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Most Impactful/Important Discoveries/Inventions for OSx86



I like top 10 lists. Since no one has done one yet for Hackintoshing, I have decided to take the initiative and rank the most important inventions and discoveries that had the biggest impact. This is all just my opinion. Due to time bias in me not being here from the beginning I originally did not include some Tiger related events. I have revised this list accordingly to reflect and fix the bias.


With that in mind, on to the list!



10. Semthex kernel


The kernel that started it all! Semthex kernel allowed for a greater variety of processors and hardware. This was before my time so I shall just leave it at that.


9. VoodooHDA


VoodooHDA is the king of sound. There were a few that came and went (most notably, Azalia Audio), but Voodoo still remains king. Considering the alternatives out there VoodooHDA is the best for stock configurations. (There are a good amount of people, myself included, that go the way of USB audio.)


8. Modbin kernel


Modbin always had the best kernels. Modbin is the most important developer of kernels. AMD, P4, and atom based systems were allowed to run free on Leopard and Snow Leopard thanks to him.




When it comes to it, NATIT was the greatest homebrew hack that allowed for a great selection of graphics card. I must admit that I am partial to it because of the experience that I had with it.


6. deadmoo Tiger image


From what I have gathered from Google this was the first publicly available OSx86 release. Although I was not around for this, I was around for BrazilMac Leopard image, which most likely was inspired by deadmoo.


5. JaS and his distro


Sorry guys, but the current climate of hackintoshing would be much different if these "distros" never existed. They had a significant impact with bringing in the common computer user to the OSx86 community.


When I first made this list, I was not as fair as I should have been. JaS made a significant impact in the Tiger world, and he went on to have an impact in Leo. Therefore I have revised this list accordingly to pay homage to one of the hackintosh greats.


4. FakeSMC


This one was a bit tough comparing it to its predecessor. I tried to think of which had a bigger impact, DSMOS.kext or its successor. When it comes down to it, FakeSMC made the biggest impact. This holds especially true when it came to the first guides to vanilla installs of Snow Leopard.


3. InsanelyMac


The most impactful forum on the hackintosh subject. Not as popular today as it was years ago, that still does not affect the fact that no other OSx86 community would be the way it is today without InsanelyMac


2. Chameleon


Chameleon is king. Chameleon sets the standards. Pretty much every boot loader (bar Clover) is based off of Chameleon. When someone makes a new discovery to the boot process they always add it to Chameleon first, like the number 1 spot…


1. DSDT override


I don't think there is anyone who can argue that this was not the greatest discovery in hackintosh history. I was around then, but I cannot personally recall who made it. If my Google skills are up to date, mackerintel was the person who was responsible for it. DSDT override fixes countless problems, from AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement.kext to allowing onboard ethernet to work and even to activate built in motherboard bluetooth.

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JaS was one of, if not the first distro, as far as i can remember. So i disagree with point 8.


Good idea setting up such a list, although it needs some editting i think :P


Yes, JaS was the first, but they didnt make the biggest impact. Kalyway was and is the most popular OSx86 distro in our history.


As I said, I wasnt around for Tiger, so I have a pro-Leopard and beyond eye. You could be more correct.


And yes, it needs editing; I made that stoned.

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Yes, JaS was the first, but they didnt make the biggest impact. Kalyway was and is the most popular OSx86 distro in our history.


As I said, I wasnt around for Tiger, so I have a pro-Leopard and beyond eye. You could be more correct.


And yes, it needs editing; I made that stoned.


I had millions of dl's and helped for years in the comunity, I did releases from 10.4.3 all the way up to 10.5.4. I carried old hardware and supported it long after others thought I should drop it. I was here with maxxuss and helped patch the nx bit in 10.4.3 to allow booting on cpu's without it. yes its a simple patch now. I also released update packages for my distros. I have to say I like Kalyway and he is a great guy, but I was the first and I even advised the later guys on how to repackage and patch things like..mpg and osinstall.dist then later osinstall and adding in custom packages to the installation for hardware support.


Just sayin :)




Also deadmoo (vmware image from 10.4.1 dev kit leaked) that started it all!!! and maxxuss should have received a mention :)

  • Like 7

I had millions of dl's and helped for years in the comunity, I did releases from 10.4.3 all the way up to 10.5.4. I carried old hardware and supported it long after others thought I should drop it. I was here with maxxuss and helped patch the nx bit in 10.4.3 to allow booting on cpu's without it. yes its a simple patch now. I also released update packages for my distros. I have to say I like Kalyway and he is a great guy, but I was the first and I even advised the later guys on how to repackage and patch things like..mpg and osinstall.dist then later osinstall and adding in custom packages to the installation for hardware support.


