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What about the new ATI HD4850 ?


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I'll post a screenshot when I get home.


Here are a couple screens proving my resolution, I don't get why this is such an argument. If I was going to lie about something it wouldn't be this, I have nothing to gain, I didn't figure out the method, I simply found an old forum post and modified some configuration file in my system a couple months ago to force this resolution. I don't do anything during booting, I just added a line or to of info to file. I can't remember the method but I'll try and dig it up.





Here's how I did it:


1. Go to the file:



2. Make a backup of that file and place a copy on your desktop


3. Mine started life like this:



4. Edited it to look like this:



5. Place this edited version back in the original folder and reboot, it worked for me and has kept working ever since


BTW, it took me about 30 seconds on Google to find this method dating back to 2006 using terms like "forcing resolution os x 1680"


I don't know if this will work with ATI card or not and there seems to be some variance on whether to use the @ symbol or a "x" before you specify the color depth, apparently it depends on the VESA driver used or something.


I'll post a screenshot when I get home.


Here are a couple screens proving my resolution, I don't get why this is such an argument. If I was going to lie about something it wouldn't be this, I have nothing to gain, I didn't figure out the method, I simply found an old forum post and modified some configuration file in my system a couple months ago to force this resolution. I don't do anything during booting, I just added a line or to of info to file. I can't remember the method but I'll try and dig it up.





Here's how I did it:


1. Go to the file:



2. Make a backup of that file and place a copy on your desktop


3. Mine started life like this:



4. Edited it to look like this:



5. Place this edited version back in the original folder and reboot, it worked for me and has kept working ever since


BTW, it took me about 30 seconds on Google to find this method dating back to 2006 using terms like "forcing resolution os x 1680"


I don't know if this will work with ATI card or not and there seems to be some variance on whether to use the @ symbol or a "x" before you specify the color depth, apparently it depends on the VESA driver used or something.


Yeah but what how do i install a sys, when i don't select any drivers during install the sys will boot but it will hang on apple grey screen :thumbsup_anim: tried xxx relase with modbin nad voodoo kernel will try ideneb

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Can Anyone say me whats the best way is to install the driver (best driver for that moment) for my ati 4850 ?


It's usually a good idea to read threads before posting.


There is no solution for the 4xxx series so far. You'll have to keep checking this thread for news. I visit daily!

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mine hackintosh is running in vesa mode (ati 4870)

i have to specify boot options at each reboot for the 1280x1024 mode to be available.


if anyone has a tips for fixing that option by default ...


on the other end, since i m in vesa it looks like i have no video playback, what about you ?

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mine hackintosh is running in vesa mode (ati 4870)

i have to specify boot options at each reboot for the 1280x1024 mode to be available.


if anyone has a tips for fixing that option by default ...


on the other end, since i m in vesa it looks like i have no video playback, what about you ?


It's because there isn't any hardware acceleration, so you won't get smooth 3D stuff (like the dock), video playback, resolution change, etc.


We'll have to wait until 10.5.7.

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I am pretty new to this forum myself, but some of you shock even me by how little you bother to read though this very topic before asking for help. :)

  • Does 48xx work on OS X (no)
  • How do I force my widescreen resolution in VESA (you can not on an ATI card)
  • When will Snow Leopard be out (when it is ready)
  • Can you dump the Snow Leopard driver for Leopard (no)

all these questions and more have already been answered to death. I am in no way trying to be mean since folks around here have been helpful to me, but at least take a minute of your time to look though things before asking questions.






i have to specify boot options at each reboot for the 1280x1024 mode to be available.


if anyone has a tips for fixing that option by default ..


3/ What commands did you use to force? Can this be done in "display" in system prefrences?


3. The information I followed was listed in the link provided in page 6 but I will repeat it.




Browse down to "Messing with boot options"


It explains it pretty well.

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mine hackintosh is running in vesa mode (ati 4870)

i have to specify boot options at each reboot for the 1280x1024 mode to be available.


if anyone has a tips for fixing that option by default ...


on the other end, since i m in vesa it looks like i have no video playback, what about you ?


read post Post #453 above. this will let you force whatever screen size you want permanently


works perfect just no Quartz extreme and other features

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I will ask a noob question, i know but anyway:


Since macOS is loosly based on Linux, is it possible to somehow recompile Linux drivers ( which are tottaly available @ http://ati.amd.com/support/drivers/linux/linux-radeon.html ) for usage under macOS? all this no-GPU-for-you thing really upsets me and makes me to search for weird desigions ;)


Mac OS is not based on Linux!

so it's impossible to use its drivers.

