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Hi ErmaC


Thanks for re-typing the text in to the installer (sorry I didnt' get round to posting it). ;)

It looks great and works well. I even see more options now for the com.apple.Boot.plist! good thinking.


For each bootloader option, can you use a smaller font in the bottom text box and also add line breaks?

I ask because I made the text fit on 4 lines to try and make it more readable. like in the examples below.


Note: I have made a couple of corrections to the wording and highlighted them in blue and removed a word and highlighted that in red.


Chameleon bootloader option

Chameleon's boot process requires three essential files. (Listed in simple terms)
boot0 - Install to the drive's MBR - responsible for loading [color="#0000FF"]boot1h[/color].
boot1h - Install to the partition's boot-sector - responsible for finding boot.
boot - Install to the partition's root directory - responsible for loading kernel.
boot0 option

This option [color="#0000FF"]Installs[/color] the three essential files and writes boot0 to the first
440 bytes of the MBR so as not to destroy any existing Windows code.
* boot0 searches for boot1h on the first active partition.
* This install option activates [color="#0000FF"]your[/color] selected target partition.
boot0hfs option?

This option [color="#0000FF"]Installs[/color] the three essential files and writes [color="#0000FF"]boot0hfs[/color] to the first
440 bytes of the MBR so as not to destroy any existing Windows code.
* boot0hfs searches for boot1h on the first [color="#FF0000"][s]active[/s][/color] partition, regardless of active flag.
* This install option does not activate [color="#0000FF"]your[/color] selected target partition.

Thanks again for your work and these are just simple guidelines without adding too many words to keep it simple. And like I've said before, if anybody has better words / phrases for this then please submit your suggestions.

I thought this thread was intended for improving this package installer and not for questions about general OS X installation and Chameleon features etc. ? iFabio, please correct me if I'm wrong.


can i select install options (i need bootohfs) directly in the Setup Dialog


I thought this thread was intended for improving this package installer and not for questions about general OS X installation and Chameleon features etc. ? iFabio, please correct me if I'm wrong.





Mhh i dont have any Option in the Chameleon RC5 installer Setup Dialogs to select Boot0hfs or the other choices ?

Mhh i dont have any Option in the Chameleon RC5 installer Setup Dialogs to select Boot0hfs or the other choices ?


Yes, you have it:


Just before installing Chameleon to the chosen target partition choose Custom Install button (bottom left).

All installer's scripts are were written by El Coniglio?


In my first release yes but now no I revised that script.




Hi iFabio


Thanks for re-typing the text in to the installer (sorry I didnt' get round to posting it). ;)

It looks great and works well. I even see more options now for the com.apple.Boot.plist! good thinking.


For each bootloader option, can you use a smaller font in the bottom text box and also add line breaks?

I ask because I made the text fit on 4 lines to try and make it more readable. like in the examples below.


Note: I have made a couple of corrections to the wording and highlighted them in blue and removed a word and highlighted that in red.


Thanks again for your work and these are just simple guidelines without adding too many words to keep it simple. And like I've said before, if anybody has better words / phrases for this then please submit your suggestions.



Hi blackosx!

I do the change in the text... but... the text look like not accept line breaks :(.


I have one request for you.

I would add at least one alternative to your wonderful "Default theme.

(I thought not to use the rest of the themes in the official version).

could provide an alternative that supports your theme graphics features added in rc5? like XMas?(to which add a script to set it as a theme in c.a.B.p)




One slight issue with the installer, it seems to skip over the destination selection! This resulted in me installing extra etc to my main partition, not the one I use for chameleon, and a non-booting system.


So I ran the installer a second time - which is when I noticed the skipping - and was able to go 'back' and select the right destination. It's possible I suppose that both times I clicked too many times on the previous screen...


Anyone else see this?


Otherwise installer is working nicely, including speedstep options for my Q6600.


Thank you.

One slight issue with the installer, it seems to skip over the destination selection! This resulted in me installing extra etc to my main partition, not the one I use for chameleon, and a non-booting system.

Hi Zengiga


Yes, you have to click to 'Change Install Location' before clicking 'Customize' otherwise the installer won't give you the option to change install location again.


Hi blackosx!

