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Lenovo ThinkPad T420 with UEFI Only


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@k.surachai - well it sounds like the USB is not configured right for one reason or another if it will not boot to the clover GUI? i am not very familiar with cvad tool and proper settings. i may take a look at his latest rev based on clover v2444 to see what is the right settings. 

EDIT - yeah i tried cvad's tool - does a good job loading up a clover config - but not suitable for the T420 - but there probably a variety of reasons it would NOT boot. However, there is no reason you cannot set it up on windows. Download the zip from my post, then replace the CLOVER folder with the contents of the my zip folder to get a bootable USB or HD. just follow instruction


@tluck - - Not sure I understand your suggestion to set your package on windows. I did download your zip. (it contain "_MACOSX" folder and a file called "Clover_v2_r1625.pkg". The "_MACOSX" folder also contain just one file, "Clover_v2_r1625.pkg".) But I not sure where to copy them to. I don't seem to find "CLOVER" folder in the USB drive created by cvad's tool.

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@wojtoo - all you have to do is add DualLink = 1 to config.plist (or the DSDT) - download the zip from my signature and use that instead of the clover v1625 stuff i see in the image! the DSDT in there should really help you out.



@tluck - thanks for help. I started from scratch and installed iOS using your tutorial. There I used config.1366x768.plist with modify dual link =0. (EDIT: sorry,1)
I have display 1920x1080 95% gamut auo b156hw01 v.4 which is used in W510,W520 & W530. 
When I compared these two plist(1600x900 and 1366x768) I found that another difference is inject EDID. This EDID is just raw data from your monitor? Because this raw data is actually in displays/overrides.Am I right. I attached my display vendor catalog for display mentioned above and monitor info. 
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@wojtoo - good news. so for your 1920x1080 LCD, you set DualLink=1 right? well yeah the T420 1600x900 (some models) seems to have a malformed EDID for the built-in LCD that causes glitches on OSX. Clover  (and the DSDT) replaces it with a working EDID and get glitch-free graphics. if you are glitch-free then don't worry about replacing/patching your EDID. and then yes, i created a DisplayOverride that matches which provides a better looking more natural (less blue etc IMO) gamma color corrected LCD profile. this is largely a matter of preference. btw, i could not see the file in the link from previous post. permission?

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I found a cheap mini-dock ($50), so I've been working on upgrade support (e.g. removed VGA patch so that I could use both digital ports on the dock to drive my monitors).


I also patched AppleHDA (from 10.9) to drive the dock headphone/microphone ports:


First, edit ConfigData of CodecID 351359086 (LayoutId 12) /System/Library/Extensions/AppleHDA.kext/Contents/PlugIns/AppleHDAHardwareConfigDriver.kext/Contents/Info.plist to add the dock input/output:

0x40,0x10,0x21,0x04, /* 0x19        jack, External      Right,             HP Out, 1/8" stereo/mono,    Black, misc 0,                      , 4-0 */

0x50,0x90,0x81,0x21, /* 0x1a        jack, Separate       Rear,            Line In, 1/8" stereo/mono,     Pink, misc 0,                      , 5-0 */

0x60,0x10,0x81,0x04, /* 0x1b        jack, External      Right,            Line In, 1/8" stereo/mono,    Black, misc 0,                      , 6-0 */

0x20,0x40,0x21,0x21, /* 0x1c        jack, Separate       Rear,             HP Out, 1/8" stereo/mono,    Green, misc 0,                      , 2-0 */

0x10,0x01,0x17,0x90, /* 0x1f    internal, Internal        N/A,            Speaker,     Other Analog,  Unknown, misc 0,  Jack Detect Disabled, 1-0 */

0x70,0x01,0xa6,0x90, /* 0x23    internal, Internal        N/A,             Mic In,    Other Digital,  Unknown, misc 0,  Jack Detect Disabled, 7-0 */


Also add 2 new PathMap array elements (copy the other two, but modify mappings to add the new pins) to /System/Library/Extensions/AppleHDA.kext/Contents/Resources/Platforms.xml


Note: I couldn't get auto-switching detect to work on my first try, so this adds a Headphones & LineIn menu item instead. (First listing is auto-detect Internal Speaker/Headphones. Second listing is Dock Headphones and won't do anything if you don't have a dock. Same for audio input. I've discovered that it's trivial to modify AppleHDA to split Internal Speaker/Headphones1 too, but I like having the auto-switchover -- and the lenovo hardware mutes the internal speaker when you plug in headphones into either port. But I can post more detail if someone's interested.)


This setup is actually extremely cool since we can now plug in TWO sets of speakers for QUADRAPHONIC audio (use Audio MIDI Setup App to configure) when using the dock.


edit: oops, forgot to attach kext


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sweet! I have been using a dock and I love that I don't have to connect my home speakers to the side port anymore. I have incorporated your new files (Info.plist and Platform.xml.zlib) into the "Guide" version of AppleHDA.kext v2.5.3 currently on 10.9.1. Been waiting on 10.9.2 to repost the zip bundle since not much has really changed on my end - other than revving a few kexts to keep current with Clover and Rehabman's kexts. 


Thank you!

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what you have must be from the original post on this thread from a long time ago by Kogen Mantis.  


the zip (and Guide) I am talking about is from in the link in my signature. Follow this: Clover UEFI on T420 Guide. it contains a zip of my Clover folder and other files that will work on a T420. 




Thank you so much. Seem I had successfully modified my Clover USB Drive (created by cvad's tool) with your package as you suggested. It boot and work well. I follow your instruction till end. Only some device still not working and may need to work around.


