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Leaked Photo of Sub-Notebook?


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Well, I guess the Zune must be fake too because it had such an obnoxious button on the face of it, right? And what's with that large high resolution screen too? Maybe my iPod touch is fake, there's no way they can get such a great resolution on a screen as big as the touch's...


C'mon, guys. Get real here, just because you don't like something doesn't mean it's fake. Plus, it's probably hopefully a prototype from a while back. I'm sure that it might have changed, you know how much of a stickler Apple is to design...

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Yeah its unlikely that apple would create such a track pad with their design history. Especially they wouldn't have such a long click button. maybe broken up. but not a such long one like that. FAKE. IF they were gona make it that long, why not just make the trackpad right to the edge instead of making it long stopping short of the edge. that space from the end of the trackpad to the edge of the portable, is absolutely useless. so they wouldn't have even thought of doing it..

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so you think its fake because the desktops are similar? are you kidding?


do you know how easy it would be to get a screenshot of a completely different desktop? If someone was going to go through the trouble to make this, I'm sure that they would find a different desktop.


however, if this was real, it is conceivable that the same person would outfit their desktops in a similar way. Especially if they had only had it for a couple days.


But the long trackpad is too ugly....



I don't think its real.

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I'm usually pretty skeptic, but I'm going to go out on a limb and say this is a legit photo of the MacBook Nano (or whatever they decide to call it.)


Just because you don't unnecessarily like a design doesn't mean it's Photoshopped. That's blind subjectivism. People had laughed at the spy shots of the recently-debuted ultra slim keyboard before it was released with the new iMacs. These trackpads, although wide, would meet perfect specifications for a multi-touch interface. Aside from the fact that the photo was taken next to a Swedish textbook, which in itself isn't enough to make any solid conclusions, I don't see any of the common mistakes that people make when trying to spoof up a Photoshop job. I don't see any flaws what-so-ever, and so I can only say that it's probably credible.


As for the desktop mirroring claim. That's complete fudd. In that case, I should assume that every computer in my local Apple store must be one system mirrored multiple times just because they all have the default Leopard wallpaper. The resolution on these sub-notebooks can actually be pretty high. They might have a very big pixel density, which could allow for resolutions of up to 1440 x 900. I think 1680 x 1050 would be out of range.


I honestly think this is it. I have a 78% gut feeling that this exact model, or one only slightly different, will be introduced by Mr. Jobs in a couple weeks.

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It's a swedish person that ownes that table. Notice the book in the background says "Änglar och demoner". It's a book by Dan Brown. Don't know the orginal title.

And by the looks of the keys it's the old power book style. With tilted corners. Not like the new macbooks that everybody loves. :blink:

And the mousebotton is very high. Would be irritating.


Sorry guys. I don't belive this is real.

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Can I just say that every part of this 'sub-notebook' could easily be produced from a picture of the macbook pro just taken from a slightly different angle, then mess about with the sizes (i.e stretch the trackpad, consolidate space between the keyboard and the edge of the laptop). It's just mind numbingly obvious how every part of it is identical to a macbook pro, only decreased/increased in size.



I call fake.

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The only that's keeping me from believing this is the new sub-notebook is how much it resembles the Macbook Pro. I thought for sure future Macbooks and Macbook Pro's would resemble the iMac in coloring, and have the aluminum and white keyboard like it does. This just seems like a dinosaur when compared to Apples current design scheme.

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All I can think of is Star Trek when I see that thing...


Veiwing video on your keyboard... wow...


yup, but this is the only consequent and logical further development of the human interface device.


I think the new flat keyboards and the iPhone touchscreen shows us what Apple is up to. They always

made their product lines similar, so this won't be a big surprise. The advantage of such an interface is

so way ahead of knob-pressing, that they have to come up with a thing like this.


I want to believe :unsure:

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FAKE!Because, look at the keyboard. It's a Macbook Pro Keyboard. Any new models surely will not have that anymore, as they've changed the keyboard in the Macbook and on the iMac models too..Strange Still i wouldn't mind though if that was real.Actually....If they release a tablet, eg Modbook, maybe that explains the reasoning behind dropping the number pad off the new wireless keyboard... so it suits the Macbook Nano or whatever it will be called (not that). They're more likely to call it a Maclite or something I though. Or Dietmac :)

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http://macdailynews.com/index.php/weblog/comments/15934/[/url]']Look at the keyboard. It's just like the current MacBook Pro's, and in fact this looks just like a smaller, thinner MacBook Pro with the wider trackpad/button.

Isn't Apple moving to the keyboard design used in the MacBook and the new aluminum wired and wireless keyboards?

If Apple is introducing an entirely new design, how likely is it the company would make it look just like the older MacBook Pro, which already looks much like its PowerBook predecessor?


I vote fake, the above statment is very true, if it was supposed to be a UP macbook pro it would be called the macbook pro nano. if those names are even true.

another thing. there is no latches. or no dimple to stick your fingers in to open the lid, if its magnetic like the macbook....

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QUOTE(islandgirl from http://macdailynews.com/index.php/weblog/comments/15934/)Look at the keyboard. It's just like the current MacBook Pro's, and in fact this looks just like a smaller, thinner MacBook Pro with the wider trackpad/button.

Isn't Apple moving to the keyboard design used in the MacBook and the new aluminum wired and wireless keyboards?

If Apple is introducing an entirely new design, how likely is it the company would make it look just like the older MacBook Pro, which already looks much like its PowerBook predecessor?


I vote fake, the above statment is very true, if it was supposed to be a UP macbook pro it would be called the macbook pro nano. if those names are even true.

another thing. there is no latches. or no dimple to stick your fingers in to open the lid, if its magnetic like the macbook....


Good point. It could be a prototype...

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why is everyone assuming that the long "button" is a single button? it could be 1 cover for 2 buttons.

it is an unusually large resolution for such a small computer but maybe they just have really good eyes or like to have fonts sizes at 32 lol


and if it IS a fake I want to talk to the maker cuz theyre good at photoshop.

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