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Complete Updates for Newbies and All -- Currently 10.5.5 Combo (Only Intel CPUs)

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I want to duplicate my operational OS X 10.5.2 install to another drive, so that I may test out this upgrade procedure. I have tried:


1. Using the restore feature of disk utility, followed by using OSX86Tools to insert the three types of bootloaders;

2. Used CCC both with and without the three types of bootloader insertion

3. used my time machine backup to re-image a blank drive


In all, I have tried 8 combinations of methods to create the copy drive, and two methods for booting (meaning using the source drive or the copy drive as the first boot device) and none of it is yielding a bootable copy disk: the copy did not show up in the bootloader list when the working drive was booted first, and the copy drive did not show the bootloader at all when I adjusted the bios to boot it first.


I suspect there is something trivial and fundamental that I am not doing, but I'll be damned if I can figure out what it is.

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1) the method i provided is to use on the same hdd! and it clearly states taht you do not copy bootloader! but you do not do anything on the main installation partition!


Here how it works/what you do in the process from 0 to the end...


a- start dvd boot process,

b- go to disk utility

c- do partitioning with suggested setttings... but the idea is to have at least 2-3 osx partitions min! so you can clone it...

d- once done partitioning, you make clean install of your main system (like you are saying 10.5.2? )

e- everything working? than you do the clonening/restoring process so to create test partition

f- test partition will not have bootloader but you do not need additional bootloader even your clone is on another drive with no bootloader... confusing?


answer is simple!


+ if you followed my suggestions and created the clone partition on the same hdd, than you do not need to do anything additional, apart from pressing F8 key at countdown screen to select the test partition!

+ but if you did clone the main partition to another hdd partition, of course it will not show in the list to choose, but that doesnt mean you can not boot it!


+ boot your main partition once first, use disk utility, find the hdd/partition you did the cloning to, and right click, get info, and read the information saying diskXsY... where X will be the disk number (0,1,2,3...), and Y will be the partition number (1,2,3,...)... lets say you found the numbers as disk2s3? ok?


now restart and press f8 at countdown screen, and once in countdown screen, type the following


-v rd=disk2s3 (enter to accept the command) it will boot into the test partition without problem...


if you insiste on making bootloader to present on additional hdd still, you need to use osx86tools to install bootloader... but make sure you install the bootloader when you are booted to main, because you cant install the bootloader into the partition you booted!


So clear enough?


Expressing again, MAIN ==> to ==> TEST partition, do not do TEST=> to =>MAIN


- you do not need another bootloader if you are using same hdd (with multiple osx partitions) but you must understand taht you always clone the main to a test partition... not other way around, else you will break your main partition's bootloader!


- if it is on another hdd, you can still boot using rd=diskXsY flag to point your current bootloader to boot another partition...


if you understand the fundemantals of usage you will do it very easily and efficiently...

if you dont understand still, not much i can do about it...

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I know that your instructions were for multiple partitions on the same drive. I read that clearly. What I am trying to do is to clone my working drive to a new drive, as stated, for two reasons: so I can test this upgrade path (and thanks a ton for writing it all out) and second, because I want to know how to clone my system drive. In Windows this is straightforward: ghost the drive and you're done. With OS X, it seems to not be so straightforward, and that bothers me because it makes Time Machine pointless, and creates a system whereby the only way to rebuild it is to start from scratch each time, which wastes time.


I'll try forcing the boot drive using the rd= thing you posted and let you know how it works out. But it doesn't solve the troubling problem of not being able to totally clone a working OS X installation. I'll try a new topic for that one I guess.

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direct cloning with bootloader is painful at times with osx, but it is not so hard, with diskutility you should be able to make bootable copy of your restore partition image... (similar to ghost, from partition to image...)


also, i dont use timemachine a lot as i dont store my files in osx running partition (meaning keeping them in seperate partition)... i m not so worried about as i m using a 300 gb hdd for osx, and there are 7 partitions which i have multiple copies of osx main and test partitions...


you can experiment making a restore image bootable and non bootable, and mount the restore image with write permissions and apply osx86tools to add bootloader... and close the image and test it on another partition...

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I know that your instructions were for multiple partitions on the same drive. I read that clearly. What I am trying to do is to clone my working drive to a new drive, as stated, for two reasons: so I can test this upgrade path (and thanks a ton for writing it all out) and second, because I want to know how to clone my system drive. In Windows this is straightforward: ghost the drive and you're done. With OS X, it seems to not be so straightforward, and that bothers me because it makes Time Machine pointless, and creates a system whereby the only way to rebuild it is to start from scratch each time, which wastes time.


