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Death of a President


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Why is everyone so horrified by the prospect of a docudrama depicting the US president being assasinated when you would happily sit through TV shows depicting nuclear bombs, deadly viruses etc being released in los angeles - doesn't seem to make any sense to me. It's just a film. I could be wrong but i'm pretty sure that "the evil ones" don't need suggestions from TV producers and are doing perfectly well on their own.

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Why is everyone so horrified by the prospect of a docudrama depicting the US president being assasinated when you would happily sit through TV shows depicting nuclear bombs, deadly viruses etc being released in los angeles - doesn't seem to make any sense to me. It's just a film. I could be wrong but i'm pretty sure that "the evil ones" don't need suggestions from TV producers and are doing perfectly well on their own.


I completely agree, but I think the difference here is that its a portrayal of an actual president, not a fictional one, doesnt bother me in the slightest though hehe.

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I agree completely, but answer me this, are you for capital punishment? Im not, but many people tell me they are against killing of any kind, and then turn around and sentence a man to death, it just makes me laugh really...


To answer your question, I dislike it. The phrase in my signature was meant to outline hypocrisy from the "fluffy froo froo camp," not to support capital punishment.


That being said, there are times when all attempts at a peaceful resolution will fail. It's only logical that such an event will exist (such as negotiating with extremists whose only goal is to see you dead and will never be happy with peace). In those kinds of very rare instances (and they are VERY VERY VERY RARE), there is only one option--to swiftly and decisively kill your opponent.


Self-preservation also comes into play here. If it's either my life or someone else's with no other solution, that other guy is going down. That isn't capital punishment; it's self-preservation.


As for the "movie," the only people that will like it are those like killbot, AcePlayer, and Michael Moore. People who are so filled with hatred for Bush that they cannot see anything but their hatred. In some ways, it is truly sad that they know nothing but their hate.

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Agreed. He is a war criminal, and is responsible for many deaths. He should be punished.


Spock once said "You humans find it easier to understand the death of one, than the death of many." I think this is true. You cry when your loved ones die, but when we see thousands dead on the news... we can't weap as we did as if one close to us died. It reminds me of what Marilyn Manson said. "The death of one is a tragedy, but the death of a million is just a statistic." I can't morn for everyone, much less are we capable of feeling that kind of pain. But they should not go without being remembered. I believe our mind is set to protect us from feeling that kind of pain, so we block it out.


But all the same, the crime of thousands of deaths should be held higher than the crime of the death of one. So the punishment should be equal to the crime. I would be all for a public execution. A reminder, to America, and the rest of the world, that mass murder is WRONG... no matter who does it. Wether you are a president of the most powerful country in the world, or a 3rd world country that harbors drug lords. ALL men are created equal, and all men must be punished equal. We come into this life with nothing, and die with nothing.


OryHara and i haven't always seen :pirate2: (as some of you know) but the post above is Wonderfull.

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To answer your question, I dislike it. The phrase in my signature was meant to outline hypocrisy from the "fluffy froo froo camp," not to support capital punishment.


That being said, there are times when all attempts at a peaceful resolution will fail. It's only logical that such an event will exist (such as negotiating with extremists whose only goal is to see you dead and will never be happy with peace). In those kinds of very rare instances (and they are VERY VERY VERY RARE), there is only one option--to swiftly and decisively kill your opponent.


Self-preservation also comes into play here. If it's either my life or someone else's with no other solution, that other guy is going down. That isn't capital punishment; it's self-preservation.


As for the "movie," the only people that will like it are those like killbot, AcePlayer, and Michael Moore. People who are so filled with hatred for Bush that they cannot see anything but their hatred. In some ways, it is truly sad that they know nothing but their hate.


I dont hate bush, I just dont think hes the kind of man I want leading my country, I certainly dont hate him, there are worse men in this world, I just dont really care about him, so if a drama was made with him being killed, I really just..wouldnt care, please, dont try to put me in the same sector as michael moore hehe, really im not blinded by hate, just logically, bush isnt a very good leader, from a logical, calculating point of view, thats just the way I look at it.


