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UPDATE: Installers have been updated to work with ANY version of OS X Leopard.

I was having a lot of trouble with PS/2 in 10.5.x, and thanks to Chun Nan and others, I got a solution. So I put the right kexts into an installer package so it will make it easier for others. The package is attached below, and 10.5.4 is required to use it. Some of the files I used: AppleACPIPS2Nub.kext and ApplePS2Controller.kext by Chun-Nan (based on DFE's ACPIPS2Nub.kext). I've tested this package on my own system and it works fine, but if you have issues, please feel free to tell me. Many thanks to Chun-Nan and the others that helped me get my PS/2 working!


If you have a PS/2 Keyboard or a PS/2 Keyboard AND Mouse then install the PS/2 Keyboard package. If you have only a PS/2 Mouse then install the PS/2 mouse package. Don't install both!!


EDIT: And another thing, please leave feedback here if it worked for you ;)




Don't ever stop although I saw the post where you said the 1-click installer will be your last project. :)


Thanks to you and the developers for this compilation. Helped me get over a problem I was having with updating to 10.5.4 on my DS3R board and the stupid wireless mouse and keyboard combo I have. It's a nice keyboard with a USB connector but for some stranger reason, the mouse is PS/2...

Argh. I was having this problem with a PS/2 keyboard + USB mouse, last night. Tried a few fixes and none of them worked.


So I decided to wipe my Kalyway install and re-do everything up until 10.5.3 since 10.5.4 seems to be the culprit.


Only after wiping the previous install did I see this thread lol. But after getting everything setup again, I got 10.5.4 running and installed this with a USB keyboard I had lying around and my PS/2 keyboard works again.


Thank you!



I was having trouble with my retail install of OSX but all I did was update to 10.5.4 and my keyboard and mouse started working on my laptop, would it be possible to use these kexts with the boot-132 extension folder to install 10.5 (if I need to reinstall in the future)?





excellent, thank you. I am having problems with my audio, I have to install this package for it to work (attachment at bottom).


I would really like it to work with the extensions folder and 10.5 OSX Retail OTB, I have extracted the kext but it doesn't work with the boot cd.


Please can you help.



i am having a prob here. my mobo is gigabyte 945-gcmx s2. with iatkos 10.5.4 my ps2 mouse works fine but ps2 keyboard gives trouble. ps2 keyboard doesnt work randomly. for example...... now its working..... if i do a restart it might not work........... again restart.. it might not work....... then it might work again with another restart. so i installed this patch and both of my keyboard and mouse stopped working. i had to re-install leopard again. is there any solution of this?? cheerz.

i am having a prob here. my mobo is gigabyte 945-gcmx s2. with iatkos 10.5.4 my ps2 mouse works fine but ps2 keyboard gives trouble. ps2 keyboard doesnt work randomly. for example...... now its working..... if i do a restart it might not work........... again restart.. it might not work....... then it might work again with another restart. so i installed this patch and both of my keyboard and mouse stopped working. i had to re-install leopard again. is there any solution of this?? cheerz.


Yeah, a nice solution. Get rid of the ps/2 devices. Buy USB mouse and keyboard and never worry about the ps/2 problems any more.

i am having a prob here. my mobo is gigabyte 945-gcmx s2. with iatkos 10.5.4 my ps2 mouse works fine but ps2 keyboard gives trouble. ps2 keyboard doesnt work randomly. for example...... now its working..... if i do a restart it might not work........... again restart.. it might not work....... then it might work again with another restart. so i installed this patch and both of my keyboard and mouse stopped working. i had to re-install leopard again. is there any solution of this?? cheerz.


The only way the package would screw it up was if you were using a custom AppleACPIPlatform.kext and replacing that might have messed it up...However, no need to do a reinstall of Leopard for it, you could have booted into single user mode and restored your old kexts, the installer makes a backup of your old kexts into /PS2Backup.




Thanks ;)

~pcwiz: bro just tried ur ps2fix with new iatkos v4i installation. same problem. no mouse after restart. i checked the appleps2controller kext which got installed and found that theres no applepsemouse kext.


i replaced appleps2controller with backup but still my mouse isnt working. and idea?

Make sure a working ApplePS2Controller.kext is installed, download AppleACPIPS2Nub.kext by Chun-Nan (link in first post) and then install it in /System/Library/Extensions/AppleACPIPlatform.kext/Contents/PlugIns/. Make sure its installed properly (use a helper app like OSx86Tools or Kext Helper) and clear the kext cache, see if that works.

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