I'll try forcing the boot drive using the rd= thing you posted and let you know how it works out. But it doesn't solve the troubling problem of not being able to totally clone a working OS X installation. I'll try a new topic for that one I guess.


If you can arrange for 3. and 4. below, I suggest you download and use Carbon Copy Cloner 3.1.2 to do a block-level clone to your HDD......for a block-level clone:


1. You need the intended OS X install volume i.e. Target Volume ACTUAL FORMATTED VOLUME size to be ≥ than the Source Volume ACTUAL FORMATTED VOLUME size.....e.g. 0.5GB greater or 1GB greater.....do not make it much bigger as (a) you can only clone from small to larger in terms of volume size and the free space will/may not be recognised as usable without running partitioning software.....such as iPartition......


2. You must choose to erase the target volume during the clone.


3. You must be able to unmount both devices (there cannot be any open files on either drive) but do not actually unmount the drives prior to the clone.


4. You cannot be booted from either drive......


This is one of the reasons why I always have Kalyway OS X 10.5.2 installed in a 10GB HFS+ "OS_X_Boot" volume as the 1st volume on my OS X MBR multi-volume partitioned HDDs......


It functions as a "First-Aider" and "Clone-Maker" and "For Very Large File Transfers via Gigabit LAN and/or Firewire Devices" OS X Kalyway 10.5.2 system with "cpus=1 maxmem=2048" inserted under Kernel Flags string in com.apple.Boot.plist.........It services my Main and Backup OS X 10.5.4 systems and my various test OS X installs...... :)


BUT in trying to fully clone your working OSx86 system to one or more volumes on another HDD (internal or external), it is important that you clone to the first partitioned volume on the clone HDD [with the clone HDD partitioned as Master Boot Record and and first volume formatted as Mac OS Extended (Journaled)], using volume names without spaces, and then install the PC_EFI v8 bootloader onto this first volume (now with installed OS X system minus bootloader) using OSx86Tools.......or if you have the iATKOS v2.0i DVD or iATKOS v1.0ir3 regular version DVD or iATKOS v4.0i DVD....


Place the iATKOS DVD in the DVDRW drive and boot it by pressing F8 at boot-up to bring up the "Boot Menu", then selecting the DVDRW Drive and pressing Enter.


You should select ONLY the Darwin EFI bootloader - NOTHING ELSE!


When the Darwin Bootloader appears, press F8 quickly and at the "boot:" prompt, type (without quotes) "cpus=1 maxmem=2048 -v" and press Enter.


When the iATKOS 2.01 DVD Installer is running, "Click the button to continue...", then click on "Continue" in the Welcome window, followed by "Agree" in the next pop-up window, and in the Select a Destination window, select the volume you have just cloned OS X onto and press "Continue".


In the Install Summary window, press "Customize" and in the Package Name pop-up window, select ONLY Darwin Bootloader - NOTHING ELSE! and press "Done" to return to the Install Summary window, press "Install".


Ignore the "Install Failed" message window that will appear after the install has completed, and just click "Restart".


When all processes are killed and DVD drive activity stops and the re-boot "beep" sounds, remove the DVD and boot from the HDD


When the Darwin Bootloader appears, press any key quickly and at the "boot:" prompt, type (without quotes) "-v" and press Enter.

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thank you Mysticus C*!!!

i finally updated from 10.5.4 to 10.5.5 using the version 1.2.0 everything works fine(i updated also ,the security update from software update(apple site)) i post my configuration:

i have a hp dv6755el

this is my configuration for post install:

kernel: 9.4.0

chipset : just restore

video :nvkush

audio:just restore

network :just restore

smbios : macbook pro

usb :no tick

acpi-apic : nothing

ps2-battery :test 2 (i tryed 1 first but no keyboard and trackpad)

dsmos fix yes ( :P )

PCI : yes tick

perfect!!!thanks again!!!great work

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thank you Mysticus C*!!!

i finally updated from 10.5.4 to 10.5.5 using the version 1.2.0 everything works fine(i updated also ,the security update from software update(apple site)) i post my configuration:

i have a hp dv6755el

this is my configuration for post install:

kernel: 9.4.0

chipset : just restore

video :nvkush

audio:just restore

network :just restore

smbios : macbook pro

usb :no tick

acpi-apic : nothing

ps2-battery :test 2 (i tryed 1 first but no keyboard and trackpad)

dsmos fix yes ( :) )

PCI : yes tick

perfect!!!thanks again!!!great work


your welcome and enjoy...



