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Or you can temporary fill up the relevant source with this values by go to browser console

a=[];$$('section td:nth-child(2)').each(function(i){t=i.innerText.trim();if((a.indexOf(t)==-1)&&t.match(/mac/i))a.push(t)});s='';a=a.map(function(e){return '"'+e+'",\n'});console.log(a.join(''));
Edited by cecekpawon
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Or you can temporary fill up the relevant source with this values by go to browser console

Be careful. There are other tables that must be in sync with that one...

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Sure @Rehabman just playaround here.. Lot of sync I think

Yes... each of those arrays should really be consolidated into a single array of struct.

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X64 Exception Type etc...


This screen pops up when booting from the HD.


I have a Gigabyte GA-X58-UD7. 


I've tried installing Clover using the following setup options:

Install Clover in the ESP 

Install boot0af in MBR

CloverEFI 64-bits SATA

please help


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What is written in your SMBIOS section of config.plist?

The common rule is "If you are using a Model not defaulting by Clover then you must fill all fields".

For example "BoardVersion" you should fill as "MacBookPro8,2"



Full Example SMBIOS for iMac14,2:

Note: Some of the fields like SmcRevision, FirmwareRevision and ProcessorSerial are not in default Clover builds (but it does not hurt to fill them out).

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<plist version="1.0">
		<string>Apple Inc.</string>
		<string>Apple Inc.</string>
		<string>Apple Inc.</string>
		<string>Base Board Asset Tag#</string>
		<string>Part Component</string>
		<string>Apple Inc.</string>
		<string>Apple Inc.</string>
		<string>System SKU#</string>
All models have these fields, have fun finding all the correct info for your SMBIOS model. :rofl:
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X64 Exception Type etc...


This screen pops up when booting from the HD.


I have a Gigabyte GA-X58-UD7. 


I've tried installing Clover using the following setup options:

Install Clover in the ESP 

Install boot0af in MBR

CloverEFI 64-bits SATA

please help


You have to install Clover using CloverEFI 64-Bits BiosBlockIO on your board.

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Seems like I cannot build the latest version. I get this error:

[CC] GccInline
/bin/sh: /Volumes/Daten/Users/XXXXXXX/src/opt/local/bin/nasm: No such file or directory
make: *** [/Applications/Werkzeuge/Hackintosh/CloverGrowerPro/edk2/Build/Clover/RELEASE_GCC49/X64/MdePkg/Library/BaseLib/BaseLib/OUTPUT/X64/Thunk16.obj] Error 127

 : error 7000: Failed to execute command
	make tbuild [/Applications/Werkzeuge/Hackintosh/CloverGrowerPro/edk2/Build/Clover/RELEASE_GCC49/X64/MdePkg/Library/BaseLib/BaseLib]

 : error F002: Failed to build module
	/Applications/Werkzeuge/Hackintosh/CloverGrowerPro/edk2/MdePkg/Library/BaseLib/BaseLib.inf [X64, GCC49, RELEASE]

- Failed -
Build end time: 15:17:09, May.13 2016
Build total time: 00:00:10

Cloverx64 release  ERROR!!

Edit: So that seemed to happen with r3503. There, we have the following edit(s):

*_GCC49_*_NASM_PATH   		         = ENV(HOME)/src/opt/local/bin/nasm

So nasm is expected to reside in a subdir "src" of my home folder, but there is nothing (and I would like to avoid adding such a folder to my homedir)


I found a recommended nasm Version under "toolchain/bin". (Am using CloverGrowerPro)


So I could copy that program to the desired path in my home folder, but I also could change the line(s) from above to:

*_GCC49_*_NASM_PATH   		         = ENV(TOOLCHAIN_DIR)/bin/nasm

And it seems to work again. So maybe it would be better to set this path to "ENV(TOOLCHAIN_DIR)" and not the home folder? At least for those using CloverGrowserPro the latter path will just fail, or did I miss something?

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Look carefully

nasm: No such file or directory


Yeah I did, see my edit above. So the question is why is nasm now expected to be in my home folder? Why not using the one I already have in the toolchain folder, i.e. by using ENV(TOOLCHAIN_DIR)

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I also see no reason why that path should be hard-coded. Imo all compiler/dev tools should be part of PATH. If it is needed anyway, could introduce a 'NASM_BIN' env var which is NOT set in tools_def, but in ebuild. That way people using the scripts keep the OOTB 'feeling' and those who compile their way can chose where NASM resides.