Wishing for his death is stupid, as his replacement will likely be worse than him.


Um...I believe I adressed this in a later post

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I dont really want the president to die, but I do wish him ill will. heheh

I imagine a 'HotShots' movie where he does all kinds of stupid {censored}. Imagine Leslie Neilson playing the part. :hysterical:


Bush is out playing golf, and he can't hit the ball out of a sand trap. All of a sudden, the sky gets dark.


Bush: Whats that {censored}?

{censored}: It looks like a giant

Bush: {censored}, It looks like a big, black

Martha: Johnson, get on the horn and call the pentagon, that big nuke thing looks like a long smooth shaft with


Umpire: 2 balls.

Batter: Hey look at that giant

Meisku: Wang. What is that?

Wang: Don't know but your


Doctor: {censored} is inefected Mr President. You have limphoma. What do you think you were doing rolling around in all that toxic waste?

Bush: I was trying to gain super powers.


OryHara and i haven't always seen :pirate2: (as some of you know) but the post above is Wonderfull.

Thanks. :)

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Wishing for his death is stupid, as his replacement will likely be worse than him.

Clone replacement? Oh no. The world is coming to an end.

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Agreed. He is a war criminal, and is responsible for many deaths. He should be punished.


Spock once said "You humans find it easier to understand the death of one, than the death of many." I think this is true. You cry when your loved ones die, but when we see thousands dead on the news... we can't weap as we did as if one close to us died. It reminds me of what Marilyn Manson said. "The death of one is a tragedy, but the death of a million is just a statistic." I can't morn for everyone, much less are we capable of feeling that kind of pain. But they should not go without being remembered. I believe our mind is set to protect us from feeling that kind of pain, so we block it out.


But all the same, the crime of thousands of deaths should be held higher than the crime of the death of one. So the punishment should be equal to the crime. I would be all for a public execution. A reminder, to America, and the rest of the world, that mass murder is WRONG... no matter who does it. Wether you are a president of the most powerful country in the world, or a 3rd world country that harbors drug lords. ALL men are created equal, and all men must be punished equal. We come into this life with nothing, and die with nothing.


Although a great post, I have to rebut it. No soldier goes without being remembered, no soldier goes without being honored. Where I live, whenever a soldier's body returns home, all businesses stop. They pull all available police cars, fire engines, veterans, off-duty soldiers, everone, and have a massive funeral procession from the airport to the cemetary. Virtually the entire city stands by the side of the road with american flags honoring the soldier and the sacrifice that man made. I live in a large city, not even a tenth of the people in that town knew him at all, yet they all honor him. They all share in that family's mourning.


You must remember here, George Bush simply sent men in the Army out to fight. He sent brave men and women to do their jobs, protect America. Bush didn't round up random civilians, he rounded up soldiers who knew what they were signing up for when the entered the Armed Services. Those brave men and women died accomplishing their jobs. Bush isn't a mass murderer, and I'm suprirsed that people could even find a connection.


Indeed all men are created as equals, and they should be punished as well. However, your logic only seems to apply to the man you dislike. What about the terrorists who killed our innocent men and women? Where do they receive their punishment? And sure, Bush had power to send the troops off, but couldn't we have stopped him? Where were we? Behind Bush (at least a majority of us originially were). Isn't this government our government? Couldn't we have told our representatives to change things, couldn't we have made a difference? So then isn't it also our responsibility that men were "Mass Murdered" as you put it. Then shouldn't we all die? Of course not. This entire thing is a stretch, as far as declaring Bush a Mass Murderer.


A general that sends his men out to war is a man doing his job. I don't think it's fair to punish a man for doing his job, now that people no longer like the result. It seems that every president gets only a small portion of his deserved credit, but twice his deserved fault and disgrace.

