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This topic is inspired by the Superhai's Guide for Boot 132 r146: http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/index.php...st&p=803725


1. Make a directory:

mkdir newiso

2. Inside the folder, copy cdboot from lastest chameleon binairies, and create folder called Extra.



3. Inside Extra folder, copy your com.apple.boot.plist, and add those line to the .plist:

<key>Rescan Prompt</key>


4.. Extra folder is also the place for dsdt.aml, others .plists, themes...etc.


5. Still inside Extra folder, create a dmg, and name it Preboot.dmg (it's the RAM disk)

Inside the dmg, copy you extensions (Extra/Extensions/) or Extensions.mkext (Extra/).


6. Now open Terminal, then type:

sudo hdiutil makehybrid -o new.iso newiso/ -iso -hfs -joliet -eltorito-boot newiso/cdboot -no-emul-boot -hfs-volume-name "My Boot CD" -joliet-volume-name "My Boot CD"


7. Burn the ISO. You're done.





Boot the Retail DVD:

When the bootloader ask you for rescan, press ENTER.

Go to boot options (f8), Swap disks, then press ESC to rescan drive. When the name of the DVD appears, press ENTER.


Boot Partitions:

When the bootloader ask you for rescan, press any key (not ENTER).

Go to Boot options (f8), then choose your partition.


If you get an instant reboot, turn your controller in AHCI mode.


Thanks to Zef for help, and all the team for this great booloader.


attached file: empty Preboot.dmg


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What about kernels, I need the voodoo kernel to boot retail on my P4 system.


I've put it in boot.plist and the kernel is at the root of the CD but it says 'mach_kernel.voodoo not found'.


I suppose it goes in /Extra too then...or in the RAM disk..?


Is smbios.plist mandatory? I'm guessing it isn't.


I really need a blank CD-RW..already threw away 3 CD-Rs trying to make a working boot CD...the other two attempts were boot-132. Both gave checksum errors and refused to boot.




Starforce protection on a store bought TOCA Race Driver 2 game crippled my DVD combo drive, it will not read or write CDs anymore.


Is it possible to boot this CD from my CD-RW drive - but then use it to boot my 10.5.6 retail DVD in my DVD drive?


Or do I have to use the same drive?


I did set rescanprompt to yes in boot.plist but my DVD drive doesn't appear. It's on the same controller as the CD drive. (Marvell 6121 ATA via AppleVIAATA.kext)

When I try and boot from the CD, I get:-


"ebios read error device time out block 21184 sector 64" - that repeats about four or five times, then:-


"error parsing plist file" - briefly flashes up on the screen. Then I am into the Chameleon bootloader but unable to get any further. The disc verifies after burning and I have AHCI enabled on my laptop. I am probably missing something obvious but any pointers welcome.

I think ebios errors are related to dsdt.aml, but it should boot anyway.

The parsing plist error means that one of your plist (boot, theme, smbios...) is not correctly wrote. Check all tags of plists files.

The problem turned out to be Disk Utility. I never have problems burning bootable ISOs with it usually... the new Gparted ISO, yesterday, etc... but no luck burning your project. It worked perfectly using Toast.


Edit. I tried also Burn and LiquidCD, both of which can burn ISOs properly (and both free), but got the same error messages. It feels like a bizarre question but has anyone got this iso to burn correctly with anything other than than Toast? I tried magiciso (trial) on XP but still the same result. Nero? Using Toast, though, I got the installer working without dsdt.dml and with just ps2controller, acipsnub and dsmos for kexts. Great stuff. Now, if I can just find something other than Toast to burn the ISO successfully and can figure out how to have Leo and Vista (32) coexisting one the same GUID drive, without imaging a copy of a Vista hard drive onto said GUID partition, I will be happy!

sonotone: great work ;)


The problem turned out to be Disk Utility. I never have problems burning bootable ISOs with it usually... but no luck burning your project. It worked perfectly using Toast.



i experience regular hiccups while burning discs with Disk Utility on the hackintosh (never had any problems with my real macs)




Toast also worked for me as it should: when in doubt, Toast it

Mb it's a stupid question, but what exactly i must put in cdboot? What "binaries" ?


binary as opposed to source code, read:



..in this case the cdboot binary that you get when compiling Chameleon from source.

sonotone: great work :)





i experience regular hiccups while burning discs with Disk Utility on the hackintosh (never had any problems with my real macs)




Toast also worked for me as it should: when in doubt, Toast it

I prefer where possible to use a free or shareware solution. Someone who has shelled out for Leopard and iLife is going to wince at the idea of purchasing Toast at the same time. I am on version 9 to Toast and, so far, haven't needed to shell out for yet another expensive upgrade to version 10. Along with the hackintosh, I did try Disk Utility using a real Mac; a PPC Mac Mini. The CD burners on the early Minis weren't the best but I rarely experienced a wasted disc or the need to reformat a cdrw and start over.


If anyone is up for the challenge of finding a working solution that doesn't inolve Toast, it would be great addition to Sonotone's exellent tutorial. Use CDRWs! Another application I tried was good old Dragon's Dragon Burn suite (free trial period), but I found that it doesn't have the option to burn ISOs.


Freeware apps that I have tried:-



Magic iso (under XP; the Magiciso 30 day trial burns any image lower than 350MB)


Tonight I will try ExpressBurn.

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