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I never did get a duplicate of my working system to boot, so in the end I just re-installed from scratch to test this update out. I'm happy to say that it worked no problem :rolleyes:


you are not doing it correctly mate, just follow the guide correctly it will work with no problem... as well...


read the guide again :unsure:

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iAKTOS does not boot on my machine, so that's a deal breaker. This is iAKTOS 4.0i. I get the apple screen with a circle with a line through it symbol. So it's a no go. Maybe I'll try to figure it out...it could be that it's trying to boot with an AHCI kernel or something.

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iAKTOS does not boot on my machine, so that's a deal breaker. This is iAKTOS 4.0i. I get the apple screen with a circle with a line through it symbol. So it's a no go. Maybe I'll try to figure it out...it could be that it's trying to boot with an AHCI kernel or something.



what are you really trying to do?


1) just do partitioning, correctly, and than clone in the same hdd partitions...

2) once you learn the process, go to next step...

3) do the cloning in the additional hdd partition and use rd=diskXsY flags...

4) once you learn that, go to next step...

5) install the bootloader in the additional hdd partition...


dont try to run before you can even crawl yet!!!


why are you wasting time here... we told you what to do so many times, and yet you are still so thick to understand what seems to be a simple thing! You just complicate the entire process yourself... do things in order, and dont fncking jump to last step before even learning the first one... why?


you dont even know how to restore and start from clone partition from the same hdd?

how can you clone it to another?

lets assume you did clone it to another, how can you know it will work before you try the rd=diskXsY flag (meaning if the files etc everything is ok that only bootloader is missing)


in one post you say everything working but you cant clone, and in other something is not working again...


You look like you are wasting people's time here... This is the last answer you will get from me and verdant, we have answered enough already and you still thick to understand it, and taking the topic subject "UPDATE GUIDE" from its purpose!


Enough said, wheter you understand or not no more talking about cloning please... else you will get scolded or insulted...

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not that it's any different than using the restore function in disk utility, you can use Clone Tool Hatchery to copy your partition to another disk or another partition. But If you're cloning to a SEPARATE drive YOU'LL NEED TO INSTALL A BOOT LOADER. Chameleon has a great little installer and it works on numerous different types of hardware. that's what i've been using on my setup and it works perfectly.


How to do it

1)Google Clone Tool Hatchery, download it and place it in your application folder

2)Source HD = your main install. Clone HD = your blank test drive

3)Click "HATCH" yes to erase, and wait for it to copy your files over

4)Install Boot Loader on cloned test drive (Chameleon is recommended)

5)Physically remove main drive, and reboot on new clone (unless you have a drive select option on your motherboard in that case just select your clone HD from that menu)

6)install updates, or other drivers you may be testing. If all goes well,proceed to step 7 if not, put your Main Install drive back in and re-clone

7)Re-clone test HD back to main install HD


Hope this helps, but it's nothing really different from what Mysticus has been saying.

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not that it's any different than using the restore function in disk utility, you can use Clone Tool Hatchery to copy your partition to another disk or another partition. But If you're cloning to a SEPARATE drive YOU'LL NEED TO INSTALL A BOOT LOADER. Chameleon has a great little installer and it works on numerous different types of hardware. that's what i've been using on my setup and it works perfectly.


How to do it

1)Google Clone Tool Hatchery, download it and place it in your application folder

2)Source HD = your main install. Clone HD = your blank test drive

3)Click "HATCH" yes to erase, and wait for it to copy your files over

4)Install Boot Loader on cloned test drive (Chameleon is recommended)

5)Physically remove main drive, and reboot on new clone (unless you have a drive select option on your motherboard in that case just select your clone HD from that menu)

6)install updates, or other drivers you may be testing. If all goes well,proceed to step 7 if not, put your Main Install drive back in and re-clone

7)Re-clone test HD back to main install HD


Hope this helps, but it's nothing really different from what Mysticus has been saying.


the problem with him and many noobs is that they do not like to learn principles first... they wanna jump to a very fast learning curve... I told him many times, verdant explained him many times, he cant use his brain to start from what has ben told.


