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Hi Slice, that was fast !

Confirm that this works, good old way of copying the kext into the (S)LE folder ;-)

Hope that the clover/opencore kext injection solution will be possible in the future, as it's a more elegant way.

Nonetheless, happy to have sound/music back on my 'Mac'.

My system lost all sound, I was using Voodoo HDA Audio 2.9.6. , re-packaged for Clover because, in the past, it was the only way I could make it work. Copy and paste on EFi partiotion did not worked, ever. Since 2.9.7 was re-packaged for Clover, and I need to keep SIP disabled, due to patches, this means it is game over?

If possible, what would I need to remove, in order to get things work again? I can copy 2.9.7 kext in Library/Extensions and delete 2.9.9 from the EFI. Would should I do on Clover Configurator?

Edited by Vyzantion
7 hours ago, Slice said:

I don't think the Clover Configurator may help somehow.

Do this!

I actualy tried to do just that and it failed. This is why I have posted the EFI partition content. I said about Clover Configurator because I did not understood exactly what had to be changed in config.plist without GUI. One reason I stick to Clover and stay out of OpenCore is the lack of GUI of OpenCore.

15 hours ago, Slice said:

I don't think the Clover Configurator may help somehow.

Do this!

As posted elsewhere, I had used Voodoo.kext  to kexts/other  resulting in  sound device not being installed all . Just to convince myself,  I removed the previously installed Voodoo.kext from kexts/Other. Rebooted and then installed Voodoo.2.9.7 downloaded from the site you posted this time to Library /Extensions using terminal command and rebooted and checked System report and Voodoo was there and System Preferences Sound showed the Audio output device. But when sounds were played they were raspy and hesitant. Same thing from You tube songs,  speech etc,. Then I uninstalled and rebuilt cache and reinstalled AppleALC.kext in L/E and also in Clover/kexts/Other and then rebooted to establish status quo ante. The sound was good again from the same speaker from the same sources of audio.
In my system with Big Sur, AppleALC.kext (Current) is better.  

voodoo _systemreport2021-04-30 at 9.07.57 PM.png

Screen Shot 2021-04-30 at 9.08.52 PM.png

3 hours ago, cmn699 said:

As posted elsewhere, I had used Voodoo.kext  to kexts/other  resulting in  sound device not being installed all . Just to convince myself,  I removed the previously installed Voodoo.kext from kexts/Other. Rebooted and then installed Voodoo.2.9.7 downloaded from the site you posted this time to Library /Extensions using terminal command and rebooted and checked System report and Voodoo was there and System Preferences Sound showed the Audio output device. But when sounds were played they were raspy and hesitant. Same thing from You tube songs,  speech etc,. Then I uninstalled and rebuilt cache and reinstalled AppleALC.kext in L/E and also in Clover/kexts/Other and then rebooted to establish status quo ante. The sound was good again from the same speaker from the same sources of audio.
In my system with Big Sur, AppleALC.kext (Current) is better.  


3 hours ago, cmn699 said:


How do you install via Terminal in System Preferences?

6 hours ago, Slice said:

This is the mistake in info.plist. Really it is 2.9.7.

My apologies. I should have just downloaded the VoodooHDA.kext zip  you had linked. Later I  got that and its version check showed it was indeed 2.9.7 . I used the terminal command you had posted  and installed it in LE and the Security and Privacy steps  you had listed . I confirmed  VoodooHDA.kext was in /Library/ Extensions. But,  on reboot , for some reason,  the System Report did not show it (as the 2.9.6 was previously seen) and the device was not available in System Preferences and sound failed. I cannot say what steps I could have missed. But I will try it again documenting steps with screen shots for a  follow up post.  Thank you for your help. 

10 hours ago, Vyzantion said:


How do you install via Terminal in System Preferences?

 Yes, I used terminal the commands posted by Slice and also followed the other 2 steps he had listed. I also made sure to remove the AppleAlc.kext I had installed in CLOVER/kexts/Other.  This time with the correct VoodooHDA.kext 2.9.7 I could not get anything in System Report nor devices in System Preferences. and sound failed. I will try again too make sure I have not over looked anything.

If you are averse to using the terminal , I have found the app L.E. Kext Tool to be very easy and 'friendly' to hand hold you to completion of the needed tasks to install kexts to L/E. There are others too . 

10 hours ago, Vyzantion said:


How do you install via Terminal in System Preferences?

