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On 9/28/2018 at 1:29 PM, ssrgw said:





您下次可以在一个答案中发帖而不是创建三个答案吗?这使事情变得更容易。你可以在这个伟大的论坛编辑自己的帖子 :)


These are beautiful letters. Would you also be able to write this in English?

22 hours ago, Courage said:

please say, CNVW - how to remove _PWR ?


Do you mean how to edit methods? There are great guides by @RehabMan on how to use IOREG to do edits to your ACPI files.

3 hours ago, Gymnae said:


These are beautiful letters. Would you also be able to write this in English?


Do you mean how to edit methods? There are great guides by @RehabMan on how to use IOREG to do edits to your ACPI files.

may be you help me?

my usb work only after sleep mode

usb 2.0 work fine

On 9/19/2018 at 5:08 AM, Gymnae said:


Seems like you are missing essential kexts. Does this occur when you wan to install, or after you installed to your SSD and try to boot from the SSD?

Are you loading FakeSMC.kext ?


You can updated to the newest Bios no Problem - it's a good idea to be up-to-date with the flaws in the Intel Chips. 


I personally stay away from to****ac tools, and I'd strongly suggest to not discuss These tools here. If you want to use these tools, please ask in their forum. 


Regarding Audio: Your Audio ID should be layout 1, you can also try 3. Don't mix up methods. The ALC script also doesn't produce any error, it looks fine to me apart from the Audio layout 7, which you don't have. If you use the script, please follow the instructions toleda has given for ist usage. You need a vanilla AppleHDA and EFI Needs to be mounted. 


Could you next time post in one answer instead of creating three? That makes Things easier. You can edit your posts in this great forum :)


Thank you, Gymnae. I was able to install after updating to the newest BIOS. Then I got stuck for a while trying to boot from the SSD but I eventually figured out. Now I'm stuck trying to make it recognize my i5 8600k. 



That is my current kexts folder:




I have tried to use 18,1, 18,2 and 18,3 SMBIOS. Tried to use 0x59120000 or 0x59120003 with no luck for iGPU too.



Edited by interrock
  • 3 weeks later...
On 8/28/2018 at 1:09 PM, Gymnae said:

Could you maybe detail your changes? It might be valuable input for others.


Hi every one, here is how to play with framebuffer

Issue is that all port of the motherboard are recognised as DisplayPort or HDMI. so you need to correct that.

here is the scrennshot of the 3 patch to use.



Screenshot 2018-10-29 at 16.44.26.png

  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for the guide shared @Gymnae;


Using Mojave 10.14.1 at the moment which started supporting 8th gen intel cpus. Original content can be upgraded accordingly.


I used this guide as a starting point and helped me sorting things easily. I want to share some tricks that might help newbies to make things much more "easier". (Includes selecting newbie friendly parts)

This system will only work with RX and Vega graphic cards.


I will start with sharing my system:


Motherboard: Gigabyte H370 HD3 Rev:1.0 (with bios revision F10)

Processor: Intel Core i5-8600 Coffee Lake 6-Core 3.1 GHz

Graphics Card: PowerColor Radeon RX 570 (Model: AXRX 570 8GBD5-DMV3) (Note: It has Sapphire Pulse RX 570 8GB BIOS on it which performs better and Sapphire RX 5xx series are what I recommend)

RAM: 4x AVEXIR Budget Series RAM DDR4 4GB 2400MHz (16GB Total Installed)

Storage:  KingFast F9 2.5" 512GB SSD

PSU: Thermaltake SMART Series SP-750PCBUS 750W

Sound: 2x USB Sound Card


Install Clover on the install media

Same settings used with Gymnae. Don't touch defaults and select listed ones below.


UEFI driver: AptioMemoryFix

UEFI driver: ApfsDriverLoader

UEFI booting only

Install to ESP

Copy "apfs.efi" from source machine and paste into drivers64UEFI


Configuring config.plist

What to remove and add on original kext shared by Gymnae with using Clover Configurator;


Boot > nvda_drv=1 > uncheck

Device > FakeID > IntelGFX > remove that ID

Device > Audio > Inject > No

Device > Audio > ResetHDA > Uncheck

Graphics > Inject Intel > Uncheck (Don't enable anything on this screen RX 570 or RX 580 will work out of box)

Graphics > ig-platform-id > 0x59120003

Kernel and Kext Patches > KextsToPatch > select disable for the first 4 line from the top

SMBIOS > iMac18,2 > select

System Parameters > NvidiaWeb > uncheck


Configuring kexts


Add the supplied SSDT-UAIC.aml from Gymane to "patched" - it limits the injected USB Ports to the actual number and ports valid for this board.


