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Pluto is a dwarf planet in the solar system and the prototype of a yet to be named family of Trans-Neptunian objects.[1][2] From its discovery in 1930 until 2006 it was considered the ninth and smallest of the planets of the Solar System, both by the International Astronomical Union (IAU) and the general public. After much debate, the IAU decided on August 24, 2006 to reclassify Pluto as a dwarf planet, requiring that a planet must "clear the neighbourhood around its orbit." [3] It qualified as a planet under the draft definition[4] but it failed to qualify under the final resolution, passed by the General Assembly of the IAU.


This fun fact of the day has been brought to you by the number 63 (AKA: The code for international direct dial calls to the Philippines)


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What happend when you meet a person who's claiming being a guitarist but you haven't any way to PROVE this individual is really a guitarist cause you haven't never-ever hear -say- half a note of guitar played by this person ?


This guitarist becomes VIRTUAL.


It could be virtually a guitarist. Or a non-guitarist. Or a Shmurhggggl from the 75th planet of the 75th quadrant of the Ghjteeeve_DjoooBzZ Galaxy, near the HhhhooohessssexX globulous stars cloud.


Incidently, i'm virtually playing "Stairway to heaven" for the 75th time right now. Try to prove it.

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