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Although a great post, I have to rebut it. No soldier goes without being remembered, no soldier goes without being honored. Where I live, whenever a soldier's body returns home, all businesses stop. They pull all available police cars, fire engines, veterans, off-duty soldiers, everone, and have a massive funeral procession from the airport to the cemetary. Virtually the entire city stands by the side of the road with american flags honoring the soldier and the sacrifice that man made. I live in a large city, not even a tenth of the people in that town knew him at all, yet they all honor him. They all share in that family's mourning.


Ceremonies has been invented to make people think that soldiers died for some higher special thing. Translate honour with financial interests and you ae right. Do you really believe, this makes a difference or that Bush gives a s*it? Parades may be great and I bet mom would be proud for a sec, and yes it is the minimum that people could do to condole with the family for 45 minutes, but a dead boy stays a dead boy for the rest of his unlived life.


You must remember here, George Bush simply sent men in the Army out to fight. He sent brave men and women to do their jobs, protect America. Bush didn't round up random civilians, he rounded up soldiers who knew what they were signing up for when the entered the Armed Services. Those brave men and women died accomplishing their jobs. Bush isn't a mass murderer, and I'm suprirsed that people could even find a connection.


Again, I can't see anything 'simple' here. Also Americas protection has never been touched by Saddam. The connection between Bush and a mass murderer comes with the fact, that he abused the soldiers with lies about some varpor-weapons. Why didn't he just say: C'mon guys, we want to make some money for Halliburton. We want to ensure the oil reserves for the next decades. Well, it does not sound so sexy if you put it that way. He just acts irresponsible with his own people, like they don't mean anything to him.


A general that sends his men out to war is a man doing his job. I don't think it's fair to punish a man for doing his job, now that people no longer like the result. It seems that every president gets only a small portion of his deserved credit, but twice his deserved fault and disgrace.


But a general feels responsible for his soldiers and only attacks for a good reason. Bush is no general, he even just was half a soldier. Many generals criticised him for what he did, just after he gave the order.

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Although a great post, I have to rebut it. No soldier goes without being remembered, no soldier goes without being honored. Where I live, whenever a soldier's body returns home, all businesses stop. They pull all available police cars, fire engines, veterans, off-duty soldiers, everone, and have a massive funeral procession from the airport to the cemetary. Virtually the entire city stands by the side of the road with american flags honoring the soldier and the sacrifice that man made. I live in a large city, not even a tenth of the people in that town knew him at all, yet they all honor him. They all share in that family's mourning.


You must remember here, George Bush simply sent men in the Army out to fight. He sent brave men and women to do their jobs, protect America. Bush didn't round up random civilians, he rounded up soldiers who knew what they were signing up for when the entered the Armed Services. Those brave men and women died accomplishing their jobs. Bush isn't a mass murderer, and I'm suprirsed that people could even find a connection.


Indeed all men are created as equals, and they should be punished as well. However, your logic only seems to apply to the man you dislike. What about the terrorists who killed our innocent men and women? Where do they receive their punishment? And sure, Bush had power to send the troops off, but couldn't we have stopped him? Where were we? Behind Bush (at least a majority of us originially were). Isn't this government our government? Couldn't we have told our representatives to change things, couldn't we have made a difference? So then isn't it also our responsibility that men were "Mass Murdered" as you put it. Then shouldn't we all die? Of course not. This entire thing is a stretch, as far as declaring Bush a Mass Murderer.


A general that sends his men out to war is a man doing his job. I don't think it's fair to punish a man for doing his job, now that people no longer like the result. It seems that every president gets only a small portion of his deserved credit, but twice his deserved fault and disgrace.



