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Hi all,


since there are problems with installing ATI in every OS but windows and since i m attending a law school, i decided to sue ATI for "working with Bill" and thus screwing everybody else. I know that microsoft had problems already and that ATI would not want to have anything in common with "misusing the market". I hope that they will try to help us - and there is a point where you can help - what do you - those who know how to program drivers - need to know ? what kind of information should i ask Ati to provide me with ?


I myself need a driver for OS X for ATI MOBILITY FireGL V5200, do you need more drivers ?




email: pkoblov@gmail.com

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why ? elaborate .... if you provide me with an argument, i m happy to admit

Only a big ROFL! You can't sue ATI because they don't have working drivers for a not supported hacked OS. You also can't sue Apple for OS X not working propperly on normals PCs.
ha ... what about LINUX .... they dont have even drivers for linux, they just co-operate with windows and i ll try to find enough arguments to prove it - perhaps i wont be succesful, maybe i m naive but if it works - and i hope it might - the first guy would be "an idiot" not me .... justice is blind :-).
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why ? elaborate .... if you provide me with an argument, i m happy to admitha ... what about LINUX .... they dont have even drivers for linux, they just co-operate with windows and i ll try to find enough arguments to prove it - perhaps i wont be succesful, maybe i m naive but if it works - and i hope it might - the first guy would be "an idiot" not me .... justice is blind :-).

Following your logic, you could sue any hardware manufacturer for not having weird-OS drivers. I don't see why they should even if it were possible.


When they market their product, they specifically state what OS it is designed for. If your OS is not in the list - you are totally on your own.


So, a word of advise, next time stick with NVidia, at least you will be only half-screwd up.

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Following your logic, you could sue any hardware manufacturer for not having weird-OS drivers. I don't see why they should even if it were possible.


When they market their product, they specifically state what OS it is designed for. If your OS is not in the list - you are totally on your own.


So, a word of advise, next time stick with NVidia, at least you will be only half-screwd up.



Sure. that makes sense. however if you buy NB your logic does not apply - the question is whether they sold the chip to the NB manufacturer saying that it s only for WINDOWS - ie you can sue manufacturer for not disclaiming that the product is designed SOLELY for windows. if they sold it as a chip without stating that it works only in windows, they should be able to provide support or provide enough information to enable someone to be able to make the support available. [ like intel with their cards - they sponsor a driver-writers ]


therefore I asked WHAT DO YOU NEED TO KNOW to write those drivers ?


if i had wanted to hear "you r an idiot" i would have gone home :-)

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They have Linux drivers. And they're updated often enough... I don't see your point.


oki .. couple of M ago they did not have them .. take my point back.


my point was to make them publish info necessary for people who are clever enough to write drivers for OS X. unfortunatelly i m too old to learn how to write these things but i might not be too old to write a plea.


i expected arguments why this might work or not... so far nothing relevant...


and again sorry for misstatement that they dont have support for Linux

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Problem is not with ATI. Problem with drivers comes usually from Apple's side. I've heard from numerous developers that apple is pretty unhelpful with driver development. This is the very reason why Creative is not working with Apple anymore (at least haven't for some time).



Technically a knowledge of OS X internals + available linux sources (do those drivers come with sources or are they just linux binaries like NVidia's?) should be enough. *shrug*

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i believe he's in law school, and that his third tier trailor trash of a law school would be better off giving this guy an expulsion for the welfare of the rest of its student body, so that no employer comes to that school wondering if they're gonna land a retard for recruit


might i redirect all your attention to my post now: Comcast Cable Modem Questions, really need help there ty ;)

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This isn't going to work mate. Windows is over 90% of the market. It is at ATi's sole discretion on what platform to produce a product and subsequently drivers for. ATi cards were always available for Macs and are currently available in nearly all Macs. You would honestly be doing reprehensible damage to this community as it is quite obvious that ATi already has several products available for the Apple platform.

