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Complete Updates for Newbies and All -- Currently 10.5.5 Combo (Only Intel CPUs)

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Your reply is so riddled with factual errors and misunderstandings, I wouldn't know where to start to correct them, even if I was inclined to do so, which I am not. So I'm out.


For the sake of others who may be interested, the scripts and steps you described worked perfectly on my system, originally created using PCWiz's installation guide.


Thanks again for creating the scripts, and for all your patient and helpful advice.



at post#1828 first time i respond to your question, i pointed you to a clean install and partitioning! so you can do every step and you can see every step one by one... you clearly wanted to jump ahead! and ignored my suggestion.


What verdant does not realize in his post is that pointing people to direct answers not good for many people. You have to crawl first before you can walk,run and jump!


You need to understand:

1) How restore work in the same hdd!

2) How it works when you cloned it to another hdd, (which you are experiencing, by not seeing it in the boot list!)

3) What to do next?, using rd= flag to test wheter you did correct restore/clone... RD flag works always if you have working bootloader, and correctly cloned partition!

4) Last step is to learn how to install bootloader


Verdant was trying to point all of these steps at once, and CCC does not work correctly on all systems/partitioning schemes/ or if you have already on going troubles in the system!... Since you have some trouble in between, it doesnt work... Thats why it is important to start fresh and clean, and go forward. Some people are scared to or not reluctant to do a clean install of everything to not waste time, but they are wasting more time to fix things...


I told you that your behaviour is NOOB behaviour, and trust me on that i have enough experience with noobs! I hate to call people NOOBS but shoe fits right at times!


If you do not like to restart/reinstall everything OSX86 project will be hard for you... and when you are told to do so and refuse, it is hard to keep calm for people who are trying to help you as well! if you keep insisting on not doing things you are told to.

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Hi everyone,


I have been fighting really hard with this latest update. I think at one time I had my system going but with my laptop trackpad and keyboard dead, and despite how many ps2 controller kexts I had saved, none could be used.


Right now I can't get pass the boot up screen, it freezes up.


I'm using a Compaq C751 laptop, with iATKOS v4, if anyone can help me in general with this model and a list of the settings used that would be perfect.




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Hi everyone, is there any link for Pre Update and Post Update patch? I unable to download from e site :(


Go to Bike Town.....see first posts in thread

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Hi all,

I am having trouble getting a stable install of OSX 10.5.5.

I'm an osx86 noob and probably doing stoopid things.

My rig is as follows:


Mobo: ASUS P5K-E wifi-AP

CPU: Intel Q6600 Core2 Quad 2.4GHz ( O'clocked to 3GHz)

GPU: Geforce 9800 GT 512mb Running dual 20" monitors

Mem: 4GB DDR 800

Drives: 2x SATA2 500GB hhd, 1x SATA DVD, 1x ATA DVD.


Method: Initial install of Kalyway's 10.5.2 with Vanilla kernel , Time Machine Patch. Partition Scheme MBR (Tried GUID - had a lot of trouble)

Update graphics with GFXutil and strings method to get dual monitors working.

Enable Quartz GL

All seems fine at this point.


From here I use the pre-patch, 10.5.5 Combo update and then the post patch.

The customisation choices I make are:

Vanilla 9.5.0 kernel with shutdown... patch.

Restore chipset (AHCI is enabled in bios)

Video - I have to use NVkush because I'm upgrading from 10.5.2 - but I delete and reinstate the string in com.apple.Boot.plist

Restore audio

Restore Network

SMBIOS MacPro (desktop)


It all goes well - reboots, reboots again - desktop appears impressively fast.

All seems to be working well, but over time the system becomes sluggish.

There is a noticeable performance drop. (confirmed with low GeekBench scores)

Then, if I allow the system to sleep, when I wake it up it becomes almost unusable.

Mouse jerks all over the place, sluggishness etc.


I've never spent enough time whilst in 10.5.2 to see if letting it sleep and waking it causes the same problems.