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I just ordered a 4850 - I'm not even going to bother trying to get it working on osx.


Could someone please suggest a pci card for me? I don't need anything powerful - I just want the cheapest possible solution that will give me hardware acceleration etc.

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I just ordered a 4850 - I'm not even going to bother trying to get it working on osx.


Could someone please suggest a pci card for me? I don't need anything powerful - I just want the cheapest possible solution that will give me hardware acceleration etc.


Well, virtually any Nvidia 7xxx/8xxx/9xxx series card will work just fine with QE/CI (my old 7300GS worked perfectly).


My old Radeon 2600PRO also worked just fine, but I would get an Nvidia card to be on the safe side.

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i don't know if yakapo meant a regular pci card rather than a pcie, but in my case i need a cheap, supported pci card, cause i have only one pcie x16 and the other pcie is x1 and i've read that there aren't many cards with that bus. so, anyone knows a good pci (just pci) card that will work with leopard? and is it possible to have one pcie x16 card and one pci card and select wich one to boot? i have a gigabyte GA-EP45-DS3L if that helps.

man, i would really like to get my 4670 card working, i would even install snow leo beta if i have to (or know how)

thanks in advance for any help.

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ya i'm looking for a cheap pci card that is compatible.


I only have 1 pcie slot (for my 4850). My lcd panel has multiple inputs. I'll just select the pci card when I'm booting into leo. I have to go into the bios to switch hard drives for leo anyway.


on an unrelated note... I just clocked my new E7400 ($99) to 3.9ghz with really cheap ram!!! it's my first overclock.

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Not sure if anyone has tried this yet, but I've had an odd success playing around with the boot preferences file and the vesa modes on my 4850. My monitor's native resolution is 1680x1050x32, but setting that forced me to the usual 1024x768. Setting 1440x1052x32 inexplicably got me up and running at 1152x768. I went a little further and dropped the color depth to 1680x1050x24, and I can now get the desktop 1400x1050.


At this point its better than nothing; I'm not trying to do much beyond some simple development and messing around with XCode, so the extra screen real estate is helpful.


And, if anyone is interested, I've a Gigabyte P35 DS3L, E6750 and an ATI branded 4850. I'm running iDeneb 1.3/10.5.5. Haven't been able to get sound working on it, but I haven't tried all that hard, either.



Just tried with 1680x1050x32, and it boots into 1400x1050. Not sure why it didn't work at that color depth previously.

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I'm having a little buyers remorse from buying this card.


I could return it for a 9800gtx+ but that card didn't even fit in my case without totally removing the hard drive holder thingy (antec). The 4850 fits nicely.


Has anyone tried getting the snow leopard beta working?




Not sure if anyone has tried this yet, but I've had an odd success playing around with the boot preferences file and the vesa modes on my 4850. My monitor's native resolution is 1680x1050x32, but setting that forced me to the usual 1024x768. Setting 1440x1052x32 inexplicably got me up and running at 1152x768. I went a little further and dropped the color depth to 1680x1050x24, and I can now get the desktop 1400x1050.


At this point its better than nothing; I'm not trying to do much beyond some simple development and messing around with XCode, so the extra screen real estate is helpful.


And, if anyone is interested, I've a Gigabyte P35 DS3L, E6750 and an ATI branded 4850. I'm running iDeneb 1.3/10.5.5. Haven't been able to get sound working on it, but I haven't tried all that hard, either.



Just tried with 1680x1050x32, and it boots into 1400x1050. Not sure why it didn't work at that color depth previously.


hmmm.... I have an extra 20" lcd panel sitting gathering dust that has a native res of 1400x1050. (currently using a 28" at 1920x1200)

I wonder how I could get it to work without having to switch cables whenever I boot into osx?

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I have been out of the osx86 loop for sometime now since I only just got a new powerful pc (which supports sse3).


Typically though I had to get everything compatbile except the gpu (ati 4850).


Is there a way to enable quartz extreme even with VESA? I only intend on using OSx for the occasional bit of xcode and imovie so I wont burn out my cpu.

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