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Snow Leopard to Have Radically Simpler Installer

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Its not really simplified. Disk Utility, Terminal, etc are all still there.


If the partition is already prepared though, this way is a bit faster so I prefer it, esspecially with the altered default options

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Someone have boot-up Snow?This is real! -> http://forum.insanelymac.com/index.php?sho...mp;#entry792343
Does thr client version have ZFS support ? The server edition does claim to have it.
but this new system now works ok? or it's still developing and we should wait for an official release?
I guess its better to wait coz if they release a new build,you will have to reinstall whole OS again.Not sure about the stability of this OS though as compared to Leopard.
This is real, i have the snow leo CDR and when it inststalled it had that installer
Doe it have only one new wallpaper ? or has many ones
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ah, Leopard 10.5 has ZFS (write) support with a few extra files ....




Thats great.I stumbled upon this website few days ago.But i guess the native ZFS support would be more stable than the third party version.

Maybe Apple will have ZFS as their default filesystem one day instead of HFS+.

HFS+ came first in the server version of OS.Maybe ZFS will follow the same tradition.

Lets see.

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Has anyone checked if the current build of Snow Leopard can boot from a ZFS partition? That would be interesting, as the feature is currently in development.


Sherry Haibara


Hi, I can't test boot with ZFS HDDs because I'm testing Snow on mine Laptop. When a comming home, test-up Desktop machine and post back what happened there.


gr8z :)

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Hi, I can't test boot with ZFS HDDs because I'm testing Snow on mine Laptop. When a comming home, test-up Desktop machine and post back what happened there.


gr8z ;)



Apple must also be busy testing ZFS for future versions of OS maybe Snow Leopard 10.6.x.


Also is ZFS supported for both MBR and GUID partion schemes ?

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Like the install could be any less complicated in the first place.


Actually, ZFS support wouldn't exactly be a bad thing for servers (one of Apple's major targets as of late is the server market). While Solaris (which also supports ZFS) is also a *desktop* OS, the desktop is far from the major reason for ZFS' development.

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