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I've decided to stop this project as I see it doesnt help to the community to grow in the way it should at all... And since now there are some free ways to install OSX from retail disks I think everybody wanting to run OSX should learn what needs to be done to have it running on a PC, get the files and do it themselves..... or go and buy a real mac.




Any bug report/question must contain detailed hardware (CPU, Chipset, GPU, ATA/SATA controller, -those are the most important ones-. Include the device ID of the component), detail of the items selected at the install process, and offcourse detailed description of the issue itself. Reports/questions failing to comply with these guidelines will be most probably ignored.


UPDATE 7/03/2009

New ISO up. XxX_x86_10.5.6_Install_Disc_Universal_Final.v2

The main new feature is GFX EFI strings right from the installer. Besides that the new ISO is now read-only to avoid changes in the filesystem and therefore unmatched MD5. I've also added DPCIManager and XFolders to the Utilities installer's menu. With DPCIManager you can get a list of your hardware (with DEV ids); Is not much but is better than nothing to have a clue of what drivers to install. XFolders is there in case you need to replace/add/delete any files on the hardisk.

I decided to make a new ISO because there were many MD5 checksums mismatches.... The new ISO integrates all fixes and PPFs and adds above mentioned features.


Few more details:

-Based on 10.5.6 retail disk build 9G66

-ISO Bootloader: Chameleon 1.0.11

-ISO boot kernel: Voodoo 1.0 - 9.5.0 supporting Intel and AMD CPUs. Booting optional TOH 9.2.0 kernel (with -mach_kernel2 flag)

-Default install:Clean vanilla (Stock Apple kernel 9.6.0) build 9G66 + Chameleon 1.0.11, Appledecrypt.kext, NullCPUPowerManagement.kext, AppleSMBIOSEFI.kext, PS2Nub.kext, PS2Controller.kext (Is possible to deselect all the defauts to get a full vanilla install, but be aware you will need at least an alternative booting method as well as a decrypter to boot)

-No language packages included

-No printer drivers included


Installer Screenshot:




If you need any language pack download the XxX_Language_Pack_V2. It includes all the language packages from the 10.5.6 retail disc:



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Does this solve the 5XXX nvidia card issues with 10.5.6?


A fix will be added in the next PPF.

Basically you roll back the geforce kexts to 10.5.5. What about the 10.5.5 OpenGL.Framework to get rid of the video corruption?

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BlackCH: I'll give it a try since we have similar specs and maybe I'm able to get a) all my USB ports properly working and b.) have my GMA965 2a02 rev.c X3100 properly waking up after sleep


Do you have some options that u would recommend for my specs?



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BlackCH: I'll give it a try since we have similar specs and maybe I'm able to get a) all my USB ports properly working and b.) have my GMA965 2a02 rev.c X3100 properly waking up after sleep


Do you have some options that u would recommend for my specs?




The USB2 ports on the machine from my signature only worked after editing the DSDT file and using ACPIPlatform form 10.5.5 + all legacy ACPI plugins (included on the release under 'rollback kexts' menu), and EHCISleepEnabler.


-Voodoo kernel 1.0

-DSDT Patcher


-All essential kexts

-All RollBackKexts

-Do not install any GMAx3100 drivers (should work OOTB)

-AzaliaADI1981 (speakers output only)

-Do not Install the BroadcomWireless (should work OOTB)


-GenericPowerManagement 1.1.3


-All tools (optional)


Try with those. I dont know if your USB pors are going to work properly without editing the DSDT file anyway so make sure you have it working (you should find a DSDT.aml file in the root of your OSX HD after installing).


I dont think theres a driver for your BCM 5787 on the ISO but I think I saw it somewhere. If I find it I would add it in the next PPF

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A fix will be added in the next PPF.

Basically you roll back the geforce kexts to 10.5.5. What about the 10.5.5 OpenGL.Framework to get rid of the video corruption?


Yeah, I tried that, still having graphic corruption on 10.5.6 with 10.5.5 nvidia kexts. Leads me to believe that it's probably an incompatibility with CoreUI or something. It only happens when I open System Preferences.

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-edited for coherence-


Hey, sorry about asking this here, but it seems more active... Anyways with the old iso, which I downloaded from the demon place, then I patched it with ppf 2 and 3. Once I did all that I burned it onto a DVD and proceeded to restarting my computer.. Once the DVD was being read something like the picture on the bottom came up..


I got this from the last topic..

Anyways I then pressed enter, and some stuff started happening, all of sudden my computer just restarted and I tried again.. Same thing happened no matter what tag things I used (-v -x, etc..) It just restarts when it says "Darwin" something I could barely read it before it restarts... Anyone know how to fix this? Maybe something I missed in the bios?


Thanks in advance! :)

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Downloading...a Seeder would be great..<cought>...anyways, I will test it also on a AAO and on a Aspire 5715Z, shure I will post the results once I have the iso...