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Problem is not with ATI. Problem with drivers comes usually from Apple's side. I've heard from numerous developers that apple is pretty unhelpful with driver development. This is the very reason why Creative is not working with Apple anymore (at least haven't for some time).
oki.. this sounds like first "to-da-point" reply. obviously Apple protects its OS by not supporting what "they dont want to support" ... we obviously can not make apple change this approach ... the question is whether we can do at least something... again, i m not saying the idea of suing ati is good or so .. i needed arguments, info how to build the case etc....i can imagine arguments but since i can not write i need those drivers for my Hackitnosh, i needed something...the need to know the structure or whatever....agresive stupidity of some fellows above shows that they know schit about law (and perhaps about computers) and their imagination is as big as a positron in the whole universe.thanx for feedback, i hope there would be more knowledgeable people around...
This isn't going to work mate. Windows is over 90% of the market. It is at ATi's sole discretion on what platform to produce a product and subsequently drivers for. ATi cards were always available for Macs and are currently available in nearly all Macs. You would honestly be doing reprehensible damage to this community as it is quite obvious that ATi already has several products available for the Apple platform.
i know that W has 90 percent of the market and that its at ATIs discretion to support what they want, but fortunatelly there are different regulations against antitrust - in europe microsoft had to make available some segments of the windows code .. my point was that if this is the only problem, I can try to make it work ....m not a kernel expert i dont know what those geeks need to write drivers ...... otherwise good point ... i might wait for couple of months ...and perhaps we will see...and be surprised....
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ATI better than Nvidia !?


on paper at least,

since ATI actually has an open source policy !

while Nvidia is still closed !


sure apple has access to nvidia code,

but regular joe's need open source,...


on that, its a mute point,....


here is one:

vendors like ibm, hp, etc, lock their wifi , only for theirs ,...

since it's a standard pci mini or express slot, I would want to be able to upgrade the wifi card to the latest,

regardless of brand,....

but since it's radio, RF signal, FCC, and other things come into play,....

and their easy approach is to only enable ,qualify with their cards,... lock you out,...

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oki.. this sounds like first "to-da-point" reply. obviously Apple protects its OS by not supporting what "they dont want to support" ... we obviously can not make apple change this approach ... the question is whether we can do at least something... again, i m not saying the idea of suing ati is good or so .. i needed arguments, info how to build the case etc....i can imagine arguments but since i can not write i need those drivers for my Hackitnosh, i needed something...the need to know the structure or whatever....agresive stupidity of some fellows above shows that they know schit about law (and perhaps about computers) and their imagination is as big as a positron in the whole universe.thanx for feedback, i hope there would be more knowledgeable people around...i know that W has 90 percent of the market and that its at ATIs discretion to support what they want, but fortunatelly there are different regulations against antitrust - in europe microsoft had to make available some segments of the windows code .. my point was that if this is the only problem, I can try to make it work ....m not a kernel expert i dont know what those geeks need to write drivers ...... otherwise good point ... i might wait for couple of months ...and perhaps we will see...and be surprised....

It's dipstick lawyers that really screw the Tech Market over. I'm pretty sure the state of our patent system is because of morons like you. All the info is out there. ATI doesn't have to disclose everything, they can disclose enough to make drivers. Everything else is proprietary. It's called industry secrets.


No, I have a better idea, lets have them invest billions of dollars in R&D, just to have to publish it to the world, so people can get it for free. Yes that's the smart thing to do. Hmm even better, lets have morons sue them for no apparent reason so they have to spend more money on Lawyers then they do on engineers and scientists to make REAL break throughs.


Just because you're a lawyer, you think you can sue to get everything you want fixed the way you want it. What a greedy snob. Reality, doesn't allow for everything to go the way you want, and people like you who try to get every last detail to be your way just screw the rest of us over.


