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  1. Past hour
  2. I'm writing to you from Sonoma latest beta version and the audio works even if disturbed. I'm attaching some screenshots.
  3. finally Skylake hp 1030 g1 trackpad working usb wifi the only thing is brightness keys Any idea anyone??????
  4. @chris1111 Thank you for all these sequoia updates.
  5. @AlfredoM Image format is set in the source code, in the OpenCorePkg/Platform/CrScreenshotDxe/CrScreenshotDxe.c file. You must change the file and compile OpenCore. By default it's PNG. I'm not sure how it can be changed. But as I said I get BMP files instead of PNG, I suppose that it's something related to the BIOS of my motherboard.
  6. Today
  7. Hi @D-an-W Theme Flavours-IOSDark is updated in Github Here attaching theme update with all Icons Sequoia 15 Dark and Light Default Sequoia is Light Flavours-IOSDark.zip
  8. This Section Is For Things That Don't Work As They Are Supposed To e.g. Time Machine Hourly Backups, Yeah Right Been Nearly 2 Hours Here
  9. So it's beyond my level. really too difficult,I can't even find the datasheet of IT8390E
  10. You know what's funny? :)) My Hack (the one in my signature) was able to run Sequoia perfectly from the very beginning (just adding -lilubetaall) while my real Macs (a 2015 MBP and a 2013 MBP) are waiting for updates to OCLP. Yes, you can install it (though you should definitely do it on a separate partition at this point in time), but the patches are not updated yet, and without them....a lot of things don't work, most importantly, the graphics acceleration. I'm sure the devs are working tirelessly and this is not to say that one is better than the other, they're totally different approaches on totally different hardwares. But I'm just saying: it's amazing to be able to just add a flag, run the installer, and have everything working perfectly on the first try. I gotta say, that's pretty nice.
  11. Hello, I am looking for information on installation of Sonoma on iMac7,1 if it possible. OpenCore Legacy Patcher lists iMac7,1 as "Supported Models" but my attempt to create installation USB drive and install Sonoma provides an error which you will find in attached screenshot. GitHub page mention iMac7,1 in the list as well and I wonder how I can remedy the issue. I have followed the procedure: 1. Downloaded OCLP 1.5 2. Using OCLP created USB Sonoma installation media 3. Selected in settings Target Model iMac7.1 to SMBIOS Spoof Model iMac19,2 4. With assistance OCLP OC installed into EFI partition 5. Boot iMac7,1 with Option key depressed 6. Selected boot from OC USB drive 7. Following screen provided option to boot from HDD and Sonoma installer from USB drive 8. Booted into Sonoma installer 9. On the screen got information provided in attached picture 10. The computer was sitting in this state for a while (at least 30 minutes) without any progress Note: following post inspires that is should be possible If somebody has any experience with installation most recent OSX your assistance/suggestion will be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance osx151212
  12. Much appreciated, thank you! It turns out however I am actually using IOS-Dark, sorry! I will keep checking the Github for it being updated.
  13. Thanks. Although I have followed these settings: For non-AVX2 processors (core2 included): - AMFIPass.kext disabled - amfi=0x80 and -lilubetaall, boot-args - "Disable Library Validation Enforcement" and "Disable _csr_check() in _vnode_check_signature" patches, enable in kernel/patch But it's not working yet !
  14. hi, at last it was installed z590 Vision G, I reinstalled over and now is working smoothly and fast. Thank you for all mates who helped me and special thanks to eSaF👍
  15. The most successful version of clover for Optimus Intel HD 3000 + Nvidia https://drive.google.com/file/d/103vgQiA_tTHIRE-lWdhLxlC5_SCS_dLe/view?usp=sharing
  16. I don't have recent experience with 775, but if you haven't figured it out yet, this post from @Stefanalmare might help you. On a separate note, how amazing is it that we're running Sequoia on our hacks?!?! These hacks are the gift that keeps on giving. Posted with my "new" (new for me) HackMini with RX560x running Sequoia Beta.
  17. I installed into z590 Elite ax but still does not install into z590 vision G. I updated all kext files and I did resetNVRAM but still no go with z590 Vision G I am reinstalling Sequoia into z590 vision G now.... will let you know .. thanks mate
  18. It works very well in the High Sierra, but there are still small artifacts and I can’t adjust the battery. Can anyone tell me how to set up opencore for Intel 3000 Optimus?
  19. @jsl2000 - The way I did mine albeit a clean install, I removed all the extra kexts that Sonoma needed for working WiFi (Ethernet was available). Making sure all kexts and OC are of the latest versions, creating a virtual vanilla EFI Folder on the installer USB. Boot off the installer, clean NvRAM at boot menu which induced a reboot and the installation continued onto Sequoia.
  20. Flavours-Titanium updated for Sequoia
  21. My LGA775 hackintosh can boot Sonoma 14.5 smoothly, but always got KP during booting macOS 15.0 beta1. Any solution to fix it because enable IncreasePciBarSize not working ?
  22. I removed the extra discrete VRM components from the 35W board and it is working normally again. This multi-layer board is VERY hard to solder with my heat gun, so I am suspicious of the MOSFET surface-mount solder joints. Now that I know the board can survive soldering and de-soldering the components, I am going to try again with the hope of doing a better job of soldering the components. Some of the pads on the MOSFETs are very tiny and may not have had complete soldering. I'm too stubborn to give up yet. EDIT: I re-soldered the components onto the 35W board, being very careful to make sure all solder joints were complete. Still no luck. The 35W board does not POST when the missing VRM components are added. If I get enough courage, my next attempt would be to desolder the PCI connector (for the dGPU) from the 35W board and solder it onto a 65W board.
  23. Thanks mate, I will make sure Lilu and and other kexts files be updated and will remove -lilubetaall argument.... will let you know
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