Required kexts on "Other", as you can see we are using lesser kext file:

  • FakeSMC.kext
  • IntelMausiEthernet.kext in case you're running Ethernet
  • USBInjectAll.kext with the HCI-300-series-injector.kext --> These two should be installed to /L/E after install
  • ***FakeSMC_Sensors.kexts (You need that if you are going to use different graphic card from "Sapphire" I don't know why but you might have thermal throttle problem. Do a benchmark test with HWMonitor and Heaven Benchmark.)

Bios Settings

Bios settings which I use:

  1. Load Optimized Defaults
  2. Disable VT-d setting
  3. If your system has Secure Boot Mode, disable it (You have to disable CMS to do that, just don't disable CMS and skip this part)
  4. Set OS Type to Windows 8/10 or OtherOS - I have not seen a difference
  5. Turn off internal Serial and Parallel port
  6. Turn off Network stack for boot
  7. Turn off wake-on-lan (for now)
  8. Set XHCI Handoff to Enabled
  9. Don't enable decode over 4G
  10. Depending on your GPU, set priority for boot
  11. Set internal GPU to enable (Set internal GPU to disable. You don't need internal graphics with RX graphic cards and you will have lesser kext files)
  12. Set DMVT pre-alloc to 64MB
  13. Set USB legacy to enabled
  14. Activate XMP profile 1 f your Ram has it (mine doesn't and I added the timings manually)
  15. Set ERP to enable, disable platform power management (I need to do more research if this could be enabled)

Install clover on target


During install select again AptioMemoryFix but also additionally

  • EmuVariableUefi-64.efi
  • Install RC scripts on target volume

because otherwise NVRAM doesn't seem to work


After the install, copy

  • config.plist
  • contents of "Other"
  • content of "patched"
  • apfs.efi from drivers64UEFI

to your new clover install.


Edit ACPI for slumber


I had no major issue with stock sleeping settings so far. You might use the process described by Gymnae, but i didn't even try.


Don't Enable Onboard Audio


I'm using 2 USB sound card. Hey... They are cheap and easy to maintain. Connected one of them to my monitor and the other one to my headset.

***My graphics card only has a Dvi-D slot so audio might be already working on HDMI.




Just do it like you regularly update your Macbook. Just press restart for update button. It will do a pre-update and clover will select "install" twice automatically and computer will start like nothing happened.


Not Working?


iTunes Videos are not working, someone told me that this happened after 10.14.1, I'm really no sure about that. I will share a way if I can find one.


Edited by Panzerschiffe
  • Thanks 2

Hi guys


first: Thank you very much for that detailled and very well written guide. Its now the third time i assemble a Hackintosh (last time its 8 years ago i must admit!) and i went thru some strange stuff, but this time its really annoying:

I followed exactly the described setup procedure to install Mojave on new hardware, but my setup seems to have some strange issues. 

1. BIOS is running fine on newest version F11

2. Keyboard and mouse are running fine in BIOS


First strange thing:

The system wont use an 8GB Verbatim USB Stick prepared with procedure described. The Bios recognize the stick, but wont boot from it. 


I took an SATA HDD and prepared it the same like the USB Stick and - violá - it starts Clover from that, but right after that, Keyboard and Mouse are dead. Nothing. 


I tried some other stuff with additional USB related .efi, tried with the BIOS setings and even older Clover versions. Once i had a keyboard in Clover, but only one time. And with this time i started intalling Mojave, but it get stuck and restarted so fast the system, that i could not figure out, where the problem was. Is there any chance to prevent this restart?

It looks to me like i forgot something or made a stupid mistake. Maybe you have an idea what this could be?





I have the Asus H370 and I "think" I can use your hot patch as the chipset is the same.  Advice?  I am using USBinjectall now and working.  I have not tackled sleep or sound yet, but have a functioning system.  Oddly sound worked initially.  I have a USB sound device that is flawless so I have not spent much time on it.


How would you tweak your guid if you were using a maxwell card?  

On 10/29/2018 at 4:44 PM, BackwardMac said:


Hi every one, here is how to play with framebuffer

Issue is that all port of the motherboard are recognised as DisplayPort or HDMI. so you need to correct that.

here is the scrennshot of the 3 patch to use.