Slice's first step is the kext installation using Terminal command (copy and paste on your Terminal (from Applications _Utilities)

In the second step in  System Preferences> Security and Privacy  , you are allowing the kext (non-apple) to be used in the system . This is done after you perform the Terminal command to install the downloaded kext from its current folder to /Library /Extensions folder and perform other required task like Permissions and updating cache etc  all through the long command by copy& paste on Terminal. 

The third  step is for editing CLOVER/config.plist by adding the string and its value

Thanks Slice


It works as you wrote here up top.


How to get the other sliders to work? 


Set clover audio to detect in Devices, removed ALC layout id from boot and layout id for HDEF properties and HDAU.


How to fine tune?  


What do you recommend?


Screen Shot 2021-05-04 at 8.11.38 AM.png

Screen Shot 2021-05-04 at 8.00.14 AM.png

On 5/1/2021 at 8:36 PM, cmn699 said:

Slice's first step is the kext installation using Terminal command (copy and paste on your Terminal (from Applications _Utilities)

In the second step in  System Preferences> Security and Privacy  , you are allowing the kext (non-apple) to be used in the system . This is done after you perform the Terminal command to install the downloaded kext from its current folder to /Library /Extensions folder and perform other required task like Permissions and updating cache etc  all through the long command by copy& paste on Terminal. 

The third  step is for editing CLOVER/config.plist by adding the string and its value

1. Why not copy-paste using Finder, instead of Terminal?

2. I do not know how to edit config.plist and add string. I usualy use Clover Configurator but in here, probably, I would not know how to do that either. The re-packdeg kext made by chris1111 did the trick, until know, the pkg file moved the kext in the right place and edited properfly the config.plist .

4 hours ago, Vyzantion said:

1. Why not copy-paste using Finder, instead of Terminal?

2. I do not know how to edit config.plist and add string. I usualy use Clover Configurator but in here, probably, I would not know how to do that either. The re-packdeg kext made by chris1111 did the trick, until know, the pkg file moved the kext in the right place and edited properfly the config.plist .

1. As slice said it won't work. It is really easy if you copy the sudo cp command he has already posted,  (see below) and paste it on a Terminal screen and ENTER sudo cp -R /path_to_kext/VoodooHDA.kext /Library/Extensions
If you are averse to that or unfamiliar with Terminal command use, you can download and install  L.E.Kext Tool from https://github.com/Andrej-Antipov/Kext-Install-Utility/releases/tag/1.0 . It is a dmg that can be installed to your Applications folder . Launch the tool and is user friendly GUI will hand hold you all the way to install to or remove kext from L/E and rebuild cache. 
2.To edit config plist and the string, if you cannot use Plist Editor , try the friendly PLISTEdPlus.app downloadable from https://github.com/ic005k/PlistEDPlus/releases/tag/1.0.52>. After install , R-click config.plist>Open with>PlistEdPlus>and from the popup window, scroll down to Rt Varaiables >CsrActiveConfig and change the Value to 0x0285 and save.  Then go to System Preferences> Security and Privacy and locate VoodooHDA.kext andEnable it as shown in  Slice's uploaded image 

config.plist editing .png

5 hours ago, Vyzantion said:

1. Why not copy-paste using Finder, instead of Terminal?

2. I do not know how to edit config.plist and add string. I usualy use Clover Configurator but in here, probably, I would not know how to do that either. The re-packdeg kext made by chris1111 did the trick, until know, the pkg file moved the kext in the right place and edited properfly the config.plist .


config.plist editing .jpg

4 hours ago, cmn699 said:

1. As slice said it won't work. It is really easy if you copy the sudo cp command he has already posted,  (see below) and paste it on a Terminal screen and ENTER sudo cp -R /path_to_kext/VoodooHDA.kext /Library/Extensions
If you are averse to that or unfamiliar with Terminal command use, you can download and install  L.E.Kext Tool from https://github.com/Andrej-Antipov/Kext-Install-Utility/releases/tag/1.0 . It is a dmg that can be installed to your Applications folder . Launch the tool and is user friendly GUI will hand hold you all the way to install to or remove kext from L/E and rebuild cache. 
2.To edit config plist and the string, if you cannot use Plist Editor , try the friendly PLISTEdPlus.app downloadable from https://github.com/ic005k/PlistEDPlus/releases/tag/1.0.52>. After install , R-click config.plist>Open with>PlistEdPlus>and from the popup window, scroll down to Rt Varaiables >CsrActiveConfig and change the Value to 0x0285 and save.  Then go to System Preferences> Security and Privacy and locate VoodooHDA.kext andEnable it as shown in  Slice's uploaded image 

config.plist editing .png


config.plist editing .jpg

GUI vs no GUI.

