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Apple has done something it hasn’t done before with a major release of OS X, announcing today during its iPad event that it will release OS X Mavericks, the latest version of its desktop OS, later today for free to all users.


Mavericks is available starting today for iMac and MacBook Pros from 2007 or later, 2008 MacBook Air, MacBook, and Mac Pro or later, and the 2009 Mac mini or later.


Apple first showed off Mavericks back in June at its WWDC developer conference and has since seeded several betas as well as Golden Master release followed by silent update to the GM release that could likely be the version Apple ships later this month.


Despite not receiving a radical visual overhaul like iOS 7, OS X Mavericks includes over 200 new features and many big new user facing features like iBooks, improved multiple display support, iCloud Keychain, new Finder features, Maps, quick reply and lock screen notifications, auto-updating apps, and a number of under the hood enhancements to improve battery life and performance.



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Is there an update from the GM build, and where would I get it? Also, iLife and iWork are supposed to be free, but they still have their regular prices for me. Is this because I'm running GM?



I wonder how do you guys think this ¨Free OSx¨ thing might affect Apple´s take on the Hackintosh scene, if at all?



Makes me wonder if they can / will pursue a more active lockdown on the OS for it to run only on Apple´s hardware or they will just continue ¨not caring and somehow profiting indirectly from it, that´s what i think might be happening now.


Would like to read your views on this!






(Not sure if this post was new thread worthy, so if any mod or admin feels it´s way to off topic or derailing feel free to delete or move this where it belongs, sorry if that´s the case.)



hi  joseracer


I do not think Apple is trying to harm the world of hackintosh (maybe not for now) 


I think Apple has found an opportunity to show to the world that Apple's OS is accessible to everyone and this "Free OS X"  drives me to believe to this.



really surprising.



surprised too. i never thought in that movement from apple.

  • Like 1


With that, the whole dynamic on piracy has changed. 


How will that affect our community?

  • Like 1


With that, the whole dynamic on piracy has changed. 


How will that affect our community?


Nobody should be able to speak of piracy any longer. Only breach of EULA, where applicable.

  • Like 5


the house of Cupertino has just surprised





Will the new version offer support for other CPU's?


Im trying to install OSX on my 4820K.



I think that Apple’s new CEOs and Marketing directors have been convinced that the fact of focusing on Hardware production and relying on its revenues is no longer the right way that could make of Apple an empire of richness like Microsoft, and rather of that, they decided to focus on Software’s development side and its revenues like what Bill Gates has done for more than 33 years, because when you produce an OS that runs only in your made in home hardware, you are forcing automatically  customers to buy your Hardware even if they like only the Software part and this approach is the bad decision that Steve jobs took in his life and has to be avoided, so, from my point of view we will be surprised by more than one Apple’s news during the next months, I think Apple will abandon hardware development forever and will think to make its OS multi architecture support and will focus on Software development and services just the Microsoft way :-)



...if not Jobs, at least Wozniak will be happy with this freebie...and apple will never go the way of "necrosoft" ...there is no need



  • Like 1


I wonder how do you guys think this ¨Free OSx¨ thing might affect Apple´s take on the Hackintosh scene, if at all?



Makes me wonder if they can / will pursue a more active lockdown on the OS for it to run only on Apple´s hardware or they will just continue ¨not caring and somehow profiting indirectly from it, that´s what i think might be happening now.


Would like to read your views on this!






(Not sure if this post was new thread worthy, so if any mod or admin feels it´s way to off topic or derailing feel free to delete or move this where it belongs, sorry if that´s the case.)

When I succeded to install iDeneb the first time on my Dell D830, I was very very surprised of how this OS is fantastic, I can say "it is a realtime OS" because when I power on my laptop it takes less than 5 seconds to display the desktop, the windows and applications are very responsive and the shutdown process is one event process (less than 1 second!!!), however, when I tried to install OS X 10.7, 10.8 or 10.9 DP/GM which are required by some applications, it was a nightmare for me due to hardware uncompatibility and kexts's conflicts, so, the  only solution was to buy a Macbook Pro which isn't within my budget unfortunately, I can spend 100 or 150 $ in an OS but I cannot spend 3000$ in a hardware which I dont like, so, I think that Apple should focus on Software developpement rather than producing an expencive Hardware which isn't accessible to everyone, I think this is the strong point of its competitor Miscrosoft.