Screenshot 2018-10-29 at 16.44.26.png



First thanks to @Gymnae and @Panzerschiffe  for the detailed tutorial. I'm trying to install Mojave on my new build (Gigabyte H370 HD3 - Bios F4 / Intel i5 8400 / iGPU) but have a black screen when the installation start it's GUI. (verbose boot works fine).

I tried both HDMI and DVI ports. I've correctly (I hope, I attached a screenshot) configured clover to use the iGPU but I haven't try @BackwardMac suggestion yet because I don't know where to put these patch. Can someone give more details ?

I'm not new to hackintosh but my previous motherboard (Gigabyte Z87-UD3H) was working fine out of box without all the patching required here.


Thanks for your help



Edited by radius

I got the intel gpu to work (in HDMI at least, did not try DVI) but with ig-platform-id set to 0x3E9B0007 (found that with help of google).

But from what I see metal is not working.

My interest in getting the intel GPU to work is just to be sure to be able to boot/troubleshoot in case of issue with the dGPU (I will use a RX 580 in the coming days) so it doesn't matter but if you intent to use the intel GPU permanently it's a problem.


I have a small issue, when I do shutdown, what happen is a reboot not a shutdown. Not huge problem but still a problem.

Dear all, I'm still waiting for NVIDIA to release their web drivers for mojave, so I'm still running with 10.13.6

I did make some changes to the guide today:

  • Removed fakepciid* kexts since I don't see their need and they clash with the new audio method
  • Simplified and modernized audio patching via AppleALC. Now it (should) work(s) with mojave and we don't touch AppleHDA anymore, yay :)
On 12/1/2018 at 4:56 PM, radius said:



First thanks to @Gymnae and @Panzerschiffe  for the detailed tutorial. I'm trying to install Mojave on my new build (Gigabyte H370 HD3 - Bios F4 / Intel i5 8400 / iGPU) but have a black screen when the installation start it's GUI. (verbose boot works fine).

I tried both HDMI and DVI ports. I've correctly (I hope, I attached a screenshot) configured clover to use the iGPU but I haven't try @BackwardMac suggestion yet because I don't know where to put these patch. Can someone give more details ?

I'm not new to hackintosh but my previous motherboard (Gigabyte Z87-UD3H) was working fine out of box without all the patching required here.


Thanks for your help




Hi Radius, just to let you know that if you are using a coffee Lake CPU with Mojave, then my patch is not the best way because it only patch the Kabylake FrameBuffer

Since Mojave (and 10.13.6) have new support for CoffeLake with dedicated CoffeLake Frame Bufer (AppleIntelCFLGrphicsFrameBuffer in System/Library/Extension). better to use it, hear it's how :


Normally, to use the UHD 630 on CoffeLake with Mojave you need :

- last version of clover

- Last version of whatevergreen and lilu. (really important)

- No more graphics kext relate as intelgraphicfixup or nvidiafixup (replace with new whatevergreen/Lilu)


Then in config.plist :

- no need for intelGFX fake id (replace with whatevergreen/Lilu)

- no addHdmi, no addIMEI, no FixDisplay, no disablefxfirmware (replace with new whatevergreen/Lilu)

- ig platform 0x3E9B0007 works good as Raduis said and should be use. (support by new whatevergreen/Lilu)

- Some people say that you don't need injectIntel checked anymore as Whatevergreen do the job, but for my Mobo, I'm unable to boot without it.


I use all of that with a display on the DP port of my Mobo since few weeks now, and it works really really well, all sleep work no kernel panic, no glitches even during progress bar a boot, BUT :


The mapping of the frameBuffer isn't really good, as all my port in IOReg are in HDMI mode. (my screen is connected to DP ans words well....)

So the UHD 630 need an other Framebuffer patch to change the port type on Mojave because it is on an other kext.

I actually trying doing it, but without success for now.

Will keep you in touch








On 11/26/2018 at 6:03 PM, blueridgedog said:

I have the Asus H370 and I "think" I can use your hot patch as the chipset is the same.  Advice?  I am using USBinjectall now and working.  I have not tackled sleep or sound yet, but have a functioning system.  Oddly sound worked initially.  I have a USB sound device that is flawless so I have not spent much time on it.


How would you tweak your guid if you were using a maxwell card?  