But, the system remains responsive and useable, without the sluggishness - no degrading over time.


I think I am making the noob mistake of trying to do everything all at once without fully understanding the role of certain kexts and the choices I make etc.

I have tried modded kernels - sleep kernels etc, but it makes no difference to the wake from sleep sluggishness problem.

Also - can only wake from sleep by pressing the power button - USB keyboard/mouse won't wake it.


Ok, well thank you for any clues to the clueless :D



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From here I use the pre-patch, 10.5.5 Combo update and then the post patch.

The customisation choices I make are:

Vanilla 9.5.0 kernel with shutdown... patch.

Restore chipset (AHCI is enabled in bios)

Video - I have to use NVkush because I'm upgrading from 10.5.2 - but I delete and reinstate the string in com.apple.Boot.plist

Restore audio

Restore Network

SMBIOS MacPro (desktop)


sluggishness is maybe due to gfx card missing drivers /or/ full ahci support missing since you are upgrading from 10.5.2, there was no good support for either one, now thre is full ahci and gfx support.


instead of above, do the following suggestions:


+++ if it is not that important, disable pata dvd port for the moment ==> it is called onboard controller or something in bios, real name is jmicron WHICH CAUSES lotsa trouble already.

+++ also get your sata dvd and all hdds on the intel controller, not the additional jmicron if you know what i mean.

+++ my best suggestion for you is to make a clean partitioning and install as in my guide in the first post (brick free guide) and do all the tests in the test partition until you get a stable system at the same time, you will learn your system and settings that works for you better...


if you decide to go with clean install, partitioning, do it accordingly. But understand that partitioning sizes in the first post is an example for given hdd size. For example I have 300 gb hdd for osx, and did 7 partitions on it. 40-40-40-40-40-40-rest you can do more or less partitions and sizes accordingly...


once you install your main system (in your case, kalyway 10.5.2?), and check that things that are supposed to work are working already (like network, sound? with exception of GFX card which i will explain) clone it to the test partition. and boot to the test partition to do the updates...


now for the post update settings:


kernel: vanilla 5.0 with fix

chipset: ichx with ahci

audio: restore

network: restore

video: NVdarwin!-> Step1, Step2 (512mb option), additional tools in case u know what you are doing so you can customize things)

system func: smbios: mac pro, uncheck acpi option bcoz of vanilla,


that is it... restart and make sure you choose the correct partition again (bcoz you are doing the test on test partition?) also since it will restart again, make sure you choose the right partition again... ;)


now back to your problems again:


+ you can test two things now: run your system for a while with pata dvd ports + (you may have additional sata port as well in jmicron) disabled and observe the behaviour, see if any sluggishness comes back?

if it doesnt come back do:

+ enable the jmicron controller but make sure you set ahci on the jmicron if it is possible else it will not work and most likely freezes or sluggishness may come back...


good luck and report back

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+++ also get your sata dvd and all hdds on the intel controller, not the additional jmicron if you know what i mean.


Not really sure what you mean here . . do you mean switch everything back to IDE mode?


BTW - your post patch customisation settings just helped me bring back my bricked 10.5.5 install :)

I will have report back after I work out your other suggestions.


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Not really sure what you mean here . . do you mean switch everything back to IDE mode?


BTW - your post patch customisation settings just helped me bring back my bricked 10.5.5 install :)

I will have report back after I work out your other suggestions.




in your mobo, there are two controllers i believe.


1) intel ICH-X (X=> one of the 7-8-9-10 series?) with sata ports only (usually 4 or 6 togetger and usualy yellow colors??? but on your mobo 4x red color)


2) Jmicron controller with 2x sata (for e-sata or normal operation usualy purple color?? but on your mobo 2x black color) + 1x pata port (for 2 devices)


I hope you get this part?


what i meant was putting them in AHCI mode not IDE mode, and by saying get everything on the intel controller, i meant, put (make sure) all your sata devices are connected on the intel controller not the Jmicron i explained!


meaning all your hdd/dvd are connected on the red color sata ports (as i can see from here)


good luck and report back

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sorry for the confusion.

