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smallOpenGL FPS Bench - updated June 2012


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I made that small OpenGL FPS Bench using franklin3D engine (which uses irrlicht3D engine ).

Its "better" than benching OpenGL by XBench - but as ever not as good as real gaming fps.

Other even more detailed OpenGL Bebch is OpenGLExtensionsViewer

EDIT: updated V 1.3.2, recompiled with newer franklin3d/irrlicht engine

EDIT: removed corrupt (RS LINKED) version, reuploaded to this site internal dl



You may post your results. Better use 1024x768 FPS for compare to others, which cant do your higher res.


Bildschirmfoto 2012-06-08 um 14.30.48.jpg

smallOpenGL FPS Bench.zip

Edited by mitch_de
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macupdate has some delay to list my already uploaded smallOpenGL FPS Bench. (happen sometimes with new apps).

I uploaded it also to RS . DL Link in first posting. Also made some minor changes.

Happy Benching

macupdate DL is also available now :(

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iMac JUN 2010

Core 2 Duo 3.06 Ghz + Nvidia9400

10.6.4 / 4 GO RAM


Scene 1

1024x768 FPS 52 Min 82 Max 148

1440x900 FPS 36 Min 83 Max 121

1680x1050 FPS 30 Min 80 Max 106



Scene 2

1024x768 FPS 165 Min 162 Max 189

1440x900 FPS 108 Min 101 Max 142

1680x1050 FPS 89 Min 98 Max 116


Edit :

the first "iMac JUN 2010" is bad but I don't know why.

I try with Three other "iMac JUN 2010"

post the result .zip in this message



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Thanks for first 9400M Results.

Quesition about your posted FPS values:

"1680x1050 FPS 30 Min 80 Max 106"

Do you mean Min 80 / Max 106 ? And what do you mean with 30 ?

Has the permanent changing FPS counter shown that low FPS (or any FPS below 50 FPS) for longer time?


EDIT: Thanks for screenshoots - problem seen - and fixed :)

I updated App to V1.2 -Min FPS counter can now be much less than before. ( 20+ FPS)!

That should fix the wrong(too high) Min FPS counter for slow GPUs like 9400M or even worst GMA 950.

The changing FPS counter was/is OK (seen at your screenshoots), only that low FPS wasnt used as min FPS, only higher ones.

Happy benching.

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mitch, here's my contribution with smallOpenGL FPS Bench v1.2:


System: OS X 10.6.4 x64 > Core 2 Duo @ 2.93GHz > nVidia 9800GT 512 MB > 8GB RAM


OpenGL 2.1, Scene 1:

1024x768 > FPS: 323 Min:265 Max: 473

1440x900 > FPS: 234 Min: 171 Max: 456

1920x1200 > FPS: 222 Min: 197 Max: 411

2560x1440 > FPS: 175 Min: 99 Max: 191


OpenGL 2.1,Scene 2:

1024x768 > FPS: 703 Min:473 Max: 1018

1440x900 > FPS: 643 Min: 398 Max: 704

1920x1200 > FPS: 161 Min: 141 Max: 178

2560x1440 > FPS: 174 Min: 151 Max: 179


I had one app crash while running scene 1 and another one when running scene 2 bench. I've attached the crash report if it could be useful for you to approve the smallOpenGL FPS Bench

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I made that small OpenGL FPS Bench using franklin3D engine (which uses irrlicht3D engine ).

Its "better" than benching OpenGL by XBench - but as ever not as good as real gaming fps.

Other even more detailed OpenGL Bebch is OpenGLExtensionsViewer (also at macupdate.com).


@ Mitch,


I noted this problem on my computer. After running a test then stopping by use of ESC, then quitting by use of COMMAND-Q, the app returns a crash error. The crash report is fairly long. I've attached it below:



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iMac Core Duo 1.83 Ghz

ATI X1600

10.6.4 / 2GB RAM



Scene 1

1024x768 FPS 34 MIN 24 MAX 41

1440x900 FPS 22 MIN 21 MAX 32


Scene 2


Parallax Mapping FPS 142 MIN 134 MAX 156

Bump Mapping FPS 167 MIN 128 MAX 168

Diffuse FPS 181 MIN 119 MAX 188



Parallax Mapping FPS 97 MIN 92 MAX 100

Bump Mapping FPS 114 MIN 92 MAX 136

Diffuse FPS 158 MIN 110 MAX 165

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"I had one app crash while running scene 1 and another one when running scene 2 bench. I've attached the crash report if it could be useful for you to approve the smallOpenGL FPS Bench"

Thanks !