If thinks are running fine, I wouldn't tweak too much. All you tweak, can break. Sleep is important to me, both to my machine and myself ;) So I'd work on that. For this you might need to go through the USB port patching process.


On 12/1/2018 at 10:18 PM, radius said:

I got the intel gpu to work (in HDMI at least, did not try DVI) but with ig-platform-id set to 0x3E9B0007 (found that with help of google).

But from what I see metal is not working.

My interest in getting the intel GPU to work is just to be sure to be able to boot/troubleshoot in case of issue with the dGPU (I will use a RX 580 in the coming days) so it doesn't matter but if you intent to use the intel GPU permanently it's a problem.


I have a small issue, when I do shutdown, what happen is a reboot not a shutdown. Not huge problem but still a problem.


As @BackwardMac correctly states, you need whatevergreen.kext combined with lilu.kext. If you only have an Intel iGPU at the moment, you might try to boot without any additional shiki bootflag, but if metal won't work, you can add 'shikigva=1' as bootflag and test. At the moment I'm running with 'shikivga=12' and have metal acceleration for both NVIDIA dGPU and Intel iGPU for HEVC and h.264. (Yet, FCP X is still super slow in encoding).


14 hours ago, BackwardMac said:

Then in config.plist :

- no need for intelGFX fake id (replace with whatevergreen/Lilu)

- no addHdmi, no addIMEI, no FixDisplay, no disablefxfirmware (replace with new whatevergreen/Lilu)

- ig platform 0x3E9B0007 works good as Raduis said and should be use. (support by new whatevergreen/Lilu)

- Some people say that you don't need injectIntel checked anymore as Whatevergreen do the job, but for my Mobo, I'm unable to boot without it.



I'll try this new platform ID, thanks @BackwardMac. At the moment I'm using the ig-platform-id 0x59120003 combined with whatevergreen, lilu and a shikigva=12 flag. I've never had InjectIntel active, maybe my current FakeID is the reason - I'll delete this, try the new platform ID and see.

Edited by Gymnae

Hello Everybody, 


I was able to make the patch for correct port type with UHD 630.

Be aware that I d'ont know if everyone need to use it.

But since all graphics relate are manage by whatevergreen/llilu, there is a new way to change port type.

You will find those patch in my uploaded config.plist, in device/properties.


More info to make your own at : 



On 12/3/2018 at 7:36 AM, Gymnae said:

I'll try this new platform ID, thanks @BackwardMac. At the moment I'm using the ig-platform-id 0x59120003 combined with whatevergreen, lilu and a shikigva=12 flag. I've never had InjectIntel active, maybe my current FakeID is the reason - I'll delete this, try the new platform ID and see.


I tried ig-platform-id "0x3E9B0007" and "0x3E9B0003", both times the iGPU wasn't attached properly. I guess this be could because these two platform ids only work for a special build of 10.13.6 for new Apple hardware and official  10.14.x builds.


I'm back to "0x59120003", InjectIntel, IntelGFX fakeid, shikigva=12

This setup results in full metal/openCL acceleration for HEVC and h.264. FinalCutPro X is still super slow in encoding, thus I switch to Davinci Resolve. This makes full use of the CPU and GPUs.


When NVIDIA web drivers are available, I will revisit this.

Edited by Gymnae
2 hours ago, Gymnae said:

I guess this be could because these two platform ids only work for a special build of 10.13.6 for new Apple hardware and official  10.14.x builds.

Yes it is probably that, I wasn't able to use the 0x3E9B0007 in 10.13.6.

I think support for coffeelake on 10.13 is only on the built for last macbookpro..


2 hours ago, Gymnae said:

This setup results in full metal/openCL acceleration for HEVC and h.264. FinalCutPro X is still super slow in encoding, thus I switch to Davinci Resolve. This makes full use of the CPU and GPUs.

Can you tell me how you check for metal/opencl HEVV H264..? I don't really know how to, I just check "about this Mac", check transparency, memory, glitch and Geekbench.




2 hours ago, Gymnae said:

When NVIDIA web drivers are available, I will revisit this.

I don't really need it ut I'm waiting too and it is a big subject actually, will those driver arrive one day?

For now I have a little GT 740 which work OOB but I think about buying a new one, and it's appear that AMD is now the good choice for direct support on Mac OS X.

Shame, I prefere Nvidia..