My drives are connected to the correct controller ports (red ones)

I failed to mention that I had installed 3 other customisations before upgrading to 10.5.5.

1. Taruga's audio patch for 1988b (rev 3)

2. Aquamacs Nvidia drivers

3. ACH9 drivers downloaded by OSX86Tools <--- think they were the problem.


Anyway - after installing your 10.5.5 upgrading system the first time and getting the sluggish results, I then started playing with the kernel options.

Don't know why - when I should have just been looking at the chipset options.

Soooo - after following your recommended customisation selections in "Post Patch" and doing the whole upgrading thing again. Pre, Combo, Post with recommended options - all is well . . . although I have not tried sleeping the computer yet.

Will report back on that.

So far GeekBench results are normal.

Shutdown and restart work.

So - thank you again.

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fishcow: i suggest you to disable on board controller (jmicron-- two black sata ports+ide port) meaning you have to disable ide dvd... or u can test jmicron ahci mode if it supports, else, best way is to disable it...


how about the NVdarwin options? worked fine? should be better than nvkush i think... :)


you may have only one trouble though with timemachine apparently some people are using it extensively, which i dont, but there are time machine fixes around... but time machine problem is not unique this update, it happened before and most likely will happen when network driver is updated again... so people know that i m not the one to blame to break the time machine function :)

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Mysticus C*, I just completed a successful update to a second computer, thanks. The details are similar to to ones mentioned in my post #1094.


I did encounter one problem, however. The post combo update patch download from the Bike Town site was corrupted. It skipped past the customize window not allowing me to choose the correct options. I had to download the patches again and reapply the post combo update patch. That proved successful. If I had not already completed a successful update on the first computer, I might not have noticed this problem.


Although I have not read every post since #1094, I have seen no mention of this in the thread. Perhaps this situation happened to some of those who indicated they could not find the customize button. If so, I hope this helps.

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Mysticus C*, I just completed a successful update to a second computer, thanks. The details are similar to to ones mentioned in my post #1094.


I did encounter one problem, however. The post combo update patch download from the Bike Town site was corrupted. It skipped past the customize window not allowing me to choose the correct options. I had to download the patches again and reapply the post combo update patch. That proved successful. If I had not already completed a successful update on the first computer, I might not have noticed this problem.


Although I have not read every post since #1094, I have seen no mention of this in the thread. Perhaps this situation happened to some of those who indicated they could not find the customize button. If so, I hope this helps.


thanx for the feedback, and good luck with your new computer...


for the customize button, it usually happens when you unintentionally press the next button more than once... it skips the customize, but closing the installer and rerunning it should solve it... unless like you said it is corrupted in the download process... which sometimes happen as well...

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fishcow: i suggest you to disable on board controller (jmicron-- two black sata ports+ide port) meaning you have to disable ide dvd... or u can test jmicron ahci mode if it supports, else, best way is to disable it...


how about the NVdarwin options? worked fine? should be better than nvkush i think... ;)


you may have only one trouble though with timemachine apparently some people are using it extensively, which i dont, but there are time machine fixes around... but time machine problem is not unique this update, it happened before and most likely will happen when network driver is updated again... so people know that i m not the one to blame to break the time machine function :)


All is working well - still have the "wake from sleep" issue, which seems to be also affecting Apple MBP owners running Leopard.

For now though - I just won't sleep the computer, only the displays.

Here are the messages in the console after waking. Dock seems to be having spasms :) . . .