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Locating of nasm was fine before.  It simply said nasm in tools_def.txt.  ebuild.sh places TOOLCHAIN_DIR/bin at the head of the PATH, so it would be searched before Apple's nasm in /usr/bin.

Unfortunately Apple nasm can't be used due to no x86_64 support not even dq.


cecekpawon, I'm impressed at some of the stuff in cbuild.bat such as the selection of Start64.  I had no idea CMD.EXE could do all the sorcery that bash can.

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Yeah, the built in one is apparently too old now, therefore the change in #3503 I assume.


Well anyways, is there a possibility to "officially" fix the actual underlying issue I have, so that I can use the regular pkg again? Right now I must use AptioFixDrv instead of AptioFix2Drv (and loose SIP by doing so), and I need to increase KERNEL_BLOCK_NO_RT_SIZE_PAGES to 0xA000. Also am not sure if this is the real fix to my problem or not just merely a kind of workaround.

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Not able to boot into 10.11.4 after updating to Clover v2.3k r3504 with the 1st rig in my sig. I get the following error:

**** [iOBluetoothHCIController] [searchForTransportEventTimeOutHandler] -- Missing Bluetooth Controller Transport!

Rolling back to Clover v2.3k r3424 allows me to boot into 10.11.4.

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looks like is your video card at this point (what you see is only because cannot go ahead, and is the last visible message, not a fatal error), try to boot w/o injection, if any, and with nv_disable=1 flag.

Some modification in 3456 (Card list implementation "Graphics->NVIDIA/ATI") and 3490 about compatibility in Windows (I guess for the code..) so if you try one in the middle.. devs (probably) will know what looking for

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Ask dmazar.  It's a complex driver, which needs hardware to reproduce and test on.  I'm still wondering whether the code to switch from 32 to 64 bits and back ever gets executed and whether interrupts are known to be disabled when the code is entered.

Well anyways, is there a possibility to "officially" fix the actual underlying issue I have, so that I can use the regular pkg again? Right now I must use AptioFixDrv instead of AptioFix2Drv (and loose SIP by doing so), and I need to increase KERNEL_BLOCK_NO_RT_SIZE_PAGES to 0xA000. Also am not sure if this is the real fix to my problem or not just merely a kind of workaround.

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dmazar unfortunately has disappeared months ago. I suppose he logged in again at some point as his 'Last seen' now says 'Private', which was public before, but there was no activity.


As the relocation block does not 'stack' the memory pages but 'shifts' them, you may need a lot more pages in the block than is actually allocated, simply because it's allocated higher in memory. I'm not sure which factors contribute to higher memory alloc, but SIP certainly does for some reason.


AptioFix2 should work as the reloc block also finds some free space below 4gigs, you just gotta find the right slide-valie, I think. can't remember the exact formula, but it was sth like KERNEL_BASE_ADDRESS + slide * 2 * KERNEL_BASE_ADDRESS. Find a memory area that suits the kernel space size.

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Ah, thanks! I understand (well, at least partially ...) Too bad dmazar is not active anymore, it feels a bit uneasy if nobody maintains this driver, which is essential for a lot of folks.


FYI: the need to set this value higher than the default could be related to my relatively huge amount of RAM (64GB), as the problem was much less apparent (but did not completely vanish) when having only 32GB installed. Or, could this be related to some additional hardware, for example my Firewire PCI card? I know that this works OOTB for a guy with the same mobo and 64GB as well, so this whole issue is still a mystery for me.


So I might try upping the KERNEL_BLOCK_NO_RT_SIZE_PAGES value with AptioFixDrv even more, and see if SIP will work then (and maybe even safe boot). As for the alternative of finding the right slide value with AptioFix2Drv, how do I find out the KERNEL_BASE_ADDRESS? I already used slide=8000 before, and the problem also was less apparent then (but still occured sometimes) with that specific setting. So this could also work, but no clue what the correct value would be.


Of course it still would be nice if there would be a config.plist setting that would allow me to set KERNEL_BLOCK_NO_RT_SIZE_PAGES without the need to recompile. Maybe this could be done?

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Carmine...what you say... ha ha... He only have not logged in for some times... ;)

ah ok ok ... :angel:

Dmazar is a great friend, as you all ... but he is a special person, I remember that has had an enormous patience to explain to me how it worked clover, I'm talking years ago, I followed step by step, I'm talking about the first revision of clover

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