He needs to understand how to do the restore first, and the easiest way to do it is using disk utility in the same hdd!

But no apparently he is too clever to skip that part and jump to whatever he wanna do... He is refusing to try and see.


The clone processes are fairly easy but you have to learn from the start and understand the behaviour.

Do it in the same hdd first. Learnt? do it in another hdd partition and learn to use/check rd=diskXsY flag to see wheter the drive is bootable or you did something wrong?...learnt, go learn install the bootloader... using one of the tools mentioned...



But these are not the issues. What the problem is CLONE SUBJECT is a helping side guide and not the focus of topic. I provided the guide to help people do tests and not brick the system. If you talk about the clone guide for more than 10 posts, that is useless and taking the focus away from the main subject. We told him what to do, and he does not seem to understand or follow everything after all we have told him.


Enough is enough, and end of story. The topic is UPDATE, and not IN DEPTH ANALYSIS OF CLONE/RESTORE.

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I install kalyway 10.5.2 with a sleepkernel and would like to combo update to 10.5.5 , the fresh install works perfectly, downloaded the 1.2.0 pre patch, and install it (no reboot), than download the 10.5.5 combo update from apple, install it, (without reboot, install program still running), then run the post upgrade patch. then reboot. After that, the PC reboot looply, after darwin boot, I try to start it with -v but after it loads the HFS kernel modul, it restarts, I try to capture a screen shoot. In the first post, i see that there is a sign "Therefore, CUSTOMIZATION is a MUST" but in the pathes and the combo update, I couldn't find custom install.


My configuration is an Intel 915 GUX board without AHCI, with a Celeron 2.8G processzor, 512/533Mhz DDR2 memory, SATA Hard drive, and an ATA-133 DVD-ROM.


Anyone got any ideal where should I faild with the update?




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First I would like to thank you mysticus for your prompt replies and hard work... On a more negative note, once I upgraded (I tried many different kernels and package combos) I no longer have ethernet. My specs are in my signature additionally, I have a Marvell Yukon 88E8038 card. I also have a 3945 wifi card and a Sigma Tel audio card i would like to get working. I know the 3945 is in development but I know that the audio is supported... Somewhere... Sleep function seems to be working on 10.5.2 right now i would like to retain that. I would like to maintain that and possibly up the ante on the power management side i.e. restart, speedstep etc. Any and all help is greatly appreciated.


Hi Raymazing,

If you want to get your ethernet card working again, you need to re-do the step that you did while you on Kalyway 10.5.2. When you apply the combo update, both IOPCIFamily.kext & AppleYukon2.kext has been replaced therefore you will "lose" your ethernet card. You can get it back when you re-do the step that make your ethernet card working.


Good luck. ;)



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I install kalyway 10.5.2 with a sleepkernel and would like to combo update to 10.5.5 , the fresh install works perfectly, downloaded the 1.2.0 pre patch, and install it (no reboot), than download the 10.5.5 combo update from apple, install it, (without reboot, install program still running), then run the post upgrade patch. then reboot. After that, the PC reboot looply, after darwin boot, I try to start it with -v but after it loads the HFS kernel modul, it restarts, I try to capture a screen shoot. In the first post, i see that there is a sign "Therefore, CUSTOMIZATION is a MUST" but in the pathes and the combo update, I couldn't find custom install.


My configuration is an Intel 915 GUX board without AHCI, with a Celeron 2.8G processzor, 512/533Mhz DDR2 memory, SATA Hard drive, and an ATA-133 DVD-ROM.


Anyone got any ideal where should I faild with the update?




it is hard to keep quite when people really do stupid things... and do not know up until now what customization means...


even in windows, there is a customization button usually in installer programs. CUSTOMIZE BUTTON comes on the bottom left corner after you pressed the NEXT button the first time!


if you didnt customize the post installer, and you dont have an additional working partition, too bad, it will be kind of hard to do the fix...


you can try


-v cpus=1


but i doubt it will work...

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it is hard to keep quite when people really do stupid things... and do not know up until now what customization means...


even in windows, there is a customization button usually in installer programs. CUSTOMIZE BUTTON comes on the bottom left corner after you pressed the NEXT button the first time!


if you didnt customize the post installer, and you dont have an additional working partition, too bad, it will be kind of hard to do the fix...


you can try


-v cpus=1


but i doubt it will work...