Just one point .. I did success installation on a 16GB USB Drive (for testing purpose) Everything looked good. So, I redo .. now on my internal HDD. The installation went well. But after first reboot .. the seem not able to boot from the HDD. I got an error


"Still waiting for root device"


I left the machine for long time .. and found multiple lines of the same "Still waiting for root device"



Not sure what went wrong ? Any advise please......







One more thing .. your package work so well. I'm thinking of using it for another ThinkPad (X201) But seem your package had been configured specifically for T420. The Installer USB (which work well on ThinkPad T420) behave like a unmodified cvad's Clover (the menu/background image/etc). And that unmodified installer doesn't work.


Any advise how can I modify to make your package work on X201 as well ? Many thanks.

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Thanks for the advise, I can install 10.8 on internal HDD now.


Sir, your package work so well. I'm thinking of using it for another ThinkPad (X201) But seem your package had been configured specifically for T420. The Installer USB (which work well on ThinkPad T420) behave like a unmodified cvad's Clover (I can tell from the menu/background image/etc when boot with it. Same Installation USB boot & look differently on T420 & X201). And that unmodified installer doesn't work.



Any advise how can I modify to make your package work on X201 as well ? Many thanks.

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k.surachai - well the package is somewhat specific to the T420 ( DSDT and kexts AppleHDA.kext, Bluetooth).  But should be easy to modify for other laptops. The T420 is UEFI capable but i don't think the X201 is UEFI capable so then you then must install the Legacy MBR tools to boot the installer USB and/or the HD.

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Confirm that X201 is UEFI capable. I can use Clover bootable USB created by cvad's tool to boot. But it can boot but not completely work. I wish I could use your package to modify it and make it work (just like your package work well on T420)


As mentioned, after I modify the Clover bootable USB created by cvad's tool ... the USB boot but just like normal (and installation fail) Unlike when I use the same USB on T420, It boot with your modified menu/background screen/etc .. and most importantly, the installation success.


Hope you can help guide how to modify your package a bit make it boot on X201. Many Tks.

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Support for 10.9.2 posted here: Clover UEFI on T420 Guide



  • Updates from 10.9.2 - new (patched) AppleHDA.kext (v2.6.0) and BroadcomBluetoothHostControllerUSBTransport.kext (v4.2.3)
    Note: AppleHDA.kext has Manwe150's fix/additions for dock ports.
  • Updated to Clover 2536
  • Updated RehabMan's kexts - VoodooPS2Controller (v1.8.10), ACPIBatteryManager (v1.52)
  • Updated FakeSMC.kext to kozlek 6.0.1123 (instead of RehabMans fork)
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Thanks a lot tluck. Some issues seem better now, even without using a usb stick for booting. 

Sleep/wake goes better, no freeze with mute button, ... let's see as I keep using it, but looks much better.

I'm not sure if it is related to the update, the new kexts or the new Clover version...

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@ag6942563 - thanks for the feedback. you are welcome. yeah i have been booting MBR-on-usb for last few months... so good to know!


@honeywell - no changes to the DSDT since december when I posted some mods for sleep/wake that addressed sound and LED blinking.

Note: not long ago, I removed the ssdt.aml files and include the ssdt generator script to allow people to create their own based on your CPU model.


the box has been running just as good as my real mac. well 99.9%. so knock on wood! 

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Hi tluck,


Could you tell me how you make AppleACPIPlatform.kext 2.0 work? I can only use 1.3.6 on my W520.


Thank you!



I just found I have to turn off vt-d to use AppleACPIPlacform.kext 2.0.


I downloaded your AppleHDA.kext and found AppleHDAHardwareConfigDriver is version 2.5.2fc2 which should be 2.6.0.

Edited by zhangqq
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@zhangqq - 


I presume you have AppleACPIPlatform.kext 2.0 working now?  meaning it sleeps/wakes and shows the battery? the DSDT.dsl - the source has comments indicating additions or mods. Note: clover can do most of the work now, but there is some "fancy" stuff for the battery.  I can also post the diffs output between dsdt.original.dsl and dsdt.dsl if that would help non-T420 users.


Thanks for catching that rev info issue for AppleHDA. It turns out it is just the Info.plist that I forget to replace - the binaries are right. I will repost the bundle anyway with revised kext so the versions match.

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OK. Here is a zip of dsdt.original.dsl (from BIOS v1.46) and dsdt.current.dsl as well the iasl compiler I have.


Note: the current DSDT is a combination of edits with credits to Clover, manwe150, TimeWalker150, RehabMan and me.


diff dsdt.original.dsl dsdt.current.dsl > diffs.txt

cp dsdt.original.dsl dsdt.dsl

patch dsdt.dsl diffs.txt

iasl dsdt.dsl


The above sequence will create a patched and compiled DSDT (dsdt.aml) from the diffs.

Note: a more readable version of the diffs (i.e. ignore blank lines and other white space) can be obtained by

diff -Bw dsdt.original.dsl dsdt.current.dsl



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Now, maybe I missed this, but why is all the WMI stuff stripped out? I'm guessing you don't multiboot windows? Or does it cause problems for OSX? I guess the same question applies for IMEI which I think is the Intel Management Engine Interface. I can live without ME if necessary, but does it show up in OSX as a device if left in?

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Sure, I use the Clover GUI and I can boot windows 7 and OSX from my HD.  However, the custom dsdt.aml ( in /EFI/CLOVER/ACPI/patched) is only used by OSX.  and there is a lot of "Windows" things in the DSDT that are not used by OSX.


So anyway, anything "windows" is separate and it can get what it needs "natively". Meaning, the Clover GUI is clever enough to present the MS efi boot option.


hmm not sure I really need IMEI in OSX? i forget why i commented it out?


in my ESP i have this structure...



/EFI/Microsoft -> Windows

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