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Not terribly offended by the clip, more by the fact that this was posted here.


Well, I posted it here because 1) it's a clip that makes people laugh (thus its place in the Laughs forum) and 2) I'm genuinely curious if anyone is offended by it.

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I think I missed most of the joke but that could be because I used headphones to listen to it.

I only found the 1:50 bit funny.


Although I am not personally offended by this to answer this question really "I Need a Jew". I'm not really sure if a non-jew can really find this offensive.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Anybody who is offended by this (and I speak as a birth Jew) needs to seriously re-evaluate their lives. We are rapidly destroying the planet, the US is run by an administration that doesn't give a damn except for the profits they can put in their buddy's wallets, oh yeah, the bees are disappearing too. I don't think now is the time to worry about some offensive words used in what is clear satire.

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Speaking as a Jew myself, I'm not offended by the Family Guy episode. I have it on DVD and I definitely LOL'd. If I were going to be offended by anything, it would be by the fact that you felt it was necessary to post that in here (for no discernable reason) and asked if it offended anyone. It's like me walking up to a random black guy on the street and asking him if he is offended by the N word.

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Not terribly offended by the clip, more by the fact that this was posted here.



If I were going to be offended by anything, it would be by the fact that you felt it was necessary to post that in here (for no discernable reason) and asked if it offended anyone.

I don't really get that. How is it that people can find the fact it was posted offensive but NOT the material it self?


I'm seriously asking. I would have assumed if you find one offensive you naturally find the other offensive too.

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I don't really get that. How is it that people can find the fact it was posted offensive but NOT the material it self?


I'm seriously asking. I would have assumed if you find one offensive you naturally find the other offensive too.


maybe the guy thought he is in a "no religon" environment or something...



anyways, as a jew, not offended.

but i have to say, this jew joke is lame, southpark`s jew jokes are much better !

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  • 4 weeks later...

I seriously don't know why *anyone* should be offended by *anything* that was intended for humor purposes only.


It's people like these who ruin the whole joke altogether. It was created to be funny, it wasn't created to offend.


The only time I'd understand someone getting offended is if it were meant, and it wasn't a joke.


But anyway, LOL @ that.


Family Guy is awesome :D

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