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Leopard retail instillation

simplified guide( See Below After RAID Guide)




April 7: Installed Chameleon 2.0 RC1 works Great. Thanks to Chameleon Developers. Finally able to dual boot with Windows 7 or windows Vista on separate Hard Drive. (Download Chameleon Link Below )

those who has widescreen monitor can fix the stretched Apple boot logo ( thanks again to Chameleon 2.0) by just changing the resolution in theme.plist of default theme in extra folder.

Checkout Chameleon 2.0 RCI in action pics below





Mouse Lag fix: this lag is quite obvious in 10.5.6 after installing latest Quicktime and iTunes.

I just deleted the AppleUpstreamUserClient.kext . than delete Extensions.mkext before restart . Mouse lag Gone :wacko:


Dec 22 Update

AppleAHCIPort.Kext Build 31 (ver 1.5.2) Adds ID for ICH7 to ICH10

IOAHCIFamily.kext Build 294 (ver 1.5.0) shows SATA drive as internal

JMicronATA.kext latest Vanilla just added Jmicron ids

Above three kexts are vanilla just Device ids are added

See attachment below for new kexts pack


For Sleep to work make sure in Energy Saver -Restart Automatically after a Power Failure is checked Credit goes to Jan Bird




Sep 18, 2008 Sleep Issue. I was investigating Why Leopard Fails Sleep when idle. Found that Paragon NTFS was the cause I deactivated and Voila ! Leopard is able to go sleep on its own. Same Issue with MacFuse. This Issue affects even MacBook Or MacBook Pr


11 July, For Restart fix -Open AppleACPIPlatform Binary in hex Editor & replace E8 A0 FF FF FF with B0 FE E6 64 F4 ( thanks to CharlesB )

attached below latest AppleACPIPlatform.kext



For Advance user only RAID Install

Two Methods Chameleon EFI & EFI v8 listed below

I prefer Chameleon EFI as you can directly boot from Software RAID


Chameleon EFI RAID Guide


You need two or more Drives I used three Drives for Stripe RAID by Disk reading Xbench score alone jumped to over 190


Use diskutility to make raid volume of your desire


Important :

1. Make sure first install the Leopard Retail to the Destination RAID Drive.You can install Retail Leopard From Disk or Carbon Copy Clone from Existing Retail Leopard install.

2. Apply post patch as usual RAID Drive

3 than Edit com.apple.boot.plist (Drag drop on the desktop edit than replace)in the RAID volume add to Kernal Flags

boot-uuid=RAID Identifier

For RAID Identifier:using "Disk Utility.app", right click on your root volume, then Information

it will look like following pic


4.Make sure you Install Chameleon EFI after Step 3(after addding UUID to com.apple.boot.plist) other wise Raid won't boot.

-Extract all the files to user root folder from Cameleon Files folder.

Open terminal type here in example I used three Disks Disk0 , Disk1 , Disk2(Mac OS X creates a small helper partition at the end of each RAID member disk Called Boot OSX) ,

fdisk -f boot0 -u -y /dev/rdisk0
fdisk -f boot0 -u -y /dev/rdisk1
fdisk -f boot0 -u -y /dev/rdisk2

dd if=boot1h of=/dev/rdisk0s3
dd if=boot1h of=/dev/rdisk1s3
dd if=boot1h of=/dev/rdisk2s3

diskutil mount disk0s3
cp boot /Volumes/Boot\ OSX
diskutil unmount disk0s3
diskutil mount disk1s3
cp boot /Volumes/Boot\ OSX
diskutil unmount disk1s3
diskutil mount disk2s3
cp boot /Volumes/Boot\ OSX
diskutil unmount disk2s3

You are Done Boot to Raid Good Luck

look at mine Three Disk Striped Raid Pic




Tip to Automatically select RAID during boot

than open the Disk Utility to check RAID Identifier(Select RAID and click info) Copy that

than you need to edit com.apple.boot..plist on the BOOT partition not the RAID


<key>Kernel Flags</key>

<string>boot-uuid=Paste Raid Identifier here</string>

this make sure you automatically boot from RAID Volume




Included in install Package new AppleSMBIOS which is functionally best so far with following advantages

