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RC-1 released


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It's official: Microsoft has made Release Candidate 1 of Windows Vista available to its beta testers. According to an entry in the Windows Vista Team Blog, Microsoft Platforms and Services Co-President Jim Allchin marked the occasion with an e-mail message to the TechBeta and TAP Test community saying "We could not have achieved this milestone without your support. The quantity and quality of feedback and data we received from you has been essential to helping us progress." RC1 will be released to a broader audience next week via MSDN and TechNet, and ISVs will be able to use this build of Vista to certify their applications, Allchin said in the message.



It isn't out to the public yet... Only to a small group of people outside of microsoft. So expect to see it on a few torrent sites in the next few hours... a day or two at the most.

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It isn't out to the public yet... Only to a small group of people outside of microsoft. So expect to see it on a few torrent sites in the next few hours... a day or two at the most.


A good place to go is the hotfix. here at http://www.thehotfix.net/forums/index.php?showforum=113



you may need to be a member

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and post:




Friday, September 01, 2006 2:59 PM by nwhite

Hey everybody: just wanted to clarify that the TechBeta/TAP site is not open to the public, so RC1 is not currently available to you if you're not part of one of those programs.


**However,** we're planning to make RC1 available to MSDN and TechNet subscribers next week, and to the general public shortly thereafter. Also, anyone who participated in testing of Beta 2 will also be given the opportunity to download/order RC1.

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Very exciting as I heard this morning it was posted on Connect. Last I heard Connect was down. Yes I'm very pumped about RC-1. I wasn't expecting it until next week or the week after so this is a big surprise consdidering MS has never been early on about anything. Man I just got 5552 all tweaked out too.

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Wow is blazing fast on my macbook pro

After this release if people keep saynig that microsoft is behind and vista is not ready

their just in denial-vista is here and we finally recieved what microsoft promised back in 2002. On my 1.83ghz,1gb of ram macbook pro with boot camp it installed in 20 minutes. Boot time is anywhere between 3-4 seconds and just the hwole feeling is extremely fast. Of course because im on a macbook somethngs dont work (isight double tap etc) but man mac os x top secret better be huge-vista seems ready for public use, its amazing how far its come and how well it performs you cant deny this release microsoft put alot of effort into this project and for that i give them props. As a company their trying really hard to outshine them selfs.


vista rocks-leopard is buggy cant wait for a more stable mac beta

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I never signed up for beta 2... then I signed up for the free vista beta 2 disk thing, but never got my disks. So I guess I am keyless as of right now... but I know a few people that I might be able to barrow a key from.

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I'm downloading the x64 edition of RC-1 for my Merom-Mini right now :thumbsdown_anim:


The good news is that I heard (well read) that the Lakeport Driver no longer has to be forced so I'm hopeful that my mini will finally be able to run Aero properly......



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