You say that OryHara is only applying all men equal to the guy he doesnt like, but arent you doing the same when it comes to the terrorists, has anybody ever thought that both are wrong, the terrorists are wrong and were wrong too? No, because everybody always has to have a right and a wrong, there can never be two wrongs, right? (no pun intended). Were wrong for going into iraq when they posed absolutely no threat to us. and the terrorists were wrong for attacking a civilian target when they should have been attacking military targets. If it was a military target that actually physically harmed their country, then they would be in the right, but no, they targeted a civilian target, and that is totally wrong. Just because I live in america, doesnt make america right, but just because America's wrong, doesnt mean the terrorists are right.



Also, I dont know what town you live in, but in the rest of the world, businesses dont stop for soldiers, its a headline sure, but people dont stop living their lives to honor the soldier? And even if they do, its not real, in a week that soldier is forgotten, they are not remembered forever, they are, sadly forgotten, and thats ok, because were all forgotten as history goes on, whats important isnt the death of the soldier but the life of the soldier, dont waste human life on useless things, its sick. Thats all I have to say on the subject.

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Also, I dont know what town you live in, but in the rest of the world, businesses dont stop for soldiers, its a headline sure, but people dont stop living their lives to honor the soldier? And even if they do, its not real, in a week that soldier is forgotten, they are not remembered forever, they are, sadly forgotten, and thats ok, because were all forgotten as history goes on, whats important isnt the death of the soldier but the life of the soldier, dont waste human life on useless things, its sick. Thats all I have to say on the subject.


What do you think the people are doing? They're not celebrating the death of the soldier, they're celebrating their life, their job, their honor to protecting their country. If I'm wasting life by attending such an event, or witnessing one, then I think I'd rather live a "wasted" life than a useful one.

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I don't think your wasting your life that way, but I think sending troops into Iraq was a waste of life.


The killing of Iraqies was a waste of life. The death of any person that can be avoided is a waste of life.

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I don't think your wasting your life that way, but I think sending troops into Iraq was a waste of life.


The killing of Iraqies was a waste of life. The death of any person that can be avoided is a waste of life.

This is always true. There are other ways to wage war. Machine against Machine (think Terminator), A chess match, a video war game, etc... None of these seam realistic today, but thats because people have a tendency to see lives destoryed. America isn't much different than Rome was. Rome had the Gladiators, and America has Hollywood. I like to see gore, and violence, but not when its 'real' human life. Thats why I prefer video games. :) nobody gets hurt.


Even though man has an envy for blood, and gore, we do not want to see lives wasted, epecially under a false pretense, which is what this war is all about. Bush wants ppl to believe its for their own so called 'security', when its nothing more than him, and his whitehouse buddies making a few million in oil profits, and his lust for power over people... like the patriot act, and AT&T phone tapping, he WANTS to be a dictator.


Anyone ever watch Battle Bots? Is that still on the Air? That would be a good example of how war should be fought in modern times. Let the 50ft tall machines duke it out. Its fun to watch them destroy each other, and most of all, nobody gets hurt.

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What do you think the people are doing? They're not celebrating the death of the soldier, they're celebrating their life, their job, their honor to protecting their country. If I'm wasting life by attending such an event, or witnessing one, then I think I'd rather live a "wasted" life than a useful one.



I was talking about the life of the soldier, DONT WASTE the life of the soldier on useless things, like useless wars. I didnt mean, dont waste your life by honoring them, thats totally fine with me, just wish i could get off my ass to do it, but alas, i am not a perfect human being.

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Anyone ever watch Battle Bots? Is that still on the Air? That would be a good example of how war should be fought in modern times. Let the 50ft tall machines duke it out. Its fun to watch them destroy each other, and most of all, nobody gets hurt.


Yeah, but when one team starts to lose they will just use their bot to attack the team controling the enemy bot.


P.S. that show made Bil Nye sellout... Tisk Tisk.

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Just to throw something in here, after Reagan was shot the number of credible threats against his life multiplied by 20. When wackos see something like this, it puts ideas in their heads. That's probably good enough reason not to do it for a sitting president.


I'll look forward to watching it to see how the show is presented. :D

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Yeah, but when one team starts to lose they will just use their bot to attack the team controling the enemy bot.