15/11/08 2:26:49 AM kernel System Wake

15/11/08 2:26:49 AM mDNSResponder[16] NOTE: Wide-Area Service Discovery disabled to avoid crashing defective DNS relay

15/11/08 2:26:49 AM kernel [JMicronATA] JMicronATAPCIRoot restoreHwResources

15/11/08 2:26:49 AM kernel AppleYukon2 - en0 link active, 1000-Mbit, full duplex, symmetric flow control enabled port 0

15/11/08 2:26:49 AM kernel RTL8187: Ethernet address 00:15:af:84:15:cf

15/11/08 2:27:49 AM [0x0-0x9009].com.apple.dock[143] Error: no SMC found

15/11/08 2:27:49 AM [0x0-0x9009].com.apple.dock[143] Error: no SMC found

15/11/08 2:27:49 AM [0x0-0x9009].com.apple.dock[143] [274] line 528: TypeError: Value undefined (result of expression this.isSectionEnabled) is not object.

15/11/08 2:27:49 AM [0x0-0x9009].com.apple.dock[143] [274] line 528: TypeError: Value undefined (result of expression this.isSectionEnabled) is not object.

15/11/08 2:27:49 AM [0x0-0x9009].com.apple.dock[143] [274] line 528: TypeError: Value undefined (result of expression this.isSectionEnabled) is not object.

15/11/08 2:27:49 AM [0x0-0x9009].com.apple.dock[143] [274] line 528: TypeError: Value undefined (result of expression this.isSectionEnabled) is not object.

15/11/08 2:27:49 AM [0x0-0x9009].com.apple.dock[143] [274] line 528: TypeError: Value undefined (result of expression this.isSectionEnabled) is not object.

15/11/08 2:27:49 AM [0x0-0x9009].com.apple.dock[143] [274] line 528: TypeError: Value undefined (result of expression this.isSectionEnabled) is not object.

15/11/08 2:27:49 AM [0x0-0x9009].com.apple.dock[143] [274] line 528: TypeError: Value undefined (result of expression this.isSectionEnabled) is not object.

15/11/08 2:27:49 AM [0x0-0x9009].com.apple.dock[143] [274] line 528: TypeError: Value undefined (result of expression this.isSectionEnabled) is not object.

15/11/08 2:27:49 AM [0x0-0x9009].com.apple.dock[143] [274] line 528: TypeError: Value undefined (result of expression this.isSectionEnabled) is not object.

15/11/08 2:27:49 AM [0x0-0x9009].com.apple.dock[143] [274] line 528: TypeError: Value undefined (result of expression this.isSectionEnabled) is not object.

15/11/08 2:27:49 AM [0x0-0x9009].com.apple.dock[143] [274] line 528: TypeError: Value undefined (result of expression this.isSectionEnabled) is not object.

15/11/08 2:27:49 AM [0x0-0x9009].com.apple.dock[143] [274] line 528: TypeError: Value undefined (result of expression this.isSectionEnabled) is not object.

15/11/08 2:27:50 AM loginwindow[56] DEAD_PROCESS: 0 console

15/11/08 2:27:50 AM shutdown[716] reboot by blgrace:

15/11/08 2:27:50 AM shutdown[716] SHUTDOWN_TIME: 1226676470 762710

15/11/08 2:27:50 AM com.apple.loginwindow[56] Shutdown NOW!


NVdarwin drivers worked great - then I updated to series 9 Nvidia drivers packaged by Aquamac. (nice)

I don't use TimeMachine as yet . . . so cannot confirm if it works or not - always get the option popping up to use one of my drives as TimeMachine backup drive after install or updates.






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All is working well - still have the "wake from sleep" issue, which seems to be also affecting Apple MBP owners running Leopard.

For now though - I just won't sleep the computer, only the displays.

NVdarwin drivers worked great - then I updated to series 9 Nvidia drivers packaged by Aquamac. (nice)

I don't use TimeMachine as yet . . . so cannot confirm if it works or not - always get the option popping up to use one of my drives as TimeMachine backup drive after install or updates.


for the sleep, try disabling the onboard controller for jmicron (black sata+ide ports=meaning u should disable the pata dvd rom) ;) and test it again :) should work i think... as far as i remember

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Just wanted to say thank you! Updated my 10.5.3 Kalyway (10.5.2 + Kalyway Combo) to 10.5.5 without any trouble!


your welcome and enjoy, but on side note: it is better to have a hardware profile signature in case people with same hardware can see/ if you also provide what u have choosen in post update settings...



