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Clover Themes

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I installed r1104 from one of the old installers I had here and the icon animation works.
Looking at rEFIt_UEFI/refit/main.c from r1104 I see in function AddLoaderEntry()

 // create the submenu
  SubScreen = AllocateZeroPool(sizeof(REFIT_MENU_SCREEN));
  SubScreen->Title = PoolPrint(L"Boot Options for %s on %s", (LoaderTitle != NULL) ? LoaderTitle : FileName, Entry->VolName);
  SubScreen->TitleImage = Entry->me.Image;
  SubScreen->ID = OSType + 20;
//  DBG("get anime for os=%d\n", SubScreen->ID);
  SubScreen->AnimeRun = GetAnime(SubScreen);
  VolumeSize = RShiftU64(MultU64x32(Volume->BlockIO->Media->LastBlock, Volume->BlockIO->Media->BlockSize), 20);
  AddMenuInfoLine(SubScreen, PoolPrint(L"Volume size: %dMb", VolumeSize));
This is where the icon animation was initiated.
However, Clover r3248 today looks very different when compared to r1104 so at this point I don’t know how much work is needed to re-enable device icon animations. I’ll look more in to it when I get time.
Looking at the latest Clover code I see we do actually have the code above in loader.c
 // create the submenu
  SubScreen = AllocateZeroPool(sizeof(REFIT_MENU_SCREEN));
  SubScreen->Title = PoolPrint(L"Boot Options for %s on %s", Entry->me.Title, Entry->VolName);
  SubScreen->TitleImage = Entry->me.Image;
  SubScreen->ID = Entry->LoaderType + 20;
  //  DBG("get anime for os=%d\n", SubScreen->ID);
  SubScreen->AnimeRun = GetAnime(SubScreen);
  VolumeSize = RShiftU64(MultU64x32(Volume->BlockIO->Media->LastBlock, Volume->BlockIO->Media->BlockSize), 20);
  AddMenuInfoLine(SubScreen, PoolPrint(L"Volume size: %dMb", VolumeSize));

So that's good!

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I installed r1104 from one of the old installers I had here and the icon animation works.
Looking at rEFIt_UEFI/refit/main.c from r1104 I see in function AddLoaderEntry()
 // create the submenu
  SubScreen = AllocateZeroPool(sizeof(REFIT_MENU_SCREEN));
  SubScreen->Title = PoolPrint(L"Boot Options for %s on %s", (LoaderTitle != NULL) ? LoaderTitle : FileName, Entry->VolName);
  SubScreen->TitleImage = Entry->me.Image;
  SubScreen->ID = OSType + 20;
//  DBG("get anime for os=%d\n", SubScreen->ID);
  SubScreen->AnimeRun = GetAnime(SubScreen);
  VolumeSize = RShiftU64(MultU64x32(Volume->BlockIO->Media->LastBlock, Volume->BlockIO->Media->BlockSize), 20);
  AddMenuInfoLine(SubScreen, PoolPrint(L"Volume size: %dMb", VolumeSize));
This is where the icon animation was initiated.
However, Clover r3248 today looks very different when compared to r1104 so at this point I don’t know how much work is needed to re-enable device icon animations. I’ll look more in to it when I get time.


Although I don't know much about the codes you wrote above, I think it's really fantastic work.Just take your time.I can not wait to see clover r3xxx can enable device icon animations real soon. :rolleyes:

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Animation update:

Current clover does still animate device icons! But it’s limited to device ID's 21,30 and 31 for now (for OS X volumes).
The os types are commented out as they're not used.
Entry->LoaderType always equals 1 for OS X volumes or 10 for OS X recovery volumes
so the only animation ID's that will work are ID 21, 30 and 31.
I’ve played with the code for a couple of hours but I don’t have enough knowlegde to get it working for all OS types. This might need apianti’s help.
For now, to see at least one animation working you can do this.
- Give your animation in the theme.plist an ID of 21

        <string>DIR NAME</string>
- Boot in to Clover GUI
- Select an OS X volume and press spacebar
You should see your animation playing in position of the normal icon, beside the menu text.
It's not much, but it's something for now..
Edited by blackosx
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Animation update:

Current clover does still animate device icons! But it’s limited to device ID's 21 and 30 for now.
The os types are commented out as they're not used.
Entry->LoaderType always equals 1 for OS X volumes or 10 for OS X recovery volumes
so the only animation ID's that will work are ID 21 and 30.
I’ve played with the code for a couple of hours but I don’t have enough knowlegde to get it working for all OS types. This might need apianti’s help.
For now, to see at least one animation working you can do this.
- Give your animation in the theme.plist an ID of 21

        <string>DIR NAME</string>
- Boot in to Clover GUI
- Select an OS X volume and press spacebar
You should see your animation playing in position of the normal icon, beside the menu text.
It's not much, but it's something for now..


Thanks for doing that. :) I will try id 21

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Cool. At least you will be able to see each animation for now using the above method for testing purposes.

I am working on a hack to get more OS X versions recognised but it will take me a while before I have something to show.

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  • 1 month later...
Two questions: I recently made a dual boot laptop with windows 10 and yosemite 10.10.5 but I noticed some things to fix with clover theme. Yosemite partition uses Apple logo instead of Yosemite icon meanwhile Windows partition uses Windows 8 logo. So what's wrong with OS X icons and do someone has Windows 10 icons to add to my folder? Thanks!


I attached my theme folder.


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I've just tested this theme and it shows my OS X Yosemite installations with the os.yos.icns file just fine so I'm not sure why it doesn't for you.

I haven't seen any specific Windows 10 icons for Clover themes yet. CosmosCJ is about so maybe he'll create one for this theme soon.

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Hi blackosx, thanks for your reply! About Yosemite icon I solved this way: mounted efi partition, opened themes folder, renamed os_mac.icns (the one with Apple logo which is loaded in my case) to os_mac_backup.icns, duplicated os.yos.icns and renamed it os_mac.icns. Now at boot Clover shows me the right Yosemite icon, even if clearly doesn't recognize Mac Partition as a specifically Yosemite partition but just as generically OS X partition. About Windows 10, I'll wait for brand new icons! Thanks again.

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I've just tested this theme and it shows my OS X Yosemite installations with the os.yos.icns file just fine so I'm not sure why it doesn't for you.

I haven't seen any specific Windows 10 icons for Clover themes yet. CosmosCJ is about so maybe he'll create one for this theme soon.

Any luck for animation icons for clover?Maybe it will be a little difficult to make it happen.... :lol:  

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Hi CosmosCJ


No. Sorry. I lost a good couple of days inside the Clover code and could not figure out how to add two animations to the same page. This would be necessary to allow the banner animation and device icon animation on the main page where you see the device icons. I gave up in the end. It was too complicated for me to figure out :(


I did manage to get the correct animated device icon to show on the page which is drawn when you press space. And I did manage to get the animated device icon to display instead of the banner animation. But that was all. 


The problem requires the attention of a developer with some spare time on their hands.

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Hi CosmosCJ


No. Sorry. I lost a good couple of days inside the Clover code and could not figure out how to add two animations to the same page. This would be necessary to allow the banner animation and device icon animation on the main page where you see the device icons. I gave up in the end. It was too complicated for me to figure out :(


I did manage to get the correct animated device icon to show on the page which is drawn when you press space. And I did manage to get the animated device icon to display instead of the banner animation. But that was all. 


The problem requires the attention of a developer with some spare time on their hands.

That's OK. Sorry to take up your time to do that.Just keep clover more and more powerful,thanks, buddy. :)

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  • 5 weeks later...

@CosmosCJ - I just found a movie I made in 2012 of Clover's GUI when I was messing around with animated volume icons and thought you'd maybe want to see it (even though it no longer works :( )

It starts with the default volume animated. I then press the keyboard arrows to change volume as you can see by the text changing, but the volume animation never updated that way, only when mouse clicking another volume. There's also an issue where the logo animation was too close to the frame of the volume animations resulting in them being overlaid and flickering. But still, it shows what used to work...
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I've modified OSS theme to accommodate hidpi screen. It works great on my 1920x1080 screen. I haven't tested on higher resolution but should be ok. Lower resolution screen still can use OSS v1.x which has smaller icons.