I do the change in the text... but... the text look like not accept line breaks :D.

Hi Fabio


Thanks for trying to add line breaks in to the text. But if it won't allow it then we'll have to leave it :P


I have one request for you.


could provide an alternative that supports your theme graphics features added in rc5? like XMas?

Sure. I can do a new theme :) but I am leaving tonight for a break so I won't be able to look at it until I come back in 8 days.


Did you suggest the Xmas theme because it's bright and colourful? If I do a theme with a background then it won't fit every screen resolution. The only way for that to work would be for me to supply a theme folder for each different resolution and the installer to give the option for the user to select the theme at the correct resolution for their system. It's more work for me to create the themes, and more work for you to change the installer script but it can be done.


Have a think and maybe collect some ideas/pics/screenshots of what you would like the theme to look like so when I come back I will have something to work with. I ask because it takes many, many hours sometimes to put a theme together and then only to find people want to change it. :P


I look forward to seeing some ideas when I return and we can get to work.



Hi Fabio, thanks for the installers, great work.


In current revision (494) the boot0 option says "This install option activates you selected target partition."


but it actually does not, the post install script just writes boot0, boot1h and boot.

Hi Fabio, thanks for the installers, great work.


In current revision (494) the boot0 option says "This install option activates you selected target partition."


but it actually does not, the post install script just writes boot0, boot1h and boot.


Yep, that an big prob if this installer is used on partitions without any part is activated or an partition is active but not that one selected in the installer.

From trunk/package/Scripts/Standard/postinstall

fdisk -e ${bootdisk} <<-MAKEACTIVE
flag ${bootslice}


Another small detail, description for boot0hfs options also says "This install option activates you selected target partition." but the correct would be "This install option does not activate you selected target partition."

From trunk/package/Scripts/Standard/postinstall

fdisk -e ${bootdisk} <<-MAKEACTIVE
flag ${bootslice}


Another small detail, description for boot0hfs options also says "This install option activates you selected target partition." but the correct would be "This install option does not activate you selected target partition."


Hi oldnapalm

I will do the change a the text, and I change the script used too

(the author of actual boot-scrips is smith@@, I think to revert back with the perl script from El coniglio)



upload a new version from rev 501 (trunk 492)

no difference in the binaries.


- I correct the text info

- I add the VBIOS at the com.apple.Boot.plist option menu

- I change the boot installation script with this from el coniglio



$destino = $ARGV[1];
$destino =~ s/ /\\ /g;
$volume = $ARGV[2];
my %mapa;

open (MOUNT, "mount|");
while (<MOUNT>) {
$line = $_;
if ($line =~ /^([^ ]+) on ([^(]+) \([^)]*\)$/) {
close (MOUNT);

if ($mapa{$volume}) {
if ($mapa{$volume} =~ /^\/dev\/(disk\d)s(\d)$/) {
	$disk = $1;
	$partition = $2;
	$volume =~ s/ /\\ /g;
	system ($destino."/fdisk440 -f ".$destino."/boot0 -u -y /dev/r".$disk);
	system ("dd if=".$destino."/boot1h of=/dev/r".$disk."s".$partition);
	system ("cp ".$destino."/boot ".$volume);
	open (PIPE, "|fdisk -e /dev/".$disk."|");
	print PIPE "f ".$partition."\n";
	print PIPE "write\n";
	print PIPE "y\n";
	print PIPE "exit\n";



$destino = $ARGV[1];
$destino =~ s/ /\\ /g;
$volume = $ARGV[2];
my %mapa;

open (MOUNT, "mount|");
while (<MOUNT>) {
$line = $_;
if ($line =~ /^([^ ]+) on ([^(]+) \([^)]*\)$/) {
close (MOUNT);

if ($mapa{$volume}) {
if ($mapa{$volume} =~ /^\/dev\/(disk\d)s(\d)$/) {
	$disk = $1;
	$partition = $2;
	$volume =~ s/ /\\ /g;
	system ($destino."/fdisk440 -f ".$destino."/boot0hfs -u -y /dev/r".$disk);
	system ("dd if=".$destino."/boot1h of=/dev/r".$disk."s".$partition);
	system ("cp ".$destino."/boot ".$volume);



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