P.S. that show made Bil Nye sellout... Tisk Tisk.

THEN it will be like Terminator. :blink:

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You guys all miss the complete f***ing point. Do any of you remember World War 1 at all? We gave them their democracy, and see what happened? Hitler came and started his motion. The people in Iraq are happy that Bush is there. I personally know people from there, as they are my best friend's family's home country.


If we just stop now, there will be another Hitler. f*** you all, you will never like whatever president we have. Living through it and hearing about it are two totally different things.


For you to say George Washington was a good president, you wouldn't know. You weren't there.


Anyone who wishes the president dead, should go to another country. If it's so bad living here, than get the f*** out. I am sick of all of your complaining. As for the people that don't live here, shut the f*** up about it. It doesn't concern you. Nobody says anything good about America. Now don't you go saying "There isn't anything good about America." You'd just be lying to yourself.


And I digress.

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AcePlayer, I haven't visited this thread in some time, but I must say that I disagree with you on one critical point: that he will never be judged.


Surely someone as passionate about his faith as you are doesn't believe he will never face judgment? I do. In fact, it's the only reason I can sleep at night.


"The death from which you flee will truly overtake you; then will you be sent back to the Knower of the things secret and open; and He will tell you (the truth) of the things you did." (The Holy Qur'an, 62:8)

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The people in Iraq are happy that Bush is there. I personally know people from there, as they are my best friend's family's home country.
This is one of the most ludicrous statement I’ve heard all month. Maybe even stretch it to a few months.


Sure people where happy to see Saddam out of power because he was a :( but that doesn't mean they were happy seeing Bush take all their oil and giving all the contracts to American companies. And if people are so happy to see Bush and his troops there why is there a constant flow of people blowing themselves up along with American and coalition soldiers?


I haven’t seen anyone a single footage/image of anyone from Iraq smiling in years now. Then again what do they have to smile about?

* Their countries wealth is being taken from under their nose.

* They neighbours and family are being killed every day by the freedom fighters and dumb-ass idiots who just want to blow things up.

* Shias are killing Sunnis and Sunni are killing Shias meaning the country is basically in a state of civil war. This was never an issue during Saddams regime.

* Their people are being raped every few weeks/months and murdered every few days by US soldiers (mainly) and coalition forces.

* Theirs less oil and electricity and clean water available to the people now than was at the time of Saddam. As a result people are suffering more now than back then.


I'm sure the list can go on and on but what’s the point.


Anyone who wishes the president dead, should go to another country. If it's so bad living here, than get the f*** out.
I WISH THE DUMBER THAN A BABY :) DEAD. And I’m not from America so I can say it.

And what's with Americans who think he should be dead having to go to another country. Surely the constitution 'still' (not for much longer maybe) has freedom of speech as a part of it.


As for the people that don't live here, shut the f*** up about it. It doesn't concern you.
How does it not concern us you arrogant... person. When the dumb-ass makes a speech and tells the world, Gods telling him to invade another country it affects us. So we have every ever right to say what we want. You can't be the world’s most powerful man and not expect to be criticised or even have death wishes being thrown at you. Maybe if he wasn't so stupid and a greater threat to the world than Osama bin Laden is then we wouldn't be wishing for his death.


Nobody says anything good about America.
Ever wonder why Einstein?


Now don't you go saying "There isn't anything good about America." You'd just be lying to yourself.
No one said there was NOTHING good about America. But the list is growing shorter and shorter.

Your human rights record is going down the drain. People being locked up without charge for years... some to then find out there was nothing on them. People being flown without permission to secret prisons handed over to torturous regimes without anyone knowing where they are or how long they will be there. Remember all this happens to non-Americans too, taken from America and other countries (Italy is one that comes to mind). I'm just as fearful of America as I am of China, Russia, North Korea or next messed up regime. Your weather is getting completely screwed with all these massive hurricanes which are killing people and destroying infrastructure causing billions of $$$ damage (God works in mysterious ways - amen). The world wonders why you chose the same guy who probably gets his wife to spell his name for him, twice. This just makes us wonder how cleaver can you all really be....