Just sayin :)




Also deadmoo (vmware image from 10.4.1 dev kit leaked) that started it all!!! and maxxuss should have received a mention :)


My apologies that this list isnt as exhaustive as it could be. I only got into this scene when Leo came out. Maybe my list would be much different if I had been here earlier.

10. Semthex kernel


The kernel that started it all! Semthex kernel allowed for a greater variety of processors and hardware. This was before my time so I shall just leave it at that.


I packaged both semthex and Vitaliy patched kernel, in my release. I still talk to semthex lol (I am friends with him on FB). I let ppl make a choice and exposed those kernels to the largest osx86 user base, and we all know what happened there :)

All I am saying is that kernel didn't start it all



I get the picture, this is your top ten list, not the top ten list

10. Semthex kernel


The kernel that started it all! Semthex kernel allowed for a greater variety of processors and hardware. This was before my time so I shall just leave it at that.


I packaged both semthex and Vitaliy patched kernel, in my release. I still talk to semthex lol (I am friends with him on FB). I let ppl make a choice and exposed those kernels to the largest osx86 user base, and we all know what happened there :)

All I am saying is that kernel didn't start it all



I get the picture, this is your top ten list, not the top ten list


You have a longer time in this community than I.


Why not you make a list?

  • Like 1

You have a longer time in this community than I.


Why not you make a list?

You have a longer time in this community than I.


Why not you make a list?


I could, I think there are lists like this already on the forum tho. Others besides your's

  • Like 1

I could, I think there are lists like this already on the forum tho. Others besides your's


Google turns up nothing. That is why I made the list.

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I don't think that Insanely Mac should be on this list. Not to say I do not love it here but this list should be a list of achievements.


Where is the first retail boot CD go into this list? That helped legitimize the community from people illegally downloading Mac OS X to paying for it.

  • Like 3

I could, I think there are lists like this already on the forum tho. Others besides your's


Come on, JaS! Please do your list for us! You watched it from the beginning! :)


It's cool to know the veterans do still follow this forum. Wouldn't be great if some of the others (Netkas, Semtex, Maxxus, Kalyway, BrazilMac etc) also show up and tell how it was in the beginning. I am immensely curious about those days. It also would be quite an incentive for us, the newcomers, to keep the torch alight.


Best regards!

  • Like 1

I am going to name drop here.


Sinetek. He has been able to open up the 64bit world for people like me that run AMD processors, for anything after Snow Leopard 10.6.8. Lion and Mountain Lion both are 64bit only releases. For me, and, I am pretty, others he is in the top spot. Or at least close enough to it that he an unobstructed view of things.

What about David Elliot? He spent a hard time working on the first Vanilla Leopard method based off of Apple's Boot-132. In fact, Chameleon heavily barrows from his code, so I'd say that's a major breakthrough. This is, to my knowledge, Rampage Dev's suggestion of the first boot CD. I feel that this revolution helped change OSx86 from "an illegal pirate pre-patched OS X hacking community" to "a legal way to install OS X on a PC, using EFI simulation". And yes, I said "simulation" and not "emulation" because I feel that boot-132's fake EFI data injection is more so simulation (it doesn't emulate the whole firmware), while DUET-based bootloaders, like XPC, [url="http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/topic/279450-why-insanelymac-does-not-support-tonymacx86/"]#####[/url] UEFI, and Clover, truly emulates all of EFI firmware and therefore is emulation. Clover I see being Chameleon's successor, but first, a lot more work has to be done first. All points aside, David Elliot's patched Boot-132 deserves to be on the top-10 list.

Maxxuss, a myth and a mistery. Who was he really? And why did he disappear? Did he disappear or did he simply change nick?




But after that topic he posted one more time, apparently: http://www.insanelym...post__p__376926

And in that post he seems to explain why he left.

  • Like 2

A quarrel involving Netkas. So the legends also flame... :P


Clash of the Titans...:P


Nice thread,

Feel nostalgic reading those names,

Been around since the early Tiger days.

Respect to all the developers.


the same :)

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