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I thought Paranoid Marvin was just taking some time off for a while. To be honest if that's all it was, I don't think there was any need to retire (unless that's not really what it was). In any case if he's planning on coming back (and I'm sure the staff would know better) I personally would have let it be for a while, even though he's currently not working.


Also Colonel is back. Lets just hope he's here to stay this time and his return wasn't motivated by a desire to retire for a 3rd time (that would be a new record - he currently is in joint position with other with 2 retirements) any time soon. But then again he'll retire at some point. In any case I'd rather have him onboard helping than whining and making this place difficult to bare for the few it seems who don't like the winning and the frenzy of pictures only a 3 year old would appreciate.


But I have to say, although he probably has the most experience of all the news staff, he hasn't been very supportive of some, even though they're now on the same side. New Zunes Soon?, Return of the Newton?, (be warned, this list will grow). I for one was hoping all of that would have ended. And even if he had an issue, I think it would have been more courteous for him to deal with it one and one with a pm. At least that's what I would have done and I'm sure the vast number of members here would have done. Especially given the other staff member is new and just getting on his feet. To make it worse he has "I'm in ur forumz, training ur news teamz" on his Custom Title area. Now that's an insult to all News Staff members, not just a certain someone. But I guess he might just be taking some time in adjusting to the fact he's now not fighting us but is with us... so lets be patient. Luckily he's not a Mod any more, otherwise my post would be gone.



PS: while we're at it, in the News Team quietglow and cavemonkey50 haven't been seen for almost 3 months. suleiman's last news was on 23 Dec 2006 and finally Alex Oughton's last news article was on 20 Jun 2007. More recent than the others but still 3+ months. I just think these members should be contacted and asked what's going on because there is no point making it look like we have a full cast of news staff when we don't. It only hurts the site at the end.


Also EFI and Takuro need to be added to the list. I guess the number of staff in our News Team is better than I though. I'm glad.

Well, if Sabr took him down, he has now been retired for a grand total of three times. If you get to four, you get a new iPhone nothing! :) Yes, I thought that "Troll Colonel" would have left when he joined the news team, but...no. Great point Mebster(I need to get used to that :P )

Hah, the sad fact is that you trolled when you were retired, behaving like a 5 yr old child who wants his candy. Anyway, im taking bets on how long colonel lasts. My bet is less than 3 months as i know he doesnt have the balls/maturity to hang around (still posting news stories not just being idle)


edit: just read the about us page: "We maintain this site because we feel it's important to the technology community. However, this information doesn't come cheap. If you can help with our hosting costs, please consider donating here."


^^ sounds alot like blackmail to me lol, "this information doesnt come cheap" lol. with all the google ads teh cost should be covered 2xfold every month

How have I trolled since I re-joined the news team?


You could have at least posted your own screenshot instead of stealing AppleInsider's.
Yeah, I know I'm one of the millions of people who go on Mac websites to check out the latest Zune info...


You should've at least put up actual pictures of the new Zunes rather than mockups.

Wow, Numberz, you sure are on a roll today.


I'm not sure if you have a problem with Numberz, whether you were just joking with him, or you just like posting sarcastic comments/criticism all the time, but it looks like you have something against him from my view.


@ Mebster - thanks for the extra help with the About Us page. Can't get on it right now, but when I have some free time - I'll be sure to change it. ;)


- Sb.

lol Kiko. 3 months? How long did he last the last time? If I was a betting man I would probably place one.


Thanks sabr to looking into it. And yeah just do it whenever you get the time. It's not like we need it done now. Also I added the last one "Wow, Numberz, you sure are on a roll today." and then removed it because I realised that was made before he joined (I think). So although it wasn't nice it's not technically fair to use that against him any more because what was done in the past was in the past.

Mebster, pfff, you cant use "Can I last the fast?" again. You used it last year :P.

:) try and stop me.


;) Joking mate. But actually there's a subtle different this time. I rather than You. Next year it's going be We (did I give the surprise away?) But yeah, I used the same formatting system for the text. ^_^


And thanks for noticing.



I don't want to clutter this place with posts so i'd write on the same post.


SaxMachine should be added to mod crew
Does anyone want to :) when they read that username?


Also Sabr should now be aware of Colonel and as Sabr said he just needs to find some free time to get it all done. But good work in finding other people.

ok guys,theres two more thing need to be done in about us page.

Colonel should be added to News team crew and SaxMachine should be added to mod crew like the other local mod codo ... :)







There's far too much politics in this forum :P


Can't we all get along and stop throwing our toys out of the cot?


Edit: Crikey... I just realised I'm the oldest member posting in this thread... And I thought I registered here late (I was still hanging around OSBA before it kinda... died...)

yeah azurael, i have logs of you on IRC from like ages ago, #osx86.dep and all that jazz, with gaylush as well (mashugly).


Edit: I think im making the whole "Aceplayer" brand alot more appealing to the ladies, even look at my avatar

Is kiko AcePlayer now?
He's trying to be.
I'm still here loozers. You lame lame lame loozers.


And colonel, stop spamming the place like a 4 year old noob. Numberz as hard as it is for me to say, you're doing aright. Doesn't mean I like you though.


????, I'm Aceplayer. Why would i be Kiko?
AcePlayer? Who's he? Well I kiko definitely want to get to know this AcePlayer. He looks like my kind of guy.
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