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for the sleep, try disabling the onboard controller for jmicron (black sata+ide ports=meaning u should disable the pata dvd rom) :) and test it again :) should work i think... as far as i remember


I will live without sleep . . If I don't sleep then computer doesn't sleep anyway :)

Thanks for the help - much appreciated

I will move on :)

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Well, I'm running it.

The update seems to have gone well. I got one kernel panic the first time I booted back into Leopard about 5 minutes into the OS. After rebooting I have not had a kernel panic since (a few hours)

Its identifying as an iMac.

Sleep/shutdown works.

I still use a boot 132 disk for start up.


I didn't see any option for a plain vanilla 9.5.0 kernel, which is what I was using with no problem, and there is no option to keep what I had.

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Well, I'm running it.

The update seems to have gone well. I got one kernel panic the first time I booted back into Leopard about 5 minutes into the OS. After rebooting I have not had a kernel panic since (a few hours)

Its identifying as an iMac.

Sleep/shutdown works.

I still use a boot 132 disk for start up.


I didn't see any option for a plain vanilla 9.5.0 kernel, which is what I was using with no problem, and there is no option to keep what I had.



there is a vanilla kernel option for both 9.5.0 with fix, and 9.5.1, you sure you checked the post patches?

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Yes, I looked at the options.

There is no vanilla 9.5.0 kernel (with no fixes - untouched) option

I wasn't sure what the 9.5.1 kernel was, but I assumed it was an updated kernel and it had no fixes so I checked that option.


Im trying to stay as vanilla as possible, and I had no sleep/shutdown issues with vanilla 9.5.0, but since there is no "keep what you got" option I decided to try 9.5.1 not knowing it was meant for the new MacBooks

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Hi MC, tks of your work, it's working on me, I am upgrade from leo4all v3. 10.5.2, here is what I do:

1. Install a, and b, after your instruction

2. In customize, I select a: 9.4.0 stageXNU for KERNELS, b: ICHX ACHI for my Intel chipset, c: NVIDIA 8600GT 256M for my video card, d: restore the audio and restore network, e: SMBIOS and ACPI-APIC have been selected.

3. After install complete and restart, here I come. Working fine


Even my old problem still remains, but it's not related with your update files, but if you can take a look and give me some advice will be appreciated your time:

1. I am use 8600GT 256m ONDA video card, after I change resolution from 800X600 at 85HZ to 1024X768 at 85HZ, my CRT monitor become blue screen after restart, then I wait monitor sleep, after wake up, display will become normal and fine, I think this is the only way I can using it, still can't find another way;

2. USB can be recognized, but can't mount, have to mount with restart;

3. After shut down computer, the power still on, have to manual shut power down.


Other than those issue, I am using just fine with my leopard 10.5 now! And thanks again for your work, now I am can using 10.5.5, it's great!


BTW, I am reading that suggestion you give for those want try new stuff w/o bricking system, it's great, can be a useful guide for those want install mac on inter-pc, what I am asking is, can I quote this part and translated to Chinese then post on some Chinese forum with mention that it's come from you?





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I got everything up running fine. I followed all the steps. Thank you so much Mysticus C. =]


I'm using the Voodoo beta 2 kernel to get both of my core working.


The only problem i have is my usb mouse. Which comes with the keyboard call Logitech Wireless Desktop 3000.


My keyboard is fine and my mouse was fine at first, after a while it just out of control, jumping everywhere and sometimes it stuck. Scrolling works perfectly but the mouse just don't work. I can't control it.


I've tried plug in a usb wired optical mouse and the samething happen. Scrolling works but cant control the mouse.


Can you help me with this problem? Thanks =]

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