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Really fast Q: Does 64-bit Windows Vista run all 32-bit apps?

I read some stuff about 16-bit not being supported, and that still scares me a little for some stupid installers... so how's support for x64?

Reason I ask is I'm not sure which to install... won't be using it much but still! ;)

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Yes it has full support for 32bit apps no 16bit support though. If a 32bit app wont run it wont be because of the x64 version you are running but rather because of vista's new features such as UAC and Digitally signed drivers. I have x64 and no problems yet.


EDIT: with respect to 2Lman drivers are an issue until manufacturers release 64 bit support but drivers arnt programs in the usual sence.

Ha ha! I wish! No, Vista 64 does not run all Win 32 programs. There are a LOT of issues. The main issue is drivers. I would stick to Vista 32 unless you have 8gb or something ridiculous like that.

I've been using Vista x64 for about 3 months now and I am yet to experience any problems with it. It has ran every piece of software that I've thrown at it.


I'm sure most people have more than 8GB of hard drive space free. :angry2:

Thank you for the replies... drivers shouldn't be an issue, seeing as Apple will probably have 64-bit drivers by the time my Air ships... hehe ;) I'll give it a go, since it's easy enough for me to reformat and whatnot, considering i'm not really a Windows user!


thanks all!



64-bit operating systems like Vista x64 use a native 64bit instruction set which adds support for 64bit intergers, larger virtual and physical address spaces and other such features. However the "64bit" technology comes from the same source as the x86 (32bit) instruction set architecture, thus the two are like siblings and all 64bit systems are backwards compatible with 32bit instruction sets, but not vice versa. Some 32bit programs are specifically incompatible with 64bit architectures and simply can't run in a 64bit environment without some modification.

As per programs installing and running, I have had no issues with Vista x64 and I have been using it for about a year now, since the RTM. As for the programs running correctly, I have only encountered one issue, and that is with Adobe Illustrator CS3, when I try to place a JPEG it has issues, either it wont place it or will say no memory or something. However this is overcome, according to Adobe, by running Illustrator in compatibility mode (no fancy Aero theme). Adobe may have come out with a fix for this already but I would be unaware of that as I use my hack for all my graphics work now.

Had Vista x64 run an dhad no trouble with it. All my programms and gamez worked fine, drivers had been no problem (I'm having a "not one year old" pc...) The only one and for me important app that didn't work was Logic Audio Platinum 5.5.2. Since it's about 500 EUR I'm back to XP i386.

Had Vista x64 run an dhad no trouble with it. All my programms and gamez worked fine, drivers had been no problem (I'm having a "not one year old" pc...) The only one and for me important app that didn't work was Logic Audio Platinum 5.5.2. Since it's about 500 EUR I'm back to XP i386.


Apple offers an upgrade for $200.

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