The crash (a also have 1/2 times on Quit the app) is known. Must be some problem with the 3Dengine which get not quit like it should.


Or did the bench crash while the bench is running (Before you ESC / Quit the app)?

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"I had one app crash while running scene 1 and another one when running scene 2 bench. I've attached the crash report if it could be useful for you to approve the smallOpenGL FPS Bench"

Thanks !

The crash (a also have 1/2 times on Quit the app) is known. Must be some problem with the 3Dengine which get not quit like it should.


Or did the bench crash while the bench is running (Before you ESC / Quit the app)?


The first crash was during the bench and the second one quitting the application. Unfortunately, I didn't save the first crash report.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Hi mitch_de,


My scores with gtx 285 (Signature):


Scene 1

1024x768-----------MIN 398 MAX 465

1680x1050--------- MIN 168 MAX 180


Scene 2


Parallax Mapping---MIN 1108 MAX 1120------------- MIN 242 MAX 247

Bump Mapping-----MIN 1101 MAX 1126------------- MIN 242 MAX 251

Diffuse --------------MIN 1101 MAX 1300------------- MIN 242 MAX 260




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Here are the results for NVIDIA GT220 1GB DDR3 on Intel Quad Q8400 2.66GHz (fake MacPro 3.1)


Scene 1


1024x768 FPS 212 Min 168 Max 324

1440x900 FPS 166 Min 127 Max 165


Scene 2 Diffuse:


1024x768 FPS 670 Min 469 Max 670

1440x900 FPS 581 Min 376 Max 594


Scene 2 Bump Mapping:


1024x768 FPS 593 Min 470 Max 618

1440x900 FPS 418 Min 365 Max 424


Scene 2 Parallax Mapping:


1024x768 FPS 541 Min 471 Max 548

1440x900 FPS 409 Min 378Max 420

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Yep, it can be some problem which OpenGL calls are used by the irrlicht 3d engine (is used as 3D unit) - dont worry about that if your real games work or OpenGLExtensionsviewer* works as benchmark!



Also dont forget to try GRASS (its OpenCL - compute on GPU) - at least non hal100 (NV 4xx) cards should work with OpenCL.


* since last major Update the OpenGLExtensionsviewer got more "real game testing" if you use the new +huge 3D Object King insted of known CUBE (much simplier than KING).

Problem of really valide OEV tests is the huge configurability (Multisamling, Anithros, one Object vs many objects (KING vs KINGS))

To compare GPUs on complete different computers/screens better use:

resolution up to 1280x1024 (1440x900), windowed (fullscreen off , that disables also VSYNC!!!) , Multisampling * 2, Anithros * 8 and single Objects (KING or CUBE, not KINGS or CUBES).

Many Objects KINGS, CUBES is even more real game test, BUT cpu usage is also much higher = faster cpu gives much faster FPS with same gpu.

If you want compare OpenGL driver speed diffs (by OS X updates) on YOUR computer , its best to reduce GPU load to measure the (most) little driver speed diffs:

windowed up to 800x 600, multisamling off, anitros off


We can also use that thread now collecting here also OpenGLExtensionsviewer tests.

Beside my hint to use the above (first) listed config for OGLEV, you can post also you fullscreen FPS (same other config, but highest res of your monitor).

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I can't open the Grass Test my friend. It says my MAC version is not supported. Running 10.6.5 here.

Happens if the GPU Type is not (already) supported. Seems that only CUDA already works not OpenCL with NV 4xx GPUs.

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  • 1 year later...

Be sure (if crash) to have the whole Folder unzipped - means you need folder media (with content) beside the app .

If app has not media folder in same parentfolder app will crash - app doesn't check if media folder exists.

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