fakesmc is other version, LMU dont load

I suspected and fresh installed OS. Clover installation is successfull as you said. Sound is ok :) , but display has still problem :(. The system report recognizes the graphic card correctly. I tried too many options, I could not open native resolution. I'm at work right now. I will try again when I go home.

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try it

-Check nvda_drv=1 in boot section and Nvidia Web in system parameters in ur config.plist, no problem if u have both check

-Install Web Drivers

-Boot with nv_disable=1

-Use agdp fix


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Hey MaLd0n,


Finally figured out what my problem was...stale(old) installation image. Downloaded 10.12.4...No problem. Thank you for all of your help earlier.


Got everything going except #1 audio (through Nvidia DP) and #2 unable to boot into OS w/o nv_disable=1. Would a customized DSDT be of any help, do you think?


Thanx again


ioreg attached




tstc’s iMac.zip

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extract with ioreg explorer

IORegistryExplorer 3.app.zip

if u have check Generate P and C States and c6 in ur config.plist, remove

just use SSDT.aml by Pike script

Well you're not gonna believe this but that just left me to a 100% fan and black screen. Just need to figure out a way to remove the SSDT file, hopefully.

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press bar space in clover boot screen, go to acpi section drop SSDT.aml

u need remove generate p and c states, post ur config.plist here

I never checked the sound after clean installation. Audio device has no sound. Do you have any idea what happened? 

(NVIDIA > OK!. install web drivers and it works.)

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