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HP TX1000Z Tablet Compatibility with Leopard


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Ohhh, I may try this later when I get some time. Let me know if you try it before I do. And, no, I haven't tried the 10.5.3 update yet...Ohhh, I may try this later when I get some time. Let me know if you try it before I do. And, no, I haven't tried the 10.5.3 update yet...

Thanks. Sorry for the wierd posts, something wierd with this forum and Firefox.



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anyone....i am still cannot get my wireless work...

i am use leo4allv3, and still cannot get it work...

when i install it, i can connect with my router but after installation finish, my airport cannot find any network...


please help :(

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anyone....i am still cannot get my wireless work...

i am use leo4allv3, and still cannot get it work...

when i install it, i can connect with my router but after installation finish, my airport cannot find any network...


please help :D


I had the same problem with leo4allv3 and I went back to leo4allv2. That fixed that problem for me.



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The issue, AFAIK, is that you're using Leo4Allv3. I don't know why but the only distro that has the wifi working perfectly for the tx1000/2000 is Leo4Allv2. All other distros have the same issue you have.

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If you can find out what .kext files are responsible for the WiFi we should be good to go. Just use the ones from v2. Otherwise, I think we are up $h!t creek without a paddle.

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./me joins the crowds begging for qe/ci, battery boot. throws better audio support than azalia in the pyre, scribbles "system doesn't overheat with airport" on the wall.


to get into a kext, just right click it and choose "show package contents"

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Just writing in to say AirPort is sweet:]

And I think "knowing" what the mini-PCI does "soothes" the ACPI:)

Anyways American Yellow where are you dude?

I'd love what you claim to be true;)

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Anyone else experiencing Firefox random crashing? It seems to be a divide by zero failure.Everything else seems to be stable.AlexAnyone else experiencing Firefox random crashing? It seems to be a divide by zero failure.Everything else seems to be stable.Alex

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Anyone else experiencing Firefox random crashing? It seems to be a divide by zero failure.Everything else seems to be stable.AlexAnyone else experiencing Firefox random crashing? It seems to be a divide by zero failure.Everything else seems to be stable.Alex


No issues with Firefox on my end, however VMWare Fusion is really unstable. I think I will have to uninstall it from my lappy. It has me wondering if it's actually VMWare or the hackintosh install, as 2003 server is rock solid stable on this machine.

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