I wonder how do you guys think this ¨Free OSx¨ thing might affect Apple´s take on the Hackintosh scene, if at all?



Makes me wonder if they can / will pursue a more active lockdown on the OS for it to run only on Apple´s hardware or they will just continue ¨not caring and somehow profiting indirectly from it, that´s what i think might be happening now.


Would like to read your views on this!






(Not sure if this post was new thread worthy, so if any mod or admin feels it´s way to off topic or derailing feel free to delete or move this where it belongs, sorry if that´s the case.)

I don't think that Apple really cares about Hackintoshes, their goal is not to sell OSXs because the real profits cames from Hardware sells like iPad, iPhone, iPod & Macs. The more there's OSX's in the jungle, the more people use Apple's technologies. That's why you can get iMovie, iPhotos, iTunes etc. for free because they know that, like a trojan horse, you will finally buy stuff from them, even if it's just an iPhone case ;-)

So of course, a Hacknitosh is far less expansive than a real Mac but after multiples attemps to make your Hackintosh works like a real Mac, you'll probably end up to buy a true Mac. No more kexts to check or re-install after every minor or major updates, no more sleep, wifi, graphics issues, no more pain just the pleasure.

I do actually own both, Hackintoshes & Macs and even if I love to tweak around an old PC to make it works like a 99% Macs, I'm always glad to sit down in front of my MacBook Air and see that things just works.

By the way, anyone tried the "You can't be serious Windows 8.1 update" ? I've spent a week just trying to install it ? Windows is still this old piece of {censored} that never stop to be ! Hack's & Macs rules !

  • Like 1


Guys, Apple will never stop Hardware development because it's much more profitable to sell iPhones, iPads, iPods and of course Macs than developing an OS. Microsoft wasn't the biggest company because of Windows, it was because of Office which of course needed Windows to run. Companies was then forced to install Windows if they wanted to run Office. Now times have changed and Office is no longer essential for business than it was before. Companies and custumers uses Cloud Services, and Web Apps likes Google Docs, iCloud or OpenOffice and Linux to do what Office used to do.

The OS War in the PC industry has move from desktop computing to mobile platforms (Android, iOS and... hum Windows Phone) and the looser is clearly Microsoft.

Balmer and his buddies are the kings of an empty Empire and it seems that they finally starting to realize that they are in serious troubles.

Hopefully, they still have a lot of cash (but they'd rather spent it not buying deads companies like Nokia) and they still have the Xbox.


Let's see if the "One Microsoft" strategy will be enough to regain some market shares but I think it's a little bit too late for that now...



For expensive harware is necessary to provide a free software! :)

Andy Vandijck


It's cool that Mavericks is free...

Death to conventional thinking...

Death to M$... lol ;)

  • Like 2


Is it (still) possible to create a bootable USB-stick for a fresh install? :)


Really great that Apple released this for free, I would like to pay 15 euro's for it. Well, maybe todo a donation to Apple. :P




with this new version of mavericks the iJail app is included for every hackintosh user or for everyone violating the eula XD

just joking, apple don't care about us, they care about money, and to sell iThinghs, or slim unupgradable iMacs  ;).

Btw the time for us will come,

are we at 10.9 right?




My opinion on this that Apple released 10.9 free is that they relased these new Haswell architecture computers earlier on this year and Maveric improve these machines.



Mavericks should show improvements on all macs that support it. With 10.6 still being very popular I think they are trying to get everyone to update to help keep a single platform and eliminate more fragmentation.

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Mavericks should show improvements on all macs that support it. With 10.6 still being very popular I think they are trying to get everyone to update to help keep a single platform and eliminate more fragmentation.


I don't think Apple will ever give something away for free because it helps the end users.  They do it to help themselves.  Always have, always will.  Don't expect to see a new version of psystar anytime soon.

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For me, i think maybe apple want to enhance the development on gaming since everyone will try to use it since it free, then many developer will find the market target on mac osx
the development on gaming based for mac osx is far beyond microsoft that has directx :D



only if your are taking about small games in general.. any real gamer is going to use windows for better hardware support and superior graphics drivers and any real developer is going to use windows or both just to get higher sales numbers.



One nasty thing of mavericks: no more quick look preview of FLV files and quicktime won't play them, will propose conversion



I think they will profit in other ways.

I would guess they get money from app store sales.

What surprised me I had the option to install to my 250g usb.

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