I know where the button should be, but I couldn't see it there, not in the pre, and not on the post patch. But maybe I miss it, i will try again after a restore from the main partition.

Thanks, your advice, i will also try it before, and report what was the result..

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I know where the button should be, but I couldn't see it there, not in the pre, and not on the post patch. But maybe I miss it, i will try again after a restore from the main partition.

Thanks, your advice, i will also try it before, and report what was the result..


customization is on the post combo update patches, not the pre or combo...


and customize button comes after the first next button... most likely you pressed the next button too many times... and i hope you know what you are doing...

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customization is on the post combo update patches, not the pre or combo...


and customize button comes after the first next button... most likely you pressed the next button too many times... and i hope you know what you are doing...


I found it, maybe the first time I pressed to many times the next button, your right. Now it's working just have to fix the PS2 keyboard, but I will find that on the forum, is see that there are more topic for that. Thanks for your help, nice howto u wrote.

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I found it, maybe the first time I pressed to many times the next button, your right. Now it's working just have to fix the PS2 keyboard, but I will find that on the forum, is see that there are more topic for that. Thanks for your help, nice howto u wrote.


there are two ps2 fixes in the package, and i m pretty sure one of them works for one type of system and other works for the rest!


have you tried them both?

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Is this called for? The insults and 12 year old behaviour?


I have said in several posts what I am trying to do: create a clone of my working system in order to test the upgrade process you have described...and this is the response? What the hell is wrong with you?


I have listened to and tried all of your and Verdant's suggestions; none of them have yet worked for me. That doesn't make me stupid, and it doesn't make your advice wrong. It means that they don't work for me. I'm not angry with either of you...well, I'm not angry with Verdant anyway...quite the opposite, I'm very grateful for his advice (assuming he's a guy), as I was with yours...right up until this petulant response.


For the sake of clarity, I'll address each of your points.


what are you really trying to do?


Please refer to posts 1786 and 1827 (which is a direct answer to this question the last time you asked btw) and again in 1829.


1) just do partitioning, correctly, and than clone in the same hdd partitions...


Like I said in post 1829, I get that. What I am trying to do is work with multiple drives, not multiple partitions. I already have a working system and I'd rather not have to start over. I can't think of a way to make that more clear to you.


2) once you learn the process, go to next step...


Again, for completeness' sake, I don't have a misunderstanding of the process...it's just that none of the processes described so generously seem to be able to clone a working drive to a new drive. This includes:

1. Using disk utility to clone the drive while booted into the working system;

2. Using CCC to clone the drive while booted into the working system;

3. Booting from the kaly DVD and using disk utility there to to a block level clone (thanks for the idea Verdant);

4. Booting from kaly again and restoring a time machine backup to the clone drive.


In each case, finishing up by trying all three of the bootloaders included with OSX86Tools as well as the rd trick you described. The process is not confusing...it just doesn't work for me, which is why I said twice that there was something fundamental that I was not doing, because it seems fairly straightforward.


3) do the cloning in the additional hdd partition and use rd=diskXsY flags...


Again, this didn't work for me, for whatever reason. And again, that doesn't make me stupid, and it doesn't make your advice wrong. It just means that it didn't work for me.


4) once you learn that, go to next step...

5) install the bootloader in the additional hdd partition...


dont try to run before you can even crawl yet!!!


...various bits of insulting language removed...


you dont even know how to restore and start from clone partition from the same hdd?


This doesn't even make sense...nowhere did I say this is what I was trying to do, or had tried to do, so where did you get that from? I have said, like 5 times now, that I'm not trying to work with multiple partitions on the same drive...I'm trying to work with multiple drives. How can I make that more clear? Are you actually reading what I'm saying?


lets assume you did clone it to another, how can you know it will work before you try the rd=diskXsY flag (meaning if the files etc everything is ok that only bootloader is missing)


in one post you say everything working but you cant clone, and in other something is not working again...


Again, not sure you are actually reading what I'm typing, but it has become clear that you have comprehension issues so I won't dwell on it.


I am not confused about partitions or cloning or any of that...I was installing slackware from a stack of floppies higher than your desk before you were out of grade school, so keep your air of superiority to yourself. If you don't want to provide assistance, thats fine. But there's no need to be an ass about it.


Verdant, if you're reading this, thanks again for your help...I'll keep at it and post if I find success.


Mysticus, thanks for the scripts and the guide. Please, though, try to actually read what people type before you fly off the handle.