A suggestion: ~pcwiz iPC-Distro has the ability to run the Mac Os X Install.app from a "Hack/Mac" without reebooting (so it realy works). Would that also be possible for your Distro?


Keep it up! The others don't sleep :rolleyes: ...

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A suggestion: ~pcwiz iPC-Distro has the ability to run the Mac Os X Install.app from a "Hack/Mac" without reebooting (so it realy works). Would that also be possible for your Distro?

If I understood correctly what do you mean, this is possible with all distros, just to show hidden files and open osinstall.mpkg and install leopard on an external hdd or on a different partition ...

I hope I have explained well what I wanted to say and sorry for my bad English ... :)

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If I understood correctly what do you mean, this is possible with all distros, just to show hidden files and open osinstall.mpkg and install leopard on an external hdd or on a different partition ...

I hope I have explained well what I wanted to say and sorry for my bad English ... :(


That's right. It has been a common feature on OSX installers (even vanilla ones) as far as I can remember....


BTW, Im seeding 24-7. Be patience, I have a slow connection down here

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Actually, it is not a feature. When you run "Install Mac OS X.app" from within an existing Mac setup, it tells you to restart the computer (so that a real Mac will be set to boot from the Superdrive, which a PC can't do). Install Mac OS X.app was modified so that you can use the main installer without getting that prompt.




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I tried with two different distros now, and my computer keeps restarting after the "press any button to boot off disc" or whatever it is.. Anyone know why?

OOo found a video on youtube of my problem


this is exactly what happens to me!


try booting with





or combinations of this flags. Always add the -v to see what happen



Actually, it is not a feature. When you run "Install Mac OS X.app" from within an existing Mac setup, it tells you to restart the computer (so that a real Mac will be set to boot from the Superdrive, which a PC can't do). Install Mac OS X.app was modified so that you can use the main installer without getting that prompt.


Oh, ok. You can achive the same result by executing the OSInstall package and this has been like that since tigers discs.... did you link the "Install Mac OS X.app" to the OSInstal.mpkg? nice detail anyway!

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or combinations of this flags. Always add the -v to see what happen

Oh, ok. You can achive the same result by executing the OSInstall package and this has been like that since tigers discs.... did you link the "Install Mac OS X.app" to the OSInstal.mpkg? nice detail anyway!


I'm not sure as to how it was done, that's something that ~pcwiz would have to answer, I only did testing, driver supply, and distribution. But it's a plus because not a lot of people (not even myself lol) knew that you could run that package and do it, but since "Install Mac OS X.app" is right there as the first thing you see in virtually ALL distributions, I guess it was a "why not make this super easy" type of thing. No more digging deep for newbies with an existing install.

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Alright I tried booting the XxX 10.5.5 using a combination of those command things, but they didn't get me anywhere.. mach_kernal_2 didn't really do anything, platform=acpi just restarted my computer like usual.. cpus=1 did something, but it ended with root something is missing..



I'm not sure >_> i forgot, because after trying that version I tried Leo4all v3 10.5.2... That version seemed to work fine with the commands you told me to put in O.o, I formatted and installed using Leo4all and everything seemed to go well.. Except when I rebooted and now it won't boot all the way, it gets stuck at MacOS framework initialized or something after seeing a bunch of lines going down really fast... I couldn't even boot to my XP partition O.o... Thankfully I had a special boot disk ready, so I could boot onto XP.. Anyways now My computer doesn't even recognize the C: partition (MacOS), but Acronis does so I can format that partition if necessary.. I feel like I'm so close =\! Anything I should try with XxX 10.5.5 or Leo4all?


Here I took a picture of my problem


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Just a question, I have 10.5.5 working great, but I cannot get my video card working under 10.5.6. I have tried to update 10.5.5 to 10.5.6 and also tried installing iPC 10.5.6 with no luck. I have tried EFI strings, NVKush, NVInject, and NVDarwin. I get all of them to work under 10.5.5, but with 10.5.6. I would like to try your DVD, but if my video doesn't work under 10.5.6, it's a waste of time. Thanks for any help.

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lol its not that there arent seeders, no one has nething to seed cept blackch..I am at 77%, got there pretty quickly, but I have a couple years to go at my current speed :( Its the nature of torrenting, as soon as Im done ill seed and when Im done, Im sure others will be too and the speed will suddenly be much faster. Til then, hold on =)

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Sorry people; my computer went out during the night.... Now Im on line again



Just a question, I have 10.5.5 working great, but I cannot get my video card working under 10.5.6. I have tried to update 10.5.5 to 10.5.6 and also tried installing iPC 10.5.6 with no luck. I have tried EFI strings, NVKush, NVInject, and NVDarwin. I get all of them to work under 10.5.5, but with 10.5.6. I would like to try your DVD, but if my video doesn't work under 10.5.6, it's a waste of time. Thanks for any help.

Theres currently no fix for this on my ISO. I will include the old GraphicUpdate1.0 kexts/frameworks (someone said this could help) and the 10.5.5 nvkexts too. You can try to install thise to see if it help....

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