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:rolleyes: OK so it´s my HDD well it´s just a normal ide 40 gig, works formating it just ok using my Mac mini via USB and also on my PC when I try to install using Jas 10.4.8 which ever way I do it so that´s not the problem for sure. My specs are Asus p4p800 se 3 ghz pentium 4 cpu the new grapihscard I bought is a PNY Geforce 6500 and I´ve also tried my old one (not listed here) and a no name one with no luck, all AGP. Sorry guys I just don´t believe this OSX86 works at all and the only reason why I decided to try it out is that I need a more powerfull computer for my Logic Studio cause a new Mac Pro is just out of the question at the moment. But thanks anyway



Let me know if you don't plan on using that hardware... if you're not, forward it my way... I wouldn't mind another machine, even if it's less powerful. My 2 year old kid would love the new toy! Thanks in advance if you throw the vid card in, it should work fine. I figure you'll probably want to stick with what your good at (grease, nuts, etc.).




You have to get the right hardware then it works like a champ. Here are my specs


Asus P5LVM-1394 (onboard Network disabled in bios) $40 refurb from Newegg

E6300 Core2 Duo $104 ebay

Belkin F5D500 Network card $15 CompUSA

SATA HD $80 Newegg

IDE DVD $40 Newegg

2GB Kingston Ram $70 Newegg


Uphuck 10.4.9 v1.3


Options on install

10.4.9 Intel

SSE3 Kernal

LogIn Window




Azalia Audio


For some reason I had to reinstall the kernal because of a Kernal Panic....just reinstall only selecting the Kernal and you should be good.

I´ll let people know this is just BS no worries about that.

We're busted, you nailed us.


The 150 000 or so members here have been setting this up, making all these posts and hoping to fool someone, but you are just too smart for us. :rolleyes:


It's a testament to the members here that even after comments like "I'll let everyone know it is BS" they still are willing to try to help you.

@Bguran...What installers are you trying to use on your system? Are you by any chance trying to use uphuck's v1.4a or Tubgirl's installer? I did a quick search for your motherboard and there are a couple of folks who have that up and running. What steps are you using to install? What graphics kexts or installers are you using for your card? Your system will not be state of the art and may not be the most powerful, but you should be able to get it running. If we know exactly what's happening, we might be able to help. General statements are not going to help much though.

Yeah I´ve read all I could find here about installing OSX86 on my PC even bought myself a new graphicscard AGP type PNY Geforce 6200 that was listed and said it should work. My mainboard and CPU also said to work but it does´nt so what on earth are you guys up to, thanks a lot. I´ll let people know this is just BS no worries about that.



some PPL amaze me...

OSx86 isn't BS... (You just need the right hardware)


I agree with Kurto: You need the right hardware to get OSx86 up and working with minimum fuss and muss. When I configured and bought my system, I used the specs from OSx86 Project Hardware Wiki.


Everything (Graphics, Sound, Networking, Wireless) worked out-of-the-box without any patches (!)


--danyel :)

Thanks guys love U2 :) Yeah my momma taught me that (I´ve seen new guys asking stuff here with no luck) and see it works I already had a couple of replies that might be of good help so I´ll get back to you with how things work out or not. Thanks guys hehe that BS is not such a bad word after all over and out.

HD should be partitioned as an active partition. For it to work as a bootable disk on a PC you need to select the BMR (Boot master record) option in disk utilities when you partition it. If you don't the PC motherboard will never be able to boot from it.

bguran, Let me know if you don't plan on using that hardware... if you're not, forward it my way... I wouldn't mind another machine, even if it's less powerful. My 2 year old kid would love the new toy! Thanks in advance if you throw the vid card in, it should work fine. I figure you'll probably want to stick with what your good at (grease, nuts, etc.).Cheers!DCF
Oh you´re such a sweet guy cyberhugs acoming :wub::D
HD should be partitioned as an active partition. For it to work as a bootable disk on a PC you need to select the BMR (Boot master record) option in disk utilities when you partition it. If you don't the PC motherboard will never be able to boot from it.
Thanks Mark I partitioned it using a USB drive case and my Mac mini but maby I did something wrong. I have the Jas 10.4.8 and it installs OK anyway it looks like it. Then when I start to fire it up it looks ok for a while but then it gets stuck and it´s black screen well allmoast anyway you can see there´s something there but I have no keyboard or nothing. For sure it´s a videocard related problem but the card should work and what´s said to fix it seems to be in the Jas so yeah for sure it´s frustrating. I just want to see this running first and then I´ll buy a quad core cpu a good motherboard and all ells what´s needed to get myself a good computer. The problem is the Upuck 10.4.9 you can´t find these days that is if you´re not willing to sign up on a pornsite ofcourse cause then it looks like you can get it. Well no worries I´ll make it run thanks for the help.

I used JaS 10.4.8 for a while. Actually I'm using it on this very computer. Did you start up in verbose mode? (F8 on startup and use -v at the prompt) Sometimes you'll get a better clue as to what the problem is that way.


I have another computer with a dual output video card that had the "black screen" issue as well and 10.4.9 uphuck seemed to work much better. The problem was that I have a digital output I use for my HDTV but it would try to use the analog output which was not connected to anything.


I don't know if that's even close to the same problem you're experiencing but try loading up in verbose and let us know what your findings are.



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