DVD player , adobe CS3 , LogmeIn ,Carbon Copy Cloner( make your you have installed EFI to the cloning drive after Cloning )works

With included kexts, Hard Drive shows as internal and if in Bios is AHCI mode they are even Hot swappable eSATA

Sleep, Restarts works fine with vanilla kernel 9.6.0

In the forum down Eclau post also shows step by step how to make custom EFI String for Video card ,Time machine fix,Sound



Here is updated Simple Guide


Leopard Retail Install with Chameleon EFI

For any Retail Leopard install First requirement is working Leopard

Partition Destination Drive with Disk utility Select GUID partition

how to install EFI


To install Chameleon EFI its very simple because now it has installer . just run and select the right drive


Install Leopard

Mount the Leopard retail DVD or its Image. I prefer image as instillation is very fast 5-6 mins

In terminal Copy Paste

cd /Volumes/Mac\ OS\ X\ Install\ DVD/System/Installation/Packages

open osinstall.mpkg

Install on right Destination Drive

Than install 10.5.6 Combo update on the right drive

Now to remove incompatible kext or install requird one

Put kext file in the user folder(users/currentuser(yourusername)/

Open post patch change (destination=Name of Drive where retail leopard is installed)

Open terminal and drag drop post patch

this included Sound file is for GA P35 DS4 or similar Gigabyte motherboard & GFX EFI string for nvidia 7600 GT Card

Make sure in Post patch sh file you replace with drive name(Leopard) with yours Drive name

Boot with new Drive and enjoy :D Good luck with your built


For EFI String for VIDEO , Network, Audio

use Latest EFI Studio ,Select Devices and Click Wrtie to com.apple.boot.plist will add Automatically for you. Now you can even install EFI on destination Drive by this
















  • Like 1
I don't understand "installed from within Leopard". You already had Leopard installed on your Hackintosh? Or did you connect your SATA disk to a real Mac with Leopard?

I connected SATA to Leopard hacintosh( Flat image instillation)

Thank you. PC_EFI V8.0 includes only AppleSMBIOS.kext, where did you get the dsmos.kext?


5 Used Terminal to install Leopard 10.5 disc

First. cd /Volumes/Mac\ OS\ X\ Install\ DVD/System/Installation/Packages Mac=hard drive (where to install 10.5)

Second. open osinstall.mpkg


In first step you change to the Packages directory on Leo DVD, but what means "Mac=hard drive"? You enter this in the same command? Or is this a separate command?

Thank you. PC_EFI V8.0 includes only AppleSMBIOS.kext, where did you get the dsmos.kext?

In first step you change to the Packages directory on Leo DVD, but what means "Mac=hard drive"? You enter this in the same command? Or is this a separate command?

Seperate Command

DSMOS here is attached


OK, thank you!


I can see you hve the very same wifi card as me. Is it running fast with WPA2? For me it's incredibly slow with WPA-TKIP (WPA2), but pretty fast in unprotected networks.

OK, thank you!


I can see you hve the very same wifi card as me. Is it running fast with WPA2? For me it's incredibly slow with WPA-TKIP (WPA2), but pretty fast in unprotected networks.