Just a quick note, I found icon files (*.icns) should not have colorsync profile, otherwise it won't work with Clover boot loader. So I have to remove the profile via photoshop. However, photoshop does not recognize *.icns file. Then I convert *.icns to png, remove the profile, and change png extension back to icns (yes it works). If there is better solution, please tell me. I spend a lot of time on the profile removal.....=[


Download (v2.0): OSS.zip




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lisai9093 I've been using your original OSS theme and really like it, but the font never looked good on my monitor. Your 2nd version the font is great, but the icons are huge!! I'm trying to combine the two and use the font from v2 with v1

-figured it out, it's still not perfect but I think it's an improvement :)

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lisai9093 I've been using your original OSS theme and really like it, but the font never looked good on my monitor. Your 2nd version the font is great, but the icons are huge!! I'm trying to combine the two and use the font from v2 with v1

-figured it out, it's still not perfect but I think it's an improvement :)

Thanks for your support. The theme is far from perfect. I will make changes once I know how. v1 is for low resolution and v2 for high. So I will update both branches in the future. =]

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It's great to see another theme use 256px icons. Good job lisai9093 :D

One note: The theme is missing a recovery icon.




For ref, Clover has used PNG files instead of ICNS files since rev 2231.

Rev 2231: Support using PNG or BMP instead of ICNS

Theme is intended to use ICNS files but there is a sense to switch to PNG only. They are smaller and more easy to be drawn.

This patch permits you to rename os_lion.png to os_lion.icns as well as other files and use in your theme.

The above was from the Clover changelog thread on projectosx which is no longer available. But some archived pages still exist and the thread can be seen in the following link:



If you're interested, I use pngquant to optimise my PNG files


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It's great to see another theme use 256px icons. Good job lisai9093 :D

One note: The theme is missing a recovery icon.




For ref, Clover has used PNG files instead of ICNS files since rev 2231.

The above was from the Clover changelog thread on projectosx which is no longer available. But some archived pages still exist and the thread can be seen in the following link:



If you're interested, I use pngquant to optimise my PNG files


Thank you! Here is the new version v2.0.1 with changes and fixes.


- Arrow under selection box

- Invisible tools menu (but they are still there....I really want to get rid of them completely....)


Known problem:

- Icons is not centered. Change "TileXSpace" in theme.plist might help. But it enlarges selection box spacing at the same time. Will try sometime later.


Download: OSS.zip




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Hi lisai9093


Thanks for the update. I'll try to take a look this evening.


With regard to the visibility of the tools, I believe this can be a user choice in the theme.plist



Clover could support this theme again in the future? I really like  :)

Not without some devoted time and considerable effort from a dev with nothing else to do.
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Hi lisai9093


Thanks for the update. I'll try to take a look this evening.


With regard to the visibility of the tools, I believe this can be a user choice in the theme.plist


Not without some devoted time and considerable effort from a dev with nothing else to do.


But that seems disable tools completely...... For example, I cannot use keyboard "O" for option menu.... For general users, tools might be necessary

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But that seems disable tools completely...... For example, I cannot use keyboard "O" for option menu.... For general users, tools might be necessary

Yeah. You can't call disabled entry....

I may propose to draw an invisible tools icons  :rolleyes:

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@CosmosCJ - I just found a movie I made in 2012 of Clover's GUI when I was messing around with animated volume icons and thought you'd maybe want to see it (even though it no longer works :( )

It starts with the default volume animated. I then press the keyboard arrows to change volume as you can see by the text changing, but the volume animation never updated that way, only when mouse clicking another volume. There's also an issue where the logo animation was too close to the frame of the volume animations resulting in them being overlaid and flickering. But still, it shows what used to work...


That's so awesome. The effect is so cool.

Hey,finally I make the el capitan clover theme with the progressing bar animation.Hope you guys love it.




El Capitan.zip

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