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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/18/2019 in Posts

  1. Known Issues VoiceOver may no longer be able to access web content when moving backward or forward through the current Safari tab’s history. (47677951) Workaround: In Safari, select Preferences > Advanced > “Show Develop menu in menu bar”, then deselect Develop > Experimental Features > “Swap Processes on Cross-Site Navigation”. iCloud Photos Resolved Issues Photos shared using Sharing Suggestions now load correctly. (47401696) News New Features Apple News will be available in Canada with macOS 10.14.4, and is now available for Canadian users on the developer beta. Apple News in Canada supports both English and French. Readers can access a bilingual experience when they follow a channel in a second language. Note: Publications in the beta do not reflect all content that will be available. Top Stories and Digests are not updated as frequently as they will be in the shipping product. Safari Known Issues After updating to Safari 12.1 from Safari 10.1.2, web pages might not display. (47335741) Workaround: Run the following command in Terminal: defaults delete com.apple.Safari Warning You will lose your previous Safari settings after running the command above.
    2 points
  2. Guys, i've stumbled upon a very interesting artikle about apple's T2 chip.https://duo.com/labs/research/apple-t2-xpc
    2 points
  3. UefiTableExtract ================ mac OS application to extract and decompile DSDT and SSDT tables from UEFI-Firmware files. The App is based on acpiTableExtract.pl by Pike R. Alpha To run this App, you need UEFIExtract and iasl installed in PATH or inside UefiTableExtract.app/Contents/MacOS You can let the install.command do this for you. The binary files (.aml) will be saved in a AML sub-directory of the directory that holds your firmware. The IASL compiler/decompiler is called to decompile the files after the AML files are saved. Decompiled files will be stored in a DSL sub-directory. In some rare cases, decompiling may fails with an error like: 'Namespace lookup failure, AE_ALREADY_EXISTS' To fix this, look at the output for the last table which produce the error and try something like this from the Terminal: cd AML mv SSDT-trouble.aml SSDT-trouble.bin && iasl -d SSDT-trouble.bin iasl -da DSDT.aml SSDT*.aml If you are lazy, just open AML/DSDT.aml with MaciASL, but be sure that "Autoload tables in the same directory" is activated! (For compiling *.dsl files with MaciASL, this compiler option should always be in use.) For editing dsl files I use MaciASL from https://github.com/acidanthera/MaciASL/releases Compiling can be done with iasl from Terminal or by just pressing the button in MaciASL. To compress DSDT.aml and to put it back into AmiBoardInfo.bin (the original is saved in the AML sub-directory) I use Dsdt2Bios. And last but not least UEFITool to put them all back into the firmware. Download: https://github.com/Saman-VDR/uefiTableExtract Have fun!
    1 point
  4. Ma scherzi, non mi offendo mica, è veramente vecchiotto. Ci sono riuscito, hai perfettamente ragione. Adesso l'ho sistemato e inserito in firma Ho riavviato 3 volte passando da Windows a Osx e non si è riavviato nemmeno una volta. Forse ci siamo. Riproverò domani, ti terrò aggiornato forse era proprio la versione SMBIOS. Oppure il problema era dovuto a una installazione non riuscita di OSX 10.13 su un HDD di prova. L'ho appena formattato, coincidenza? Voglio riavviarlo per qualche altra volta. Ti aggiorno domani Allego intanto il report di "HackInfo". Grazie HackInfo_Report.zip
    1 point
  5. https://github.com/Gengik84/MacOS_Updater
    1 point
  6. exactly this is my point but usually i don't need audio selector , it totally varies from codec to codecs correct
    1 point
  7. uefiTableExtract 2.7 I reworked the 'fixes' so the acpi tables from nearly all apple and gigabyte firmwares should be decompile without errors. If not, let me know
    1 point
  8. I thought you were using it, maybe I misunderstand one of your replies... ^__^ I'll try to experiment with it in my (little) spare time and keep you informed. Pike has gone trough many tragedies in the last few years, hope he find some peace in the US. Best regards to everybody! AC
    1 point
  9. This engine included patches for Heroes VI Shade Of Darkness WS9WineXSherry-4.2-7.tar.7z
    1 point
  10. I did not increase the buffer.) If I increase the size of the buffer back, the sound recording works poorly. I need to understand what the problem is and fix it.