I have AirPort Extreme with WPA/WPA2 Personal set up and this ASUS Wi Fi card is very Fast as it could be.

i know youve already posted but do you think you can edit your original post to include all the steps i want to try this out with my abit board as they are identical chipwise..i have a tiger install and will download a retail leo dvd...in a step by step ad a little more elaborate terms.. i would also like to repost this in my forum with full Credits to you of course

i know youve already posted but do you think you can edit your original post to include all the steps i want to try this out with my abit board as they are identical chipwise..i have a tiger install and will download a retail leo dvd...in a step by step ad a little more elaborate terms.. i would also like to repost this in my forum with full Credits to you of course

Ofcourse ,but would do later today. by the time you done downloading the Retail DVD :P

To format the drive as GUID partition and installing EFI 8 Follow this guide from I_am...me http://forum.insanelymac.com/index.php?showtopic=73952

than you can install Retail Leo from within any mac by terminal

after installation remove and add kext and repair permissions and boot

So by this method you dont have to reboot etc

It realy interesting to test because I try many version of disk ToH kalyway brazilmac.(may be I'm not understand how to do :) It is not work at all for my notebook.) I use vaio sz14.


Please explain to me step by step please. I'm totally new for this. and If you are very kind please post it with picture in step by step. It just the request. very thanks

It realy interesting to test because I try many version of disk ToH kalyway brazilmac.(may be I'm not understand how to do :( It is not work at all for my notebook.) I use vaio sz14.


Please explain to me step by step please. I'm totally new for this. and If you are very kind please post it with picture in step by step. It just the request. very thanks


The way I installed used working Hackintosh(leopard or Tiger ). to install on One of the attached SATA Drive.

If you want to install on Laptop you need first working Tiger or leopard , than attach USB hard-drive and install as I did

Karaakeha, what you've done sounds really intriguing. Unfortunately, without a more explicit guide, I'm not sure myself and others can attempt it. Would you mind spelling out the process more clearly? Myself and others would greatly appreciate it.


This isn't meant to be a criticism. There are many people here who have a hard time translating their hacking brilliance into good, plain English. Actually, I think that's one of the problems this "movement" is facing at the moment--too many guides that aren't clear enough. It's causing an increasing number of people (not just noobs) to flood the forums and IRC with basic questions seeking clarity.


Thanks for your help. And nice work.

Karaakeha, what you've done sounds really intriguing. Unfortunately, without a more explicit guide, I'm not sure myself and others can attempt it. Would you mind spelling out the process more clearly? Myself and others would greatly appreciate it. This isn't meant to be a criticism. There are many people here who have a hard time translating their hacking brilliance into good, plain English. Actually, I think that's one of the problems this "movement" is facing at the moment--too many guides that aren't clear enough. It's causing an increasing number of people (not just noobs) to flood the forums and IRC with basic questions seeking clarity. Thanks for your help. And nice work.
I totally understand what you mean. Myself faced the same problem being neophyte mac user.Sure will write very simple guide with pictures and full detail in 2 Days
Thanks for the great post ill be sure to let you know how it goes!
You are welcome. Let me know how it goes. I am planning on building another one for Friend of mine. May be can go with your mobo
Thanks for the great post ill be sure to let you know how it goes!
Can you please Post your xbench score only for your raptor harddrive . I am considering to buy it.

i will do im reformatting at the moment trying your method i think i have your method understood , i can say that the raptor is much faster than a regular hdd but bang for buck your better off with a sataII drive, i only use the raptor for server 2003 and vista...

ill get an xbench score asap

I use command "open osinstall.mpkg" and It show up open failed Couldn't open "OSinstall.mpkg"


Is I do something wrong. what i have to do next?



If you are using retail DVD , then what you entered for first command in terminal ?

it looks like the simplest way to install Leo..


I have a Macbook with Leo. Can I use it to install leopard to a SATA hard disk and then to boot my hackintosh?



You welcome

Hey, I got almost done with your method but had one question. At the end you say you deleted the InteEFI.kext file, but I didn't find that file in the extensions folder. The only one I found was AppleEFIRuntime.kext, but deleting it makes it hang on bootup. I had no problem with the dsmos or SMBios kexts though.


I haven't tried putting the AppleEFIRuntime.kext file back to see if it'll boot just fine, I'll do that tonight when I get home. If I don't need to worry about the InteEFI kext file then I just need to know. If I get this question answered then I'll have successfully completed it your way and I can post more detailed instructions for everyone as that seems to be needed.

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