On 12/1/2018 at 6:56 PM, radius said:



First thanks to @Gymnae and @Panzerschiffe  for the detailed tutorial. I'm trying to install Mojave on my new build (Gigabyte H370 HD3 - Bios F4 / Intel i5 8400 / iGPU) but have a black screen when the installation start it's GUI. (verbose boot works fine).

I tried both HDMI and DVI ports. I've correctly (I hope, I attached a screenshot) configured clover to use the iGPU but I haven't try @BackwardMac suggestion yet because I don't know where to put these patch. Can someone give more details ?

I'm not new to hackintosh but my previous motherboard (Gigabyte Z87-UD3H) was working fine out of box without all the patching required here.


Thanks for your help




It is out of topic but I recommend you updating your bios, F4 had some issues. Your CPU Led probably glowing red after boot.

On 11/11/2018 at 11:13 AM, Panzerschiffe said:


  1. Set internal GPU to enable (Set internal GPU to disable. You don't need internal graphics with RX graphic cards and you will have lesser kext files)



I advise keeping this as enabled. Since Mojave Mac OS is doing JPEG decoding in hardware using the GPU but it seems to rely on the iGPU even when you have a dGPU (I have a RX580 - by the way it's a Sapphir Nitro rx580, work out of the box without any clover config, neither Lilu/Whatevergreen).

If you disable the iGPU you will likely have preview and quicklook not able to render JPEG. 

There is a kext that can fix that (https://github.com/vulgo/NoVPAJpeg) but keeping the iGPU enable is easier. 

Hello. I have an H370 HD3 bios verison F2, i5 8400, 8Gb RAM, Nvidia GT1050Ti, 256gb SSD Kinston, and I'm trying to install High Sierra but I cant't even start. 


I,ve created my 8gb usb with the kext, config.plist with my macbook following the instructions , I've configured the bios as described in the first post, and load the setting in the hack2 file, but when I select in clover the usb, in a few second the installation stops and I have a message "THIS VERSION OF MAC OS X IS NOT SUPPORTED ON THIS PLATFORM!".


Anybody can help me?




Edited by orchalino
error in bios version
On 12/13/2018 at 1:20 PM, themacmeister said:

Thanks for the guide, it got my H370 HD3 running, I just did a clean install of Mojave 10.14.2, and LayoutID 7 does not seem to work?

Try LayoutID 1

If I remember correctly, with the newest method posted in the guide you don't have to set a LayoutID manually, the kext defines it automatically. Thus I'd try ID 1 and no ID injection

On 12/13/2018 at 7:39 PM, orchalino said:

I,ve created my 8gb usb with the kext, config.plist with my macbook following the instructions , I've configured the bios as described in the first post, and load the setting in the hack2 file, but when I select in clover the usb, in a few second the installation stops and I have a message "THIS VERSION OF MAC OS X IS NOT SUPPORTED ON THIS PLATFORM!".





Do you have FakeSMC.kext in /Other ?

It's best not to use the files attached - in fact I'll delete them - instead enter the BIOS settings manually. If this is your very first attempt, I'd recommend to also read a more thorough, beginner guide, because this build doesn't require exotics settings, a proper vanilla guide is a great point to start. Check out this one: https://hackintosh.gitbook.io/-r-hackintosh-vanilla-desktop-guide/

Thanks for your reply. 

Yes, I've FakeSMC.kext in the /others directory, and I,ve tried to configure the bios manually and with your archive, without success. It isn't my first hackintosh, my first was a Snow Leopard with iAtkos, and have another High Sierra in a Gigabyte Z87X, but I don't know how to solve this problem with this motherboard. It could be due to the F2 bios version?


This is the /other files in my usb pen.



And the patched directory.




Thanks again for your help. 


Edited by orchalino
7 minutes ago, orchalino said:

Thanks for your reply. 

Yes, I've FakeSMC.kext in the /others directory, and I,ve tried to configure the bios manually and with your archive, without success. It isn't my first hackintosh, my first was a Snow Leopard with iAtkos, and have another High Sierra in a Gigabyte Z87X, but I don't know how to solve this problem with this motherboard and this graphic card.  


This is the /other files in my usb pen.



hanks again for your help. 



Are you sporting an nvme drive?

Delete IntelGraphicsFixup, NvidiaGraphicsFixup and VoodooHDA. VoodooHDA should never be needed and replace the GPU fixups with whatevergreen.kext.

Have you googled for your error? For me this was in past when FakeSMC wasn't read correctly. But resetting the BIOS to default and starting from there can also help.

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