    1 point
  11. @antonio.clb , yep. If you open Legacyx86PlattformPlugin.kext, you'll see a plist with the macmini policies (for Mac-F65AE981FFA204ED ) named under Mac-F60DEB81FF30ACF6 which inject it, overriding the original. This, basically avoid editing the original kext. You did it twice, manually, as you noted, and automatically, with the Legacyx86PlattformPlugin.kext. If you did it correctly, everything is ok. You don't need restore anything. Only is good to know for the next time and save one step. My assumption is that harry hard had some kind of problem editing one system's kext. But we don't know yet.
    1 point
  12. My friend, sorry for my optimism haha I will test it very soon, give me some days please. I will tell you here But I'm sure It will work The good part is that AppleALC next version will be released in one or two months So there's time to test it. Dear friend, is it necessary to check ResetHDA?? Sorry for the double question
    1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. Hello! I'm having some problems with keyboard configuration. Without your dsdt touchpad works perfect but buttons do not while trackpoint is not smooth at all. If I use your ssdt, trackpoint and buttons are ok but trackpad Is Jumpy at moderate Speed... While it is ok at slow speed . Is there any explanation on various settings I can use? Can I just copy default settings from trackpad and use them in your ssdt? Is possible to configure use of your conf without ssdt? Thanks !!!
    1 point
  15. is it possible to try all NIDs from 0 to ConnectinlListLength-1 until it will come to Audio Output, for example? I look at several dumps for Output the 1st connection in the list is OK for Input - no simple rule ((
    1 point
  16. non intendevo criticare il tuo hardware, ma dire che SMBIOS 14,2 forse è troppo recente per quello he hai se no sai tu che cosa hai installato ora, faccio fatica a saperlo io... posta anche hack_info, al secondo post qui trovi come fare l'hardware non l'hi ancora in firma ma negli interessi
    1 point
  17. Lots of people are having this problem with newer hardware. I was able to fix the problem on my laptop using the DSDT patch below but it hasn't worked for most people. Hopefully, the problem will become widespread enough generate some interest in finding a new fix for it. Good luck. # Change method _PTS where Arg0 is 0x05 (shutdown) # into method label _PTS code_regex_not If\s*\(LEqual\s*\(Arg0,\s*0x05\)\) code_regex ^((?:.|\n)*)$ replace_matched begin If (LEqual (Arg0, 0x05))\n {\n Store (Zero, SLPE)\n Sleep (0x10)\n }\n Else\n {\n %1 } end; into definitionblock code_regex . code_regex_not OperationRegion\s*\(PMRS insert begin OperationRegion (PMRS, SystemIO, 0x0430, One)\n Field (PMRS, ByteAcc, NoLock, Preserve)\n {\n , 4, \n SLPE, 1\n } end
    1 point
  18. New builds have been updated to reflect actual nasm source Lilu Suite Builder to version 1.1.1 and VirtualSMC Builder to version 1.0.3
    1 point
  19. i driver APFS aggiornati qui: https://github.com/acidanthera/AppleSupportPkg/releases/download/2.0.6/AppleSupport-v2.0.6-RELEASE.zip
    1 point
  20. Yes, I checked your config and it turns out that you are applying the patch correctly. The score looks pretty much the same as applying the old, long patch. Is it satisfying? If so, congratulations and thanks @vit9696 over and over again! EDIT: No, one thing is not correct. The credit does not goes to me but @vit9696 !
    1 point
  21. Another working Package here ➤ Wireless USB adapter Clover Support large band of Drivers Drivers for Realtek 802.11n and 802.11ac USB Wi-Fi adapter Enjoy
    1 point
  22. This works for me. My system is a MSI X99A SLI PLUS I7 5960X NVME 960 EVO Radeon Nitro OC RX 480 8GB 10.13.3 Mac Pro The USB WIFI device id is 0x7601 and vendor id is 0x148f from eBay https://www.ebay.com/itm/150Mbps-USB-802-11n-Wi-Fi-Ethernet-Wireless-Adapter-Card-with-2dbi-HG-Antenna/332489031107?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649 Good job you guys and thank you.
    1 point
  23. Thanks stinga! I'm not planning on putting this on my X79 for a while but it's great to know there's a patch for my 3930k ready.
    1 point
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