Next, you know jack squat about computers obviously, so stop acting as if you know enough to write your own drivers. Apple provides a good bit of documentation, linux drivers exist, and the source to those drivers are readily available. Someone could go and make thier own drivers. It is not out of the realm of posibillity. Would anyone? Not unless they were to get paid for it. Graphics Drivers are not something small. We're talking hundreds, easily thousands to 10's of thousands of man hours. Not only that, you can't have low quality baboon man hours similar to what you churn out. It takes real brains.


Finaly, you're utter lack of any grammar, spelling, etc. is horrid. This may be the internet, but some basic level of communication is required. Gibberish makes you look like an idiot. You claim to be a law student, you should know this. Law is full of formalism, and yet you lack the utmost basics of formalism.


Come back when you develop half a brain capable of actually litigating an issue of importance. Not screw everyone over with your useless idea's that have no merrit. Yes, you may be able to win the law suit, but you screw society over.

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geez calm down guy above, like i said,


i believe he's in law school, and that his third tier trailor trash of a law school would be better off giving this guy an expulsion for the welfare of the rest of its student body, so that no employer comes to that school wondering if they're gonna land a retard for recruit


NOW could we finally move to my post on second page yay :rolleyes: : Comcast Cable Modem Questions, really need help there ty, ethernet showing up as 00:00:00:00:00:00 *cries*


and what's wrong with lawyers, i'm applying lol

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Unless it said on the box that it's guaranteed to work with Linux, FreeBSD, or whatever, you don't have the slightest leg to stand on. You're not the first person to go on a crusade against ATI for their non-Windows OS support, but I just had a look at my 2900XT box and it only mentions Windows. Therefor you probably don't have a leg to stand on - is it explicitly mentioned that Linux will be supported in the hardware publicity? My 8800GTS 512 box actually does say Linux, but then again, NVidia's Linux drivers have always been regarded as more stable and quicker to support new chips than ATI's.


With all the said though, I've never had a problem with an ATI card in Linux. My 9500s through 9800 AIW PRO through an XPRESS 200 IGP through to my last, the 2900 XT (once drivers finally came out) all performed faultlessly. The 2900XT even worked in OS X ;)

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Dude what planet are you from? ATI linux drivers have been available for years (granted they are and always were pure rubbish but still...) Your talking about going in and suing a MAJOR corporation and you havent even't done a days homework on the companys policies or the applicabal laws and legal standing. Not only that but I have spotted several examples of horrable grammer in your post and subsequent replyes.


Lawyer?? I think not!


Come on people don't you see whats happening here?? this guy isn't going to law school. I doubt hes even collage-aged. Hes probobly just some kid wanting to rally people around him so he can feel big and important.


You haven't made a single valid, point in fact if I were a judge I would let your client go free and lock YOU up!

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  • 2 months later...

This guy just needs to get back to the law books and stop reading the cliff notes of law.


1) As someone mentioned before, you can't sue a company for not writing drivers or even "hacks" to an operating system that is unsupported or even worse, an os that is ONE GIANT HACK. That's like suing hamilton beach because your blender sucks at grinding up granite in pulse mode. Seriously.. you'd probably get the verbal "slap in the face" by anyone with half a brain if you brought them a demolished blender because you were dumb enough to grind up rocks in it. What do you think an ATI tech would say if you got all bitchy because they don't make drivers for a non retail operating system.


2) You can't sue a company for not releasing their intellectual property. That is their drivers, that THEY worked hard on, and paid several employees massive amounts for R&D. Why in the world would they give something away like that for free? That would expose several things to the competition as well.


3) You say a couple of months ago ATi did not have linux drivers? Sorry to bust your bubble but I was installing ATI linux drivers close to 2 years ago when I built my ubuntu box. You really didn't even think about this argument did you?


Sorry, but people like ATi will not just allow the source code of their drivers be released so that you can run an operating system that is ripping off one of their clients to begin with. (If you would have bought an ATI card specifically for the Mac, ex 2600XT, you would pay 150$ at the mac store. For a PC, you will pay about 80$.) There is something wrong when some jackaninny comes inhere saying he will sue because ATi is doing something illegal, when in fact, he is the person that is most likely doing some things illegally.

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