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Just wanted to thank Mysticus and whoever else had a hand in making these installers idiot proof. After trying several other things unsuccessfully, I finally got 10.5.5 working


My Hardware:


Gigabyte GA-P35-DS3R (ICH9R, Realtek ALC889A, Realtek 8111B Gigabit lan, etc)

Intel Celeron 430 (1.8ghz core solo YES you can use vanilla. Uses same Arch. as CORE 2)

ATI Radeon HD 2600XT 256MB (not pro)

3GB PNY 667 Ram



Original install:

Kalyway 10.5.2

Kalyway Combo update to 10.5.3

Delta update to 10.5.4


Yeah, i know. if doing a fresh install from 10.5.2 you can probably just use the 10.5.5 combo update. but i was unsure and stuck to what i knew would work


I used these following selections to get it goin




haven't tested sleep, but everything else seems to be working fine

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jchpdv6835: you are welcome, and enjoy... You should have choosen the smbios: mac pro as well, but it is ok as well if you are not bothered with system profiler.


gendem: the reason you are getting insulted is because I said I would right in the first post!


The reason why things are not working for you is because you are definetely NOT LISTENING and JUMPING TO CONCLUSION!


I can still insult you based on your current last message! You are wasting OUR TIME and TAKING THE FOCUS OF THE TOPIC AWAY!


You are so THICK to UNDERSTAND. I know what you are trying to do. My question was simply meant, WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM (being sarcastic already)!


"What I am trying to do is work with multiple drives, not multiple partitions. I already have a working system and I'd rather not have to start over. I can't think of a way to make that more clear to you."


I know what you want, I am not dumb as you are. Read on.


"the problem with him and many noobs is that they do not like to learn principles first... they wanna jump to a very fast learning curve... I told him many times, verdant explained him many times, he cant use his brain to start from what has ben told"


AGAIN, noobs stay NOOBS because they choose to! NOONE IS NOOB UNLESS THEY CHOOSE TO BE!


I said you cant run and jump, before you learn to crawl...


People are telling you to do this or that for a reason, if you are not here to learn something, then you have no business in this very topic taht I am trying to help people who needs it, and you simply do not need help but want a very quick definite answers for your specific needs. OSX86 project is a big learning curve! If you need to install OSX 100 times, you have to do it, in order to learn what you are really doing. I myself have done 1000s of installations and that much more for tests for my test packages so that they work fine for people as painlessly as possible, because I was once a newbie and there were not enough people to make this kind of packages or provide tons of information. Yet i spent countless hours to learn this thing and countless hours to help people who is in need. But I cant stand/tolerate to NOOB behaviour anymore! I am telling you something to test before you can achieve your final goals, but you are simply refusing to do so AS IF YOU HAVE UNDERSTOOD EVERYTHING YOU ARE DOING AND SIMPLY YOU ARE ABOVE EVERYONE. NOT SO RICH BOY, verdant have started fairly recently, I told/taught him a lot, as people told did for me the same as well. We all passed from the same ROADS. The difference between Verdant and ME right now is, his patient is not run out as he is still relatively new. But overtime it will run high. Because of STUBURN people like you!




IF YOU WANNA LEARN A THING OR TWO, DO WHAT YOU ARE TOLD TO DO (there is a reason why things are said, we all passed the same road, we didnt jump to where we are now), AND DO NOT BE AFRAID BECAUSE OF THE GAIN YOU WILL HAVE FOR FUTURE DEVELOPMENT!


Now Last BUT Not Least!, If you continue arguing and not doing what you re told, I will report you as bugger/spammer/time waster/whatever you understand, your posts may be deleted and you may be warned, in extreme cases you may be banned. Because there have been people like you in the past and there will simply be ones in the future.

But if you choose to learn a thing or two, and START OVER, do what you are told. Even it requires complete reinstalls many times. We did those steps just like how you will do as well. and Here we are!(since this is the cleanest and best way to learn things while you are improving your system one by one you will learn most parts of what you are doing with a clear mind)

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Your reply is so riddled with factual errors and misunderstandings, I wouldn't know where to start to correct them, even if I was inclined to do so, which I am not. So I'm out.


For the sake of others who may be interested, the scripts and steps you described worked perfectly on my system, originally created using PCWiz's installation guide.


Thanks again for creating the scripts, and for all your patient and helpful advice.

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