The people in Iraq are happy that Bush is there. I personally know people from there, as they are my best friend's family's home country.
This is one of the most ludicrous statement I’ve heard all month. Maybe even stretch it to a few months.


Sure people where happy to see Saddam out of power because he was a :censored2: but that doesn't mean they were happy seeing Bush take all their oil and giving all the contracts to American companies. And if people are so happy to see Bush and his troops there why is there a constant flow of people blowing themselves up along with American and coalition soldiers?


I haven’t seen anyone a single footage/image of anyone from Iraq smiling in years now. Then again what do they have to smile about?

* Their countries wealth is being taken from under their nose.

* They neighbours and family are being killed every day by the freedom fighters and dumb-ass idiots who just want to blow things up.

* Shias are killing Sunnis and Sunni are killing Shias meaning the country is basically in a state of civil war. This was never an issue during Saddams regime.

* Their people are being raped every few weeks/months and murdered every few days by US soldiers (mainly) and coalition forces.

* Theirs less oil and electricity and clean water available to the people now than was at the time of Saddam. As a result people are suffering more now than back then.


I'm sure the list can go on and on but what’s the point.


Anyone who wishes the president dead, should go to another country. If it's so bad living here, than get the f*** out.
I WISH THE DUMBER THAN A BABY :censored2: DEAD. And I’m not from America so I can say it.

And what's with Americans who think he should be dead having to go to another country. Surely the constitution 'still' (not for much longer maybe) has freedom of speech as a part of it.


As for the people that don't live here, shut the f*** up about it. It doesn't concern you.
How does it not concern us you arrogant... person. When the dumb-ass makes a speech and tells the world, Gods telling him to invade another country it affects us. So we have every ever right to say what we want. You can't be the world’s most powerful man and not expect to be criticised or even have death wishes being thrown at you. Maybe if he wasn't so stupid and a greater threat to the world than Osama bin Laden is then we wouldn't be wishing for his death.


Nobody says anything good about America.
Ever wonder why Einstein?


Now don't you go saying "There isn't anything good about America." You'd just be lying to yourself.
No one said there was NOTHING good about America. But the list is growing shorter and shorter.

Your human rights record is going down the drain. People being locked up without charge for years... some to then find out there was nothing on them. People being flown without permission to secret prisons handed over to torturous regimes without anyone knowing where they are or how long they will be there. Remember all this happens to non-Americans too, taken from America and other countries (Italy is one that comes to mind). I'm just as fearful of America as I am of China, Russia, North Korea or next messed up regime. Your weather is getting completely screwed with all these massive hurricanes which are killing people and destroying infrastructure causing billions of $$$ damage (God works in mysterious ways - amen). The world wonders why you chose the same guy who probably gets his wife to spell his name for him, twice. This just makes us wonder how cleaver can you all really be....

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Anyone who wishes the president dead, should go to another country. If it's so bad living here, than get the f*** out.


Um... Bill of Rights.

Did you never complain about a president?... I doubt it.


I am sick of all of your complaining. As for the people that don't live here, shut the f*** up about it. It doesn't concern you.


When a person forces them to pick sides it kinda does.


Nobody says anything good about America.


America is shaped cool.

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My question is why has bush not been impeached yet for all the {censored} he's pulled? (iraq war for starters). Clinton gets a knob job in the oval office and was impeached for lieing about it (like anyone would to not ruin a marriage!)...bush kills who knows how many people (whether directly or indirectly is inconsiquential) and no impeachment? The only thing that would upset me about bush getting shot is that chaney would take over...any other consequences would probably benefit the world more than it hurt it. 1-9-2009...I can't wait!!! The day america's global respect gets better no matter who takes office.

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