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  • Swad
    Of an interesting note, Apple's Photo Booth, included with the new iMac, is the first consumer universal binary released by Apple. While Xcode is a universal binary since version 2.1, it is generally only targeted at developers. iMac owners have been reporting this news since the release of Mac OS X 10.4.3, which includes the ability to check what architectures are supported by an application in most info panels.

  • Swad
    I’m happy to announce a new partnership between The OSx86 Project and Twin Mac.
    Christopher Price established Twin Mac immediately after word of the Intel transition. His years of experience in OS X programming makes his analysis sharp and well-informed. His site has provided dedicated Mactel coverage with news you won't find anywhere else. To bring his excellent analysis to a wider audience, he will now be providing the news you read here at The OSx86 project.
    You shouldn’t notice many changes – you’ll still find all the latest news about OSx86 here. This arrangement will allow The OSx86 Project administrators to focus more on the forum and wiki, helping provide the best Mac discussion anywhere. Period.
    You can check out Twin Mac at twinmac.com, or simply stay tuned here for the latest Mactel coverage!
    On a totally unrelated note, we will also be unveiling a new forum skin this week and making a few other improvements. We're working hard to maintain this site as your home for Intel Mac news and discussion. If you have suggestions or comments, feel free to let us know!

  • Swad

    Full 10.4.3 DVD Leaked

    By Swad, in OSx86,

    Hot on the heels of a 10.4.1 “update” which pulled parts from an uncracked 10.4.3 OSx86 to improve the already cracked version, we’ve received confirmed reports that the full OS X 10.4.3 installation DVD has been leaked via bittorrent. Although the TPM restrictions are still protecting the OS as of this writing, the word on the street is that hackers have already begun dissecting Apple’s new security measures. We are told that the TPM protections in 10.4.3 are significantly stronger, indicating that Apple has used the previous two releases to refine their mechanism for hardware control.
    The most interesting aspect of this leak is that it reveals that OSx86 has finally caught up with its PowerPC cousin – the versions are essentially the same, with the same features, same abilities, etc. This marks the first time that Apple has released a copy of the OS for the Developer Transition Kits which is identical to the PPC version. This speaks to Apple’s shift in engineering resources and emphasis to its Intel version.
    It appears that OSx86 has grown up rather quickly.
    Oh... and... don't steal.

  • Swad

    Hacked OSx86 Updated to 10.4.3

    By Swad, in OSx86,

    We've received reports that the rather creative OSx86 hacking community has created another release, this time to update existing 10.4.1 installations to many of the new features introduced in 10.4.3. Sources indicate that the new security features implemented in 10.4.3 have prevented a full release and that this update is in lieu of that release.
    Check out the front page for the full story.

  • Swad

    More Universal Binaries...

    By Swad, in OSx86,

    It would appear that the pace of porting to OSx86 has begun to pick up... or at least we're hearing about more efforts.
    Today, Opera announced the first preview release for Opera 9...
    See the full article on the main page.

  • Swad

    Bringing Games to Intel Macs

    By Swad, in OSx86,

    Apple has published an article on Aspyr's (maker of Sims 2, Doom 3, and others) efforts to begin porting their software to x86 binaries.
    It gives us an interesting (if not entirely predictable) look at how software companies are charting their way through the transition.
    Read the full article here.

  • sHARD>>
    We've received confirmed reports today that Apple has recently seeded OS X 10.4.3 for Intel to ADC members. Unlike the recent update to 10.4.2, this is a full system upgrade, and is approximately 3gb. The build, 8f1099, contains numerous changes and fixes along with those already found in 10.4.3 for PowerPC-based machines. Some of the more interesting updates found in the changelog include the newly completed Carbon and Cocoa frameworks and a universal binary of Flash 8. Java support has also been upgraded, and new debugging functions are now found in Rosetta. It would also appear that the system has recieved some optimizations, with more routines now accelerated by SSE, and improved OpenGL support. Universal printer drivers have also been added. A new build of Xcode is included, which seems to confirm reports that 10.4.3 once again breaks binary compatability with previous versions. Overall this update seems to focus on the polish, as opposed to the core of the operating system, which seems to indicate that progress on the final version of OS X for Intel is proceeding well. As always, The OSx86 Project would like to suggest that all ADC members update to the newest build.

  • thrunner
    Looks like Apple would like you to buy a package and not a software OS.
    Apple Spins New iMac as Media Hub
    October 12, 2005
    Updated: Apple has designed its latest iMac G5 to be a home's central point for accessing everything from music files to television, in a bid to strengthen the links between its computers, music players and online music store.

  • johnniecarcinogen

    Future x86 Mac?

    By johnniecarcinogen, in OSx86,

    (Macs to have Pentium x4's?)
    We are often hearing about what could be potentially lost with MacIntels transitions, without serious information regarding what could be gained with such CPU migration.
    That's the reason why we have decided to release 2 screenshots sent to us by an anonymous source.
    We do not think that this info will hurt Apple, since it simply demonstrates the huge potential offered to mac users by the future MacIntels.

    Without giving much details, those captures shows MacOSX x86 running on a 4 physical CPU-based MacIntel with Hyperthreading enable. One can clearly see 4 physical processors recognized while 8 logical processors are recorded by the CPU monitor.
    So MacOSX can really manage without problem any MacIntel based on either physical or logical processors.

  • sHARD>>
    After the recent seed of OS X for Intel version 10.4.2 (build 8B1072) to Apple ADC members, we've received confirmed today reports that Apple has seeded a new update, available through the "Software Update" system. Known as 10.4.2 build 8B1072A, this new version fixes graphics and performance issues and is purported to prevent current workarounds for running the system. Weighing in at 26.6MB, this update is quite small, but provides radical changes.
    After much speculation has been tossed around as to how Apple would lockdown their new Intel operating system, perhaps we have found the answer. Many popular blogs and websites have begun to think that Apple may, in fact, be using the community of enthusiasts to find the bugs in their new OS and crush them, leaving a truly user tested final product which is almost uncrackable. When looking at Apple's track record, it would almost seem ludicrous, why would the company for the people use the people as a tool? Well, it's a few elements working together. Most importantly, Apple isn't for the people. Apple is for the cash. As it's been said before, Apple IS a hardware company, and until they change their focus (not something to be ruled out), they will still make their cash selling you iBooks and PowerMacs. It's a simple fact of life. Any company which doesn't watch out for profits will die.
    Most interesting, however, is the method this update was delivered. Ponder this: Apple adds support for new features and fixes security flaws, seeding these updates through Software Update. However, these updates also lock out any cracks and holes that have recently been discovered. Sounds like a good deal right? Just don't update. Except for one problem. Imagine that Apple then strongly "advises" publishers to only allow their software to work with these updated versions. Suddenly users without updates are locked out.
    While this may seem like a smart measure to prevent piracy, let’s look at the whole picture. Many Apple users love their legacy hardware and Apple famously supports them past their death date. Look at the number of computers still running 10.3, 10.2, or even 10.1 and 10.0, simply because they can't handle the latest updates. Although these are major revisions, which, of course, have some incompatibilities, imagine this process compressed to the point where a single update stops you from running that latest programs. Perhaps this update breaks something in your hardware as Apple phases out support, perhaps it just has a new bug, either way, it could spell trouble.
    At this point I think many Apple fanboys put too much trust in Apple. Yes, they could do it right and only break compatibility between major revisions, yes, they could debug the updates incredibly well and keep out all but the smallest bugs. But Apple is really out there to make money. Can we really trust that? Maybe Apple isn't God's gift to the geek, but then again, do we really need one? Perhaps we should love the product and not the company, because the two just don't go hand in hand.

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