Security thing.  UNIX is always terminal commands. Just the GUI makes things viewable to the perception and thus the reasons for security.

Easier to GUI than terminal.  

Terminal is UNIX. GUI is Windows. Mac and Windows incorporated both. But UNIX is  always command line.  Theres' an element we do not understand. UNIX was built from the ground up in Terminal or command lines.  This is the base of UNIX.

Macintosh created a purely Windows based with old style apple but had limitations: Memory issues and others bottle necks all costly. I would think now some could take this and run with it because the hardware has progressed and advanced.  A purely Windows based from the ground up.  I wonder how this can be done? as I am not a programmer and thus lack the knowledge.  I am always amazed at the programmers who create amazing apps and scripts.  The history lessons of tube based computing.  
Takes a lot of intelligence to do so.  

Unfortunatly, my severe attention deficit makes Terminal pretty difficult. Some things are possible, but complex and multiple command are not. This is the same reason I can not use OpenCore, due to the lack of GUI installer and configurator, even if there are some clear technical advantages.

4 hours ago, Vyzantion said:

Unfortunatly, my severe attention deficit makes Terminal pretty difficult. Some things are possible, but complex and multiple command are not. This is the same reason I can not use OpenCore, due to the lack of GUI installer and configurator, even if there are some clear technical advantages.

Did you try installing L.E.Kext Tool?  It is GUI and will work . I have installed Voodoo kext 2.9. 7 using it  and it works and audio works too after installing and rebooting.
I hope the images I want to attach displays OK  here. I don't know why it failed last time. 

1.L.E.Kext tool .jpg

2.L.E.Kext Tool.jpg

5 hours ago, Vyzantion said:

Unfortunatly, my severe attention deficit makes Terminal pretty difficult. Some things are possible, but complex and multiple command are not. This is the same reason I can not use OpenCore, due to the lack of GUI installer and configurator, even if there are some clear technical advantages.

  • Download the VoodooHDA.kext to your desktop (for ease of installation steps) 
  • Launch L.E.Kext tool (already downloaded and installed to Applications folder)
  • Image 1 will show up asking whether you want to Install a Kext or remove an installed kext from /Library/Extensions folder
  • To Install the VoodioHDA.kext from yourDesktop, click on the Install options  using images 2 and 3 as your visual aid.
  • To update Cache after install , Type Y and press Enter /Return key 
  • To Remove, previously installed unwantedkext , in step 1 use the Delete option and from the next screen of opened /L/E click on the kext to be deleted and affirm by Y >Enter 
  • Check your System Report >Audio, you will see Voodoo
  • Check System Preferences>Sound Output> yo will se your Audi device is enabled.
  • Check Finder> Go to Folder and type in /Library/Exztesnsions , you will see your installedVoodoHDA.kext

  • Like 2
18 hours ago, cmn699 said:

Did you try installing L.E.Kext Tool?  It is GUI and will work . I have installed Voodoo kext 2.9. 7 using it  and it works and audio works too after installing and rebooting.
I hope the images I want to attach displays OK  here. I don't know why it failed last time. 

1.L.E.Kext tool .jpg

2.L.E.Kext Tool.jpg

Not yet, I did not have the time, job was very demanding. I hope the tow days off next week shall allow me to test it. Especially if, if anything goes too wrong, macOS needs reinstalling and that takes time.

Use this Kext Droplet tool from Chris1111

there's nothing simpler than this.

I am serious.

Just install like any other app. 

This automatically drops into /L/E/

There is nothing more simpler than this.   Fully GUI and does work perfectly.


To set SiP in Clover or OC Configurator


0x867 from 0x67 << you know where to do this in GUI?

RtVariables section.


Surfs Up



OC configurator 

if you do not have time get there

OpenCore Configurator.zip

Edited by makk
  • Thanks 1
3 hours ago, Vyzantion said:

Not yet, I did not have the time, job was very demanding. I hope the tow days off next week shall allow me to test it. Especially if, if anything goes too wrong, macOS needs reinstalling and that takes time.

To avoid having to painstakingly reinstall your existing macOS ( or any System  like Windows or Linux on your hard disk drive) you can create its clone as an insurance against any mishaps from 'experimenting ' with it. I have found the Linux cloning software "Clonezilla" a very useful tool for disk to disk cloning of equal sizes or to a larger blank (or one containing sacrificeable data) disk. This GUI app will obviate the use of dd command through the Terminal. 

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