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10.4.6 Upgrade Released


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I just upgraded it totally, and used the Maxxuss Patch Solution (replace.sh) to replace the encrypted binaries with the decrypted ones after replacing the mach_kernel (because it won't boot into single user without it). All is working.



Detailed instructions please? I have no idea how to replace mach_kernel

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I am pretty sure nikolas used Maxxuss Patch Solution for Security Update, also because he's talking about "booting into single user", saying that without this Patch you can't. In fact the Patch I'm talking about contains "replace.sh" and "loginwindow".


About replacing the mach_kernel, I think we can't avoid it, unless we patch the new mach_kernel with a new ppf patcher, meant for this version.

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Personally I think Nikolas was full of it. I have tried it on my system and it has pretty much crashed it. Also replace.sh by Maxxuss has a platform check. So if you run it on your just updated system it will not work unless you comment out the function call platformcheck in the replace.sh script.


Prove me wrong Nikolas, and post some instructions, otherwise I will conclude you are full of it, and warn all others not to waste time with Nikolas earlier post.



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I've tried to install this update to no success.


-The 1.0a patch (using the replace.sh w/ the OS version check commented out) doesn't fix the problems.

-The computer will only start to single user mode if you revert to a backup copy of your kernel before installing the update.


As it stands, I get to a blue screen with the mouse cursor able to move -- but that's it.

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I have some great news. It is indeed possible to upgrade to 10.4.6 -- although someone with more skill than I will need to work through all the details for it to be completely functional.


*link was here* (Make sure you download the 10mb patch)


I followed the directions exactly from "Updating the 10.4.4 Volume to 10.4.5 from a working 10.4.3 System".


I can now boot into 10.4.6 !!, However there are some errors from Darwin when I start up and my video card (ATI) no longer has CI and QE enabled.


With this said -- this should be a relatively easy patch for Maxxuss, considering I was able to get this partially running by just following past directions and using some common sense.

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Someone needs to edit kin123's post. We aren't allowed to link to that website.


I'm going to wait for someone to get the patches working in a manner that will not toast CI and QE. Both of these are working on my 10.4.5 system

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Bueno, basicamente la idea es instalar el update 10.4.6, y dejar en el directorio raiz de tu volumen la carpeta que contiene los archivos encriptados de la primera solucion que se dio a la 10.4.4.

Si tienes dos instalaciones, mejor que mejor, por que este update toca el kernel, y para entrar desde el principio con -s, tendras que tener el anterior kernel, ya que el update te lo toca

Una vez que hayas cambiado el kernel y tengas en la carpeta raiz, la carpetita "Decrypted_Files", reinicias

entras con -s

cd /Decrypted_Files

bash ./replace.sh


Aclaracion, el replace.sh que tienes, es para la anterior build, asi que te dara un error, que no coincide la version de mac, para ello, debes editarlo como sigue:

"#! /bin/sh


SCRIPTDIR=`dirname $0`

if [ -f $SCRIPTDIR/$_ ]; then cd $SCRIPTDIR; fi


## Perform some sanity checks and configuration before the main screen


function returnAndExit


echo -ne "Press RETURN to exit."

read k

exit 255



function platformCheck



IS8I1119=`grep 8I1119 $VERSFILE | wc -l`

if [ $IS8G1454 == 0 ]; then

echo "Your Mac OS X installation is not a 10.4.5 8G1454 build."





function sseCheck


HASSSE3=`sysctl -n machdep.cpu.features | grep SSE3 | wc -l`

HASSSE2=`sysctl -n machdep.cpu.features | grep SSE2 | wc -l`

if [ $HASSSE3 == 1 ]; then

echo "Your CPU has SSE3. This patch is not required."



if [ $HASSSE2 == 0 ]; then

echo "Your CPU has no SSE2. This is the minimal requirement for this patch."





## $1 - Filename

## $2 - Source Folder

## $3 - Destination Folder

## $4 - Description

function do_replace() {

if [ ! -f $2/$1 ]; then

echo -e "**** Error - cannot find file to copy: $2/$1! ****\n"

exit 1



cp $3/$1 $3/$1.original

cp $2/$1 $3/$1

chown root:wheel $3/$1

chmod 755 $3/$1

echo -e "-> $1 replaced.\n"









do_replace translate $E /usr/libexec/oah

do_replace translated $E /usr/libexec/oah

do_replace Dock $E /System/Library/CoreServices/Dock.app/Contents/MacOS

do_replace Finder $E /System/Library/CoreServices/Finder.app/Contents/MacOS

do_replace loginwindow $E /System/Library/CoreServices/loginwindow.app/Contents/MacOS

do_replace SystemUIServer $E /System/Library/CoreServices/SystemUIServer.app/Contents/MacOS

do_replace ATSServer $E /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ATS.framework/Versions/A/Support

do_replace mds $E /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/Metadata.framework/Versions/A/Support

do_replace diskimages-helper $E /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DiskImages.framework/Versions/A/Resources


echo -e "\nAll required replacements are done."

echo -e "The original files were copied and have the extension .backup.\n""




El error que te marca si no lo editas , es que no es para esa version, yo he cambiado el numero de build para que esto no pase.

Una vez que aplicas replace.sh, escribes

"update_prebinding -root / -force"

Te marcara un error de no coincidencia con los oh's

asi que nuevamente, reemplazas archivos con replace.sh

Es importante este punto, por que si no ejecutas el update_prebinding, cuando arranques en normal, detectara el update 10.4.6 que algo no coincide.

Asi que hecho esto, ya pirula el invento.


Si quieres hacerlo mas elaborado y tienes a mano la iso 10.4.4_install_dvd que basicamente consiste en una imagen del 10.4.4 mas el update 10.4.5, procede asi.

Bajo windows,

con transmac abres al imagen, borrar el paquete que corresponde al update 10.4.5 y sustituirlo por el 10.4.6, ahora renombra el 10.4.6. a 10.4.5

Seguidamente te vas a la carpeta del parche, y buscas el archivo replace.sh, te lo llevas al escritorio, y alli modificas el codigo, por el que esta mas arriba, guardas cambios, y lo llevas a la iso otra vez.

Asi podras tener un DVD para instalar en nativo 10.4.6






Well the idea is to install the 10.4.6 update and let in the root directory the encripted files of the 10.4.4 first patched solution.


If u have 2 installations is better cause this update breaks the kernel and to login with -s you´ll have to get the previous kernel cauz the update changes it.


Once you have changed the kernel, and having in the root folder the ¨Decripted files¨ folder reboot login with -s then:


cd /Decrypted_Files

bash ./replace.sh


This replace is for the previous bulid so it will give you an error you´ll have to edit:


"#! /bin/sh


SCRIPTDIR=`dirname $0`

if [ -f $SCRIPTDIR/$_ ]; then cd $SCRIPTDIR; fi


## Perform some sanity checks and configuration before the main screen


function returnAndExit


echo -ne "Press RETURN to exit."

read k

exit 255



function platformCheck



IS8I1119=`grep 8I1119 $VERSFILE | wc -l`

if [ $IS8G1454 == 0 ]; then

echo "Your Mac OS X installation is not a 10.4.5 8G1454 build."





function sseCheck


HASSSE3=`sysctl -n machdep.cpu.features | grep SSE3 | wc -l`

HASSSE2=`sysctl -n machdep.cpu.features | grep SSE2 | wc -l`

if [ $HASSSE3 == 1 ]; then

echo "Your CPU has SSE3. This patch is not required."



if [ $HASSSE2 == 0 ]; then

echo "Your CPU has no SSE2. This is the minimal requirement for this patch."





## $1 - Filename

## $2 - Source Folder

## $3 - Destination Folder

## $4 - Description

function do_replace() {

if [ ! -f $2/$1 ]; then

echo -e "**** Error - cannot find file to copy: $2/$1! ****\n"

exit 1



cp $3/$1 $3/$1.original

cp $2/$1 $3/$1

chown root:wheel $3/$1

chmod 755 $3/$1

echo -e "-> $1 replaced.\n"









do_replace translate $E /usr/libexec/oah

do_replace translated $E /usr/libexec/oah

do_replace Dock $E /System/Library/CoreServices/Dock.app/Contents/MacOS

do_replace Finder $E /System/Library/CoreServices/Finder.app/Contents/MacOS

do_replace loginwindow $E /System/Library/CoreServices/loginwindow.app/Contents/MacOS

do_replace SystemUIServer $E /System/Library/CoreServices/SystemUIServer.app/Contents/MacOS

do_replace ATSServer $E /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ATS.framework/Versions/A/Support

do_replace mds $E /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/Metadata.framework/Versions/A/Support

do_replace diskimages-helper $E /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DiskImages.framework/Versions/A/Resources


echo -e "\nAll required replacements are done."

echo -e "The original files were copied and have the extension .backup.\n""


One you apply ¨replace.sh¨, write:


"update_prebinding -root / -force"


It´ll give you a new error so make ¨replace.sh¨ again


This is important cauz if you don´t make the update_prebinding -root / -force when you boot in normal mode the 10.4.6 update will detect something wrong.



If you want to make an ISO Dvd:


In windows, with the program Transmac delete the 10.4.5 update package and replace with the 10.4.6 one, now rename 10.4.6 to 10.4.5


Go to the patch folder and look for the ¨replace.sh¨ file move it to the desktop and then modify it with the above code (the one you edited before), save changes and make the ISO again.


So you´ll have a native 10.4.6 DVD


Hope it´ll help

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I have some great news. It is indeed possible to upgrade to 10.4.6 -- although someone with more skill than I will need to work through all the details for it to be completely functional.


*link was here* (Make sure you download the 10mb patch)


I followed the directions exactly from "Updating the 10.4.4 Volume to 10.4.5 from a working 10.4.3 System".


I can now boot into 10.4.6 !!, However there are some errors from Darwin when I start up and my video card (ATI) no longer has CI and QE enabled.


With this said -- this should be a relatively easy patch for Maxxuss, considering I was able to get this partially running by just following past directions and using some common sense.


Hi. What kind of errors do you get from Darwin?

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well Excuse me, i tryed this with the 4.5 security update steps replaced all the files and hell i burged my Install completely, i also had to replace the IPfriewall, etc etc like you have to with 4.5 and stuff just to get into to single user, unless someone can prove with English Step by Step, this is a unconfirmed rumor


Apple / V / OSx86

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well Excuse me, i tryed this with the 4.5 security update steps replaced all the files and hell i burged my Install completely, i also had to replace the IPfriewall, etc etc like you have to with 4.5 and stuff just to get into to single user, unless someone can prove with English Step by Step, this is a unconfirmed rumor


Apple / V / OSx86


I think we have to forget about the Security Update and think about the one which is called Patch Solution for Mac OS X 10.4.5 (Update to 10.4.4) on the website of Maxx..

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